Hatfield Knife


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Oct-09-16 AT 07:28PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Oct-09-16 AT 07:25?PM (MST)

I finally de-virginized my Hatfield knife. To say that i was impressed is an understatement. Before i had my antelope down, i was telling my hunting buddies how much better a high-end custom knife performed compared to the regular knives. I'm not sure they believed me until they saw how easily the Hatfield cut into and field dressed my WY antelope. Stayed sharp the entire time.

Thanks RELH for making such an amazing knife!

Here's a picture:

Sierra thanks for posting the pic. Happy to see you break the knife in on a game animal. I know you will enjoy those backstrap steaks you lucky dog. I will take antelope steaks over venison any day and so will my family.

I've always said you get what you pay for!


"Sometimes you do things wrong for so long you
think their right" - 2001
"I can't argue with honesty" - 2005
-Joe E Sikora
How much $ are the knives and are they still available? Daughter shot her 1st deer this yr and was waiting to see how she handled it. I did the field dressing though, if you know what I mean, so kind of unsure when in her hunting endeavors do I purchase her a knife. She's only 12.
Huge congrats on such a good acquisition!
There are few things more pleasant and satisfying than a custom knife.
That's a thing of beauty....and function!
Check out his Facebook page at Hatfield Knives. You don't have to be a member of Facebook to check it out. I have purchased three knives from him and they have all been real works of art. Gave two of them as gifts and still have one that is still my favorite of all the knives I've seen made by RELH!

I have some less expensive 1095 carbon steel knives on my facebook page that may be good for a first knife for a young person. Only problem she would have to learn to care for it to prevent any rust and I supply instructions for that.
Since you are a MM member, I will knock off 10 bucks on any knife you may choose. Give her a pat on the back for us on a job well done on getting her first big game animal.

Knife 5A is still available. I try to remove any knife from my facebook page as soon as they sell. Since you are a member of MonsterMuley, you pay $10.00 less then the price listed on the facebook page. You still get free shipping with insurance.
Contact me at the Email address listed on facebook.


I love the knife that you use as your background picture st the top of your page, the one with damscus steel and the yellow/orange marbled handle. Is this knife available? If so I'd like to buy it.



If you would click your mouse on that picture you will see that it is a photo of three Damascus knives with almost identical spalted maple handle scales.

Those knives were a custom order by a CEO of a insurance company in Kentucky for himself and his two business partners. They are long gone and sold.

If you scroll down the page you will find two other Damascus knives that are available. If you like colorful handle scales, the second Damascus knife may interest you. Click on the photo and you can see a larger picture of it.

I've owned a Hatfield knife for several years and sharpened it a couple times. I never really let it get dull. More like maintain the edge, so it stays sharp.

I killed a blacktail buck the other day and gutted, skinned, quartered, and then deboned the meat with my Hatfield knife, while I was still up on the mountain.

I took great care in not cutting myself and am very proud that I never got so much as a knick through all of that.

When I got home I brought in a bunch of stuff into the kitchen to be washed (pots and pans, silverware, and my Hatfield knife) and went back out to the garage to clean up some other things.

About 10 minutes later my wife came out to the garage with a tissue wrapped around one of her fingers. "I washed those dishes for you....and that damned Hatfield knife. I should have known better."

Bob, you're in trouble again around here. :)
buttshot, no it is not too late to order. In fact after Christmas I am going to have too raise my prices on any new knives. My cost for exhibition and fancy grade wood for my handle material has taken a big jump in price in the last 6 months.
Just the exhibition spalted maple that I buy from one dealer in Oregon has jumped from 60-80 dollars for a 8X8 inch block to 112 and 124 dollars for my last two blocks I ordered. On top of that I have to pay 10 dollars per pound to have it stabilized by a commercial company.

Eel, my daughter in law has been calling my knives, those damn Hatfield knives for several years. She has cut herself about 3 times while washing a set of kitchen knives I made for her. If it keeps up she will probably quit making me pecan pies for Christmas and she makes one heck of a good pecan pie.


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