Have you ever?


Long Time Member
A while back, fatrooster found a shed off a buck he had photographed. It was the first time for him.

I was wondering how many of you have found an old shed from a buck you killed or killed a buck after finding his sheds? I think BCBOY has, and maybe SASK. Any others.

As a matter of fact, I was walking down the ridge to my buck last year and turned up one side from the year before. It got dark as we boned it out. On the way back to the truck I found the other side with a flashlight. Just crazy luck but it was pretty cool. I'll see if I can find the pics
Found em!


I have a shed off my signature buck. i killed him the next year. I will post a pic.


Later, Brandon
Good Lord, bonedaddy if your finding sheds with a flashlight you must have magical powers or something. Cool story. The only shed I've ever found at night was a antelope sheath and I actually stepped over it and my dog found it for me. :)
Thats a great story BD. Too cool. Great buck too. Neat to see that a few guys do have it happen.

Brandon, didn't know that. Sweet.

Ute, I still love the look of that buck. He's a stud.

I found a dead head with cheaters off both sides and a shed that is guaranteed his... with the cheater. Several other four point antlers that could be his all within 100 yrds. All white :(
I havent killed a buck and found his sheds or vise versa but I have shot a buck and met another forum member who had found my buck's shed. I killed this buck in Washington and a gentleman posted a shed he had found on the washington-hunting website. I sent him a PM, after week or so he ended up coming over to my house and having a beer. We talked about where I had shot the buck and where he had found the shed. It was pretty cool to see where that deer had wintered the year before and how far it was he had to travel and possible travel routes. He ended up giving my the shed because I had killed the deer and it ment nothing to him to that deer's shed. It was a pretty neat experience. smitty
LAST EDITED ON Jun-20-10 AT 10:09PM (MST)[p]sorry guys, trying to post a pic.....I'm new..............I don't know what I'm doing..........!
LAST EDITED ON Jun-20-10 AT 10:47PM (MST)[p]Here is another pic of the deer. He scored 176 1/4. My biggest so far. I'm proud (as you can tell by my S%$! eatin' grin!)

Idahosmitty, I didnt believe josh when he told me that story but then he posted the pics on hunt-wa and I became a believer. Thats cool he gave you the shed. Congrats on a stud washington buck. Was that a special permit or general hunt?
Thanks Buckmaster, Yeah I was pretty happy he gave me that horn. In an attempt to pay him back I told him I would take him on a bear hunt in my sweet spot but we just couldn't find the time to hook up. This was a general hunt. One that you do in Higher elevations by Ellensburg.
Two years ago while hunting colorado a friend killed a 203 buck. Then this past year while I was packing my buck out of the same canyon, we found one side of his deer and it was less then 100 yards from where he killed it. it was pretty cool

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