He did know about the raid.


Long Time Member
That was in May. Nice try though.

Sounds like trump gets his day in court. Well played.

All he ever wanted was another episode of trump vs the swamp on the national media he hates.
I for one am just glad all those nuke secrets didn't get sold to Saudi.

Also interesting how much "other" stuff the feds took.

Passports, clothes, newspaper clippings.

In my neighborhood we call that home burglary.
Biden knew it would happen, he just didn't know the exact day or time. So he had to read that in the paper.
Anybody care to guess why Trump took all those documents? What were his intentions? What happened to the documents in the empty folders?
Someday he might get caught up on his homework?

I can see very few classified documents that a former president would need or want. Medical records and stuff, sure. National security stuff will take some convincing for most rational people.
I am willing to bet that Trump took documents that would expose numerous Democrats of shady deals and even criminal acts. The Dems could not let that expose' take place. Also it was a fishing expedition hoping to find dirt on Trump.
I am willing to bet that Trump took documents that would expose numerous Democrats of shady deals and even criminal acts. The Dems could not let that expose' take place. Also it was a fishing expedition hoping to find dirt on Trump.
Then why didn’t he use them? Your boy is stupid, that’s why.
I am willing to bet that Trump is far smarter then you as he made many millions and will know the right time to bring certain things out. Like when he runs for president again if he decides to do that.
You do not even know if Trump collected most of those documents after he lost the election and before leaving office.
I am willing to bet that Trump is far smarter then you as he made many millions and will know the right time to bring certain things out. Like when he runs for president again if he decides to do that.
You do not even know if Trump collected most of those documents after he lost the election and before leaving office.
Is his IQ higher that obama’s?:ROFLMAO:

Please Bob, you need to explain to us unsmarter guys what he was up to. Because it really doesn’t make much sense with what EITHER OF US knows.
You guys know every single president leaves office with boxes full of these files right? Berry O has something like 80k worth of them, probably more. God only knows what the Clinton crime syndicate has on the servers the FBI “doesn’t know” they still have.

It’s another nothing burger. And the people dumb enough to have bite into the Russian nothing burger, or Jan 6th nothing burger, or porn star nothing burger or blah blah blah , are still dumb enough now to believe this was ever some sort of national threat or in any way legitimate investigation, excuse me, I forgot. We call these matters right? Or is that just for Clinton’s?

It’s kind of sad really. Anyone really believe that what 6 or 7 years of non stop ever shifting allegations are rooted in nothing but the purest of investigative integrity? If you’re really that dumb you truly deserve the president you got and all his glory
You guys know every single president leaves office with boxes full of these files right? Berry O has something like 80k worth of them, probably more. God only knows what the Clinton crime syndicate has on the servers the FBI “doesn’t know” they still have.

It’s another nothing burger. And the people dumb enough to have bite into the Russian nothing burger, or Jan 6th nothing burger, or porn star nothing burger or blah blah blah , are still dumb enough now to believe this was ever some sort of national threat or in any way legitimate investigation, excuse me, I forgot. We call these matters right? Or is that just for Clinton’s?

It’s kind of sad really. Anyone really believe that what 6 or 7 years of non stop ever shifting allegations are rooted in nothing but the purest of investigative integrity? If you’re really that dumb you truly deserve the president you got and all his glory
Bob just said trump had the goods on the bidens, clintons, obama’s, and Hoffa?

You have a beef with trump because he had the chance to do something about them and he betrayed YOU.

They say the abusive relationships are the hardest to end.
Bob just said trump had the goods on the bidens, clintons, obama’s, and Hoffa?

You have a beef with trump because he had the chance to do something about them and he betrayed YOU.

They say the abusive relationships are the hardest to end.
He's got the crossfire hurricane goods.........they will kill him for them.....

....and the FBI isn't interested in you...you can stop trying to defend them...
He's got the crossfire hurricane goods.........they will kill him for them.....

....and the FBI isn't interested in you...you can stop trying to defend them...
I don’t believe I’ve defended the FBI. I’ve made it pretty clear my beef is with trump.

Ask me if I think the ends justify the means.
Bob just said trump had the goods on the bidens, clintons, obama’s, and Hoffa?

You have a beef with trump because he had the chance to do something about them and he betrayed YOU.

They say the abusive relationships are the hardest to end.
You really don’t have any sort of substance do you? Just hate? That’s the real irony in the rabid never trumpers in the Republican Party. They hate trump for how hatful the orange man is. Hate hate hate, in the name of love!!

What a maroon
You really don’t have any sort of substance do you? Just hate? That’s the real irony in the rabid never trumpers in the Republican Party. They hate trump for how hatful the orange man is. Hate hate hate, in the name of love!!

What a maroon
well...I guess Hate could be a core belief....a founding principle......
Blue hair said:
Bob just said trump had the goods on the bidens, clintons, obama’s, and Hoffa?

Your reading comprehension still lacks. Re-read my post and you will see that no where did I mention Bidens, Clintons, Obama or the late Jimmy Hoffa.
I believe that I stated he had the goods on some Democrats. That could include members of Congress, Federal employees.
If you are naive enough to believe that Trump did not take documents that would be detrimental to some Democrats, then you are far more naive then we thought.
As for the Bidens, yes I believe he took FBI files that could land some of the Bidens in jail if fully investigated and not covered up as has been done.
Don't flatter yourself Buzz......it was an intentional insult.
^^^^ There’s some serious pot/kettle chit.^^^^^

I don’t pay much attention to Buzz because he’s a grouch also. But we do agree on trump, so if he needed my support with his arguments, I would gladly pitch in. But he seems to do just fine on his own.

So in this case, I don’t think it’s as insulting as you think. In fact, if you knew how much you and I were ideologically aligned, you would go shoot your dog.

Insults and juvenile name calling are still good indications of who‘s winning the argument though.
Blue hair said:
Bob just said trump had the goods on the bidens, clintons, obama’s, and Hoffa?

Your reading comprehension still lacks. Re-read my post and you will see that no where did I mention Bidens, Clintons, Obama or the late Jimmy Hoffa.
I believe that I stated he had the goods on some Democrats. That could include members of Congress, Federal employees.
If you are naive enough to believe that Trump did not take documents that would be detrimental to some Democrats, then you are far more naive then we thought.
As for the Bidens, yes I believe he took FBI files that could land some of the Bidens in jail if fully investigated and not covered up as has been done.
Yeah, homer clarified that it’s the crossfire hurricane stuff that was in there, which I thought was on hunters laptop. Only takes 200 posts for you guys to get to the point.

I have zero doubt that the swamp cast a wide net for their fishing trip, and some things will get returned.

Oh, and I don’t have any problems with the male bidens in jail.

I also have zero doubt that trump had things he didn’t need and shouldn’t have had. It his nature as a narcissistic megalomaniac.
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"Ask me if I think the ends justify the means."

apparently you do.
The answer is NO. And it does’t come down to just 2 sides. We are in uncharted waters here with the alphabet soup of agencies who have to sort the mess out.

Im looking forward to seeing it resolved. I don’t get a warm fuzzy thinking about some of these high ranking ex-officials (insert favorite democrat boogie man name here) walking around DC with a briefcase full of trade secrets that they got with their gold watch.

Nobody deserves the chance to be the punching bag more than the donald. I really am looking forward to this fight.
Bob just said trump had the goods on the bidens, clintons, obama’s, and Hoffa?

You have a beef with trump because he had the chance to do something about them and he betrayed YOU.

They say the abusive relationships are the hardest to end.

Or, perhaps, just maybe, he, like EVERY other President, knew that using the DOJ/FBI to go after your predecessor/opponent was banana republic crap.

The continued flaw the TDS sufferers have, is they claim a Trump is 2 things at once.

Is he an evil genius or bumbling idiot?

Is he a tyrannical dictator or grifter?

The simple reality is the simple reality.

He's a loud mouthed, big talker. A corrupt one on regional level who figured out about half the country was real tired of the entrenched elitists and their PR mouthpieces in the media.

But, because he really was an outsider, he had no idea that the President only gets things done, if the beauracracy decides to do it. And as an outsider, even he, had to be blown away at how corrupt the ruling class in this country is. Kinda like the old Mafia guys, who would shake folks down in the neighborhood, but we're fiercely patriotic, I think his instinct in nationalist. Finding out he's the odd man out in DC floored him.

And I think he's ADHD. Hes great at getting thinks started, but without the right folks to follow through, he jumps to the next big idea. And because even his own party, and his own admin were elitist first, he really had a very small group who actually did the president's bidding.

Obama had Valerie Jarrett, Susan Rice, Eric Holder. Clinton had Sidney Blumenthal and Hillary.

Trump basically had Kushner.

I think he knew he needed some kind of protection when he left office, KNOWING the elitists would try to end him and leverage is leverage.

But as we saw with Russiagate, and the Biden corruption in Ukraine stuff, it's one thing to have the proof, it's another to break through the media/tech wall and get it out.


I guess there is always the Trump is a criminal genius and a bumbling moron at the same time route the TDS afflicted try to deal with
^^^^ There’s some serious pot/kettle chit.^^^^^

I don’t pay much attention to Buzz because he’s a grouch also. But we do agree on trump, so if he needed my support with his arguments, I would gladly pitch in. But he seems to do just fine on his own.

So in this case, I don’t think it’s as insulting as you think. In fact, if you knew how much you and I were ideologically aligned, you would go shoot your dog.

Insults and juvenile name calling are still good indications of who‘s winning the argument though.

So Buzz is losing?
Or, perhaps, just maybe, he, like EVERY other President, knew that using the DOJ/FBI to go after your predecessor/opponent was banana republic crap.

The continued flaw the TDS sufferers have, is they claim a Trump is 2 things at once.

Is he an evil genius or bumbling idiot?

Is he a tyrannical dictator or grifter?

The simple reality is the simple reality.

He's a loud mouthed, big talker. A corrupt one on regional level who figured out about half the country was real tired of the entrenched elitists and their PR mouthpieces in the media.

But, because he really was an outsider, he had no idea that the President only gets things done, if the beauracracy decides to do it. And as an outsider, even he, had to be blown away at how corrupt the ruling class in this country is. Kinda like the old Mafia guys, who would shake folks down in the neighborhood, but we're fiercely patriotic, I think his instinct in nationalist. Finding out he's the odd man out in DC floored him.

And I think he's ADHD. Hes great at getting thinks started, but without the right folks to follow through, he jumps to the next big idea. And because even his own party, and his own admin were elitist first, he really had a very small group who actually did the president's bidding.

Obama had Valerie Jarrett, Susan Rice, Eric Holder. Clinton had Sidney Blumenthal and Hillary.

Trump basically had Kushner.

I think he knew he needed some kind of protection when he left office, KNOWING the elitists would try to end him and leverage is leverage.

But as we saw with Russiagate, and the Biden corruption in Ukraine stuff, it's one thing to have the proof, it's another to break through the media/tech wall and get it out.


I guess there is always the Trump is a criminal genius and a bumbling moron at the same time route the TDS afflicted try to deal with
He’s only an evil genius in his own mind.

I said in the first post in this stupid thread all I needed was a thumb drive to defend myself.

And you can’t swing a dead cat in a prison anywhere in America that you don’t hit a former trump staffer. Been to a bookstore lately? Trump finds himself alone because everyone with a brain abandoned ship.

You whole post is hogwash except for the part where trump got rolled in the swamp.
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He’s only an evil genius in his own mind.

I said in the first post in this stupid thread all I needed was a thumb drive to defend myself.

And you can’t swing a dead cat in a prison anywhere in America that you don’t hit a former trump staffer. Been to a bookstore lately?

You whole post is hogwash except for the part where trump got rolled in the swamp.

Would one need to walk past a cemetery to visit that prison? Asking for my D friends.
In fact, if you knew how much you and I were ideologically aligned, you would go shoot your dog.
i named one of my kids after Ronald Reagan. does that make me equally as virtuous or more virtuous then the vote you cast for him you like to talk so much about to let us know your a "real conservative" ?
Bluehair stated the alpabet agencies will have to sort this out but let's not overlook the fact they consorted right from very beginning in the whole damn mess........... Yep they were complicit in framing a sitting president and many of the same goons went to Mir A Lago. See a familiar theme here?

This whole charade was a political ploy right from the start..... When you're using the same bad actors the plots going to follow the same path. This is a c grade made for TV movie complete with the same slanted newscasters giving the dialoge and reporting the leaks.

The only word they managed to lose was bombshell because they've got so many of them sitting around they will most likely kill themselves when they detonate.

Now they have Trump guilty of selling nuclear secrets.........Right and MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC have only reported the facts right from the beginning.............LOL

Here's your sign if you believe the alphabet networks since their TDS is off the charts. They all knew and that mockery of a president is still lying his azz off, leading the charge into the abyss to slay those evil MAGA voters along with his fox news followers......those damn deplorables.
That was in May. Nice try though.

Sounds like trump gets his day in court. Well played.

All he ever wanted was another episode of trump vs the swamp on the national media he hates.
Haha, nope. Not really.

slo jo and his puppet said the morning after the raid that the whitehouse was informed.

slo jo lied about what he knew of in May. slo jo lied and you try to blow it off as old news.
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sleepy Joe would not recognize the truth if it bit him on his a$$. That crook has been lying during all his years in politics and getting rich off the backs of the Americans that were fool enough to vote for him.
He makes Ted Kennedy look like a piker and is in the same league as Hillary for being deceitful and crooked.
Never forget the true reason they're after Trump. Biden made it clear in his last speech.
why Trump is being investigated.png
Never forget the true reason they're after Trump. Biden made it clear in his last speech.View attachment 86197
its really pretty funny. they have given Trump more power and momentum then if they would have if they just left the last election alone and let the real results come out for his 4 more years.

now after 4 years of this BS with them continuing to spiral more and more into the fascist government they truly are. the people overwhelmingly know there BS and Trump knows where the real poison is in the deep state un elected bureaucrats of the alphabet agencies. you bet there scarred sh!tless of him getting back in there now. shoulda left it alone and enjoyed cheap gas for 4 more years.
i named one of my kids after Ronald Reagan. does that make me equally as virtuous or more virtuous then the vote you cast for him you like to talk so much about to let us know your a "real conservative" ?
What you do in your life makes you virtuous. You are an angry boy.
now theirs some deflection!! well done!!

show me on the doll where Trump touched you. we'll get you some help
Whose deflection?

Wouldn’t that be the Grab ‘em by the ***** Doll? I’m surprised the kids haven’t started selling them yet.
Whose deflection?

Wouldn’t that be the Grab ‘em by the ***** Doll? I’m surprised the kids haven’t started selling them yet.
Still has a hard time concentrating. Come by my office; I can write you a prescription for concerta.
Why would they go after his medical records?
If they were co-mingled maybe? Or he got a very super secret executive vaccine? I didn’t read the details of the warrant.

I imagine those records would be classified and clearly within the former presidents power to de-classify once out of office.

Its a mess for sure and to some degree uncharted waters.
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Lets face it, they took papers, as evidence, they were not entitled to take. They will be forced to return those papers as they were outside the scope of the warrant.
But here is the kicker, they will be reading those papers for anything they can leak to the press that may damage Trump. Highly illegal, but that has not stopped this regime of Democrats before.
The only problem with leaking that information will be that it will give Trump stronger grounds for a massive lawsuit. But, those Democrats do not care about that as the taxpayers, us, will be paying for it.
I bet trump doesn’t even get attorney fees in any of his 100 ongoing lawsuits.

Good poll question.
Lets face it, they took papers, as evidence, they were not entitled to take. They will be forced to return those papers as they were outside the scope of the warrant.
But here is the kicker, they will be reading those papers for anything they can leak to the press that may damage Trump. Highly illegal, but that has not stopped this regime of Democrats before.
The only problem with leaking that information will be that it will give Trump stronger grounds for a massive lawsuit. But, those Democrats do not care about that as the taxpayers, us, will be paying for it.
Bob, just keeping a running total here. Feel free to post up those trump wins in case I miss some.

<snip>“He is seeking to flaunt a two-hundred-page political manifesto outlining his grievances against those that have opposed him," Middlebrooks said in his ruling.

Trump in March had sued Clinton, who was the 2016 Democratic presidential nominee, and several other Democrats alleging "racketeering," a "conspiracy to commit injurious falsehood" and other claims in a 108-page lawsuit that echoed the long list of grievances he repeatedly aired during his four years in the White House after beating Clinton.

He had sought compensatory and punitive damages, saying he had incurred more than $24 million in "defense costs, legal fees, and related expenses."<snip>

And to be fair and balanced, we should add new lawsuits when they popup.

Like from those zany Lincoln Project guys:

“Project’s Rick Wilson made it abundantly clear he’s not afraid of Donald Trump’s threat to sue the organization for running negative ads against him on Fox News.

The former president threatened to take the Lincoln Project and Fox News to court for airing local ad buys that were targeted to run in places where he was most likely to see them on TV. The Lincoln Project’s latest video brutally mocked Trump’s supporters as “suckers” for a grifter ex-president, and Trump responded with an angry rampage on Truth Social:

“The Paul Ryun (sic) run Fox only has high standards for ‘Trump’ ads, but not for anyone else,” he said. “The Perverts should not be allowed to ‘false advertise,’ and Fox News should not allow it to happen. See you all in Court!!!”

If Trump thought that would get the Lincoln Project to stop, it looks like it didn’t work. Wilson responded to Trump’s post by daring him to pick a legal fight with his team.

“Go for it! Go for it, *****! Come at me!” Wilson declared. “I can’t wait! We’re delighted by the thought you’d try to sue us, Donald. Do it! I double-dog dare you!”

Wilson went on to recall how a lawyer for Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner once threatened to sue the Lincoln Project for raising negative billboards about them around Times Square. Mocking that threat as a “blustering sh*tshow,” Wilson turned back to Trump and said “You’re not going to sue anybody, Donald. You’re not going to do sh*t.”

You’re not going to do a goddamn thing. You are weak, you are impotent, you are flabby. You are sitting there in the bridal suite at Mar-a-Lago or in the bridal suite at Bedminster, grinding your gears, wondering why that the Lincoln Project, no matter how many times you try to kill us, keeps coming at you. You know why? We’re here in this fight for the long haul, because you are a threat to democracy. You are a threat to America. You are a threat to the Republic. You are a threat to the Constitution. You are a thief of classified documents. You are a traitor to this country. You tried to overthrow the government and the system of our peaceful transition of power, and f*ck you. We’re here. You’re not. We will keep kicking your ass every single day. So if you want to try to sue us, Donald, go for it. Throwdown! Let’s go. We can’t wait. You won’t do it because you are, in fact, as I said previously, completely impotent. Just ask Melania.
Wilson concluded by taunting Trump over the fact that Steve Bannon is once again in legal jeopardy.
You are forgetting one thing. It is very hard for a sitting president to sue for slander or libel and win due to being a public official. Trump is now a private citizen and the laws are more on his side for winning a libel or slander case if they start leaking information.
The bottom line, the Dems were stupid for the way they handled the search warrant. They compounded it even more by going in like gang busters as if they were raiding top mafia criminals. All they did was to upset many citizens who have a sense of FAIR JUSTICE.
You are forgetting one thing. It is very hard for a sitting president to sue for slander or libel and win due to being a public official. Trump is now a private citizen and the laws are more on his side for winning a libel or slander case if they start leaking information.
The bottom line, the Dems were stupid for the way they handled the search warrant. They compounded it even more by going in like gang busters as if they were raiding top mafia criminals. All they did was to upset many citizens who have a sense of FAIR JUSTICE.
That I won’t argue with. It’s been an R windfall for years that the D’s default is stupidity.

If it were argued as a matter of “fair justice” it would get better traction with “normal” people, who will ultimately determine the outcome of a political purse fight. But it’s framed as evil forces extracting vengeance, and rebutted with threats of retaliation. (n)

Anymore it seems like both parties need to double down on stupid.
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After you take a hard look at the problem, the real stupid is not the political parties. The real stupid is the voters that keep voting for the same politician who failed to support the majority of his/her voters that put them in office.

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