headed out


Active Member
Leaving on the 19th of Aug will be gone for three weeks two different PHs in South Africa thought we could start a positive post
LAST EDITED ON Aug-07-18 AT 06:00AM (MST)[p]The first PH is Jules of the Karoo there I will hunt for the 4 color variety's of springbok,eland,waterbuck,gemsbok,black wildeerbeast. The second PH is Tyrone Milne and I will hunt Cape Buffalo and Sable with him.
Have a great time. My 17 year old son just got back from spending 9 weeks as an intern in SA this summer. He slung some lead for springbok cull, blesbok cull, and then his high school graduation gift was a Sable with a broken horn. He had a blast and is already figuring out how to get back there.

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