help me with my binoculars upgrade


Active Member
I am in the market for a new pair of binocular after my tasco 7x50 gave up last week after 20 years in service. Budget $300-$400. Any recommendation? I may go as high as $500. But it will be really a stretch for me. Thanks.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-26-10 AT 04:47PM (MST)[p]i would take a good hard look at the vortex vipers or diamond backs for the price I dont think there is better glass on the market.

Just Living The Dream
There are several great binos in your price range now.

If I were you, I'd go with the Zen Rays. $400 and you can't beat them for that price, or anywhere close to it.

Another option would be these Minox HGs, also a great choice. They run $499:

The third bino I'd recommend is the Leupold Golden Ring HD. Just a few weeks ago you could get them in your price range, but now they've gone up in price again.
10x42 vipers for sure.

Sure You Can Trust Your Government... Just Ask An Indian
Zen Ray 8 or 10x43 ED2's all day long!! Night and day difference between them and Monarchs...glad to see cameraland selling the Zens now too!!


I agree with some here:

1. Zen ED2--95%+ of the EL at a fraction of the cost. They have proven to have great service. Monarch not close to these.

2. Leupy GR HD--built like a tank, better glass than the SLC and trinovid, 97%+ of the EL's and FL's. An unbelievable deal @ $599 after rebate.

3. Meopta and Cabelas Euro--great glass, tough, but the eyecups are much too thin for me, making them somewhat uncomfortable for me. That's why I'd pick the other two first.

These are just my thoughts after personal comparisons.
What do you think of the Vortex Razor? It is out of my price range. Maybe I can get a used pair from ebay. How does it compare to the ZEN ED2 or Leupold GR?
I really like the Zen ED 2...The color fidelity is amazing for 450.00 glass. Every bit of 95-96% of swaro binos.

Ridgeline Outdoors Hunt Staff.
>I really like the Zen ED
>2...The color fidelity is amazing
>for 450.00 glass. Every bit
>of 95-96% of swaro binos.
>Ridgeline Outdoors Hunt Staff.

You compared Zen-Ray's side by side with Swarovski?
>You compared Zen-Ray's side by side
>with Swarovski?

Ya, we got together and did a comprehensive test with 10X42 EL'S, 10x43ED 2's and 10x50 Vortex Razor. Swarovski was the winner, but the Zen's and Vortex were close 2nd. A good 95% of the swaro.

Test was based on clarity, brightness, color fidelity, fov, and ease of use.

Ridgeline Outdoors Hunt Staff.
I am very impressed so far by my Zen Ray 10x43 ED2's. They are amazingly bright with a very crisp view. I also own a pair of 8x30 SLC's and the Zen Rays are brighter.
>>I really like the Zen ED
>>2...The color fidelity is amazing
>>for 450.00 glass. Every bit
>>of 95-96% of swaro binos.
>>Ridgeline Outdoors Hunt Staff.
>You compared Zen-Ray's side by side
>with Swarovski?

I did too, which is why I said what I said about them.
thanks a lot for the recommendation. will give those zens a good look. I will also check out a used Zeiss this weekend. The zeiss is above my budget, even for a used one. But I am curious as I have never used a nice pair before.
ebay look for old pair of 8x30 Swaroskis

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
LAST EDITED ON May-01-10 AT 09:37AM (MST)[p]If you are hunting thicker cover for elk and deer, then I would say the Zen Ray 7x36 or 8x43 ED2 for the greater FOV and DOF. For more open country, go with the 10x43ED2. Great glass to fit your budget.

To save a few $, CameraLand is advertising demo ED (not ED2) for 300 bucks, and doubt you could tell any diff from new.

I have compared my pair of 8x43ED (not ED2) to 8.5x42EL and found the ELs to have about a 1 block advantage on a resolution chart. Both blew the Monarchs and Vipers away. I and another also slightly preferred the optics of the Zens to the Vortex Razors. Razors and ELS had better fit and finish than the Zens, especially with the eye-cups in terms of tightness/tolerance of adjustment.

I recently got a pair Zen 7x36ED2 and compared them to a friends 8.5x32ELs one evening after sunset, resting on a porch rail and looking at shingles and a pine tree 200 yards away. The Zens appeared brighter and with more contrast. Resolution was slightly in favor to the EL. I did not do a check of edge-to-edge or flatness of field.

I have compared the 8x43ED to a pair of 10x42SLC, and liked the Zens better in terms of contrast, color cast and slightly sharper in the center.

$400 for Zen ED2s, or $2400 for ELs? I'd pocket the extra 2 grand and go on a hunt.

I have not looked through a pair, but for a little more ching, the Leupold GR have a little better reports. Cabelas have them on sale for $699, same as SWFA, and there is also a $100 mail-in rebate. Final $599 may be above your budget though.


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Look at the Minox HG in 10x43 for around $500 from

A better built and overall optically better bino than the Zen Ray ED2 IMO-the Zens are bright but have serious flare control issues and their not built as well.

I completely disagree that the Zen ED2 is a better bino than the Swarovski Neu SLC BTW.

The Leupold HD is good (not as good as Neu SLC) and Cabelas has a great deal going on them (on sale and factory $100 rebate).
I would take the Leupold over the Minox HG.
LAST EDITED ON May-10-10 AT 11:19AM (MST)[p]
I just ordered a pair of 8x43 ED2. It is a little stretch for my original budget. I will see how it compares when it arrives. Thanks everyone.
The mailman just dropped off the package while I was working in the backyard. I only spent 30 min or so on the binoculars. So far, I am impressed! It's by far the best binoculars I have looked through. Thank you guys for the recommendation. more to follow.
Congrats, and you'll love 'em. As I said before, most of the people who put down the Zen ED2 are the people who've spent $1500-$2000 on optics that give them no advantages.

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