HELP!! Returned missionary...


Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Aug-14-13 AT 02:14PM (MST)[p]Alright so I just got home from my LDS mission in Ecuador. Best 2 years of my life! But... now I'm back in the real world and it's time to go hunting...ha. So about 3 days ago my Dad told me i got lucky cuz someone who drew a Book Cliffs archery elk tag turned it in and I was the next one on the list! With only 3 points!! Safe to say i got lucky haha...
The problem now is I don't know anything about the book cliffs roadless area... Any help, pointers, or pictures would be great! I would have gone scouting but I was still a missionary ha... Planning on going out for 10+ days if necessary...
Thanks for any info in advance!

There's a picture if you didn't believe me :) ha
>Just got home? You can't be
>out's time for you
>to get married!!!! jk good
>luck on the hunt.

You forgot to add the "ha"
Dude if you put in for this hunt and dont know the unit that's on U. obviously you have good fortune and should go use it up. good luck and welcome back and also thanks for your hard work and sacrifice. The lord blessed you with this lucky tag he may bless you with a great hunt.
actually i didnt put in for the area, my bro and dad did while i was gone. so it was a shock to me... im just happy i have the tag. they said the biologist said this was a 320-360+ bull area so i have a chance at a great bull...
anyone had this hunt in the past? how was it?

and thanks hogg, i got lucky with the tag, so hopefully the lord can help me out on the hunt too!

Welcome home! If I had any information about the unit I would share it with you. Unfortunately, I don't. Hopefully, you will get some help from others on this forum. The way I see it is you got lucky and drew this tag. Go hunt hard and see what happens. It is a long hunt and there are some great bulls out there.

Good luck!


Browning A-Bolt 300 Win Mag
Bowtech Destroyer
Winchester Apex .50 Cal
>Just got home? You can't be
>out's time for you
>to get married!!!!

What about the dozen kids???
Welcome back and good luck on the hunt. If nothing else go hunt hard and enjoy it. It's all about the experience anyway and with only a few points it's not like you will have wasted a lot of time applying towards an area you don't know. I seem to have better luck walking into an unknown area and hopefully you will as well.
Have you prayed about it Elder? J/K. Don't you hate it when people say it's the best 2 years of your life. Another way of saying that is: IT'S ALL DOWNHILL FROM HERE!

Good luck and kill a big one. I don't know that area, but if you spend the time there, you'll figure it out.
Check out wendt ridge , but also be careful to stay out of the Indian land . If it were me I would go down past the first RANGER CABIN and hunt the side canyons from there . There is plenty of water and some nice bulls , it is how ever a little bit of a walk its 7 miles I believe but well worth the walk in . Be very bear aware as they are plentiful down there and don't forget to take it all in you should have a blast . Good luck
Hubba. Lucky you are for sure. I know a guy that drew this tag last year with 11 points. I also drew last year and had a great hunt. I had the rifle tag,so I was in a little bit different situation than you will be, but you should get into elk for sure.

Early on we scouted our are and did not see bulls. It wasn't until the end of the archery hunt that the bulls started showing up. The Wednesday before opening day of my hunt the bulls were going crazy. We saw tons of bulls that day. Then they totally shut up and it was difficult to find one! The Bookcliffs is a great place, rugged and beautiful. Do you have a general area that you are planning on going? Do you have horses to get you and your camp back in, also do have access to google earth? I am more than willing to share my info with you, as I had a lot of people help me with info for my hunt. Send me a PM with your email address and I'll send you some good starting places.

Here is a link to the post that I did on my hunt.

I went to Georga, low elevation. My dad was kicking my butt up the mountain the first few days. I thought I was going to die. So you better get use to the altitude and climate before you go. Don't expect anything and you won't be dissapointed. Just let the "great spirit" guide.
Well I would guess don't have a job or school to worry about? So go have a good time and hunt.Get up high and glass. Elk do the same thing basically in any unit. Its about being in a great unit with not a lot of pressure from other hunters.
Welcome home Elder ! Have a great time on your hunt! Because the little wifey may not give you as much freedom as you want, when it comes to hunting . :) Does she have the wedding invitation ready yet ? haha
thanks for the info guys! youve been a big help!

another question i have is where is the best place to head in from? we are planning on taking horses so we need a place to park the truck and head it from there... any pointers or ideas of where would be a good place to head in from?? thanks again for all the help. I'm just kinda lost since i've know about this for 2 days haha.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-15-13 AT 12:09PM (MST)[p]Congrats on coming home.
Do a search on the elk forum and Utah forum for past years and you will find a lot of good stuff. A ML video by Kevin Jaramillo will be a great place to start your heart racing it was a book cliff bull. You can also goggle youtube video elk hunting Bookcliffs Utah. One by Andy is pretty good too.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
From the south off I-70 drive through Thompson and head up Sego canyon to the top. It can be a rough road driving up the dry wash but lots of others do it. You'll have about a mile of Indian Res to go through (stay on the trail) and then your good to go after that. Heading North gets you to Went Ridge, going East takes you over to Little creek. Packing in and spending time in the Roadless Books is a neat place to hunt and just spend time. Wish I were there hunting again.

Another Ecuador RM here but that was 20 plus years ago now... :)
Best mission in the world.
I hunted the BC Roadless for elk in 2011 with my dad and we had a great hunt. PM me and I can tell you about a great wallow and that is where I would focus my time early in your hunt.
Good luck and it should be a fun hunt. Not easy but fun.
hey silver, sent you a PM!!!!

>Hubba. Lucky you are for sure.
>I know a guy that
>drew this tag last
>year with 11 points. I
>also drew last year and
>had a great hunt. I
>had the rifle tag,so I
>was in a little bit
>different situation than you will
>be, but you should get
>into elk for sure.
>Early on we scouted our are
>and did not see bulls.
>It wasn't until the end
>of the archery hunt that
>the bulls started showing up.
>The Wednesday before opening day
>of my hunt the bulls
>were going crazy. We saw
>tons of bulls that day.
>Then they totally shut up
>and it was difficult to
>find one! The Bookcliffs is
>a great place, rugged and
>beautiful. Do you have a
>general area that you are
>planning on going? Do you
>have horses to get you
>and your camp back in,
>also do have access to
>google earth? I am more
>than willing to share my
>info with you, as I
>had a lot of people
>help me with info for
>my hunt. Send me a
>PM with your email address
>and I'll send you some
>good starting places.
>Here is a link to the
>post that I did on
>my hunt.
hey rick, thanks for the info... i found went ridge, but im not sure where the ranger cabin is...? looking on google earth and i cant find it? is it just right on the road that goes by Went Ridge or where exactly?? thanks for all the info guys! its been a big help since i couldnt get out there to scout!

>Check out wendt ridge , but
>also be careful to stay
>out of the Indian land
>. If it were me
>I would go down past
>the first RANGER CABIN and
>hunt the side canyons from
>there . There is plenty
>of water and some nice
>bulls , it is how
>ever a little bit of
>a walk its 7 miles
>I believe but well worth
>the walk in . Be
>very bear aware as they
>are plentiful down there and
>don't forget to take it
>all in you should have
>a blast . Good luck
thanks for the info. that is why im trying to get out of town for a couple weeks... no work, little school, and no wife/kids.... what more could a kid like me ask for right ha?? thanks for the help. ill be postin pics of the hunt and hopefully a nice bull!

>Well I would guess don't
>have a job or school
>to worry about? So go
>have a good time and
>hunt.Get up high and glass.
>Elk do the same thing
>basically in any unit. Its
>about being in a great
>unit with not a lot
>of pressure from other hunters.
>Welcome home Elder ! Have a
>great time on your hunt!
>Because the little wifey may
>not give you as much
>freedom as you want, when
>it comes to hunting .
>:) Does she
>have the wedding invitation ready
>yet ? haha
thanks for the info... so do you suggest that i go over by went ridge? or head east over by little creek? where do you think the majority of the good bulls are going to be??? thanks!

>From the south off I-70 drive
>through Thompson and head up
>Sego canyon to the top.
> It can be a
>rough road driving up the
>dry wash but lots of
>others do it. You'll
>have about a mile of
>Indian Res to go through
>(stay on the trail) and
>then your good to go
>after that. Heading North
>gets you to Went Ridge,
>going East takes you over
>to Little creek. Packing
>in and spending time in
>the Roadless Books is a
>neat place to hunt and
>just spend time. Wish
>I were there hunting again.
I killed my bull on Little Creek ridge. We seen bulls everywhere we went. Check out both places and even some places on a map that just look good. You'll find bulls and pick the one you want.

Elkun, your intellect is astounding. Thanks for the raising the the bar and quality of this forum. If I may, let me suggest a simple procedure that may improve your quality of life. It's an experimental operation referred to as an "Optirectomy". On the affected patient, the surgeon severs the link between the rectum and the optical nerve. The desired result is to remove the patients $hitty outlook on life in general. If the operation isn't successful, you can always get a labotomy and a set of tights.

Good luck this fall.
Let me put things into perspective here, setting this ALL straight. Sorry for getting this off topic but this has needed to be said a long long time ago......
First Hubba good luck on the elk hunt. Knowing you've rode your bicycle to the moon an back on you mission, your in top shape, that with being able to hunt 10 days is a recipe for success! I bet you whack a giant! Again good luck!
Next, I guess a guy like me needs one of those optirecticals also. If that means taking this particular religion, and sledge hammering it in my ass. The way I see it, it couldn't hurt because its been crammed down my throat for the last 7 years, so might as well take it in the other end also. Here's why.
I moved to the LDS Mecca 7 years ago. The town of 5000 people where I came from had 1LDS church, and for the most part, no one really cared where I spent my Sundays. Spent most my life in that town, an just believing in a higher calling an going to church was all that mattered. Cant believe a town like that exists like that just 500 miles to the north west of here. But believe me it does.
Now life here isn't NO where near the same. I have 5 LDS churches within 5 miles of my home here, in this town of 5000. I'm regularly asked which ward, stake, I belong to ( no idea what any if that means), how many kids I have, if I am LDS, just to name a few, an that on a damn near daily basis(thought it was just me, but the wife gets it also). So, being LDS truly matters out here. Hell you got people claiming to be a jack Mormon for Christ sake just so they can somewhat feel like they belong. NEWS FLASH.... There isn't any other religion that does that, and never will ! (Sorry elk assassin). But it's true.
So my guess is (speaking for elkun) he was probably caught in a weak moment, an needed to vent, because like me he knows it matters to be LDS. That's why the OP said so, an why he even attached a a photo proving it .
So, if I've lost any friends stating the above, an setting the record straight, I'm truly sorry. I'm hoping I have 1 friend left to help me with my non resident south west dessert elk tag someday when I draw. I know I'll b lucky, because I sure the hell won't be blessed according to the masses on this site.
Elkun sorry if I have you all wrong. It just might be me that needs the sledge-hammering in the keester.
I hope you kill a monster Hubba_3.

I think anyone that has the fortitude to spend two years doing something they believe in ought to be commended. Missions are not just trying to convert people 24/7. There is a ton of humanitarian work that goes on also.

I am sorry that some of you have had bad experiences with missionaries or Mormons, but to treat this kid with anything but respect shows your lack of intelligence.

He's a fellow hunter for cryin out loud.

I have looked back over several of elkuns posts. He's a class act.
Elkun and LRB hubba_3 is just asking for help on his hunt. He is not pushing his religion on you so quit acting like he is. Spending two years serving his church is something to be proud of and it is a good reason as to why he can use some help on his hunt. You don't need to hijack his post because of your chip on your shoulder towards a religion.

hubba_3 good luck on your hunt! I hope you get a big one!
The fact he brought up getting back from a mission and showing his "proof" while asking for help is kinda like showing a temple recommend to a cop when you get pulled over for speeding. Thats great that you did something you love and believe in, but honestly, who gives a F@@@. If I knew anything about the BC, I would help a guy out that didn't pull that shiz before the one who did.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-07-13 AT 06:49PM (MST)[p]I hope and pray this young man can have a great hunt. May you be blessed with memories that will last for eternity.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-07-13 AT 07:08PM (MST)[p]>I hope you kill a monster
>I think anyone that has the
>fortitude to spend two years
>doing something they believe in
>ought to be commended. Missions
>are not just trying to
>convert people 24/7. There is
>a ton of humanitarian work
>that goes on also.
>I am sorry that some of
>you have had bad experiences
>with missionaries or Mormons, but
>to treat this kid with
>anything but respect shows your
>lack of intelligence.
>He's a fellow hunter for cryin
>out loud.
>I have looked back over several
>of elkuns posts. He's a
>class act.

Classic how you would love for us to show compassion for a fellow hunter, but the common bond we all share with believing in Divine Intervention will never be enough for most folks.
Hubba have a great hunt! Sorry for trying to put things into perspective for those less understanding.......
Hey guys. Well still no bull. I've been going hard at it since about August 27th and if I didn't have bad luck I wouldn't have any luck at all. We've had A TON of bad luck on this. By far the most mentally demanding hunt I've been on. I've had a tent destroyed by a bear. Busted the string in my bow and had to buy a new one today for the last 4 days of the hunt. We've had a bunch of opportunitys on good bulls and nothing has gone right. So we got 4 days to give it our all. Bull or no bull I've learned a lot on this hunt that I'll never forget.
Thanks to everyone for the help. I'd be lost without your tips.
Sorry to bring the mission and religion into all this. I just needed help cuz I really was lost and I still would be but thanks to everyone for all ur help! I'll do my best the next few days and see how it goes. I'll be putting the whole sorry up in a few days!
Stay with it ! It may come together on the last day. That way you get to hunt every day ! You are so lucky ! Keep positive !!!
Stick with it and don't be discouraged. This last week can be the very best time to hunt during the archery hunt. Look at it as your best opportunity of the entire hunt. A lot of the pressure is off because many of the archery hunters are done. Also the rut is picking up steam. Take what you have learned so far and adjust for the current conditions and use it all to your advantage. Sometimes you have to go through all of those missed opportunities for it to finally all come together. But it is so worth it when it does! Above all though don't put so much pressure on yourself that you don't enjoy it. You will have more energy and a better chance at getting one imo if you are enjoying these last days of your hunt. Just my $.02 worth :)
I am a firm believer in the one most important thing before going hunting, it brings the best luck possible. You have got to get laid! it dont matter if it looks like shania twain. or that nasty hooker you see on the street corner by trolly square in salt lake city every friday night, "you have got to get laid".
Being a virgin and all, you probably sound like a little spike bull to them big ol mean herd bulls and they are ignoring you completely!

So give it some thought, I know its hard for you LDS guys, but seriously, it just might tip your odds in your favor!
:D :D :D

Perseverance always pays off, so hunt hard until the last minute of the last day. These next few days are going to be a great time to be chasing elk. Good things are going to happen.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-10-13 AT 02:26AM (MST)[p]
Usually I'm pretty conservative and respectful about other people's opinions and do my best not to add to whatever has offended you But in this case where religion has not been crammed down anyone's throat and is being attacked; to you guys who obviously have some type of vendetta against the lds church, get your freaking panties out of a wad and learn some respect. I and many others could care less if you feel wronged and offended simply by how the community tries to fellowship you and make you feel welcome. If you don't like it then move away. you live right in Mormon central. Tuff beans, it's the culture so accept that your going to hear about it and be adult enough to be respectful.
The guy served a mission. He went away for two years to do something he passionately cares about. And from personal experience when you go away for two years spending every waking moment doing what you do, you talk about it because it is part of you Whether it be on an online forum about hunting or elsewhere. Simply stating you went on a mission after returning home should be considered a gold star in being conservative and is nowhere near your ideology of "cramming religion down your throat". He is explaining where he was and why he wasn't able to scout. If you don't like it simply don't respond. be respectful and shut your trap. Nobody cares to hear your ranting on "1000 ways the lds church offended me" or the ever so common lectures of "reasons I hate the lds church" if you want to be offended over things it's because you choose to be. keep it to yourself unless someone asks for your input.
As for the hunter, I hope better luck finds you that you may be successful!

"I've hunted almost every day of my life, The rest
have been wasted"
Man, people have the thinnest skin on this site I swear. Hubba, I hope you stick your bull here these next few days. I think I speak for all of us when I say were pulling to see some pictures and get a story.
One thing I will say to all the guys who are just debating either side, if you don't agree with something, who cares. So many people, in Utah especially, have a hard time just being themselves. If you go to church every Sunday great, if you have a beer every night awesome. But just because the next guy doesn't live your way, doesn't mean you need to judge them for it. That's not about religion, that's just ethically right. I find it amazing that so many of these lds people get so offended because one of us speaks our mind. Yet you do that everyday for two years (express your opinion to strangers that is. But I may be wrong)?
I grew up Mormon, I'm inactive from a very strong lds family. They accept me, and I accept and even encourage them in their faith. Because I believe that we are each our own person and we can do what we want. At the end of the day, if you use religion or lack there-of to identify yourself there is something wrong.
So lets grow up, drop the religion debate here and just hope for some success pics from Hubba.
Doing your best is all that can be asked. It is your hunt! You probably will not read this till you are done. But there are more of us out here pulling for you then the post above. I hope the elk Gods shine down on you. They have on me when it seemed like it was over. Keep your chin up and remember fourth quarter baby. Get up a little earlier and walk a little farther. :)

>AT 02:26?AM (MST)

>Usually I'm pretty conservative and respectful
>about other people's opinions and
>do my best not to
>add to whatever has offended
>you But in this case
>where religion has not been
>crammed down anyone's throat and
>is being attacked; to you
>guys who obviously have some
>type of vendetta against the
>lds church, get your freaking
>panties out of a wad
>and learn some respect. I
>and many others could care
>less if you feel wronged
>and offended simply by how
>the community tries to fellowship
>you and make you feel
>welcome. If you don't like
>it then move away. you
>live right in Mormon central.
>Tuff beans, it's the culture
>so accept that your going
>to hear about it and
>be adult enough to be
> The guy served
>a mission. He went away
>for two years to do
>something he passionately cares about.
>And from personal experience when
>you go away for two
>years spending every waking moment
>doing what you do, you
>talk about it because it
>is part of you Whether
>it be on an online
>forum about hunting or elsewhere.
>Simply stating you went on
>a mission after returning home
>should be considered a gold
>star in being conservative and
>is nowhere near your ideology
>of "cramming religion down your
>throat". He is explaining where
>he was and why he
>wasn't able to scout. If
> you don't like it
>simply don't respond. be respectful
>and shut your trap. Nobody
>cares to hear your ranting
>on "1000 ways the lds
>church offended me" or
>the ever so common lectures
>of "reasons I hate the
>lds church" if you want
>to be offended over things
>it's because you choose to
>be. keep it to yourself
>unless someone asks for your
>As for the hunter, I hope
>better luck finds you that
>you may be successful!
>"I've hunted almost every day of
>my life, The rest
>have been wasted"

I really appreciate your most powerful insight an wisdom. I truly see now how I have had it all wrong. Your spin on things has truly "righted" my compass an now I'm on course. God bless you for setting me straight.
Hubba. Keep after it! It's not about luck, it's about perseverance. Keep at it!
Maybe if you were a better missionary you would have been able to bag your elk opening morning! Just kidding. Honestly, I say that in jest. In all seriousness, I hope these last couple days are very good to you. I have been anxiously awaiting photos of your trophy that you bag. Just remember that life is a journey, not the destination. In this sense it means to enjoy the hunt and the chance you have to be in the field. Don't beat yourself up if you don't bag a big bull. Yes that would be icing on the cake. Best of luck to you man. Go get 'em.
Spoke with Hubba yesterday. He was in Green River getting something to eat. He said he had hit a 320ish bull and he and his brother had tracked it about 200 yards when it got up and went again. They were hoping it would lay back down if they left it alone. I can only hope the rains didn't wash the track and blood trail away while they were in town eating. I still don't see any post with pics, but they were hunting along ways from where they were camped so we can hope the bull has been found and they are retrieving camp before posting pics. Hopefully it isn't a bull that goes off and dies without being found.
I've seen pictures of the bull he took on another forum, with all the crap in this thread I'm not surprised that he didn't put an update here. It is a nice mature bull.

I have been pulling for you. We're you able to get it done? If so, post a story and picture. Ignore the jerkoffs on this thread.


Browning A-Bolt 300 Win Mag
Bowtech Destroyer
Winchester Apex .50 Cal

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