Long Time Member
It seems the B.S. that happen in Fergunson, Mo. is now about to happen in Salt Lake City, Utah. In the report posted below, notice that "the friend of the black person shot" accused the officers of shooting his friend while the suspect held the stick down to his side and was just starting to turn around. I guess he knew that "hands up" would not fly this time.


Feb. 27, 2016: (Lennie Mahler/The Salt Lake Tribune via AP)

SALT LAKE CITY ? A male who authorities say was wielding a broomstick was shot and critically injured by Salt Lake City officers Saturday night, touching off unrest downtown as officers donned riot gear and blocked streets and bystanders threw rocks and bottles.

The male shot by two Salt Lake City Police officers was in critical condition at a local hospital Sunday morning after being struck twice in the torso, according to Detective Ken Hansen with the Unified Police Department, which is investigating the shooting. Hansen did not have details about the male's identity or age, but a bystander told The Salt Lake Tribune and Deseret News that the male was a teenager.

Hansen said the shooting occurred when two Salt Lake City officers were called around 8 p.m. to break up a fight near a downtown homeless shelter that sits next to a shopping mall and movie theater.

When the officers arrived, they found the male in the street, hitting another person with the broomstick, Hansen said. Officers tried to break up the fight, but the male with the broomstick tried to attack an officer, he said.

One or both of the police officers then shot the male, hitting him in the upper and lower torso, Hansen said.

He did not have details about the identity of the other person involved in the fight, what prompted the dispute or whether anyone else was injured.

"There's still a lot to go through," Hansen said.

Police are not releasing the identity of the officers, he said.

Bystander Selam Mohammad told The Salt Lake Tribune and Deseret News that his teenage friend was shot by police.

Mohammad told the newspapers that his friend was holding the broomstick at his side when officers arrived and that police shot him as he turned around.

"He barely even turned around, then boom, boom, boom ? and he just dropped," Mohammad told the Deseret News.

When asked about that account, Hansen said he did not have details to confirm or deny that information. Hansen had no information about how many shots were fired or how far away the male with the broomstick was from police when they pulled their guns. He did not know the size of the broomstick or whether it was sharpened. He also did not know whether the male had a gun, knife or any other weapon on him at the time.

After the shooting, bystanders began yelling obscenities and throwing rocks and bottles at police, who called in about 100 officers to help.

Police, including officers wearing helmets and carrying riot shields, barricaded four surrounding city blocks. A light rail stop in the neighborhood was closed.

Hansen said the protesters throwing rocks and bottles were people hanging out near the shelter. He didn't know if they were homeless, but he said they were not customers of the nearby shopping center. Hansen said the area was relatively busy, with people visiting the shopping center and restaurants and others hanging out near the shelter and homeless facilities.

"There were pockets of that disturbance for hours," Hansen said Sunday.

Salt Lake City Police Detective Greg Wilking said did not have details Sunday about how the shooting unfolded or the identities of the two males or two officers involved in the shooting.

Neither officer involved in the shooting was injured, Wilking said. Both officers were placed administrative leave while the incident is investigated.

The male that police believe was hit with the broomstick did not require medical attention, Wilking said.

Wilking said police asked bystanders to leave the area and put up barricades and tape to clear streets. He did not know how long bystanders were throwing objects at police but said it went on for a matter of minutes, not hours.

He said the area near the shooting was crowded but he did not know how many people were involved in throwing objects at officers. Wilking said several people were arrested but he did not know how many. He said he did not know of any incidents where police cleared streets by using riot shields to physically move people.

The department planned to release more information later Sunday.

Salt Lake City Mayor Jackie Biskupski said in a statement Sunday that she was saddened and that the shooting was a tragedy for everyone involved.

"The use of force by law enforcement against the public can tear at the delicate balance of trust between both sides, and must be taken extremely seriously," she said. "These incidents create a number of unanswered questions in the short term, and justice requires we work together in good faith to find answers."
>When Lavoy got the same medicine
>you said it was not
Yea but lavoy got one in the head.
He tried to run a roadblock and he had a 9MM he was going for too.

If white Lavoy had been black Leroy RELH would have been cheering . it's pretty obvious what the deal is around here.

I say shoot them both.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
> Yea but
>lavoy got one in the

Maybe the OST officer was just a better shot.

LAST EDITED ON Feb-29-16 AT 01:26PM (MST)[p]Nemont, if you are aiming that "Lavoy" comment at me, then you are way off base and lacking in reading comprehension. I was one of the few that felt the shooting of Lavoy was a justified shooting due to his actions of reaching several times for his pocket that may contain a gun.
Dude, I only cheer if it is a drunk half breed that is removed from the gene pool. I do have a few black friends that I happen to like very well.
Nemont you should not let your dislike of persons who criticize your self inflated standing on this forum be the basis for your uncalled accusations.

Self inflated? Hey if I was wrong, I am man enough to admit it. If you thought Lavoy getting his wish of a dirt nap was justified so be it, I was wrong and I am sorry for posting anything about it.

What makes you think I spend enough time thinking about this forum to develop a like or dislike for anyone here. The only person on this forum I wouldn't allow around my campfire would be Manny because he is flat out in bizarro world.

Even Stoney would be welcome around the campfire. He probably wouldn't accept an invitation but he would be welcome. You guys sure take what is said on a forum too seriously. 99% of anything I post is to get people to think about what they are actually saying. That is all. I can't help if the skins are thin around here.

Anyway sorry for saying you didn't think Lavoy deserved what he got.

RELH is half full of crap. he questioned the Lavoy shooting until it was obvious it was a clean shooting in the video. fair enough, but he never questions blacks getting shot. and of course a black witness is going to lie that's a foregone conclusion. there's no need for any apologies the gist is correct.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Hey dude?

That's all you Talk about anymore is you're gonna LaVoy Em all!


[font color="blue"]"I Don't get No Sleep!I Don't get No Peace!"

Hey Founder?

Did You get Permission From shotgun1 before you made your Last
Back to the original thread.

Don't think Ferguson would happen in SLC. Too many white people. Too many armed business owners willing to shoot if anyone tries to loot or burn buildings.

In this case, to my understanding the people who were throwing things at cops were a bunch of bums from Salt Lakes version of Skid Row. I don't think it would take much to squash a bum and drug addict uprising.

My question is, why is a 17 year old with a family hanging out in skid row fighting bums?
Dude you are the one filled with crap floating on top of alcohol. Go back into the posts on the Lavoy incident and you would see that I remarked he probably committed suicide by cop and did not think enough of his own family when he did it. If that is supporting lavoy, it is you that does not have any reading comprehension. Probably induced by your alcohol intake every day while reading these posts.

Nemont, thank you for your retraction of what you felt I said.
rYeah, after the video came out. who cares what you thought then nobody even cares what you think now . it's the racism that's unmistakable.

Any case involving blacks you don't need video. and you won't listen to black witnesses because they always lie. blacks are always guilty and always need shot.

You're the one who started this thread . because white cops shot a black and you can't understand why all the fuss.

I'm not saying the SLC cops were wrong. but unlike you I'm not sure they were right and the spook is a liar either.

You're not a racist , you just know whites are superior that's all.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Dude by any chance do you have a inferiority complex due to your mixed race. Sure sounds like it. If I remember right you are the one on here who has admitted to being racial bias in your beliefs.
With all the false allegations that has been made recently involving police on black shootings, how many do you have to see in order to have a degree of suspicion about the allegations. Why don't we just see what happens in the official investigation and see if the black witness was lying or telling the truth. I am sure you will not take any bets on the outcome of the facts.

You're a riot. the guy who who's not a racist calls me a drunk half breed 5 times a week. no I do not have a complex about being a half breed I'm proud of both sides of my family. and yes just like you I'm a racist. absolutely.

Am I suspicious of cops shooting blacks? yes, in both directions. seems cops like to shoot first and ask questions later when a dark target is in the sights. and it seems like blacks work overtime to put themselves in the sights of cops. I suspect there is blame on both sides much of the time. not always.

If a white cop told me why he shot a black, and a black witness told me what happened which one would I believe? the cop. because I'm a racist and also because I'd like to think cops can be trusted. but I know there should be an unbiased investigation so I'm not going to pretend I know the truth and post threads as if I did.

It's better to have a fault and admit it than to lie about it. just admit you're a racist we all know it anyway.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Dude are you saying that I am a racist because I call you a "drunk half-breed" several time a week?

Oh my goodness no, who doesn't call everyone a half breed? that has nothing to do with race.

I'd say you're a racist because of everything else you say.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Dude I hope you are feeling the hair raising on the back of your neck. I knew you could be baited and you fell for the bait.
We both know you think I am racist due to me always referring to you as a drunken half breed. Well Let's look at the facts. By your own mouth you admit to being half white and half native Indian.
You admit to liking your Crown Royal whiskey and by some of your posts it is obvious you are 3 sheets into the wind. Now would that give cause for any common sense person thinking you are in fact a "drunk half-breed".

Besides I have more right to call you that then most folks. My Grandmother that married my hillbilly grandfather was a half-breed herself. She was half white from her Scottish & Irish Father, and half Cherokee Indian from her Mother. I guess that makes me 1/8 Cherokee.

No Dude I am not a racist that judges a person by the color of their skin. I do take offense at certain segments of our black Americans that pull the race card out to justify their criminal acts or lack of being able to get ahead due to their failure to apply themselves by hard work. They need to take responsibly for their actions and not use the lame excuse it is a race problem.
You do not see the Chinese, or Japanese citizens, who are more of a minority using this excuse of the race card.

Come on Tog, you know better than that. RELH is not a racist in any way. His long service as a LE influences his opinion in favor of the cops I'm sure, as it would anybody. He's talked a lot about bad cops too though.

There's no doubt in my mind that RELH would risk his life in defense of a black person or any other minority. Probably even you.
Nice try eel, he's as racist as anyone here he just attempts to cover it by saying his " experience " has proven blacks always lie and most of the time need shot. I think he might be right, because I'm a racist too. an honest one.

RELH I know people who call themselves Mexicans, but does that mean it's okay to call them beaners? your half breed excuse makes no sense . and where I come from only a few church ladies don't drink some rye , just like everyone eats tacos where you come from. it doesn't mean I'm a drunk or you're a beaner it's a culture thing.

I don't mind being called a halfbreed and never have since I'm a racist I think being white is the next best thing to being native american. that's not the issue, if I dish it out I can take it.

You have NFI if that spear chucker with a broom handle deserved shot, but since he is black and so is the witness you made up your mind based on that alone. that is the definition of racist, and I'm with you. but admit it that's all I'm saying.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Dude you are trying to judge me by YOUR standards. My suspicion about the race card being pulled on this incident goes far beyond their color of skin.
Lets take the suspect, he is seen beating on another male subject with a broom handle, that is considered a deadly weapon by state law. He refuses to stop his attack upon command by the officers who arrived on scene and observed his "assault with a deadly weapon" upon another person. No one has disputed him beating another person, including the victim of that beating. He is shot for continued attack and failing to obey the officer's commands, and it does not matter what his race is. Any person, white or black should have been shot under those circumstances if proven to be true by the shooting investigation.
That tells me the black suspect has violent tendencies of a common street criminal.
Now we have a witness interviewed by the press who claims it is un-justified shooting on the part of the cops. This witness claims to be a friend of the suspect who would be bias in protecting his "criminal friend". Also that should make you suspicious of the "witness" credibility" who is a friend that runs around with a person who had shown to have violent criminal tendencies. In other words there is a good chance the witness is also nothing but a street thug that hates cops and is prone to lying like most criminals.

Now if the witness had been a black minister, black school official or any other black person of good standing in the community, not a possible street criminal, I would take his comments very seriously and feel that his accusations must be given enough credit to involve a in- depth investigation to prove if he is right in his assessment of the incident.

Dude I myself have been the victim of the race card being pulled due to the fact that I arrested a black man who had two black friends with him. The arrest did not involve any physical force on my part nor was that even alleged.
Those two black friends went into my dept. the day after the arrest and told my patrol Captain that I was a racial bigot and arrested their friend just because he was a black person and they wanted to file an I.A. complaint against me for the unlawful arrest of their innocent friend.
It did not dissuade the two so called friends that I arrested their friend on two outstanding felony warrants issued by the Superior Court of my county. When the captain advised them of the legal arrest on the warrants, they still claimed I was bias and based that assessment on the fact of my last name and I must be from the Southern states and would be prejudice against black persons.

My Captain told them that they were the ones who were prejudice and do not let the door hit them on their ass on the way out as he told them to leave his office.

Do not judge me by your standards, because sometimes your standards are not up to par as I see it.

Ya gotta Realize!

dude will Argue with Himself!

When He does it,I don't know who's Right or Wrong?

He's Like Arguing with a F'N Rock!

[font color="blue"]"I Don't get No Sleep!I Don't get No Peace!"

Hey Founder?

Did You get Permission From shotgun1 before you made your Last
My standards are I'd like more information than what color the suspect is and what the cops said.

Reports say the 17 year old kid was standing over another bum with part of a broom handle. two cops fired 4 times. the rest is total speculation on either of our part.

2 cops with guns drawn needed to shoot a 17 year old kid with part of a broom stick 4 times to halt his aggression towards another person ? if there actually was aggression that is the question. part of a broom stick can wipe out an entire platoon in seconds can't it. shoot fast and shoot often.

I am not saying the cops were wrong based on the information given. you're saying they're right based on the same information. if the Motown cops are as sure as you are they're wasting money investigating this incident. I'll accept whatever the investigation comes up with as the last word and not reach my own conclusions based on race. that's the difference in our standards.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Dude that last post by you shows how worthless you would be in a life and death incident involving the use of a firearm.
Cops are trained to double tap or triple tap a suspect if they have to fire on him. Those four shots were probably fired in about 2 seconds by officers reverting to their training in a stressful incident to save that victim's life.
With your mind set, I would not want you as my backup partner as you would get us both killed when the crap hit the fan.


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