High fence crowd at its finest


Active Member

Anyone shocked he sold one to Texas?
Sounds like the most despicable old man ever.


The writing and background info on Marco Polo sheep sure was misinformative.

We've got a couple of million people streaming across our borders every year and this reporter and the feds are getting a hardon for a sheep embryo that came to the US illegally.

You know what came into our country illegally last year and killed 107,000 Americans?????

And that's just one problem!

Quit waisting money on some dumb5hits sheep scam, put your big boy pants on and start dealing with some real problems.

Maybe we should inform the federal government that all those illegals secretly desire to make money with sheep embryos and they might actually pay attention to the issue. Apparently killing Americans isn't a good enough reason.
Sounds like the most despicable old man ever.


The writing and background info on Marco Polo sheep sure was misinformative.

We've got a couple of million people streaming across our borders every year and this reporter and the feds are getting a hardon for a sheep embryo that came to the US illegally.

You know what came into our country illegally last year and killed 107,000 Americans?????

And that's just one problem!

Quit waisting money on some dumb5hits sheep scam, put your big boy pants on and start dealing with some real problems.

Maybe we should inform the federal government that all those illegals secretly desire to make money with sheep embryos and they might actually pay attention to the issue. Apparently killing Americans isn't a good enough reason.
So you’re saying because there’s bigger issues at hand we should just ignore other illegal activities?

Noted. 🤡
What came in illegally and killed 107,000 Americans last year? you sure about that? and these dead Americans were all just innocent victims right? so that justifies illegal canned hunting operations does it?

Sounds like someone likes high fence hunting and junkies.
What came in illegally and killed 107,000 Americans last year? you sure about that? and these dead Americans were all just innocent victims right? so that justifies illegal canned hunting operations does it?

Sounds like someone likes high fence hunting and junkies.
Fentanyl. Yes. That was a published number. And that's just one problem.

Nobody said it justified one damn thing.

What it shows is your governments screwed and destructive priorities.

As far as illegal canned hunting operations nobody got prosecuted for that in the article. Not really sure what part of your backside you pulled that question out of.
So you’re saying because there’s bigger issues at hand we should just ignore other illegal activities?

Noted. 🤡
That's exactly what I'm saying this time. In this case your federal government and justice system look like absolute incompetent jackasses.
I actually find this really cool and very interesting. The only real issue here is the Government was not getting their fair share. The sheep can legally be hunted. It is just a silly rule that prevent the importation. Which a stupid bs rule...

On the flipside the science and the fact that an 80 year old did this makes it cool... Kind of scary but cool.

What is the real big deal in this situation? What harm was actually done? Not talking slippery slope arguments, but what harm would it be if I had a place, and did something similar?
People play slight of hand and hide the ball all the time when they want to distract from issues.

Anyone wonder why Tri would want you distracted off this issue that is actually relevant to a hunting forum by directing your attention to an emotional topic that is not relevant to a hunting forum? Any guesses?
People play slight of hand and hide the ball all the time when they want to distract from issues.

Anyone wonder why Tri would want you distracted off this issue that is actually relevant to a hunting forum by directing your attention to an emotional topic that is not relevant to a hunting forum? Any guesses?
10 million illegal aliens crossing our border with narcotics, sex slaves, illegal weapons, tuberculosis, typhus, bedbugs, and measles. Yep. Just an "emotional topic"????? Maybe for some wealthy gubmint employee it's something for you to look down your nose at but for the rest of us po folks we have to live with your laziness.

I just wonder why one little sheep embryo is more important than tens of millions of people?
Don’t tar & feather me, but Tri does have a point in the above post. There are a lot of important issues in this country. Guess it might be a miracle, I agreed with him on something.
But as a hunter I see and understand the importance of the laws to protect our wildlife. So on that note, lets get rid of feral horses.
Don’t tar & feather me, but Tri does have a point in the above post. There are a lot of important issues in this country. Guess it might be a miracle, I agreed with him on something.
But as a hunter I see and understand the importance of the laws to protect our wildlife. So on that note, lets get rid of feral horses.
Well I agree too. But hell, there is not a single hunting related issue as important as everything Tri bought up. Not even close. So do we shut MM down, or rebrand it as some other forum that is "more important"?

Naaa- that's why Founder moves topics like that to the political thread. And they are fun to participate in when the hunting related stuff is slow.

It's cool when topics like the one Keystone OP'd come up. I learn something every time- about HUNTING.... dang those Marco Polo sheep have HUGE horns!
Kinda Reminds Me Of When I Was Just A Kid!

They Caught A Woman In Her 90's That Had Been Stealing Power For Who Knows How Many years?

What'Ya Gonna Do To Somebody In Their 80's-90's?

Feed Them For The Rest Of Their Life?


I'm Not Stickin Up For Law Breakers!

They'll Fine Him Way Under The 250K

And The Jail Time Will Be Way Less Than 5 Years!

I Hope The Lacey Act Proves Me Wrong!
A silly rule to prevent importation of foreign species that could harm native and sensitive sheep species here?

Did I seriously just read that?

Let me guess...you like carp over cutthroats too?
Ok smart guy. How would importing DNA and making a clone create a disease that would harm native sheep? I will wait for any peer reviewed science that shows that is an issue. I get the argument if he was importing live animals that could be carrying disease. But genetic material, that then is cloned then used to create a new animal using artificial insemination. Would only allow an animal to catch or have a pathogen that is already existing. It would not be bringing and new disease.

Do you have any evidence that his Hybrid Farm Animals had any such disease? Do you have any proof that his hybrid sheep had any chance of intermingling with wild sheep?

Furthermore the silly rule that he was hit for was the importation of animal parts. Not even a whole animal. Kind of like the attempt to ban mounts from Africa.
Don’t tar & feather me, but Tri does have a point in the above post. There are a lot of important issues in this country. Guess it might be a miracle, I agreed with him on something.
But as a hunter I see and understand the importance of the laws to protect our wildlife. So on that note, lets get rid of feral horses.
HAHA. I feel really icky now as well because I am agreeing with TRI as well...

I also feel that the CITES violation for importing parts of an animal is one of the worst rules around and should be ended. We have no idea if the DNA/Genetic Material obtained was legally obtained or not. I do know that people can legally hunt the sheep and as such this could all be the result of legal hunt.
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Game farms are legal in Montana?
HAHA. I did not say that, but I also disagree. I think game farms should be legal. I think Private property owners should have the right to use the land they own as they see fit.

The comment about the sheep being legal to hunt was meant to show that obtaining the genetic material did not mean a crime was committed. Only that bringing the material here was a crime.
I like that states like Wyoming do not allow game farms- I believe it is far too easy for animals to eventually get loose and potentially wreak havoc on the natural species and ecosystem. Look at Texas and Florida for examples of what happens when introduced species get into the wild.

And for that matter, look at horses and burros impacts on game. (Too bad we can't do something about that)
I like that states like Wyoming do not allow game farms- I believe it is far too easy for animals to eventually get loose and potentially wreak havoc on the natural species and ecosystem. Look at Texas and Florida for examples of what happens when introduced species get into the wild.

And for that matter, look at horses and burros impacts on game. (Too bad we can't do something about that)

Bingo! Elks96...just read above.
10 million illegal aliens crossing our border with narcotics, sex slaves, illegal weapons, tuberculosis, typhus, bedbugs, and measles. Yep. Just an "emotional topic"????? Maybe for some wealthy gubmint employee it's something for you to look down your nose at but for the rest of us po folks we have to live with your laziness.

I just wonder why one little sheep embryo is more important than tens of millions of people?

Because this is a hunting forum? And hunting is more relevant on a hunting forum than non-hunting issues.

I wonder if you did the taxidermy work on any of these illegal frankensheep that made its way to Texas illegally? Why are you so strongly trying to distract us from the OP's link?
Because this is a hunting forum? And hunting is more relevant on a hunting forum than non-hunting issues.

I wonder if you did the taxidermy work on any of these illegal frankensheep that made its way to Texas illegally? Why are you so strongly trying to distract us from the OP's link?
Because I am tired of watching my government pat themselves on the back for catching rinky-dink crimes while turning a blind eye to real problems.

There's an elephant in the room and they are proud of chasing dust bunnies.
Because I am tired of watching my government pat themselves on the back for catching rinky-dink crimes while turning a blind eye to real problems.

There's an elephant in the room and they are proud of chasing dust bunnies.
have you ever seen the armed raids on little family dairy's that want to sell raw milk? that'll get ya wound up
Ok smart guy. How would importing DNA and making a clone create a disease that would harm native sheep? I will wait for any peer reviewed science that shows that is an issue. I get the argument if he was importing live animals that could be carrying disease. But genetic material, that then is cloned then used to create a new animal using artificial insemination. Would only allow an animal to catch or have a pathogen that is already existing. It would not be bringing and new disease.

Do you have any evidence that his Hybrid Farm Animals had any such disease? Do you have any proof that his hybrid sheep had any chance of intermingling with wild sheep?

Furthermore the silly rule that he was hit for was the importation of animal parts. Not even a whole animal. Kind of like the attempt to ban mounts from Africa.
....are you sure they can't interbreed?
Who said it is? You?
I have no idea who said it. But actions speak louder than words and right now the federal government doesn't care about all of the illegal things crossing our southern border. If you need Anderson Cooper to tell you that then it must be nice living a thousand miles away from the problem the rest of America is living with.
I have no idea who said it. But actions speak louder than words and right now the federal government doesn't care about all of the illegal things crossing our southern border. If you need Anderson Cooper to tell you that then it must be nice living a thousand miles away from the problem the rest of America is living with.
You said it. And now you’re saying the federal govt doesn’t care about border crossings? Who’s telling you this? Where are you reading this? How are actions on something like a sheep embryo leading you to all these other assumptions about the govt?
This is one of tristate's most strenuous attempts to distract from a discussion on this forum in a long time.

Someone posts about a conviction for wildlife crimes that impact hunters on a hunting forum regarding the illegal importation and sale of an illegally cloned trophy species (with a connection to Texas) and he wants us to talk about illegal immigration and fentanyl here on the hunting forum instead. You ought to be asking yourself why he wants that. I doubt he'll ever fess up! But that stinky fish you're waiving around isn't doing much to cover your own stench, tri. Better luck next time.
This is one of tristate's most strenuous attempts to distract from a discussion on this forum in a long time.

Someone posts about a conviction for wildlife crimes that impact hunters on a hunting forum regarding the illegal importation and sale of an illegally cloned trophy species (with a connection to Texas) and he wants us to talk about illegal immigration and fentanyl here on the hunting forum instead. You ought to be asking yourself why he wants that. I doubt he'll ever fess up! But that stinky fish you're waiving around isn't doing much to cover your own stench, tri. Better luck next time.
I normally don’t read his posts unless there’s a dead animal pic. But with that said I have to agree with what you said based on the few posts I’ve read of his the last few years. He’s either giving up or running out of material because this is one of his weakest attempts yet….
I have no idea who said it. But actions speak louder than words and right now the federal government doesn't care about all of the illegal things crossing our southern border. If you need Anderson Cooper to tell you that then it must be nice living a thousand miles away from the problem the rest of America is living with.
Tri- I agree that the border crisis gets bunkum focus from the current admin, and then only as a reaction to outrage in the country. True, true, true.

But SS! and Vanilla are spot on- this thread has NOTHING to do with that. I normally don't call out hijacking threads (to each their own)- but this is a textbook example.
BTW- did anybody actually hunt the Montana Mountain King, or any of his prodigy? That would be an awesome add to the thread...
I love how this is now being labeled a hi-jacking or red herring.

Dr Moreau here smuggled something into the country. Millions every year are smuggling far worse things into this country every year and the feds do nothing. We are talking about illegal materials crossing borders. One is worse and ignored while the other pretty much effects no one and the geazer is going to get nailed.

If you don't like people pointing out the obvious bias by our judicial system don't post it here.
I love how this is now being labeled a hi-jacking or red herring.

Dr Moreau here smuggled something into the country. Millions every year are smuggling far worse things into this country every year and the feds do nothing. We are talking about illegal materials crossing borders. One is worse and ignored while the other pretty much effects no one and the geazer is going to get nailed.

If you don't like people pointing out the obvious bias by our judicial system don't post it here.
You’re so full of ****. Here’s one of example disproving everything you just cried about above:

yep they are doing nothing 😂
You’re so full of ****. Here’s one of example disproving everything you just cried about above:

yep they are doing nothing 😂
they still come down waaaaay harder on raw milk
You’re so full of ****. Here’s one of example disproving everything you just cried about above:

yep they are doing nothing 😂
Did you post a news article with convictions?

Fentanyl. Yes. That was a published number. And that's just one problem.

Nobody said it justified one damn thing.

What it shows is your governments screwed and destructive priorities.

As far as illegal canned hunting operations nobody got prosecuted for that in the article. Not really sure what part of your backside you pulled that question out of.

Good grief.

He plead guilty to two felonies, whether it was for hunting them on a canned hunt today or tomorrow it was still a crime. so that's irrelevant.

As far as your dumb Family Guy cutaway to the border crisis I don't even know what to say about that. maybe stick to your texican forums for that this is a hunting forum. maybe I should drift off on a diatribe about the government screwing up farm exports about now?

As far as fentanyl, I know this isn't going to sound very woke and some people may get the vapors over it, but eh, I don't care. there's places I'd like to put fentanyl vending machines. let the useless junkies get all they want to OD on and we'll haul them to the dump with all their blue tarps and stolen junk. works kind of like rat poison.
You said it. And now you’re saying the federal govt doesn’t care about border crossings? Who’s telling you this? Where are you reading this? How are actions on something like a sheep embryo leading you to all these other assumptions about the govt?
Oh....the feds care......they just love it at this point in history.....
Good grief.

He plead guilty to two felonies, whether it was for hunting them on a canned hunt today or tomorrow it was still a crime. so that's irrelevant.

As far as your dumb Family Guy cutaway to the border crisis I don't even know what to say about that. maybe stick to your texican forums for that this is a hunting forum. maybe I should drift off on a diatribe about the government screwing up farm exports about now?

As far as fentanyl, I know this isn't going to sound very woke and some people may get the vapors over it, but eh, I don't care. there's places I'd like to put fentanyl vending machines. let the useless junkies get all they want to OD on and we'll haul them to the dump with all their blue tarps and stolen junk. works kind of like rat poison.
Neither felony had anything to do with hunting. Not then not now not later.

You're off your rocker. Your last paragraph is a shameful testimony.
Good grief.

He plead guilty to two felonies, whether it was for hunting them on a canned hunt today or tomorrow it was still a crime. so that's irrelevant.

As far as your dumb Family Guy cutaway to the border crisis I don't even know what to say about that. maybe stick to your texican forums for that this is a hunting forum. maybe I should drift off on a diatribe about the government screwing up farm exports about now?

As far as fentanyl, I know this isn't going to sound very woke and some people may get the vapors over it, but eh, I don't care. there's places I'd like to put fentanyl vending machines. let the useless junkies get all they want to OD on and we'll haul them to the dump with all their blue tarps and stolen junk. works kind of like rat poison.

Good plan. Add alcohol vending machine on the res and thin that herd out to
Did you post a news article with convictions?

Do you want me to? Are you saying there isn’t any? You didn’t say you wanted a conviction. You said the Feds didn’t care. Why would they go this far if they didn’t care?
Do you want me to? Are you saying there isn’t any? You didn’t say you wanted a conviction. You said the Feds didn’t care. Why would they go this far if they didn’t care?
I just want you to show apples to apples.

Find out what percentage of Fentanyl they are actually stopping from coming over.
Neither felony had anything to do with hunting. Not then not now not later.

You're off your rocker. Your last paragraph is a shameful testimony.

If you don't like my idea maybe you want them? we'll send you all the junkies and you can let them fight it out with the illegals over who gets your stuff.

I say ban all high fence hunting and game ranching in all states, we finally did it after the last Brucellosis outbreak came from a game ranch. nothing good comes from buying or selling farmed big game native or non-native as far as I'm concerned.
If you don't like my idea maybe you want them? we'll send you all the junkies and you can let them fight it out with the illegals over who gets your stuff.

I say ban all high fence hunting and game ranching in all states, we finally did it after the last Brucellosis outbreak came from a game ranch. nothing good comes from buying or selling farmed big game native or non-native as far as I'm concerned.
But maybe high fence game ranches keep some of those jokers off the mountains.
Maybe, but I doubt it. most of your canned hunt crowd doesn't want to have to draw a tag or put out much effort. if they had any ambition or ability they wouldn't be high fence hunters.

The SCI boys want to know what they're going to shoot before they get off the couch.
I love when game farms turn the small govt repubs into raging liberals!! “Let’s make some more laws about what law abiding tax paying farmers can do on land they own and sell to other law abiding tax paying willing buyers.”
I love when game farms turn the small govt repubs into raging liberals!! “Let’s make some more laws about what law abiding tax paying farmers can do on land they own and sell to other law abiding tax paying willing buyers.”
I agree with that almost totally…..except that animals can and do escape….maybe a marco polo can’t cross with rmb…..I would like to know first….do you know?
It's not simply commerce. as I stated the final straw here was when a game farm with USFS around them lost a fence and some of their elk brought from everywhere got in with cattle and wild elk. brucellosis was detected in the private herd and it was spread to nearby cattle and elk . all the cattle were killed and as many wild elk in the area as possible were killed. they did contain it but the disaster could have been much worse. ranchers were rightfully upset and scared and pushed for the ban.

So this is the disease spectrum of the business. the subject of this thread is another. what if these clowns have various DNA from various species mingle with wild north American game? it's not worth the chance as far as I'm concerned.

If you can't make money like the other producers in your area then that's on you. you don't have the right to endanger their livelihoods or the wild animals in the area because you're either a chitty operator or have a get rich quick scheme.
I agree with that almost totally…..except that animals can and do escape….maybe a marco polo can’t cross with rmb…..I would like to know first….do you know?
Do you have any idea how many types of sheep including dozens of hybrids there are running around the US? Texas Dall, four horned, black ones, white ones, they’re like stray dogs all mixed together, this is nothing new. Keeping domestic sheep separated from wild sheep has and always will be the critical part. The pneumonia they carry will kill the bighorns off long before they get any chance to hybridize. That comes from keeping those garbage critters off public land. That is far far far different from outrage over what he does with his time and his private land.
Fentanyl. Yes. That was a published number. And that's just one problem.

Nobody said it justified one damn thing.

What it shows is your governments screwed and destructive priorities.

As far as illegal canned hunting operations nobody got prosecuted for that in the article. Not really sure what part of your backside you pulled that question out of.
I think shenanigans like this are a serious threat to our hunting heritage. The state and federal agencies involved here are not responsible or even authorized to deal with fentanyl, immigration, or any of these other problems. The are just doing the jobs that they were assigned and authorized to do. Do you really want our state and federal game wardens chasing after fentanyl pushers? I would prefer that they stay in their lanes and protect our wildlife and hunting heritage.
Yep. It's that bad.

Yep, that's the ticket. Let's have every game warden, every town cop, every Barney Fife, every forest ranger, every dog catcher, every meter maid, every city parks enforcement person chasing fentanyl. No other laws matter. It's all about one thing.

That Is Beyond Ludicrous. Other laws do matter. I don't want every idiot knowing they can break any law they want because of fentanyl.

BTW- I'm more than good with tripling the border patrol budget and building a wall. That makes sense. But having people who have ZERO to do with it, and ZERO ability to deal with it, suddenly focused on something they know NOTHING about? I cannot begin to state how far off the reservation that is.

Respectfully, of course...

Yep, that's the ticket. Let's have every game warden, every town cop, every Barney Fife, every forest ranger, every dog catcher, every meter maid, every city parks enforcement person chasing fentanyl. No other laws matter. It's all about one thing.

That Is Beyond Ludicrous. Other laws do matter. I don't want every idiot knowing they can break any law they want because of fentanyl.

BTW- I'm more than good with tripling the border patrol budget and building a wall. That makes sense. But having people who have ZERO to do with it, and ZERO ability to deal with it, suddenly focused on something they know NOTHING about? I cannot begin to state how far off the reservation that is.

Respectfully, of course...
I don't think you understand how government and money work. And somehow you have made the mistake this is only a fentanyl issue.

Or maybe you like speaking in hyperbole.

Do you even think this old man thought he was committing a crime? This wasn't a case of a highly intelligent game warden put together a complicated undercover strategy to nail the band guy. This was a team of lawyers trying to figure out if Dr. Moreau here had broken the law while he tried to loophole it.
Here’s some high fence hunting you can look forward to…….. most likely being researched by a tax payer grant.

So you are saying we need to release thousands of venomous snakes to protect the boarder. Heck, fill the river with venomous snakes and electrify the wall. 😎😎😎
I don't think you understand how government and money work. And somehow you have made the mistake this is only a fentanyl issue.

Or maybe you like speaking in hyperbole.

Do you even think this old man thought he was committing a crime? This wasn't a case of a highly intelligent game warden put together a complicated undercover strategy to nail the band guy. This was a team of lawyers trying to figure out if Dr. Moreau here had broken the law while he tried to loophole it.

forged veterinarian inspection certificates to transport the new hybrid sheep under false pretenses

So I'm gonna say yes, yes he knew what he was doing was illegal

He was counting on the high fence folks like in Texas to make him rich for doing so.

Yep, that's the ticket. Let's have every game warden, every town cop, every Barney Fife, every forest ranger, every dog catcher, every meter maid, every city parks enforcement person chasing fentanyl. No other laws matter. It's all about one thing.

That Is Beyond Ludicrous. Other laws do matter. I don't want every idiot knowing they can break any law they want because of fentanyl.

BTW- I'm more than good with tripling the border patrol budget and building a wall. That makes sense. But having people who have ZERO to do with it, and ZERO ability to deal with it, suddenly focused on something they know NOTHING about? I cannot begin to state how far off the reservation that is.

Respectfully, of course...

I agree.

Building a wall won't even be a blip on stopping fentanyl. It's not illegals that are transporting a vast majority of it across the border in backpacks.

Its being smuggled in vehicles, airplanes, ships, boats, etc.

Plus the other big dead elephant in the room that nobody wants to address is that with no demand for the chit to start with, nobody is smuggling it into the US.
This is suppose to be the hybrid sheep.
All these illegals coming over the border from every country on earth will eventually cross breed with citizens. They probably already have. The government doesn't care in the slightest. A human is a human and a sheep is a sheep. It would be a lot easier for B&C too. The biggest sheep in America come from Texas, and that seems appropriate. Get rid of this Grand Slam thing.
Americans are nothing more than mutts anyway there is no purity of the blood, the immigrants are the purebreds so I'm not sure they're going to do any harm there. der Fuhrer sort of led you astray on that one.

The reason to stop the illegals is we have too many people already. stop legal immigration too see if I care. maybe we can cut a deal with them, we'll give you TX as long as you don't come any farther.
Well 440!

Kinda Weird You've Changed Your TUDE About Them From Just A Few years Back!

Americans are nothing more than mutts anyway there is no purity of the blood, the immigrants are the purebreds so I'm not sure they're going to do any harm there. der Fuhrer sort of led you astray on that one.

The reason to stop the illegals is we have too many people already. stop legal immigration too see if I care. maybe we can cut a deal with them, we'll give you TX as long as you don't come any farther.
I know we have some native Americans on this site. I’m guessing they have some thoughts on immigration! What does Tri think about that?
Because I am tired of watching my government pat themselves on the back for catching rinky-dink crimes while turning a blind eye to real problems.

There's an elephant in the room and they are proud of chasing dust bunnies.
I agree with you that the government is selective on what they go after and they are the biggest offender of the law. It’s like the New York government employees who got busted for fraud a couple of days ago. 18 were arrested and that’s good, but what about members of congress who money launder and committed insider traded during covid. I’ll guarantee those 18 were the fall guys and someone at the top got away. But I don’t think we should be cloning sheep either. And the illegals coming across load em in a c130 fly them over shark ingested waters open the back door and kick them off into the pacific. They are criminals and I don’t give 2 Fuc#s what happens to them. They weren’t supposed to be here so I have no empathy.
I know we have some native Americans on this site. I’m guessing they have some thoughts on immigration! What does Tri think about that?
Even Native Americans immigrated here. It's just a matter of when one wants to start the clock.

It's like all the "locals" in SE Utah claiming they don't want outsiders moving in or that they get a bigger say than everybody else in land management because their family was there first.

I've yet to hear one of them cede to the Native Americans though. In fact, they've been found by courts many times of the exact opposite. The "locals" seem to start the clock at any date after sometime in the 1800s.

But even if we go back to Native Americans, they haven't been here forever either. It's all relative. We're all a product of immigration.
HAHA. I feel really icky now as well because I am agreeing with TRI as well...

I also feel that the CITES violation for importing parts of an animal is one of the worst rules around and should be ended. We have no idea if the DNA/Genetic Material obtained was legally obtained or not. I do know that people can legally hunt the sheep and as such this could all be the result of legal hunt.
I'm sure most everyone agrees with him. I think the point is that this is a hunting forum and we should probably stick to hunting.

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