His title is "The lefts dishonest war on guns!"

Well said..Bottom feeders won't get it...

Government doesn't fix anything and has spent trillions proving it!!!
Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday, even the calender says WTF!
Bla bla bla, they're gonnagetcha.

Yes there are those who would ban ALL guns, duh. how successful have they been? they run into the 2nd amendment and spin out, as with the last supreme court ruling.

If it were as simple as once they get the assult weapons banned single shots would be next how did we live once sawed off shotguns were made illegal? a foot in the door right? why did it stop? maybe I like to kill two birds with one shot and my rights have been infringed. whatever will I do? my my.

Count me as a hunter and gun collector who can live without Rambo guns. the attitude of the NRA and people on this forum has closed the deal for me. I have better things to do than suck up all the paranoid nonsense people who want guns I have no use for spew at me. I don't need a grenade launcher and I don't need a Rambo gun, period. nobody is trying to ban my guns and you can't prove they will or that they will ever succeed. I'll take my chances I don't scare that easy.

Let me guess, you're so much smarter you know better right? sure you do.

Stay thirsty my friends
I'll sure sleep better knowing there are on sawed off shotguns in America now.

440, I don't think the 2nd Amendment has anything to do with your own personal "special feelings" about what guns you like to collect.

No it doesn't, but the supreme court will decide which ones you can collect. I predict Rambo guns won't be amoung them when they take a case to decide upon.

My opinion is that's fine, so unlike you my feelings won't be hurt.

Stay thirsty my friends
>Bla bla bla, they're gonnagetcha.
>Yes there are those who would
>ban ALL guns, duh. how
>successful have they been? they
>run into the 2nd amendment
>and spin out, as with
>the last supreme court ruling.
>If it were as simple as
>once they get the assult
>weapons banned single shots would
>be next how did we
>live once sawed off shotguns
>were made illegal? a foot
>in the door right? why
>did it stop? maybe I
>like to kill two birds
>with one shot and my
>rights have been infringed. whatever
>will I do? my my.
>Count me as a hunter and
>gun collector who can live
>without Rambo guns. the attitude
>of the NRA and people
>on this forum has closed
>the deal for me. I
>have better things to do
>than suck up all the
>paranoid nonsense people who want
>guns I have no use
>for spew at me. I
>don't need a grenade launcher
>and I don't need a
>Rambo gun, period. nobody is
>trying to ban my guns
>and you can't prove they
>will or that they will
>ever succeed. I'll take my
>chances I don't scare that
>Let me guess, you're so much
>smarter you know better right?
>sure you do.
>Stay thirsty my friends

Blah Blah Blah. That is all anyone gets from you and
your couple of minions that cant see beyond your noses.
The man presents a well thought out litany of reasons
to defend our gun rights and you dismiss it with a blah
blah blah.

Here is your blah blah blah. I have mine so the heck
with you and yours. People don't need the kind of guns
"those guys" have, they only need my kind. Well people
don't need 440sixpack huge cars either but no one is trying
to legislate to ban them. Here you go. Blah Blah Blah
"cars dont kill people". Well neither to do the guns
that you are siding with the left to ban. People kill people!
If they didn't have a gun, they could make a bomb like the
OKC madman did, or they could get a can of gas and start
a fire.

You limit peoples rights to defend themselves to what "you"
deem as acceptable. Why cant you live and let live and
unite with your fellow hunters against the gun grabbers?
Oh yeah. You already said it. You like to argue. Carry on

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