How Long Have You Visited MM


Long Time Member
I was just wondering whos been visiting Monster Muleys Forum the longest. I've been here since 1999, but dont come around as much as I uesd to. I remeber when it was just one forum with no more than 50 subjects.

Seeya, Jake H
Seems like it was 98 or 99 when I first started checking it out. I was going to school at USU and spent a lot time at the computer labs doing homework;) Had a couple of different handles back then, but still complained about the same stuff:)

This place is one of a kind. I can't imagine life without Monster Muleys! Talk about some cheap entertainment!

Thanks Brian!!!



I'd have to say I go back to 98 or 99 when there was only one forum, I remember the big deal it was when it switched to two forums. It's a great site. I did the hunting report for Washington when there were hunting reports on each state.
Its been a few years for me too , have had to change names a time or two for log in reasons . NMHUNTNUTT , HUNTFEVER NOW NMHUNTNUTT1...
Its by far the best site I've ever been apart of , I wished we could still have that chat room , we could talk to different girls , they'ed tell me everything I wanted to hear , and oh the way they ....oooppss , wrong chat room , I mean the one , well ya'll remember...Larry
I've been here since the site opened pretty much. Too many years to remember.

LAST EDITED ON Jan-26-06 AT 10:19PM (MST)[p]JACKASS!!!


THE ONLY bobcat!!!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-26-06 AT 10:27PM (MST)[p]Summer of 05' I work with eelgrass he got me hooked

I think it was 98 in the computer labs at USU with Prism. I didn't post for a while and then started to again.....even though It shows a whopping 23 posts!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-26-06 AT 10:55PM (MST)[p]I think it was late '99. Or early 2000. It had to have been late '99. I'll go away for a 3-6 months and then I resurface....hard to believe that this place was responsible for my addiction to horn-porn dagnabit! To think I was once a happy meat hunter.
I think I started back around 2002 or 03. Boy have I learned a great deal on this site. And the comedy is hard to beat. fatrooster.
For me it would be early 2000 when I bought my "home computer" and didn't have to have eyes in the back of my head at work looking on the internet.


You are working with some bad company there, he will lead you down the wrong trail. LOL

That's pretty cool that some of you guys have been around as long as I have.

Brian Latturner
Well, 1286 post would equal about 4 1/2 years @ being on about 300 days each year...... So I've been around for quite some time.
Been round since mid-2000 (I think). Don't post real often but look in nearly every day. Have learned alot and hopefully helped a few newbies along the way. Best site I've seen.

Phantom Hunter
Late spring to early summer of 2000.

I would hate to think of life with out MM. I would have to hunt more or something. Work would not be the same without my break visits to MM.
Brian, do you have any way to tell how long we have been on this site?. I have been on here atleast 5 years but not sure exactly when I started.
I didnt join as a member until 2001 or 2002? I visited the site for a long time prior to that.


Later, Brandon
I'm thinking '99 or 2000. Honestly I don't know, but have enjoyed the years. Brian may have some sort of record of registering. It would be interesting to know who was involved from the inception. I have watched a bunch of folks leave because of, well...misunderstandings.
Hard to remember, I think around 2001 or 2002, I know it was after moving back to Colorado, so it had to be after 2000.
" Man who excels at putting worm on hook is Master Baiter"
I'm not sure but I'm thinking I've been registered since around 02' sometime? It sure helps break up the monotony here at work! I'd be bored stiff without it. :)

I've been around since 99 or 98 I can't remember.I've been on here before Cass came on and those were some funny times..Devlin
LAST EDITED ON Jan-27-06 AT 09:57AM (MST)[p]

BuraNut has over 5,000 posts. Looks like I just hit the 4 GRAND mark.

Been hear as a reader since summer 2002 when I changed jobs (do all my MM time at work on breaks). Posted every once in a while on the Public forum (where you did not have to register...was concerned about registering because I did not know if there was some way my employer would find out). Registered when the Public Forum was nuked.

Great help here just be cool and stick to the rules!
(sometimes some still get their feeling hurt.
trying to think, it would have to be late 2000, early 2001. Really on it when i was at school the last couple of years, and now that i am out of college, im on it no stop i think...haha. Dont post alot, but i love this place!!!

2002 for me. Thats the year I shot a huge coues deer and someone posted it on the coues site. I check out this site just about every day. Never fails to inform and entertain me. Thanks to everyone that posts!!!

Fall 2000 was when I found the site. I remember because it was right after I got married. Haven't posted a ton, but if a shrink knew how many times a day I check the site he would probably put me on some very strong meds.

Has to be since '99 or 2000 for me. Can't remember for sure. I sometimes I won't check in for weeks or months then when i do I'm hooked for months again and have to check in everyday.


BTW, what happened to Bura, PW, and the rest of the old regulars?
Found the site in August of 2002.
September of 2002 was my first post.
The rest is history.

Came to the site looking for help. Allen (Bura) and coues (old member) were gracious enough to help me out when other sites didn't. I made a vow to help others from that point on and do whenever given the chance.

"I Love Animals...They're Delicious!"
Jack H...did you work at the Wells Fargo Building in SLC back a few years ago?
LAST EDITED ON Jan-27-06 AT 02:13PM (MST)[p]I'll have to ask Al Gore when he invented the internet, because I've been watching the site that long.

Started posting under this ID in 2001. This site and the Jim Rome show give me some good laughs every day.(cue the laugh) ha ha ha HA ha, rack me, I'm out.

Too damn long I know that. Look how much money this cost the boss. How about time? Well there is some time I will never recover.

I vowed to make April 28, 2006 my last day. Lets see how I do.
I think it was in 1998 sometime but like Kingfish (who has been around as long as me), I cant remember for sure. It was real small back then and I was looking for desert muley info............. Thanks, Allen Taylor......
Hey ktc, why April 28th? That's my b-day ya know!!! :)

For me, I must've got on board in 2002 or so. I know I watched a lot before signing up, now I check in almost every day.

"I vowed to make April 28, 2006 my last day. Lets see how I do."

ktc, did you mean you're quiting your job or MM. I'm sure you meant your job, right? :) Nobody wants to hang out in the office without messing around on MM now and then, do they?

It was sometime in 2000 I believe. I don't post a lot but I think I check this site out anout every day to see what is going on.

LAST EDITED ON Jan-27-06 AT 03:40PM (MST)[p]No, I was talking MM.

You see, I have some 1200+ posts. The only thing I have done in that time is learn to type and piss people off. I figured I need to drop a bad habit every year and it was between MM and chewing. I figugured MM would be easier.;-)

I picked the 28th of April because I have bilked this crew for all the information I need. My elk hunt will be done this year.;-) Also, I cannot stand the thoughts, after all of my elk age/permit ramblings, of having to show my face around here with a 320 bull. I hate the thoughts of even having to tell you guys I drew out.;-) I am kind of shy.

I suck at quitting bad habits. So, I probably won't go anywhere. I am going to try though.;-)

To ansdwer the thread question, I got hurt in January of 2001. My wife made me a bed in the family room with a computer bedside. The rest is history. I got addicted then.
>AT 03:40?PM (MST)

>I picked the 28th of April
>because I have bilked this
>crew for all the information
>I need. My elk hunt
>will be done this year.;-)

I feel so USED!!! :)

I wish I could go back and see what date people first started using the forums. I have a hard time remembering when I changed over to this forum software.
For a while, I had a different type of forum.

Brian Latturner
Brian, when did the software start dating PM's ?
I ask since a bunch of my PM's all start the same date.
Just trying to figure an answer out to this question.








I have been here since the begining and remember some of the old guys like Rooster, Cowboye, and moondog, I think gator has been here forever also. When I first logged on my user name was Snott Dripper, it was for some reason offensive to some.I think Predator has been around for quite a while also.
I can't remember??????????
I have to credit MM with teaching me to use a computer! (a work still in progress) posting pics etc...
I have enjoyed sharing photos and watching the fireworks.
We have some real colorful players here.
I miss some of the old combatants.
I don't see Buckspy here much anymore, he used to have some great debates with the likes of Maniac and the Coues hunters.
I used to love the OldOregon vs. Cass wrassling matches too.
The offseason is pretty exciting too!
This place feels like home.
It was quite a long time ago.....sometime in early 99? I do remember a lot of the "originals" who used to post quite a bit on the old board....Lv2hnt, Cedar, Strider, Canyonwell, gator, Pdub, Bura and all the others. Good times then.

BOHNTR )))---------->
Bura, Where ya been?. I hope you had a great hunting season. Do you ever hear from Pdub?. I haven't heard from Canyonwell for months.
Its been in my "favorites" file for at least 5 years. This site is better than any magazine subscription that I currently or previously receive.Keep up the good work boys.
Hmmm.... Not entirely too sure but I think I've been here since '01 or '02. It's deffinately been a good time and I look forward to more!

Michael~All Gods creatures welcome... right next to the mashed potatoes and gravy.
Mid 99 I believe, It kind of fun seeing some of the guys I remember coming on then,Now they are oldtimers LOL,Sure miss old Scotty too Hottie, I think I was around 1000 post before the change, Started over from scratch, If you ever get bored the post by Rich(one of the longest) was priceless.
Kingfish you were here when I first started, then there was Cactus, he always had great pics and insights of his trips out west, I miss many of the old timers, this site has been great though, I've met lots of great people, I owe Lowedog a big one. It's an addicting place that's for sure, I'm glad to see I'm not the only one with this illness or addiction,lol.
There's those too who've come and past on--Blue Elk over in the muzzleloader forum comes to mind. RIP.

And there was Maniac with his "Guess this Rack" contest...Didn't he sell the Rainbow's End Inn?
how long have I been on here with this screen name or one of my other dozen aliases? LOL Not as long as any of you guys,but to some way to long.:RIMROCK
Started watching the site early 04. Started posting Late 04. Love this site. Check it every day. 1shot.
I believe I found MM in 2000. Don't think I got my nerve up to actually sign up until 2001. Believe it was the likes of Strider and his antishedhunting banter that made me log in. I'm one of those that keeps quiet and doesn't post much. ;)
Wasn't it Cowboye that wrote the stories? That guy has some great talent for writing! I miss those.

Oh I would guess 3 to 4 months. Glad I did cause it keeps my sanity till Hunting seasons start again.
Yeah Bura. Even though I rarely post, I remember when you started.
It was small back then with regulars like Kingfish,Forthewall,Coyote,Venado, etc. alot of fun and many interesting stories and good info.
I have been around since King Fish and the others , King you and I use to talk and if you still live where you where back in 2000 I think then where close to one another. this site is great I don't post much but like so many others read it almost everyday. thanks to all on the site and the ones that bring it to us.
Boy this post blew up quick, Good to see some of the old names, I always wondered where some of the long time posters went to.

MM Member since 1999. Jake H
I've probably been visiting the site since spring '04 and posting since the summer '04. I don't post a whole lot, but do enjoy the site.

Moondog: I remember, you, Ghost and a couple others helped me out and it sure has grown since then..... Allen Taylor......
Ever since my daughter dragged me kicking and screaming into the computer age. Mid 2004 I started here. Thanks to everyone for all the advise and for making me feel welcome. Especially Kilowatt. This feels like home.

98-99, around the time Scott changed to the potato whisperer, just dont post much.
I started using this version of forum software in Sept. 2002 I believe. I don't have any old copies of files from prior to that. I wish now that I would have saved some of it.

PS - Rooster was around bac then. He shared some exciting stories.

Brian Latturner
That old system you had, when you logged on there was the option of "saving login" or something like that. When I logged off and came back in later, no need to use your login name and password.
But this new system you have, you still have to go through the same old routine again and again when you leave and come back on.
Liked the old system but then that opens up a lot of things that we all liked before too.

I got here in Jan of 2000. I remember because it was when I started my first ever job behind a desk.
I don't have that problem. I haven't actually had to sign in for a coupld months atleast. It automatically remembers me each time I log in.... ???

Michael~All Gods creatures welcome... right next to the mashed potatoes and gravy.
>Wasn't it Cowboye that wrote the
>stories? That guy has
>some great talent for writing!
> I miss those.

it was cowboy (without the e on the end)


Later, Brandon
All I know, is I still have my MM Shirt with the Red Letters going across the front of it Saying That I got back in 98 when I sent in my Mule deer story to brian.

I came over in 98, I think. Founder posted a link on huntinfo (talk about a site that died). There weren't many people around back then, but it has been interesting seeing the posts and topics evolve.
Geez, Ridgerunner your gonna have them thinking you gum your food and your women! I was new in 2005, you can probably tell because because I'm a little more post happy than the old-timers who've seen it all...........
I have been around since the summer of 2000. I have always checked in on the forums at least 4-5 times a week. I don't post very much but I learn alot from just keeping quiet and reading.
I think since late 2002 or early 2003. Just can't remember. Good site, interesting personalities.
June of 05. Best forums out there. Hoping I can meet some of the Idaho MM members at the sportsmans show in Boise.
Sometime in 99. Thousands of posts read and back then many hours of the live chat. Brian if im correct the chat came in late 99 or 2000. Thats great someone brought up the Rich trip story..still my favorate.
Lurking around since before Canyonwell got married, before Scott G. became a potato whisperer, Bura became an entrepreneur, before Coach quit coaching football and shot that skunk upwind of the truck, before predator killed a bull moose or an oryx, when founder was posting all those pics of muleys his old man laid low in days gone by...all this and I still haven't even been on an elk or muley hunt! I am on here so much, I feel like I know most of you, but post little enough that there aren't very many that know me. Odd dichotomy.
I guess I go back to 99 or 2000 when I first got internet.
It has to be 98 or 99 for me and I really miss the old timers on here PW, canyonwell and the humor about Cass. I come on every day at work. I don't post much as I'm not on the same level as some of you. Particularly Youngbuck
I think I joined in 2002. I have been addicted since and check the forums at least a couple times a week.....Fun Website with lots of information.
HOOSIERDADDY, That skunk story Coach told was awesome. I LMAO!!!. I sure wish we could get some of the old timers back to mix with the new fellers...Good times!!!
I've been on here since 2001 I think, never looked back. I probably check this site at least 5 times a day!!.

If any one can figure out how long or short it has been for me let me know. This place is like a bad habit. And if it is bad for me I like it!! bout 3 yrs + -
The old stories between the "HoundDoggers" were the best I had read in a long time. They just sort of disappeared into the woods.

I started out here in '99 - got real active and posted a lot early on then I changed jobs, moved out of state and didn't post for a while. I really started back up again in '04 and '05 but my number of posts were reset to zero and I had to start all over again. I don't say much but when I do I am usually riled up over something. I have always been ROY - the one and only.
Yeah, I actually was on the phone with canyonwell and he told it to me before I had a chance to read it and I blew lemonade out my nose I laughed so hard. Steve is so dry and laid back, it was perfect for the mental image to paint that cloud blowing toward the truck and both of them realizing it a second too late... I talked to Steve a few months ago and he's doing pretty good.
If memory serves me right (which is rare)it was 1998. i submitted a story about a 4x4 I had whacked. What a rush to see the nice comments I recieved. i was instantly hooked.

I have made some great contacts, and have even met a few gys I'd consider friends. Thanks brian for the opportunityu to soak up a crapload of info......


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