How many years you been hunting? - Goodie Giveaway


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How many years you been hunting? - Goodie Giveaway

Here's an easy one for you to get involved in. How many years have you been hunting? Answer that and you'll be entered to win. We'll draw a winner in about 10 days.

All who answer will be entered into a drawing to WIN a Six Spice Rub Pack from our giveaway sponsor, Dog Day Spice Rub. They offer some great tasting spice rubs that are sure to make your meats especially tasty. Each rub is a unique blend of spices tailored to add explosive flavors to your meats.

So share your two bits, then take a moment to visit our giveaway sponsor, Dog Day Spice Rub, and see what they have to offer and maybe order a package and give it a try. We all know that not all of our venison is great tasting, some of it could use just a little help. Try it out folks!
We'll draw a winner in about a week.

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Brian Latturner
Will you LIKE on Facebook! I need a friend....
I have a picture of a rabbit and myself that I shot wit a .22 at 5 so this year will be 51 years of hunting. No big game animal until I was 14 years old when I killed a whitetail doe.
Got my first BB gun at age 4, and have been chasing critters, small and large for the last 59 years. I guess that makes me old. I still try to keep up with hunting buddies, who are in their mid thirties. For some reason, practice is not improving my performance.
Shot my first rabbit in December of 1977, my freshman year in high school. Been hunt'n ever since. 37 years and still going strong.
41 years with license/since twelve years old. However, had a BB gun in hand for probably seven years before that. Had to wear out several of them in my early years.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-06-14 AT 09:42PM (MST)[p]Wow some of you guys are really old. ! :) ha ha. Well for me let say 45 years. I did my first shot gun turkey shoot at the gun range when I was five.
I've been hunting critters with a bow and arrow for about 40 years now......still as exciting as the first time I cast an arrow.

BOHNTR )))---------->
Well had think back a long time but I got my first rifle, a BB rifle at 7 years old. Got my first 22 when I was 12 but started going hunting with my grandfather and uncle when I was 10 carrying an old Winchester 30-30.

So guess if the BB gun counts, I know the birds, squirrels, and yes, flies on the side of buildings all caught hell. So I have been pulling the trigger for the last 65+ years.

I have been writing short stories about my life and here is a couple of paragraphs from the Hunting Fool chapter. The whole chapter is ever so long, and it's been a long fun road of experiences.

Huntin? Fool
A.Lynn Breinholt


The year was 1950, or at least plus or minus a year, and I was old enough for a BB gun. This is my first recollection of hunting. It was an exciting time because for the last year my cousin Robert and I had been using his Red Ryder BB gun to shoot ?spugs? and needless to say since it was his gun he got to do most of the shooting and now it was my birthday and my turn to get a gun. Now those of you who don't know what a spug is, are certainly not my age or at least never owned a BB gun and lived in the country. It is an English sparrow and due to my relentless pursuing that poor animal, it is now nearly extinct (The truth is that starlings have taken its place). Anyway, Robert and I used to go to my Uncles corral which had a straw roof and there we would find the spugs. (I need to expand this scene for you youngsters.) During those years and back, way back, your grandfather, my uncle, and others constructed the roof of a corral by spacing small tree limbs across wooden poles and when they had enough wood to hold the straw up, would fill in by placing about one to two feet of loose straw. The spugs would burrow in the underside of the straw roof and build nests by the hundreds and we would wait until they flew to the fence and try to plug them with the BB guns.

Now, back to my birthday, Dad brought out my birthday present (my new gun) and to my surprise it was a pump, not a cool Red Rider lever action gun like Gene Autry, cowboys, and my Dad used, but ?an old pump?. Actually it wasn?t even a pump because you only cocked it once. I was disappointed and in my little selfish way told my parents. Dad didn't get excited over my tantrum; he just went on to say this was the newest thing out and it had more power and shot straighter than the Red Rider. Well I wasn?t convinced, but if there was any chance to outshoot Robert, I was willing to take it, because to this point he had shot circles around me. We got stationed at the corrals, me with my pump and him with his Cool Red Rider. I knew it!! - my gun was no good because he could still outshoot me! I talked him into trading guns for the day and he was outshooting me with my own gun - - how deflating. Anyway, I found that the gun was more powerful, shot straighter, and Dad had been right all along, as has been the case over the years.


Then came the robin incident. Early one spring at my grandparent's house there was one tree clear full of the first robins back from the warm south to be met by myself and my cousin(s), the huntn? fools, with our BB guns. I don't really remember who was all there. I was there with others shooting those poor robins. We then took the breasts, made a fire, and proceeded to cook them on a stick down by the river. I guess we did not get them cooked enough. We got diarrhea from eating them and then got spanked for shooting them. This was one good lesson for me
My first rabbit hunt was at 4 and my first elk hunt was at 8. I am 42 now so simple math puts me hunting for 38 years. However, it seems like multiple years between the time put in and the time the states tell me no. The more points I have the longer for the draw results seem to take so....I think we could put about 60 years or 420 dog years.
For me I got a 22 at age 8, 40 years ago. I got it taken away a week later when I showed up at the back door with a duck I had shot. My parents were non hunters and had no idea what I was doing. I went through 4 bricks in that first week. All of my shots were at flying ducks. When they saw the warning on the box that a 22 could go a mile and a half they went and bought me a bb gun.

45 years

47 years and still can't get enough of it. Life would be awfully boring without it. Just wish my body's condition kept up with my mind's enthusiasm!
Started in 1956 and killed my first deer in the Adirondacks of NY state in 1959. So I guess that's about 58 years, give or take a month or two. Since then, I've hunted in 32 states, 9 Canadian provinces, Africa, New Zealand and Mexico.


How To Hunt Coues Deer
I have been big game hunting myself for 19 years. I've been shooting small game for 23 (or more) and had a BB gun at age 8 to start shootin "tweetie birds"...

Prior to that, I was always present on my dad's and other family deer hunts since I was born...

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
LAST EDITED ON Jul-07-14 AT 08:24AM (MST)[p]If you count the sparrows with the neighbor's BB gun, it's been 64 years. Rabbits with dad's .22, 61 years. Deer with dad's 30-30 or .308 or .30-06, 57 years. Deer with my soon-to-be-father-in-law's bow, 49 years. Deer and elk with MY OWN British .303, 46 years. All game with MY OWN Colt Huntmaster recurve (Yes, Colt made bows at one time.), 43 years.
What a bunch of old farts on this site!! Maybe a better question would be how many of you guys use a walker when you hunt!! ;)

54 years....
I didn't know the let you use the computer in an old folks home... lol I was starting to feel old but now I feel very young again!

I've been at it for almost 20 years.
I think I started hunting something or other as soon as I could walk and have been going ever since. If we are counting with a bb gun or old recurve bow about 28 years.
Started chasing ruffed grouse when I was 7 with a bolt action .410 so that puts me at 29 years I have been hunting. Crap that seems like a long time, hope I can go at least another 29 years! The day I stop hunting is the day I am fertilizing the plants for the next generation of animals.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"

Let me guess, you drive a 1 ton with oak trees for smoke stacks, 12" lift kit and 40" tires to pull a single place lawn mower trailer?
From age 12 - 18 it was every year. 6 years.

From 18 - 22 I think I only got to go a couple times. 2 years.

Then I had a big layoff after graduating college and living in Texas. Started hunting big game again in 2007. 7 years.

Total years that I have hunted = 15 years.
I was pushing the deer out of willows and russian Olive trees for my dad and uncles when I was 5 0r 6. I still rember jumping a big 5x5 muley up that held tight in the brush till I was within 5 yards of him only to run right to my uncle that droped him with one shot.

Awesome times in the field, Ive been at it for 25 years but got my first big game tag when I was 14, that was 16 years ago and I killed a nice 5 point bull.

Jake H. BIG BONE HUNTING Page on Facebook.
This fall will make 29 years and I get more excited as the years go by, especially with 4 boys and the oldest getting ready to get his hunters safety.
46 for big game (Muleys)add 4 for pheasants - rabbits etc. so 50 years I guess. Jeezus that hurts.
40 if you count the BB gun/fiberglass recurve bow, and slingshot years! 35 with a rifle, 20 with a compound bow, only 3 with Black powder
I thought I was old until I read this thread. After a little math I see that I've been hunting for around 20 years if I include my Daisy pellet gun that I started out with.
I'm 61. Passed hunter safety and started bird hunting when I was 6. 55 years. Shot my first buck at age 12 on opening day. Monster fork!

And still love mule deer more than ever.
Hunter safety wasn't even invented in Utah when I started purchasing a license. 58 years without a break from hunting.
My Momma had a rough pregnancy.

The gun I was packing in her womb made things tough for her.

That was (58) years ago.

Been on the hunt ever since.

It's a MONSTER MULEY QUEST for me now.

I'm surprised at how many old fossils their are following this forum!
Most of us remember the good and the bad of the "good old days".
I myself prefer the here and now.

I've been toting a weapon for 59 years, but I hope to continue for a another decade or two.
FYI......I always thought that CA & PA were the states to start the Hunter Safety Course, but I just searched and found out I was wrong.
California started the Hunter Safety Course on January 1, 1954 and PA did not start till 1959.
My dad told me if I wanted a .22 rifle I had to take the course and so I did in the summer of 1954 when I was 12 years old. That was 60 years ago that I have been licensed except the time I spent in Army and overseas working.

I must be the youngest in the forum, I only have 7 years hunting big game. but have shot squirrels and birds since i was around 12-13

Started rabbit hunting 55 years ago, deer hunting 52 years ago, bowhunting 33 years ago ...


"Every man dies --- not every man really lives."
I've been licensed for 47+ years... if my math is semi-correct.
Actually hunting for even longer than that.

Wow, we're a bunch of cranky old men with a few exceptions.

I have been a hunter for 35 out of the 40 years that I have been alive, and I hope to continue to hunt for the next 40 or so years!


Browning A-Bolt 300 Win Mag
Bowtech Destroyer
Winchester Apex .50 Cal
Roughly 16 years now...I have a long way to go before I have to give it up. I hope to get everything on my list done before then.
This will be my 48th year....hope I can do this another 8 years .....we are packing in 6 miles for a archery mule dear this year getting exited for it to be hear.
im surprised to see the age of the guys posting. not what i would have thought the average age of the posters on here were.. not that your old, just thought the younger crowed would prevail as the big posters.

Been hunting for 20 years. Have to thank my father for teaching me about hunting/ethics and the outdoors from very early in life!
I'm 60 years old now but i well remember the first time that i shot my Dad's rifle. I could not find the target thru the scope. It was about 51 year ago, an evening hunt, and Dad said go ahead so i grabbed his rifle and slid off the old bench seat onto the ground sitting with my feet over the edge of the bladed Ranch road. Then HE was there, the cross hairs found him, started to settle a bit, and God himself must have pulled the trigger because it scared the daylights from me when the gun went off.

Dad set the rifle aside and heaved me up sky high and caught me on the way down. I had just taken my first buck. A buck that i spotted by myself and though i'd been through that country many times, had never seen before. He turned out to be the best buck taken on the Ranch that year.

I had hunted much earlier. Small stuff mostly but from the beginning, as with most of you, worked tirelessly on my marksmanship skills. All that practice, all those birds, mice, and dragon flies killed with the BB gun or 22, i never dreampt that it would be both the end and the beginning of something special, with that first shot thru Dad's Rifle about 51 years ago.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"

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