How will Trump testing positive for Covid effect the election?


Active Member
Fox news just announce both the president and first lady have tested positive for Covid 19. How do you think this will affect the election.
I wonder if the rally supporters he spread his virus too are excited to have received something special from him?

Come on!!! He’s been begging for it. Pushing his luck. Play with fire and you’re going to get burned. He got burned!

I feel really bad for his wife, as I’m sure she would’ve been wearing a mask if not forced to make a political statement.
I truly do wish him well. It can be hell on certain people but I hope they get mild cases.
It will now be hard for the closet racist sleepy Joe to bad mouth Trump now as it will be taken in bad taste by the voters and Trump will win more votes.
I wonder if the rally supporters he spread his virus too are excited to have received something special from him?

Come on!!! He’s been begging for it. Pushing his luck. Play with fire and you’re going to get burned. He got burned!

I feel really bad for his wife, as I’m sure she would’ve been wearing a mask if not forced to make a political statement.

When biden wins, I'll be sure to thank you for things we lose...
I wonder if the rally supporters he spread his virus too are excited to have received something special from him?

Come on!!! He’s been begging for it. Pushing his luck. Play with fire and you’re going to get burned. He got burned!

I feel really bad for his wife, as I’m sure she would’ve been wearing a mask if not forced to make a

So to be clear, you are sure he caught it because he didn't wear a mask. I'm not sure if you understand the point of the mask. As democrats say follow the science.
So to be clear, you are sure he caught it because he didn't wear a mask. I'm not sure if you understand the point of the mask. As democrats say follow the science.

Shhhhh. Founder wore a mask the whole time he was hunting in Wyoming. Those thermals blow up hill from time to time.

And. We get yet another reminder of the derangement the left suffers from.
If he shakes this off with mild symptoms, wait for him to REALLY come out against the lockdowners.

If it kicks his azz, Joe wins. Butt, lets be realistic about the job. The odds of the Prez being exposed are very high.

I wonder what just happened to the Vegas election odds.......
"Trump so desperate to win reelection he tried to infect Joe Biden. Anonymous sources familiar with the matter tell us the President has been positive for days and decided infecting Biden was his only chance at reelection"

Just calling my shot before NY Times goes to print
They are both going to blame the other if Joe gets it.

Trump will make a fortune off his super very powerful antivenom.
Larrbo with the win!

I wish I could say I was surprised to see someone so full of hate that they are happy Trump caught the virus......

The society we’ve become isn’t worthy of the happy easy lives we live. I have seen so much hate lately on Social media and forums since the virus and the election I shouldn’t be shocked to see it here. But I am....

Founder I PMd you once not too far back that I wanted a post I made about a member that almost NOBODY here cares for and MANY here have said worse things than my comment, and I asked you to remove it, which you did. There is accountability for the things we post here, you above everyone here should understand that.....disgusting!

This site is a joke! Founder and his minions happily go around deleting posts that they don’t like but can say anything they want. Of course I understand that Founder owns this site and can do what he wants but it shows the true colors when the guy who supposedly wants peaceful discussions makes such disgusting comments. I despise Nancy Pelosi but I wouldn’t wish her to get COVID-19.
Would a mask kept him from getting it, I guess we wouldn't ever know, NOW his wife has it too. Sad deal.
I wouldn't wish it on my worse enemy.
That the problem with the haters they can say hateful thing to others BUT dang if someone else says a hateful thing against them that is ok???????????????
You Boys need to look at both sides of that coin.
Don't be holding the door to that hotter then Hell place, because it could be you that has to walk thru it.
We all we have take that walk sooner or later its either toward a white light or the Red light just be sure it to the white one.
Would a mask kept him from getting it, I guess we wouldn't ever know, NOW his wife has it too. Sad deal.
I wouldn't wish it on my worse enemy.
That’s the real shame. I believe she was probably trying to keep herself and her son safe, but likely fell to the pressure of his belief masks are dumb and a waste. Now she’s sick and probably others who don’t share his silly opinion on masks.
But it’s happening all over our country. People keep getting sick for being stupid and others suffer from unemployment because we can’t get a handle on the problem.
That the problem with the haters they can say hateful thing to others BUT dang if someone else says a hateful thing against them that is ok???????????????
You Boys need to look at both sides of that coin.
Don't be holding the door to that hotter then Hell place, because it could be you that has to walk thru it.
We all we have take that walk sooner or later its either toward a white light or the Red light just be sure it to the white one.
Broke Back Mountain Starring Buzz & Founder ?

Didn't Trump say those things?

That hydroxychloroquine was the way to combat covid? I can assure you, that's exactly what he said and did in fact take it himself.' Need to see the video?

He also said internally injecting bleach would be "almost like an internal cleaning". Need to see that video too?

Oh, but I'm the monster for pointing out the facts...I cant help it if the facts upset you.
That the problem with the haters they can say hateful thing to others BUT dang if someone else says a hateful thing against them that is ok???????????????
You Boys need to look at both sides of that coin.
Don't be holding the door to that hotter then Hell place, because it could be you that has to walk thru it.
We all we have take that walk sooner or later its either toward a white light or the Red light just be sure it to the white one.
Good point Gator! The president has been promoting irresponsible behavior from the beginning! finally caught up with him and now probably many innocent friends and family members! Why are people surprised and upset? The president claimed the virus really isn't that harmful! So, what's the big deal? If others die, (as long as it's not him) it's all worth it right?
Everyone don’t let Founder BS you he’s a true far right Conservative , he needs all of us and a few a holes for his website business. ?
My wife had a good point, Trump isn't good with honesty, so maybe he's just fine and just saying he has the virus to get out of having to debate Biden again.
I wonder if the rally supporters he spread his virus too are excited to have received something special from him?

Come on!!! He’s been begging for it. Pushing his luck. Play with fire and you’re going to get burned. He got burned!

I feel really bad for his wife, as I’m sure she would’ve been wearing a mask if not forced to make a political statement.

Do you really think he caught it or spread it from a rally? I'll give you the answer no. He hasn't come close enough to a regular citizen to catch it in months. He is probably the most tested individual on earth. The man is the proverbial "bubble boy."

What we should learn from this is this whole thing is it is a charade at this point. The science regarding masks is questionable at best. If you can still smell with a mask on, it isn't doing anything. If the president genuinely got it from being out and about then there is a lot those in charge are neglecting to tell us.

Lastly, not to spread internet fairy tales or rumors, but doesn't it seem odd that right after the debate he gets it. I mean think about all we know about that deep state at this point. Is really a huge stretch that someone could have pulled some funny business?
For Trump haters


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My wife had a good point, Trump isn't good with honesty, so maybe he's just fine and just saying he has the virus to get out of having to debate Biden again.

I always find it funny that folks that dislike Trump say he lies. Very rarely do I get to hear what he so frequently lies about, mind giving a few examples (facts please not opinion)?

Biden on the other hand... Just from the debate saying he didn't support the green new deal yet, says he does on his website. The lies regarding his sons dealings in China/Ukraine, senate investigation. How about not answering questions regarding about court packing, by omission that is a lie. Logan act and Michel Flynn, Mueller investigation. Antifa isn't an organization just an idea.
I could go on but think I've made my point.
Do you really think he caught it or spread it from a rally? I'll give you the answer no. He hasn't come close enough to a regular citizen to catch it in months. He is probably the most tested individual on earth. The man is the proverbial "bubble boy."

What we should learn from this is this whole thing is it is a charade at this point. The science regarding masks is questionable at best. If you can still smell with a mask on, it isn't doing anything. If the president genuinely got it from being out and about then there is a lot those in charge are neglecting to tell us.

Lastly, not to spread internet fairy tales or rumors, but doesn't it seem odd that right after the debate he gets it. I mean think about all we know about that deep state at this point. Is really a huge stretch that someone could have pulled some funny business?
I'm surprised it's taken this long to begin blaming the "deep state", or Biden, or Pelosi, or masks for Trump getting the virus. No surprise. Can't be the fact that Trump was irresponsible. No way! Not Trump!
Come on, the dude rarely wears a mask. Is in a building for hours surrounded by thousands of people with no masks screaming and yelling. It's like standing in the freeway all afternoon and then wondering how you got hit by a bus!!!
I can't believe Founder's immediate reaction to this news. So hateful, so immature, disgusting, really telling.
You guys are such hypocrites. When RGB passes away, you were dancing in the streets. Just like the super hypocrite Lindsay Graham and his video on the SCJ and "use it against me". Freakin liars, just like orange ass. I stayed away for a long time because there is no reasoning with you guys. I guess CAELKHNTER must never read any of your hate on here. Don't bother attacking me, i could give a chit. Later Hypocrites.....
I'm surprised it's taken this long to begin blaming the "deep state", or Biden, or Pelosi, or masks for Trump getting the virus. No surprise. Can't be the fact that Trump was irresponsible. No way! Not Trump!
Come on, the dude rarely wears a mask. Is in a building for hours surrounded by thousands of people with no masks screaming and yelling. It's like standing in the freeway all afternoon and then wondering how you got hit by a bus!!!

You would agree there is a deep state, correct.

Not saying I disagree. I just know some of the science behind the masks and at best, at very best it's questionable. You can't get near the president without being tested yet he still got it, weird. The virus can't travel more than 6 feet airborne, but it made it around the world in no time flat, weird.
Wow Founder. I have to admit that I am surprised by your comments on this topic.

I don't always agree with you on things, but I honestly thought you had more class than that. I mean we are talking about the President of the United States, love him or hate him, acquiring a life threatening illness. Your comments are in line with or worse than those coming from the extreme left on social media.

Honestly, it kind of leaves me speechless, but maybe that's just me?

I would expect these types of comments from someone such as Buzz, but I honestly thought you were a little more principled.

FNC just announced Mike Lee is now positive. It could get interesting if this chain keeps spreading through the upper echelons of the Administration and staff.

The last thing we need right now is more chaos
Wow Founder. I have to admit that I am surprised by your comments on this topic.

I don't always agree with you on things, but I honestly thought you had more class than that. I mean we are talking about the President of the United States, love him or hate him, acquiring a life threatening illness. Your comments are in line with or worse than those coming from the extreme left on social media.

Honestly, it kind of leaves me speechless, but maybe that's just me?

I would expect these types of comments from someone such as Buzz, but I honestly thought you were a little more principled.

If you're going to play with fire, you're bound to get burned. He's been told a million times that masks help and that rallies are a problem. He's mocked those of us who wear masks, he's made light of the entire virus thing while millions of people are out of work. Sorry, but he begged for it and he got it.
I have pity for those who used all precautions and still contracted the virus. Trump DID NOT! So I just don't have pity for him. He could've promoted mask wearing and safety and saved many lives. His making little of the virus and mocking people who wear masks has resulted in deaths. KARMA man!!!
FNC just announced Mike Lee is now positive. It could get interesting if this chain keeps spreading through the upper echelons of the Administration and staff.

The last thing we need right now is more chaos
I'll bet he wasn't big on wearing masks either. Hopefully this stuff is a wake up call. If people would play it safe, we wouldn't be where we are.
What you anti trumpers are failing to see is what is in front of your face. You use the mask thing as a get even point with Trump and the odds are very great that wearing or not wearing a mask came into play. You have a double standard as you were not voicing your displeasure when Pelosi and Feinstein failed to wear a mask while in public.
His close aide, Hope Hicks, came down with the virus first days ahead of Trump and his wife. Hill was on that plane with Trump for days while flying to different locations on the campaign trail. I am sure on many occasions she handed Trump prepared speeches while in flight and it is strongly possible that was the way she infected Trump and his wife.
Founder no different if your wife contacted the virus and gave it to you while in close contact while at home. You anti trumpers are full of it and would ding Trump if he was able to walk on water.
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What you anti trumpers are failing to see is what is in front of your face. You use the mask thing as a get even point with Trump and the odds are very great that wearing or not wearing a mask came into play. You have a double standard as you were not voicing your displeasure when Pelosi and Feinstein failed to wear a mask while in public.
His close aide, Hope Hicks, came down with the virus first days ahead of Trump and his wife. Hill was on that plane with Trump for days while flying to different locations on the campaign trail. I am sure on many occasions she handed Trump prepared speeches while in flight and it is strongly possible that was the way she infected Trump and his wife.
Founder no different if your wife contacted the virus and gave it to you while in close contact while at home. You anti trumpers are full of it and would ding Trump if he was able to walk on water.
You mean, he can't walk on water?!?!? What????
I don’t ever remember anyone saying hydroxychloroquine would prevent you from getting covid, did someone say that?
Can you imagine all the news correspondents attending his briefings wearing masks and him mocking them? laughing their A**s off now! Yes... it's the president but he appears to be the idiot now! If a person (any person) is butt boning someone and ends up with AIDS are we suppose to sympathize?
For Trump haters
. Can you imagine f#cking with a mask on
I don’t recall Trump ever telling people not to wear masks. Can someone post a link if I’m mistaken? I’ve only really heard him say that the cure cannot be worse than the disease, meaning we shouldn’t ruin people’s businesses, jobs and essentially their lives over a disease with such a low mortality rate.

Absolutely Trump takes risks by not wearing a mask but I believe it was Dr Fauci who told you not to and not Trump. Trump got the virus and we should all be praying for his recovery instead of being all giddy like Flounder.
If you're going to play with fire, you're bound to get burned. He's been told a million times that masks help and that rallies are a problem. He's mocked those of us who wear masks, he's made light of the entire virus thing while millions of people are out of work. Sorry, but he begged for it and he got it.
I have pity for those who used all precautions and still contracted the virus. Trump DID NOT! So I just don't have pity for him. He could've promoted mask wearing and safety and saved many lives. His making little of the virus and mocking people who wear masks has resulted in deaths. KARMA man!!!

There is absolutely no way to be sure if his handling of the virus could have saved or cost lives. Only a fool would buy that.

First, for something like that to be PROVEN you must study two groups of exact (or as close as possible) people, which would include age, race, overall health,etc. in the exact same environment, which would include climate, food and overall outside stimulus and still the result could only at best prove it likely or MAYBE probable. There are way too any variables in people to say the path the country took cost lives.

This is not to even mention the way our government is SUPPOSED to work. He is not a king or dictator, he is SUPPOSED to allow states to govern their people and only insert his power when the state fails to respond properly.

Should he have been more responsible with the things he says? Absolutely!

Is he a pompous, arrogant azz? Yup.

Does he deserve to die of the Rona? Nope.
Founder, you can (and OBVIOUSLY do) draw the line on what gets posted here since its your site. But if what I posted that you deleted wasn't true it wouldn't have bothered you so much.

Read your posts with a clear mind free of hate and tell me that is not what you are implying.

You too, know why you deleted that post...
I don’t recall Trump ever telling people not to wear masks. Can someone post a link if I’m mistaken? I’ve only really heard him say that the cure cannot be worse than the disease, meaning we shouldn’t ruin people’s businesses, jobs and essentially their lives over a disease with such a low mortality rate.

Absolutely Trump takes risks by not wearing a mask but I believe it was Dr Fauci who told you not to and not Trump. Trump got the virus and we should all be praying for his recovery instead of being all giddy like Flounder.
TRUMP mocks people regularly for wearing masks! Including the recent debate addressing Biden! My position is not about a party but about the person! KARMA speaking of fools!
Conservative, don't wear a mask, wife and I both had Covid. Thank god we beat the odds and survived? Hope the prez and first lady make it out alive with odds stacking against them.

Shouldn't Biden be hiding in his basement again since he was exposed too? By Trump even. Such the travesty.
Those who don't
Founder, you can (and OBVIOUSLY do) draw the line on what gets posted here since its your site. But if what I posted that you deleted wasn't true it wouldn't have bothered you so much.

Read your posts with a clear mind free of hate and tell me that is not what you are implying.

You too, know why you deleted that post...
Dude, you quoted me and then changed the words in my quote to try and paint a false picture. Is that what you think is ok? Is it ok then if I change wording in your posts where I want to suit my needs?
It’s not cool.
Those who don't

Dude, you quoted me and then changed the words in my quote to try and paint a false picture. Is that what you think is ok? Is it ok then if I change wording in your posts where I want to suit my needs?
It’s not cool.
Ok. Fair enough. Sorry.

I will come out and plainly say it without your quote.

By reading your posts. Including the one that says your wife thinks he may be lying about it and the one where you dont believe that to be true either and that you think he has the virus...

One could surmise you HOPE Trump has the virus and not just think that he has the virus.

There ya go no quotes and no changes to your quotes.


The implication is in your statements that you seem to be happy about him acquiring the virus and wish the worst for him. If thats not true then maybe you should say so, because I am CERTAIN I am not the only one who takes it that way.
Ok. Fair enough. Sorry.

I will come out and plainly say it without your quote.

By reading your posts. Including the one that says your wife thinks he may be lying about it and the one where you dont believe that to be true either and that you think he has the virus...

One could surmise you HOPE Trump has the virus and not just think that he has the virus.

There ya go no quotes and no changes to your quotes.


The implication is in your statements that you seem to be happy about him acquiring the virus and wish the worst for him. If thats not true then maybe you should say so, because I am CERTAIN I am not the only one who takes it that way.
Apology accepted.
If you're going to play with fire, you're bound to get burned. He's been told a million times that masks help and that rallies are a problem. He's mocked those of us who wear masks, he's made light of the entire virus thing while millions of people are out of work. Sorry, but he begged for it and he got it.
I have pity for those who used all precautions and still contracted the virus. Trump DID NOT! So I just don't have pity for him. He could've promoted mask wearing and safety and saved many lives. His making little of the virus and mocking people who wear masks has resulted in deaths. KARMA man!!!

Maybe you should read your posts again. That is, unless you already deleted them.

You and Rashida Tlaib are two peas in a pod.
I'm surprised it's taken this long to begin blaming the "deep state", or Biden, or Pelosi, or masks for Trump getting the virus. No surprise. Can't be the fact that Trump was irresponsible. No way! Not Trump!
Come on, the dude rarely wears a mask. Is in a building for hours surrounded by thousands of people with no masks screaming and yelling. It's like standing in the freeway all afternoon and then wondering how you got hit by a bus!!!

When biden wins, I'll be sure to thank you for compromising my family's wellfare and the ability for my kids to be what they want to be.

I'll be sure to thank you for compromising earning potential and the ability to make a decent living. I'll be sure to thank you when the purchasing power of the American dollar falters.

When biden wins, I'll be sure to thank you...

Maybe you should read your posts again. That is, unless you already deleted them.

You and Rashida Tlaib are two peas in a pod.
I read them, they're still the same as what I posted earlier. Not sure why I'd delete them? I have no problem stating my opinion. Why would I ever delete my comments???? I don't get that.
And yes, I'm just like the radical left.......:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
When biden wins, I'll be sure to thank you for compromising my family's wellfare and the ability for my kids to be what they want to be.

I'll be sure to thank you for compromising earning potential and the ability to make a decent living. I'll be sure to thank you when the purchasing power of the American dollar falters.

When biden wins, I'll be sure to thank you...
I'm sure the world will implode if Biden wins, and it'll be all MY fault cause I don't like Trump. The republican party should have dug up a candidate I could like. Thank them.
Whether you like it or not, you are indeed in line with the radical left at this time.
How's that? Is it because I'm not shocked and crying a river? Or because I'm not making stuff up like, "the mask caused the virus for Trump", or "the deep state did it"? How am I inline with the radical left based on any of my comments?
This president claims to know more than doctors, scientists, generals and everybody else about any particular subject! If he's so d**n smart with all the protection offered to him how could he get infected? It is NICE to have the president himself prove he's not as smart as He thinks he is!
Founder you avoided answering the question about are you happy that Trump got the virus and wish the worse for him.
Only one reason you would avoid answering that question. You and Biden have a few things in common on refusing to answer a direct question.

I do believe that Founder is entitled to his opinion. I find it interesting to learn his EVIL bent towards wishing the worst for the POTUS. So be it. This is his cite, from which he makes a living.

I am entitled to my opinion as well. We all express our opinions in different ways. One way is to discontinue supporting cites wherein the owners express/spew such wicked points of view. That is what his type does all the time.

So here you go, one Active Member forever signing off of this cite. I am sure I can find another hunter cite.
I do believe that Founder is entitled to his opinion. I find it interesting to learn his EVIL bent towards wishing the worst for the POTUS. So be it. This is his cite, from which he makes a living.

I am entitled to my opinion as well. We all express our opinions in different ways. One way is to discontinue supporting cites wherein the owners express/spew such wicked points of view. That is what his type does all the time.

So here you go, one Active Member forever signing off of this cite. I am sure I can find another hunter cite.
I don't wish him the worst. Never did I say that. But if you're going to play with fire, expect to get burned.
Trump went to fundraiser event after he should have known that he was exposed to virus by his aide. He doesn't believe in science and how it should shape policy about the virus and he is now paying the price. But this could be more FAKE NEWS. Honesty is not Trump's strong point!
Maybe all you Trump heads will not like this site anymore because someone has different views than you. Just as you can't watch NFL games cause black athletes are using their only public platform to address racial injustice.
Know this won't be popular but we all get to have a say here.
Anybody got any pics of big mule deer?!!
I'm sure the world will implode if Biden wins, and it'll be all MY fault cause I don't like Trump. The republican party should have dug up a candidate I could like. Thank them.

Missin' the point, hand. It's people (like you) that have this weird hatred for someone that doesn't meet your self-righteous litmus test.

Sounds like someone is throwing stones who is hardly qualified to...
Missin' the point, hand. It's people (like you) that have this weird hatred for someone that doesn't meet your self-righteous litmus test.

Sounds like someone is throwing stones who is hardly qualified to...
We should demand better than what Trump is. At least that’s my opinion. You can have your own. I’m not sure why you care what my opinion is....??? So what if I don’t like Trump.
Flounder..... this thread is the most disgusting thing I have ever seen on this site. Simply disgusting.
Really? I've seen one person say he's going to "double tap" somebody in the "******** forehead" and another say anybody that is a devoted Democrat is a traitor to our country and should be treated as such.

Unless this person doesn't think traitors should be executed, he's calling for the killing of those with whom he disagrees politically.

Plenty of people here have called others (including MM members directly) "pedophiles" with absolutely no evidence.

And those were all Trump supporters that said those things. Maybe you just missed those threads but I've got the screenshots in case they need to be used one day for libel or red flag reasons.

I've seen various opinions on this thread, and voiced mine, but this is in no way the "most disgusting" thread ever.
There are reports that Trump knew he was high-risk and referred to his job as Russian Roulette regarding The Rona. If that's the case and he took that risk in an attempt to do what he thought was best for America... downplay it, as he was recorded telling Woodward... that may be the most respectable thing I feel he's done as President.

I may or may not agree with him on this or other things, but I can respect somebody knowingly putting their health at risk because they think it's the best thing for the country.
Grizzly, you have serious reading comprehension problems. I am the one who said I would double tap somebody in the ******** forehead. Much like CNN and other fake news you conveniently left out the part before I said that which puts it in context that I would do that if leftist anarchists were attacking my home or my family.

Sadly, we would be able to go back and read it together but Flounder conveniently decided to delete my post. My guess is because he agrees with the burning, rioting and looting in our cities and can't stand that a person on his hunting site would dare say he would defend himself.

I'm sorry your feelers were hurt that I posted the method of self defense that I would use. Next time I'll be more mindful of your sensitive nature and not be as descriptive. :rolleyes:
Grizzly, you have serious reading comprehension problems. I am the one who said I would double tap somebody in the ******** forehead. Much like CNN and other fake news you conveniently left out the part before I said that which puts it in context that I would do that if leftist anarchists were attacking my home or my family.

Sadly, we would be able to go back and read it together but Flounder conveniently decided to delete my post. My guess is because he agrees with the burning, rioting and looting in our cities and can't stand that a person on his hunting site would dare say he would defend himself.

I'm sorry your feelers were hurt that I posted the method of self defense that I would use. Next time I'll be more mindful of your sensitive nature and not be as descriptive. :rolleyes:
No hurt feelings, but don't worry, I've got the full post saved; every word of "context" and every libelous accusation you made in it.

And to stay on topic of the post I was responding to here, it was far more "disgusting" than anything on this thread.
Flounder..... this thread is the most disgusting thing I have ever seen on this site. Simply disgusting.
I don’t know.......that thread about Trump bragging about grabbing women by the crotches was pretty disgusting. Or him cheating on his wife with a porn star thread. That’s pretty disgusting.
I don’t think this one is the winner.
We should demand better than what Trump is. At least that’s my opinion. You can have your own. I’m not sure why you care what my opinion is....??? So what if I don’t like Trump.

You question Trump for who he is and what his "morals" are.

When you point your finger at him, there are three pointing right back at ya.
LOL Grizzly... my post bothered you so much that you saved it? And you're claiming your feelings weren't hurt? Why would you save it? Whatever dude. Post it up so everyone can see the context and see that you're full of shyt. The only reason it was deleted is because it was a response to a Trump hater but post it again so we can all see. LMAO you saved it? And your little feelings weren't hurt? LMAO BS
LOL Grizzly... my post bothered you so much that you saved it? And you're claiming your feelings weren't hurt? Why would you save it? Whatever dude. Post it up so everyone can see the context and see that you're full of shyt. The only reason it was deleted is because it was a response to a Trump hater but post it again so we can all see. LMAO you saved it? And your little feelings weren't hurt? LMAO BS
No hurt feelings, I don't respect you enough. I've saved several libelous posts as well as those that contain threats against others. It would be foolish not to do so. You're not special.

Here's a screenshot of one of yours, and it's not even the double tap or forehead portions...



I recommend you avoid making statements (even if you consider them theoretical) about who you're going to kill (especially if you live under California's Red Flag Laws) as well as your very specific libelous statements about specific individuals. I promise it won't end up well for you.

You'd be wise to move on as this isn't an itch you should scratch.
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What are you going to do Grizzly. Turn him in on a possible violation of the red flag laws in CA. You will need a lot more then what you posted above. You are beginning to sound like a low life heel on the threat you made above just to get even with someone that has a different political opinion then you do.

I personally do not care if founder has the feelings that he has i will admit i did not feel a little bit of remorse when RBG passed away she meant no more to me than what she was against most everything I stand for.
But the mods and founder need to understand fair is fair don't call a foul when you don't like the comment.
For the most part i think founder does pretty good he lets conversations go pretty deep, from what I have noticed he will delete the threads when they get to the point they become back and forth insults. I have no knowledge of posts that he has deleted other than when some of you guys bring it up.
I just pray President Trump and the First Lady will be fine. The country needs him!
No hurt feelings, I don't respect you enough. I've saved several libelous posts as well as those that contain threats against others. It would be foolish not to do so. You're not special.

Here's a screenshot of one of yours, and it's not even the double tap or forehead portions...

View attachment 13986


I recommend you avoid making statements (even if you consider them theoretical) about who you're going to kill (especially if you live under California's Red Flag Laws) as well as your very specific libelous statements about specific individuals. I promise it won't end up well for you.

You'd be wise to move on as this isn't an itch you should scratch.
Are you one of them transplants from California?
I don’t know.......that thread about Trump bragging about grabbing women by the crotches was pretty disgusting. Or him cheating on his wife with a porn star thread. That’s pretty disgusting.
I don’t think this one is the winner.
But Biden the pedophile sniffing and groping preteens is perfectly ok?
RBG was the worst serial killer in the history of the world. 64 million babies aborted. Her own writing state her buy in was because of population control of minority's.
RBG was the worst serial killer in the history of the world. 64 million babies aborted. Her own writing state her buy in was because of population control of minority's.
The bible beaters need new material...there's wayyyyy too many people on planet earth as it is.

Abortion isn't going anywhere...get over it.

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