Humidity Level Inside of a Gun Safe

Cow Tag

Active Member
Would any of you know about what the correct humidity level to be maintained inside of a gun safe. Purchased my first safe not long ago and I am in need of some advice here. I have two of the canister type de-humidifers inside of the safe plus an instrument that measures the humidity inside. It usually says that the % inside of the safe is 60. Cow Tag
If the instrument you are using is accurate, that's too high. I read a piece not long ago from a guy that works in a gun museum and he stated they keep them at about 50%. Too low and the wood dries out and can crack. Too high and you can get condensation that brings on a rusting problem.
>50% Wow! So should we
>buy a humidifier mister to
>get it all the way
>up to 50%. :)

I also thought that sounded high, but the guy works in a big gun museum where the humidity level would be critical to keeping things in proper condition.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-09-15 AT 12:06PM (MST)[p]I guess it doesn't sound high as much as it sounds impossible. At least where I live.

I guess I will never have to worry about buying a de-humidifier.
Agreed. You don't need to worry about it very much unless you live in a humid climate. Humidity in the 40-60% range rarely will be a problem. You don't want condensation, but otherwise it doesn't need to be too dry. I use a simple dehumidifier (pellets) and never had a problem.
Llama, I have two of the pellet type de-humidifers inside of my safe and the % is almost 60. Others have reported that 50% is about ideal. I have never had that low of a reading. Thinking about purchasing a Eva Dry at Target for about $30 retail. Anyone ever try this product?
I would not worry about it being too low, but being too high is something to worry about. I had mine set by a bathroom door once where it was picking up humidity from people showering and bathing, rusted all of my guns including my stainless guns which I didn't know was possible.
Cowtag, you might want to try a different hygrometer to see if the one you have is working correctly. I don't know where you live but unless it's a warm humid place 60% is unusually high for this time of year. Especially if you have heat on in your house.

I live in a place that's pretty humid and it's been raining for two days and in my basement right now it's 49%.
Humidity is notoriously difficult to measure accurately, and can vary even due to your own presence in the space. I agree you may be getting inaccurate readings, and doubt you have anything to worry about.
How often do you change (recharge) the drying media? If it is getting "wet" in less than a week, then you should probably get a better dehumidifier. The next question is how humid is the room where the safe sits. If the room actually has a 60% humidity level, you will have difficulty getting the safe a whole lot less. Most safes "breathe", and only seal in the event of a fire when the fireproofing essentially melts to seal the safe. As stated in a post above, if you have the safe near a bathroom shower, for example, you will raise the humidity inside the safe.
If you buy a drying agent with a colored indicator, and the media shows it is still dry for more than a week (hopefully several weeks) than you will be just fine.

The Eva-Dry is a great product, super easy to recharge. There are drying rods and convection fans (Peet Dryer) that both work great if you have power to your safe. Even if you don't have an outlet inside your safe, you could probably find a way to get the cord out and plug it in. Humidity is higher if it is in the basement, even in the West. If your safe is in the basement and the problem persists, may need to relocate it. Safe zone is 30-55% humidity. Too dry can effect some wood stocks. The west is "Dry" but still has 30-40% humidity.

Also, Liberty Safe sales a product called SafElert that connects to your home Wi-Fi and monitors the humidity levels. This device will text you if the level gets to high so you can address it. It runs a couple hundred bucks. I really like mine.

West Virginia, I live in deep southern Illinois. It is very humid here in the summer time and probably in the cooler months also. My safe is in a heated building/room and will be 50 all winter long (50 degrees F.). It is air conditioned in the summer time. My safe does not have a hole drilled into it so I cannot use a device similar to the electric rod type heater. I intend on purchasing the Eva Dry 500 (about $30) and placing it inside of my safe. Purchased the humidity reading instrument at WalMart for about $12. I am guessing that is sort of accurate enough? Having a gun safe is a new experience for me and I want to keep the humidity readings inside of the safe at 50%. Do appreciate each and every comment. We can all learn together about this topic. Cow Tag
I have a Walmart hygrometer that I purchased to compare readings to the hygrometer on my dehumidifier. They both have the same readings so it must work OK.

Four years ago I moved into a new house with a nice walk out basement and I moved all of my trophys and gun safe to the basement. All I had in the safe was Walmart disposable closet dehumidifiers. My guns in the safe did OK but my mounts all got green noses. I ended up buying a dehumidifier for that floor. And yes, the green mold did come off the deer and elk noses with a wet washcloth.

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