Hunter equal opportunity (hunter rights)


New Member
I have some questions for most of you and will probably be touchy for some. I live in eastern Oregon former resident of Alaska. I lived there for the soul purpose of hunting sheep. I live in Oregon now because of family. I often wish of going back and hunting sheep but is impossible due to the laws restricting me to hire a guide I cannot afford. My question to you guys is why can't I (average joe american) hunt sheep, goats,and or brown bear on federally owned property we pay taxes for? I have the same thoughts about Wyoming wilderness hunting. Whats the differance between hunting or just going on a non-guided wilderness hiking trip? I'm not one to complain, but some of this big game exploitation has got out of hand. I believe if things are to continue on this path the average hunter will not be able to hunt any game animal without severe restriction and fees. How will this impact the future of hunting for our children and grandchildren??
What is hunting coming to? Guided only for all species in your own state???
When will Alaska be guided only for all species including fish?
What is stopping Wyoming or any state from keeping you from hunting any public land because your not a resident??
How many Access and Habitat(OR) tags are we going allocate before we severly limit general hunter tags??

These are serious questions that need to be answered sooner than later. I know they might sound extreme now but what about 20-30 years from now.
I just want to hunt without having to hire a guide.
What are your thoughts and feelings?


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