Huntin Fool - Jason Carter


Very Active Member
Has anyone noticed that all his pictures are off the website and that he is no longer listed as a consultant? I wonder what's going on? I just happened to be on the website (because I was bored) and was looking for the picture of Jason and the great AZ buck he took a few years back and noticed that all his pics were gone.

Jason leaving would be a huge loss in my opinion. Still great consultants still at the company, but it makes me wonder what's going on behind the scenes that we don't see. Tough loss for the company - it'll be interesting to see how they proceed.
Got tired of being a FOOL???

Government doesn't fix anything and has spent trillions proving it!!!
Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday, even the calender says WTF!
Wouldn't surprise me if Jason started his own consulting firm. Whether it was because of a difference of opinion he had with Garth is hard to say.

I decided to call the Huntin Fool to cut to the chase...Jason is no longer with them. I had an email exchange with him a little while back that made me seriously question his leadership of the Huntin Fool. As a result of the email he sent me I immediately dropped my subscription and will not have anything to do with them ever again.
I'd be willing to bet that he's not completely out of the picture, he's just not going to be hanging around the office much.
That's just crazy! Who would have ever thought that???
Seems like a darn good job to quit.
And/or, seems crazy dad would fire son.

Garth does own the business, right?

Brian Latturner
LAST EDITED ON Feb-21-12 AT 12:04PM (MST)[p]I have no idea. I called and asked if Jason was available. I was told "Jason is no longer with Huntin Fool." The email Jason sent me was enough to drive away one customer. Jason sent the email and CCed it to everybody at the Huntin Fool. I am sure there were others. Garth's daughters also work for Huntin Fool. I wouldn't be surprised if he was forced out by his siblings. He was going to drive that company into the dirt IMO.
Maybe it stemmed from an argument over public tag alotments for CWMUs. :D :D
Perhaps Garth and Jason could never comes to terms over 80/20 vs 90/10 :D :D
I see some rotating pictures of Jason still on the site, but he is no longer listed in the staff section. I would not want to speculate about what has happened, but I know family run businesses frequently have challenges. Somebody always thinks someone else is not pulling their own weight, etc. It is unfortunate, especially if it creates a division in a family.
Perhaps there is a reasonable explanation. At least I hope so, because I have enjoyed their service.
Yeah, Garths soapbox a few months ago said Jason would be running it. Jason was a really good hunter, especially for muleys. I don't know how good of a business guy he is, but I know people who kill big deer with him regularly and I don't think you can take his hunting record from him.

Too bad for HF.

I don't subscribe anymore, mostly due to tight funds, but I think the entire HF crew has done a good job at providing usable information and entertainment. I really have enjoyed their videos and quality magazine. They do kill some big animals!

I hope things work out for Carters and the rest of the crew. Maybe someone "in the know" can tell us how HF plans on moving forward without Jason and Garth?
Garth is still there only Jason has left! I was thinking about sending jason a tex to see what happened but I think It could be a sore subject!
I heard he went over to Eastman's. That way they could not only f'up all the DIY hunters favorite area's, they could do the same to their competition...
>Garth is still there only Jason
>has left! I was thinking
>about sending jason a tex
>to see what happened but
>I think It could be
>a sore subject!

In Garth's soapbox a couple months back he said he was stepping aside and letting his Jason and Jenny run the company? So is he still there but just not writing in the magazine anymore?
LAST EDITED ON Feb-21-12 AT 04:41PM (MST)[p]>>Garth is still there only Jason
>>has left! I was thinking
>>about sending jason a tex
>>to see what happened but
>>I think It could be
>>a sore subject!
>In Garth's soapbox a couple months
>back he said he was
>stepping aside and letting his
>Jason and Jenny run the
>company? So is he still
>there but just not writing
>in the magazine anymore?

Jason Is gone and Garth is still there! I called there today and talked to them and asked what happened? and they just said he had moved on to other things! what ever that means? and I asked about Garth and they said he is still there! and that could mean nothing too! I think I will tex him tomorrow and see if he will return my tex, either way I wish him well and I am pretty sure he will do great things where ever he go's.
>AT 04:41?PM (MST)

>>>Garth is still there only Jason
>>>has left! I was thinking
>>>about sending jason a tex
>>>to see what happened but
>>>I think It could be
>>>a sore subject!
>>In Garth's soapbox a couple months
>>back he said he was
>>stepping aside and letting his
>>Jason and Jenny run the
>>company? So is he still
>>there but just not writing
>>in the magazine anymore?
>Jason Is gone and Garth is
>still there! I called there
>today and talked to them
>and asked what happened? and
>they just said he had
>moved on to other things!
>what ever that means? and
>I asked about Garth and
>they said he is still
>there! and that could mean
>nothing too! I think I
>will tex him tomorrow and
>see if he will return
>my tex, either way I
>wish him well and I
>am pretty sure he will
>do great things where ever
>he go's.

I'm not sure I want to know how you "tex" someone.
Its called a text, with a T.

Like, I'm going to send him a texT

Venison and Zinfandel are GOOD!
Best of luck to Jason and the rest of the Carters.

They have always been a class act in my opinion
With his reputation I'm sure Jason will do just fine. It is just a little wierd that he is no longer part of the mag. He and Garth seemed close.

Maybe whoever replaces Jason will be smart enough to count the raffles tickets after their raffles and post the odds. I find it hard to believe that a company that makes their living posting odds on the state raffles can't seem to post the odds on their own raffles. I've asked them to post the odds and they say that they can't because they don't know how many tickets they are going to sell so there is no way to know. Seems like you just count the tickets that were in the box, now I'm not a statistician but I do have a degree in Finance so I understand the basic concept of odds.
On a positive note, Jason is a good person from what I know but from now on I will do my own applications in case there is a mistake I can only blame myself and not the professional who I paid to do the job for me.
cold dead hands
NRA Life Member
You couldn't post odds beforehand, but you certainly could as soon as sales were completed because you would know how many were sold! Sounds like another SFW deal where they try to make it as hard as possible to know how little chance a person has to win.
I should have been more clear in above post. I think they could at least post the previous years odds on similiar hunts.
cold dead hands
NRA Life Member
It must bring in more money than they pay for the hunts or they wouldn't continue to do it. That much you do know. IRS.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-25-12 AT 03:59PM (MST)[p]+1 Big Moosie...those were my thoughts too!
+2 I think you are on to something. I dropped my subscription until that was cleared up. Worst kept secret, but no one seems to talk about it. Have not heard the final outcome.
I do know this, at least from some of my friends in Canada...there has been allot of talk and speculation concerning allegations, on the other side of the border....
...seems there were some concerns of a "Big Ram" being killed in a closed area or National Park....this happened a couple years ago. That's all I know!
I emailed them the other day with that question about Jason but got no reply,however I got a renewal notice.
I think until they make a formal explanation of what's going on - and not that "Jason has had a great opportunity present itself that he couldn't refuse" because we know that's b/s - they're tainting their business pretty bad. I think the readers and subscribers need to know the truth, because speculation and rumors can ruin a business and reputation like they have and put a bad taste in your mouth about the business. Or at least it has changed my attitude towards their business.
I don't know the Carter's orher than talking to them once in a while when their name comes up on the site, but I'm quite interested in knowing the details. They should have a reality show like the dad and son that build custom motorcycles. I'd watch, cause its gotta be juicy if dad and son went separate ways in the business. That's crazy! I don't get their mag., but a friend said that a few issues ago Garth wrote that he was kind of stepping aside. Is that right? Crazy stuff!!!

I fire my son once in a while and he quits sometimes, but he's 14!!!!

Brian Latturner
I have been a member for many years back when it was a stapled black and white few pages.
I will continue to be a member no matter who is there.
I use the info in probably a differnt way than other people do. If I do not have top points I go to another unit that the HF does not have on the list and this has worked many times. Seldom have I ever talked to them or other hunters about a unit or tag but have helped many others about a passed hunt.
Got a bad taste in my mouth when I contacted our famous Whiskey Man many years ago through the HF and he wanted money for info
(not stated but implied).
>I have been a member for
>many years back when it
>was a stapled black and
>white few pages.
>I will continue to be a
>member no matter who is
>I use the info in probably
>a differnt way than other
>people do. If I do
>not have top points I
>go to another unit that
>the HF does not have
>on the list and this
>has worked many times. Seldom
>have I ever talked to
>them or other hunters about
>a unit or tag but
>have helped many others about
>a passed hunt.
>Got a bad taste in my
>mouth when I contacted our
>famous Whiskey Man many years
>ago through the HF and
>he wanted money for info
>(not stated but implied).

Did Adam Bronson leave too?

from another site

I had a real good talk with garth this morning and he confirmed to me that their was too many cooks in the kitchen, And trust me with a family business that can get awful tough sometimes. He also comfirmed it business as usual and jason has went on to his other dream and that is helicopters.

This came straight from garth so jason i wish you the best in what you do and thanks a millino for everythign you have done for me in the past 8 years.

Pat Garrett

From: Bill Obeid Date: 05-Mar-12 Private Reply ...

Clear things up. When Garth retired, that would only leave Jason in the " kitchen ".

If Jason is gone and Garth has announced his retirement..... Who the heck is left to run that business.

Too many cooks? Sounds like there are not enough.

From: gunslinger Date: 05-Mar-12 Private Reply ...
Garth is staying on full time, He is not retiring , He is running the business full time from now on. He made that very clear to me
Who cares I'm sure you've done something wrong in your life and don't want the world to know about it. Let the law work it out if something happened??? Everone makes mistakes!!!! that's life....
>Who cares I'm sure you've done
>something wrong in your life
>and don't want the world
>to know about it. Let
>the law work it out
>if something happened??? Everone makes
>mistakes!!!! that's life....

it's different when those mistakes reflect on your business and are infact part of it.
I understand that but people don't need to stir the pot. I sure if he could take back whatever happened he would. Im not saying if what happened, happened that it's right it's just stupid to gossip when people could say anything about nothing they have a clue about. Owning a business myself people say one thing when that person is not even telling the truth about what there talking about!!!!
Dont think he ever got caught doing anything so grow up about it and move on. Plus it was a guided hunt so if he was not where he was suppose to be I put that on th guide
Carter1j6. Thank you. I hate the stuip gossip!!!! it sucks Jason is gone he was really good to talk to had great info and never lead me wrong on where to hunt. The huntin fool will go on with or without Jason. I hope the best for him. And I hope it didn't cause a father son problem there is no one better to hunt with then family. Wish the best for the huntin fool. I'll continue to be a member they have great service and hunting oppertunitys I take advantage of every year. my biggest buck came from there advice !!!
I was just on the website and Adam Bronson is no longer listed on their staff page. What's goin on over there?
Don't know him but Adam Bronson has been removed from the website and his email with HF no longer valid. Adam seemed like a solid guy and was the person i always talked with at HF. I have liked the info I have gotten from HF in the past, but as a long time subscriber and someone with deposits in for LO tags I am pissed off now. We need an explanation of what's going down.
where is GARTH, he was posting up a storm when people were talking about making changes to the CWMU program....lets hear it Garth.....i WAS a member back in the days when it was a photo copy/stapled handout....back when you PROMISED it would never be more than 500 members....well i think it is a few more than that now....

How to start an argument online:
1. Express an opinion
2. Wait
Lol treed that may have been a Garth Carter but it wasn't the HF Garth Carter.
Does anyone really know why Adam quit? it probably has something to do with Garth firing Jason. probably a bad move on garths part.
Sorry to hear Jason is gone. I have always been very impressed as a business owner myself how Huntinfool has evolved over the last 10 years or so.
Both Jason and Garth have always been very nice to me and more than willing to spend time on the phone.

Would like to know where Jason lands and what type of business he goes into.
I too will miss Adam, and Jason. They are good guys.

I know Dave Loescher as well, and he's a good hand. Glad to hear someone capable is filling in the vacancy at the HF.
I also have been a member of HF since the typed-memo days. Garth got his big break in 1995 when Wyoming surprised everyone by announcing its preference points system after the draw that year, awarding an initial point to those who applied but were unsuccessful. Everyone who did not apply in 1995 has been playing catch-up for the years since. Garth's business premise was that he would monitor changes to Western state game regulations so that members would never be caught by surprise again. He shortly began offering unit draw recommendations, and the business lifted off from there.

I have always been impressed by the continual evolution of HF and the suite of products and services offered to its members. This ongoing innovation and continuous improvement has made it very difficult for competitors to enter the space. I do not know whether Garth alone was responsible for these innovations, or whether Jason and others were the ones engaged in driving the business into expanded services, but whoever has been responsible has done an admirable job.

An interesting test will be to see whether the HF stagnates now that Jason and Adam have been shown the door. If it does, then the HF will join a long line of other businesses that have enjoyed their day in the Sun, only to be eclipsed by more innovative competitors. I hope that that is not the case.

I'm disappointed to see Jason leave the HF, but I'm also a fan of Garths, and will maintain my membership for now.

Good luck in the draw.

> Does anyone
>really know why Adam quit?
> it probably has
>something to do with Garth
>firing Jason. probably
>a bad move on garths

going to make a guess that there was a little more to it than that.
Yes I'm sure there is more to it and thats why I asked the question. But garth firing jason was a really bad move. As Garth said "there are too many cooks in the kitchen". well the top cooks are now gone.
>Yes I'm sure there is more
>to it and thats why
>I asked the question.
> But garth firing jason
>was a really bad move.
> As Garth said "there
>are too many cooks in
>the kitchen". well
>the top cooks are now

I agree with it being a bad move, but I doubt you'll get your answer for the question until everything gets sorted out.
Try being involved in a family business, it's hard for everyone right or wrong. Now let's throw a bunch of money into the thing so that it is a great company that makes money. No problems will arise from figuring out how to grow and spend the new profits. Now lets further complicate things by throwing in the fact that everyone wants to hunt during the fall! Very hard to do. Unless you have a family business, you cant begin to understand. Often there are no rights or wrongs, just different ways to skin a cat!

Now consider this as a quote from flyingbrass and you may use it if you give me credit when quoting me "SOMETIMES I CAN'T EVEN GET ALONG WITH MYSELF!' There is no way anybody in the world would approve of my schedule during hunting season, not one company or one person, I'd be fired every year, every year.

cold dead hands
NRA Life Member
Maybe all that talk of Helicopters and he had an advantage at finding all those big muleys and there were concerns. Maybe the Canada issues? Sorry, but I 've been a HF member for a long-while and the lack of transparency on this issue which doesn't allow me to make a decision on whether I remain a member is frustratin and we have to start speculating. I guess anything is fair game. Maybe a little demystification on their part would end it all?????
Word is, that Garth went to trial and after 2 days all charges were dropped due to lack of any evidence of wrong doing in BC.
I have been a "member" of the Huntin Fool since its inception, and have had positive experiences with all of the Carters, including Garth and Jason. So it is disappointing to learn that a conflict, particularly over money, may have come between father and son.

The above said, whenever hunters becomes obsessed with only "taking down GIANTS", bad things seem to happen. It is the old story of the desire to be recognized as "the best" leading to excessive activity, including skirting the limits of legal and ethical behavior. If one or the other of the Carters fell into this trap, they would not be the first to do so.

I hope not, and I hope that all is well in their house.
Word I got was Jason and Adam got tired of working their a@#$% off, and Garth taking most of the profits from the company. Garth didn't think Jason would leave. But it looks like Adam and Jason both left.
what about the rumors about a sheep hunt that was edgier
than most a while ago...?
Are you stupid? I can assure you that poaching is entirely legal if your rich enough. So that being said he "legally speaking" killed a bighorn sheep "accidentally" in another area the "unknown" to garth was a park.

Just little types the leagal system can work out.

Heck I was suppose to go to jail for driving on a suspended liceses taken for too many points. $5000 in a lawyers pocket and bam all charges dropped and the state of NM erases all my points and gives me my license back. Its amazing what money will do.

Don't get me started cuz behind all this sarcasm is a guy who is really fed up with our jacked up legal system.
Seriously, I realize how important this is to some of you but I must admit that after looking through a dozen or so replies I've never realized how much a bunch of burley hunters can remind me of gossiping girls. Leave the poor Guy alone I'm sure he'll be just fine.
looks like Aaron is the new sheep bio for the utfnaws

How to start an argument online:
1. Express an opinion
2. Wait

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