Huntin Fool price hike ???


Long Time Member
I got an email for renewing with Huntin Fool. It was $100 per year now it's
$100 for standard membership and $200 for premium membership. The problem
is that if you want to talk with the consultants you need to spend another C note.
I never used it before but I thought that was one of the best things they had going for them.
Anyone want to weigh-in?

As always thanks for your time Joe.

"Sometimes you do things wrong for so long you think their right"

-Joe E Sikora
I noticed that the E-mag option is now part of the $200 membership (premium). I believe it used to only cost me $150 to get the hard copy and the E-mag. I won't pay an extra $100, so they will be losing $50 bucks from me. I don't need the other services offered under their premium membership. $15 decal? Who pays $15 for a decal.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-13-13 AT 07:33AM (MST)[p]I will save you the extra $100. Every time I called and talked with a consultant about AZ elk I got the same response..."AZ elk is outlined in our January issue. You have the points to draw a few great tags. If you draw, we have a few great guides we can help you get in touch with." That is why I dropped them, there service went down every year. I have their mags from 2007 to 2012. The top units never really change much and the discritption provided by WapitiBob is spot on.
Gotta agree with the other responses.
I have never got good information from one single call to them. It's kind of like calling a unit biologist to me. They just go through the motions. They seem to want to get off the phone as soon as possible. I use it as much to figure out what units not to apply for.
I renewed yesterday and did not do the premium version.
In addition to losing $50 from those that don't want to pay an extra $100 for the E-mag, they also stand to see a reduction in guided hunts. I can only assume that a good portion of their guided hunts come from people that had no intention of hiring a guide until they spoke to a Huntin Fool consultant. Fewer people calling them will translate into fewer guided hunts.
Maybe they were getting too many calls and wanted to weed it out so only the idiots call now?
I can't think of anything useful they ever told me on the phone, but Jason was always personable. Maybe Epic will start doing all the same services HF is doing since it's all the people G canned awhile ago.
Not shelling out another 100 for an e-mag and services i don't use.
I'd like to see how their numbers have dropped since they lost Jason and Adam? They were always helpful to me, since they left my membership expired.
The magazine itself is a nice publication with helpful tips on photography, application tips and reminders, etc. However, it's not worth more than a c-note per year. I only called them once and Jason told me to apply for the Henries( I'm a non-res). Thanks for that secret!!

I won't be paying for any "premium" service.

I also heard from one of his outfitters that Garth finally sold the magazine. He called him and told him that information.
I took their standard $100 subscription for my renewal. I doubt that the hunt consultants have any secret source of info that the rest us can't get just as easily if willing to dig for it.

Also I got a flyer indicating that Jason Carter and Adam Bronson have started their own license application service based out of Cedar City, UT called "Epic Outdoors" at

I'll be checking out their services when I get a chance. A little competition is always a plus for us "consumers".
I am with Jim on this one....

There is a reason that "fool" is in their name! You have to be a complete FOOL to pay $200 a year for what they offer!!!
Get Better stats on Eastmans mrs. Last unit I asked the Fool about they knew nothing. Then they asked me to report back after my hunt. NO THANX! Dropped em a year ago. BH1
Was a member but did not renew. Seems to me they are pricing themselves away from the normal DIY hunter. The mag was a good resource on what units not to apply for as the ones they list have crap odds anyway
Still worth it depending if you hunt a lot out of state.
Just one more source of info. Glad to hear a bunch of guys are gonna quit.
I switched years between them and Eastmans. I did not renew this year with either of them. I would get behind in the reading of stories and the reasearch is the same every year so I saved my money from both this year. I only apply in 4 states and I have an idea of what to do there anyway.
Im also getting sick of western hunter on another note, too many articals on eating more salad and how you can run an elk down if your in shape.
might order ducks unlimited next year
LAST EDITED ON Dec-13-13 AT 09:43PM (MST)[p]Huntin Fool has really gone down hill since Jason, Adam, Kirt, John and Chris walked out. Now they want to double the price? No thanks

I really hope Epic Outdoors offers the same services as they are great guys.
How does Eastmans work? Do they provide the odds and their picks in one of their magazines or is all of that information contained on-line through their MRS? Do they cover a lot of units per state (like HF does) or just the top picks? I looked on their website, but it does a poor job explaining things.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-13-13 AT 09:50PM (MST)[p]My suggestion is to get the Fool for a year and just keep the copies handy. The info barely changes from year to year, but it is a good resource for the hunter looking to expand to other states. The problem I see with it is that there are lots of guys who rush home and submit their story before they even get to the processor, and/or throw the tape on the animal while its still warm. And for $100 there should be no advertising! I hate the full page ads next to every trophy shot. I refuse to pay $100 for the constant barrage of advertising. Its a great business model to publish other people's work and charge them $100, while charging the advertising companies at the same time. For $100 I get 3 years of Eastmans and still have enough left over for a Chipotle burrito. However there are certainly lots of lifers to the $100/year Fool club...
All these application services have a limited shelf life in my opinion. If they are good they get popular, once they get popular individual attention goes by the wayside and folks get treated like cattle as you can see from all the above posts about the HF.

What is epic charging and are they just filling out forms/applications for you or are they actually giving advice and making recommendations?
I don't want to get into personal matters, but I'm curious why Jason would leave Huntin Fool and is now starting his own thing?

The old crew (Jason, Garth, Adam, etc..) put some of the best videos I've ever seen into the market. I as well won't resubscribe to HF because I felt like they copy and pasted year after year. I do thin it is a quality magazine but not 100$/year good on my salary.
I decided to renew at the $100 membership, I never called up the "consultants" anyway. You still get the list of members when you draw a hunt and need some info. On a few occasions that has been very helpful. Maybe someday I'll decide it's not worth it, but for now I'm staying in.
Time for my HF renewal. I can't imagine not knowing where they are steering the cattle, even if EJ is cheaper. Any body subscribe to Epic?

Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, NRA, UWC & DP Hate Club
+ 1 Zim, I renew because if nothing else I need to know where the masses are being steered. it is no secret that HF has a huge following and they can change the drawing odds dramatically with one "top unit" comment.just as important to me to know where NOT to apply.
I renewed at the $100 because I don't use their consultants anyhow, it was more of a sales tactic for their guides and there wasn't much useful info after they got big...I think their volume of phone calls got out of hand as well.
I was trying to imagine what it would be like to be a HF consultant....what do you say to the 150th caller that asks for the hot tip on the deer hunting on the Paunsagaunt?? sheesh, it would be very difficult to be original after a while!
I renewed a few months back at $100. They say I will get the premium service until next year, when it will go to $200. I don't know, maybe I will stay for the regular, maybe I'll switch to Eastmans. I will not pay the $200.
I will say I have received good, sometimes very good information when I have called. A lot more information then what they print in the Mag, you just need to learn to read and listen between the lines.
I've been a member since the 2nd year and since I apply in 7 states I think it's worth the $100 in spite of it all.

As others have said it's as important to know where the masses are going to apply as it is where to apply. with 13,000 -14,000 members like it or not he has a huge influence on western draws.

I have found the best unit info halfazz at best, but if you don't have a clue it's better than a guess. and there is always useful information in every issue.

I understand Garth wants to make money, that's fine, but the membership drives and raffles every other day are shameless. with every member he signs on his " classified information " becomes less valuble, I assume he knows we're smart enough to understand that so stop rubbing it in my face. it's not a secret when everyone knows it.

But, I signed up again so maybe I should admit he's smarter than I am.

Stay thirsty my friends
I have never subscribed to the services, but bought the magazine for a year or two just to see the photos. I dropped it when I read that one of the family, who had hired on as a guide in the unit he also had drawn, wrote a story all about a very good buck he had killed. He had known about the animal all season long, but had never attempted to kill it with his hunters--just saved it for himself. Why would I trust a guy like that to reveal anything worthwhile to me as barely-paying client if he won't even reveal his knowledge to his big spenders?
Funny thing it was $100.00 15 or so years ago when it was a monthly newspaper. Based on inflation the last 15 years the $200.00 is about the same as the $100.00 it was when it started.

The one reason I re-subscribe almost every year is they'll catch a regulation change in a state almost every year that I would miss. There is no way I'm going to read 7 or 8 state's hunting regulations, cover to cover, every year. Some states like Colorado put their changes in red, but most don't. If NM or ID went to a PP system this year, and I missed it, I would be kicking myself for not subscribing. That's an extreme example. Another, WY's elk units that are only open every third year, unless they decide to open it this year.

Additionally, getting the "previous hunter's list" has been very worthwhile for me. I've obtaned much better info on units I've never set foot in by calling other "Huntin Fools" than on MM. There are 100's of solid people on MM but if you ask for info you get 3 sarcastic comments for every good PM.

On the other hand I've never been a Garth fan. Pimping Colorado deer tags is my pet peeve but my 2-3 calls to their "consultants" were similiar to those mentioned above by others.
HF at $100 and Eastman's at $39 (EHJ & EBJ) are both worth it if you are into numerous states IMO.

They both oftentimes recycle most of the year before's stuff (oftentimes word for word) but that is to be expected.

Eastman's is more proactive to making changes.
Basically same view with my opinion. I wont pay the fee increase, Ill stay a member of 100 bones as I like reading the stories, pictures, and using the book as a reminder of when app's are due along with which units they are pushing the crowds towards.

As far as the people at magazine now a days. I wont call them anyways. What I got when I called them on a big tag I drew recently is them trying to push me to book with an outfitter. Knew very little on the unit.
I'm glad I posted this lots of good feed back.


"Sometimes you do things wrong for so long you think their right"

-Joe E Sikora
Do you get the list of prior hunters for the $100 membership? To me, that's worth $100, and it's the only reason why I pony up the money.
That is they way I understand it.
I think the new owners appear smart enough to realize that if they pull that option from the base membership price they will lose a lot of renewals.
That is the main reason I renewed.
HF is not for everybody, however if you hunt several states its the best thing going. I would also add that the $200 membership is for guys who not only hunt multiple states but frankly don't have the time to do an ounce of research.If a consultant provides you with information that leads to you putting your 1st 200 inch deer on the ground, I think we would all agree that it's worth the xtra $100 for consultant access.
As for the increase, keep in mind they have not raised their prices in 20 years. The cost of doing business has gone up substantially in the last 20 years, yet their price has remained the same.I own my own business so I know inflation is a formidable foe to all businesses. Price increases always seem to be justifiable when it's our own business at stake, but heaven forbid another business raise their prices.
I know the new consultants, Travis Roundy and Dave Loscher, pretty good. They are both good guys who will give you some solid information if you know what you are looking for. These guys have both put some big animals on the ground and know what they are talking about.
I will personally continue to subscribe to the $100 membership for the magazine and the ability to use it as a reference for multiple state application periods.
Guys who are very serious about killing BIG animals realize what a bargain $200 is. Especially considering what outfitters are charging for a legit shot at a monster buck or bull.......$200 is a drop in the bucket.
I'm done with them, here's why: called them last year to ask about a few different out of state units that I wanted to hunt, they gave me a canned answer with a bit of an attitude. Yes, I understand that they get thousands of calls, but hey, that's their job to provide a service when you pay for a membership. He acted like I was an idiot. Secondly, they sent me a flyer in the mail a few weeks back that said "free premium membership" since I was already a member. Well, I called them to renew since I heard they hired a few different consultants and the secretary told me that they had messed up accidently sent me the wrong flyer. In my opinion they should honor it.

I spent $500 with them last year between the two raffles and the membership fees. It's a drop in the bucket to them, but you do it to too many people and you will hurt your business in the long run.
If you study the state statistics and read info from a variety of websites you don't need any of the hunting mags to point you to a unit. Save your money and do your own research. I do and love it!
Not renewing after getting it off and on for years.
Don't plan on hunting out of state much anymore.
Quality mag,and some buddies have even graced the pages.
But dropping 3 magazines this year.
I like the magazine but will not spend the extra $100 to talk the consultants. They have never really been a whole lot of help in the past. All they usually do is send a list of other people that have drawn the tag in the past. And I can't imagine paying the extra money to talk to their new consultant Drew. He is a good guy and have known him for many years but when it comes to public land hunting thats not really his thing. If I was looking for a good utah cwmu then yes.
Just go an email saying the $100 membership will now get you access to the "HF Forum". The original plan was that was reserved for the $200 membership, although we had temporary access until your current membership expired. I'm guessing the Forum went dead because not that many folks were paying the $200.
Hey guys,
This is Travis Roundy, aka deerbedead, long time Monster Muleys participant, and Huntin' Fool's newest hunt consultant.
I've been a hard core mule deer hunter for 25 years now and along the way I've tried to learn something from every person,hunt, magazine, hunt story, video, photo, seminar, and forum that I possibly can to give me the edge I need to consistently draw tags, and bring home big mule deer.
The single most effective tool I have used to keep me up to speed and in the game is Huntin' Fool. I have said that for years, and I truly believe it. I have not found a better value in the hunting world for my dollar spent than my yearly check to Huntin' Fool. No gadget, no backpack, no scope, no boots, no clothing, or any thing I can think of has put me behind more big dead mule deer than the tags I have accessed by studying the odds and info published by H.F.
If you hunt the west or if you'd like to start hunting the west I do not know of anything you can purchase for $100-$200 bucks that will help your hunting success more than a membership with Huntin' Fool.
Thanks for reading this, and I wish you the very best for you and your families during the Christmas season!

P.S. To the poster above that got the free premium upgrade in the mail, please call me at the H.F. office on Monday and I'll be happy to upgrade you to Premium. Thanks!
i hope they reconsider the price hike. $100 is a lot money for a magazine subscription. I am afraid this move will cost them some members. If you decide to keep your membership or bail out please do me a favor. I have a CO archery bighorn article "My Masters" entered in the HF story contest. I am a few votes behind. Please log in and place a vote.

That $200 will almost cover the cost of my annual NR AZ license and my NR Utah License. I think that will get me a lot further towards drawing a few great tags than the Huntin Fool subscription. I wish all the Huntin Fool staff the best of luck. Garth pioneered the idea and has done very well. The service has simply slipped and I personally don't feel that is is currently worth $100 (not even going to discuss the $200). That being said... I sincerely hope the new additions will help return the Huntin Fool to its former position. To me, the Huntin fool is little more than a booking service at this time.
The only thing I wasn't crazy about was having to pay the $200 fee just to access the forum to speak with the consultants. My issue with that was I don't want my questions about specific units on a forum....I'd prefer to call. If I read it correctly in the latest issue, I believe you don't have to pay the $200 anymore just to access the forum, but do have to pay the $200 if you'd like to contact the consultants. I think I read that correct... I agree with this. $200 is more than fair for advice from consultants plus the magazine. I'm a cpa and live on the phone and know what it's like to be on the phone 24/7 - it's worth the additional $100.
I rejoined this weekend when I got the email that the forum is now included in the 100. I enjoyed their forum for the month I got to use it. seems like MM is just a bunch of debates about stupid stuff anymore
If $100 does not give you the access to list of prior hunters for a tag drawn then I have spent my last $ with Garth. That is 90% of the reason I buy HF.
Just to clarify what the $100 standard H.F. membership gets you:

1. Full access to online hunting forum (to research hunts, share info, post photos, and all the other stuff forums offer. Consultants are active on the forum.)

2. Access to purchase landowner tags (if you don't draw, H.F. can help you get a landowner tag so you can go hunting)

3. Access to H.F. website with interactive hunt odds calculator, links to state game and fish agencies, plus access to all the web stories from other H.F. members that don't get published in the mag.(100's of stories) If you draw a sweet tag, you can search the web stories for all the stories and photos from the area you just drew)

4. 12 issues of H.F. Magazine (H.F. publishes info on each western state giving you draw odds, unit info, hunt data, and much, much more to help you be informed so you can play the tag drawing game more successfully. Plus lots of stories and photos so you can research areas you potentially would like to hunt)

5. Your own personal Hunt portfolio (to keep track of your points in each state, and notes on hunt areas etc.)

6. Access to endorsed outfitters list (you draw a hunt, or want to book a hunt, call to receive a list of our endorsed outfitters. This is at no extra charge to you. You can call the outfitters from the list and choose one of them if you want. H.F. does not charge you extra for this service)

7. (website you can access to search for an outfitted hunt that fits your wants and needs. You can email the outfitter direct from this website to research them before you book. H.F. does not charge you extra for this service)

8. Full access to member list of prior hunters who have drawn your same tag. (call and we will forward you a list of names and telephone numbers of members who hunted the same area you drew, so you can call them and ask questions about the area and the hunt. This is one of the best research tools in the business. There's nothing like talking to someone who has hunted the same area you want to hunt. We have hundreds of members who have drawn about every hunt you can imagine)

9. All of our members can access our new online store and every member receives a 10% discount on all items they purchase from (There's a lot of hunting gear, optics, and other great stuff on the store, and at 10% discount it would be easy to recoup your $100 membership!)

Hope this helps clarify what H.F. offers for the $100 membership.

I guess i'm a tight wad but i just couldn't believe that a magazine thought that their rag and info was worth $100. a year!

I still don't but some of you have more money to spend than i do!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
If you do a lot of hunting out of state, the info is invaluable.

How much is your vacation time worth? Opportunity cost.
How much does it cost you to travel 500-2000 miles to go hunting.

Having additional information is not going to guarantee that you have a good hunt, but, I watch every year guys waste $ on BS outfitters, regret hunts, etc.

It does not give you all the info you need, but, without it there is a huge void that is hard to fill.

If you hunt the same units every year or occasionally go out of state for a meat hunt, or antelope hunt, or just into going and setting up a camp and partying for a week it would be a waste of money, otherwise, it very well could be the best $100 or $200 you spend every year. Bob, I have gotten some good advice in the last few years.

Good example is I had 12 CO mt. goat points. My youngest son is in High School and is not only by best hunting buddy, but, now can carry more than me (he is not carrying an extra 60lbs of fat like I am).
My priorities were.
I wanted a DIY hunt me and my son could do.
I needed to draw while he was still home to help me.
Did not want to deal with horses.
I needed to get the hunt done in a long weekend so my son did not miss to much school.

These were things that a guy that was only familiar with a couple of units could not help me with. I have seen it over and over again. A guy talks himself into a hunt that does not fit what he is looking for. I used to do it all the time. I would make those long 16 hour drives home pissed at myself.

I talked to one of the guys there and they made a couple of recomendations that would fit my needs. They got me a list of previous tag holders and then it was up to me. We drew the tag. Made the trip. Humped that mountain several times and I knocked down a billy goat and my son was there to help me.

Here is a picture of my son being my packmule. :)



Margaret Thatcher: "The trouble with Socialism is, sooner or later you run out of other people's money."

"A Liberal is a person who will give away everything he doesn't own." - Unknown
Paul, thanks for the heads up. At this point in time, with the points I have/don't have, I can always use unit help. They didn't do anything for me when I drew Utah so I dropped them after that hunt. I've been thinking of re upping but have held off. Maybe this new blood is what they needed to get things ramped up for their customers. I may join today, early present to myself.
Merry Christmas to you guys.
Have always loved HF since day one and still do. Garth has done very well financially with his business but does have a lot more mouths to feed over there in recent times. Heck-that's only two less tickets you could have for his drawings or just stick with the regular hun and enjoy!
NMPaul, Most of my out of State hunting is past me now. Back in the 70's steady thru the 90's, off and on up to a couple years ago, i went out of state and usually hit at least two states on the trips. There was no Hunting Fool then and we got by and took our good-better bucks just fine.

Now, i have more places i'd like to return hunt than time or money to do so. I still don't need them, HF, one bit but could understand others who might find benefit. Also, i have had great response from some members help right here. Goes around, comes around...


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
HF does the best job of anyone for what they advertise to do. I am a member and enjoy there magazines and service. If I were them, I would have included all of there current service to all of there members and upped the price by $25 bucks or how much ever it would have cost to keep their operation operable.

My only complaint with them is 1) how they focus their magazine on high priced landowner tags. This is because I simply don't have the money to buy an outfitted hunt and frankly enjoy hunting animals that everyone has a fair chance to get. 2) all of the advertisement they put into their landowner tag draws. We don't even know the draw odds for these draws so I do not put into them. I would be 100% support of the draws and would spend money on these tickets to draw if I knew the money was going directly into buying as many hunts as possible and not into greasing the pockets of hunting fool owners.

Other than those 2 complaints, they run an awesome business. I have called and talked to these guys and they were very informative and friendly. I would recommend them but would not recommend putting into their draws until we have an accountability of where the draw money is going.
>NMPaul, Most of my out of
>State hunting is past me
>now. Back in the 70's
>steady thru the 90's, off
>and on up to a
>couple years ago, i went
>out of state and usually
>hit at least two states
>on the trips. There was
>no Hunting Fool then and
>we got by and took
>our good-better bucks just fine.
>Now, i have more places i'd
>like to return hunt than
>time or money to do
>so. I still don't need
>them, HF, one bit but
>could understand others who might
>find benefit. Also, i have
>had great response from some
>members help right here. Goes
>around, comes around...

Joey, for what you are doing, there would be no reason to drop $100 on a membership unless you just wanted to read the magazine.

Things are not the same as "back in the day" when you could go buy a tag at the grocery store and have a solid chance to connect with a hammer buck or bull.

Most of the guys consistently killing big stuff DIY (on a budget) are playing the points game, and spending a lot of time researching states and units.
I also drop $25 a year for just for the state by state draw odds.

It aint for everyone for sure. Nothing wrong with hunting areas you are familiar with every year.
>I'll save you $100 ...
>"great unit, 350 bulls possible, scout

cold dead hands
NRA Life Member
After reading NMPauls post, I think I will probably pony up the $200 when it comes due.

One thing that hits me, how much is your time worth ?

Almost everything they publish is available else where, but it would take many hours to compile it all and put it in a format where you can compare it all side by side.
Potential trophy quality, drawing odds, different regulations, season dates all laid out on a few pages .
Reminders of little things that could save you from a ticket like this state requires an orange vest, or that state requires a hunter safety card.

About ten years ago, after spending countless hours researching units, I thought I had found a hidden gem. An easy to draw elk unit that was sandwiched between two hard to draw, well known trophy units. I called, and got Jason. He said, wait a minuet, my dad knows all about that unit. Garth came on the phone and basically saved me a ton of time and money. He had noticed the same thing and drawn the tag the previous year. It was a bust. Some big bulls, all on private land, the public land held almost nothing.
How much was that information worth ? All the time, money, a week of vacation from work ?

Every year, people spend upwards of $1,500 on a new bow because it's 5 FPS faster or 2 decibels quieter, If $200 a year will help me have better, more successful hunts, then it's a bargain.
>After reading NMPauls post, I think
>I will probably pony up
>the $200 when it comes
>One thing that hits me, how
>much is your time worth

Shouldn't I get a free raffle ticket or a hat for that? :)
Keep in mind you don't have to sign up for the premium membership until you know you need to talk to a consultant. I think this new strategy could be great. If you really want to talk to one of these guys, you'll actually get their undivided attention because they haven't been worn out on the phone with a million other people. Time will tell.

I've tried several strategies over the years to stay up to speed on the draws. In my opinion, The Huntin Fool is the most accurate and reliable service available. I just signed up again and was very happy with the content of the December publication. The detailed draw strategies of each consultant based on their goals and lifestyle offered some good food for thought. I also liked their strategy on youth hunting opportunities--it was the most comprehensive overview of the topic I'd ever read. It would have taken me hours to go through and get a handle on that. I tried going off other publications for a few years and was shocking how much stuff was missed. I decided to let my subscription lapse to those other publications and put the money toward the Huntin Fool. Access to the member draw database is helpful. Travis Roundy as a consultant is beyond legit. I'm glad they saw the error of their ways and included the forum for all members. That will help people get their questions answered without having to call a consultant.
saved my money this year.

dont renew unless you want a guide

find a great unit from one of their old magazines....then hunt hard.

"The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." - Plato
I had a membership for one year and I really enjoyed the magazine. It is another source of information and should obviously not be your only source. I know some other guys that have memberships so I just look at their magazines when they are done with them.

The calls to their hunt consultants were absolutely worthless. The list of previous hunters was helpful but I have done much better with help from guys on MM over the years and I am more willing to help guys on here too. The guys I have helped via HF have never reported back on their hunts.

I will say the magazine quality is really good.
I have subscribed to Huntin Fool for several years now, I have used them for what they are, a resource, one of several. I have been very pleased with their magazine, the list of references for units hunted, and my conversations with the consultants. I hadn't really made my mind up whether I was going to upgrade to premium or not, until this weekend. This weekend I had the pleasure of meeting Travis Roundy, the newest hunting consultant at Huntin Fool. Travis is a straight shooter and seems like a great guy, I came away very impressed with him and I believe he is going to be a huge asset to the company.

I was impressed enough that I am willing to spend another $100 a year to continue to utilize this resource.

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