Hunting book recommendations


So looking to get the forum's thoughts on good reads about hunting. Looking from anything from short stories to full on book. Deer or elk primarily but would also look at other animal adventures.

Thanks in advance for any recommendations.
Mark of the Grizzly by Scott McMillion

I'm not one for telling my grandson how big of turd I had to pinch off from having to eat so much meat. I want to give him the antlers that hang from my wall and tell him the unforgettable experience that came with each and every one.
Back Country Bow Hunting by Cameron Haynes great read , DVD plus lots of tactics and back country camping skills , game habits whether you hunt archery or rifle.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-23-13 AT 09:32PM (MST)[p]If you are into great old books with some history, here are some free links that "greatwestern" posted a year or so ago on some Hornaday Classics.

I got into them last winter and couldn't leave them alone.
They are more about sheep/goats, etc, but I eat that stuff up.

I am also a big Jack O'Connor fan, despite the fact that he is long gone.
Back Country Bowhunting has been recommended , HOWEVER I got bored with it after the first few good chapters. The book starts off good. Then it morphs into a book of half motivational speaker/half marathon runner. He lost me and I could not finish it. There was way to much running/conditioning! And I just got back from my mountain hunting workout an hour ago so I can appreciate being in shape but there comes a point when it becomes a fitness book.

cold dead hands
NRA Life Member

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