Hunting Podcast You Might Like


Founder Since 1999
LAST EDITED ON Jun-07-15 AT 08:41PM (MST)[p]Jay Scott Outdoors is now advertising their podcast here on the site. I just wanted to take a moment and let you guys know about it. I'm sure there are quite a few of you who would like to listen. Some good stuff can be learned. I've only had the chance to listen to one of them. Good "road trip" stuff.

You'll have to listen in and share your opinion here .... with some respect of course.

Also available on iTunes ...


Brian Latturner
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His podcasts are really good. I pick and chose the ones I'm interested in, but he is just a genuine guy and he interviews the experts on whatever specific topic he covers. Most of them are about Arizona specific hunting.
I have listened to a couple of Jay's podcast. All have been informative. I especially liked last weeks, that talked about the strip.

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