Hunting While Your Hunting?


Long Time Member
Other than emu's running wild and 7.3's gelling up ( I know DeerMadness, I've owned one for 17 years too) it's gotten a little sleepy around the ole camp fire.

I've been looking for other "hunting" subjects to wile away the hours, because I don't care much for the Yuma "camp out" like most of the retired guys do from my neighborhood do.

Around two years ago I came across a story about an old timer with a colorful back ground, from being a Navy fighter pilot in V Nam to eventually building a business buying and selling Native American artifacts, in front of God and everyone. He claims to have had a love for the outdoors and lifestyle, particularly for fly fishing the Rocky Mountain in the West.

As he aged he became concerned about children turning away from the outdoors to electronic games etc. He says he started thinking what he might do to get kids and their families back out in the woods. Accordingly he gathered up over a million dollars in gold coins, gold nuggets, and various other very valuable artifacts, purchased an old brass chest, put all the "stuff" in the box, and when he was near his 80's and expecting to die from cancer (or something he thought was terminal) he went to one of his favorite places and hide the chest with it's contents. He claims he put it somewhere in New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming or Montana. Then wrote a poem, with numerous difficult to identify, clues as to where to find his hidden treasure.

That was 5 or 6 years ago, he hasn't died yet and is nearly 85 or 86 now. He claims no one has found the chest and it contents yet, but knows, based on where he put it, that many people have been within a few hundred feet from it.

The media have named the treasure: Forrest Fenn's Treasure, and various national news media outlets have interview both Fenn and some of the folks that have been "hunting" for the treasure. They claim thousands of people from across the country have been looking, off and on, for the chest. At least one guy froze to death in Colorado last year, while looking for it, during the winter. (Sad but stupid.)

So....... in the remote possibility that some of you might have read about this "hunt" I'd be interested in knowing if anyone else has given any thought to where Fenn may have put his brass chest, or have looked in any hollow stumps or under an over hanging rocks for his gold.

Out of curiosity I have read a fair about what Fenn has told others, and what extra clues he has given, (there have been a few, to keep people from digging up graves and going to jail for trespassing etc. I have some ideas where I might consider looking, if I ever had occasion to be in a few of the areas I think his hints might be referring to. I'd share my ideas, if others would be interested in discussing what they think. It's not like I've any secrets that I someone might take advantage of, because I think the subject has been discussed backwards and forwards by better than me, so the chances of find it are slim to none, but in as much as the emu is dead and the weather has warmed up a little so my 7.3 is running better, if you're interested, post up your thoughts or interest. I'll respond as well.

So I'll start: A lot of people think it's in New Mexico because Fenn lives in Santa Fe. I don't. I think South East Wyoming is where it's at. There is a reason why I think it's somewhere near the Green River. Fenn loved to fish the Yellowstone area and he spent 50 years searching for Native American artifacts, from throughout the Rocky Mts. I will share my reasons, if others do some reading about the Treasure and Fenn, and share some interest and share their thoughts.

If there is a wild wombat running loose in your neighborhood, or you're chasing Arizona jaguars, I guess you've got more exciting things to do, if not, check into this story and let me know what you think.

If Somebody Finds it?

Will Our Government Take it?

[font color="blue"]It Was them Damn Lake Trout that took them Elk
>Not if you don't tell any
>one about it....

And there You Have it!


Longun might already have the Stash in His Garage!:D

[font color="blue"]It Was them Damn Lake Trout that took them Elk
Funny, if you watch the netflix series Longmire, there is a episode about this. Never knew there was such a thing till you wrote above. The poem had it in WY too, :)
Not that I am going to start looking for it but interesting.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
I have enjoyed watching all the Lomgmire episodes on netflix....can't wait for the next season. I would love to have that big dirty heavy suede coat!Hoping to draw Wyoming elk tag 2017.
If someone has found Fenn's brass chest, I believe Fenn would have gotten the word and proof from the finder, and would have let the world know. Could be wrong but don't think so. Now after he dies, that could be a different story.

Fenn has never said it was in Wyoming, he said it was in the Rocky Mountains, in Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, or New Mexico. Further he said, it is not in Idaho or Utah.

Beyond the poem he has said he put it above 5,000 feet, on public land.

So here's the poem with the first nine cryptic clues:

As I have gone alone in there

And with my treasures bold,

I can keep my secret where,

And hint of riches new and old.

Begin it where warm waters halt

And take it in the canyon down,

Not far, but too far to walk.

Put in below the home of Brown.

From there it's no place for the meek,

The end is drawing ever nigh;

There'll be no paddle up your creek,

Just heavy loads and water high.

If you've been wise and found the blaze,

Look quickly down, your quest to cease

But tarry scant with marvel gaze,

Just take the chest and go in peace.

So why is it that I must go

And leave my trove for all to seek?

The answers I already know

I've done it tired, and now I'm weak

So hear me all and listen good,

Your effort will be worth the cold.

If you are brave and in the wood

I give you title to the gold.

"Happy hunting!"


If You Buy Land with Artifacts on it?

Can You Rape it?

[font color="blue"]It Was them Damn Lake Trout that took them Elk
Would this be Close?


[font color="blue"]It Was them Damn Lake Trout that took them Elk
I'm Thinking He didn't know the difference between a Cutthroat and a Brown?

[font color="blue"]It Was them Damn Lake Trout that took them Elk
LAST EDITED ON Jan-14-17 AT 09:55PM (MST)[p]Fenn's Treasure Map

There is not an X marking a location on this map.

If you where hunting big game or upland game in the Rocky Mountains, and you had Fenn's Chest of gold nuggets in the back of your mind, where would you put the X on this map.


Here's a 2lumpy hint, not a Forrest Fenn hint. What does this thing have to do with Forrest Fenn or his hidden treasure?


It's made out of Obsidian & I Know where that Pile of Rock is!

[font color="blue"]It Was them Damn Lake Trout that took them Elk
Begin it where warm waters halt

And take it in the canyon down,

Not far, but too far to walk.

Put in below the home of Brown.

A google search for Brown home came up with this:

The Brown Cabin sits high above the river 3 miles north of Ouray. Its large deck offers stunning views of the high peaks and the Uncompahgre river valley.

One of their claims to fame is their hot springs around Ouray, Colorado.

What do you think 2Lumpy?
The Bears Ears is certainly a beautiful enough location to go hunting, for big game or for a treasure chest. The hunter would be rewarded whether he found the gold or found the beauty in the place. Either way you'd be a winner B.

Looking around the rocks and pines north of Ouray would be worth a trip. Been through that country a time or two, its spectacular. Based on Fenn's personal interest and his claim that he put the treasure in a place he was drawn to, I can't get too interested in Colorado. Fenn's writings and interest, outside of New Mexico, seems to be further north.

I'm still hung up on So. West Wyoming, based on that chuck of obsidian,

Does the term clovis spark any related interest?

Here's one of Fenn's treasure hunter's comments, based on her treasure hunting efforts:

Donna McChesney on November 28, 2014 at 5:16 am said:
F stated ?if I told you what Brown was, you would walk right to the treasure.?. So, imo, Brown is not trout, too common. He said ?you'll know it when you see it?. Your troubles will be worth the ?cold? gold, if you are brave and in the wooden lined box, you get ownership to the gold. Just being brave inthe woods or in a tree doesn't claim the gold, ya got to heave that chest open and be running your fingers thru it to claim it. Halt, look, listen?it's in the poem. The poem deals with ?time?, Fenn?s greatest enemy. Time waits for no man. It ages you, like him. Time creates loss of memory like folks forgetting his dad. Passing thru time hard, left Fenn weak. Time creates new riches while leaving you with old ones. Time forgot the french soldier, and made a stranger out of Fenn?s reflection in the mirror. Fenn doesn't want to be forgotten by time.
So, we need to look on a river, for a waterfall with a rainbow in a meadow, away from any man made trail or structures. A place time forgot. A place Fenn returned to in time, like when he goes back in time in his mind, when he excavates. Maybe Brown refers to a ?people??? Home is a pueblo, that time has forgotten and all traces of man made trails have gone back in time to nature.
Just IMO, for what it's worth. His book is all about going back in time?memories.
Now, where did I put the keys to that DeLorean?!

Your interpretations are as good as hers or anyone elses.

I think Fenn's interest in early Native American's, their big and small game hunting tools and methods, and the history those early people left, in the Rocky Mountains, where us modern hunters now do our hunting. I believe these issues are closely tied to where he hid the chest. He is wanting to drive the interest of modern day youth, back out into the outdoor hunting and life style, that was started and maintained for centuries in the past, until the present day.

Think clovis treasures!

That Treasure is at the Bottom of the Yellowstone Grand Canyon!

I Got in a Fight with a Forest Ranger once there!

I Wanted to Fish down Below the Falls & He Threatened to Arrest Me!

So I Left & Went Back!

Wished I had been looking for the Gold!

That's some Mean Hiking to get down in there!

Ended up with a Few Battle wounds!

But You Shoulda Seen the Fish I Caught!

[font color="blue"]It Was them Damn Lake Trout that took them Elk
LAST EDITED ON Jan-15-17 AT 05:48PM (MST)[p]Hold your arms out and show us just how big those cutthroats were BC. On a scale of 1 to 36?

Now BC, was you "treading" off the designated trail and did that Ranger feller threaten to do a "tune up" on your sorry butt?

Regarding the Jellystone Canyon and Fenn's glory chest: Fenn has said he made two trip in, in one afternoon, one to carry the empty chest in and another, that same afternoon, to deposit the contents in it. At that time he was an ailing 82 year old. If he went into that canyon, twice in one day, at that age, it would surprise me. Depending on how deep he went I suppose but I don't believe his passion for fish is as great has his love for the study of Native American's and their hunting/living ways. He made millions buying, collecting and selling their things, that he loved. His entire life was filled with "hunting", fishing, and living in the outdoors he loved, and he apparently loved the idea that people, in a way. just like him, had live that way, in those same locations, for 10,000 to 15,000 years, finding and hiding their treasures.

I think Fenn believes the treasures of the ancients are their hunting/living tools and his gold and modern treasures are related, in some way, to those ancient treasures. He is hiding his treasures, for others to seek, as the ancients hid their treasures, which he has spent his live pre-suing with great personal satisfaction, His hope is to motivate a future generation of "hunters" to continue to hunt, be it for mastodons, deer, elk, brown trout or gold nuggets.

Hey Lumpy!

If You're Gonna Catch the Big Fish!

You're gonna need to 'Tread' a little!:D

[font color="blue"]It Was them Damn Lake Trout that took them Elk
Now..........let's get back to the "hunt"!

I've seen dozens of arrow head collections, there must be over a dozen, all mounted up on velvet and hanging on peoples homes I've been in. I'll bet most of you have seen more than I have.


Who's are these?

Where did they come from?

What makes these different than other projectile points we see displayed in lots of places?

When were these made?

Who made them?

What were they made for?

What the hell would they have to do with a brass box?

LAST EDITED ON Jan-16-17 AT 00:42AM (MST)[p]Okay, it's now after midnight in Utah so I'm off to get some sleep. I've got a busy day tomorrow, negotiating prices for prizes, with our local merchants for the Fish Lake Perch Tournament next Friday, if there's still safe ice on the lake, a list of most of the extra clues Fenn has given out over the last four years, to tide you over until I get back tomorrow. With the amount of enthusium this us generating, I think maybe I'll just keep all the contents in the chest for myself.

BC, I'll buy you a room at the "No Tell Motel" in Garner, Montana so you can, while the Rangers are having coffee and donuts, slip down the canyon again..... when I find the Blaze.

Eel, I'll give you and your Mrs' an all expenses weekend at the Brown's Cabin in Ouray, but you'll need to navigate the Utah freeway to get there on your own...... when I go up the creek without a paddle.

TriState, Longun, and mntman you'll each get the "participation" prize, a 6 pak of Golden Macaroni........ when I take title to the gold.

The rest of ya get, buttkiss....... cause you anit helped a lick.

There's what you need to be working on:

I've listed some things that may or may not help some of you:

What we are taking as fact:
♦Located above 5,000 ft and below 10,200 ft.
♦At least 8.25 miles North of Santa Fe, New Mexico
♦Not in grave yard
♦Not in out house?..not associated with a structure
♦Not in a mine
♦Where warm waters halt is not a dam.
♦Chest and contents weigh 42lbs. (Fenn said 44lbs. in one email, but has said 42 several other times)
♦Chest is 10x10x5 inches and made of Bronze
♦Forrest published a map in his book Too Far To Walk and told us the chest is hidden somewhere on that map
♦The treasure is in one of 4 states: Montana, Wyoming, Colorado or New Mexico

Subjective information:
♦Don?t go where an eighty year old man couldn't go
♦Not associated with a structure??what does ?associated? mean?
Def: Connect (something) with something else because they occur together or one produces another Does this rule out it being in town? Could it be in a front yard, park, Memorial, etc. etc.; as long as it is not in a structure?
♦Seasonal search: Since it's above 5,000 ft. just about all of the search area will be impacted by some snow. As the elevation increases the ?search season? decreases.

Fenn has said:
♦ There are nine clues in the poem.
♦ Start at beginning
♦ Q: Will the poem lead you to the treasure? ?Yes if you know where to start.?
♦ Clues in consecutive order
♦ Don?t mess with my poem
♦ ?Some folks correctly mentioned the first two clues to me in an email and then they went right past the other seven, not knowing that they had been so close?.
♦ People have been within 500? of the treasure
♦ ?Some of the searchers have been within 500 feet I know?.
♦ ?Searchers have been within 200 feet?. Huffpost interview 02/04/15
♦ He never said it was buried (he never said it wasn?t)
♦ ?The person who finds the treasure will have studied the poem over and over, and thought, and analyzed and moved with confidence. Nothing about it will be accidental?.
♦ ?I said on the Today show that the treasure is not associated with any structure. Some people say I have a desire to mislead. That is not true. There are no notes to be found or safety deposit boxes to be searched. The clues can lead you to the treasure, and it will be there waiting when you arrive.?
♦ Q: Are there clues in the TTOTC book? ?Yes, because the poem is in the book.?
♦ Q: Are there clues in the TFTW book? ?Yes, because the map is in the book.?
♦ Q: Are there subtle hints in the TTOTC book? ?Yes, if you can recognize them.?
♦ ?All of the information you need to find the treasure is in the poem. The chapters in my book have very subtle hints but are not deliberately placed to aid the seeker. Good luck in the search.?
♦ Q: Were both trips made on the same day/date? ?I made two trips from my car to the hiding place and it was done in one afternoon.f?
♦ Q: Are you willing to say whether the place of the treasure chest is the same as the one where you had previously plotted to have your bones rest forever? ?Yes it is. f?
♦ ?There isn't a human trail in very close proximaty to where I hid the treasure.f?.
♦ Q: Is the Blaze one single object? ?In a word ? Yes?
♦ ?Playing a hunch is not worth much in the search and those who start out by looking for the blaze, are wasting their time.f?.
♦ Q: I would like to know if the blaze can be found during the day without a flashlight. ?I would say yes.f?
♦ Q: Did the same 9 clues exist when you were a kid and to your estimation will they still exist in 100 years and 1000 years? ?The clues did not exist when I was a kid but most of the places the clues refer to did. I think they might still exist in 100 years but the geography probably will change before we reach the next millennia.?

It seems you boys may have got into the hooch a little early this morning. I know it's customary to throw a few back on the hunt but most of us wait until after the sun goes down. Course, when it's slow, some times we get started a little early too.


The "warm waters halt" at the Ice Slough (Wyoming). Come back tomorrow and i will tell where the "home of Brown" is located.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-17-17 AT 03:39PM (MST)[p]Before I give you the answer to where "the home of Brown" is, you have to agree to split the treasure with me (50%/50%). Deal?

By the way, did you look up the elevation of Ice Slough? 5,000 ft! Just like the man said.
There ain't no treasure. It's a hoax and a good one. The kind of thing I'd like to do before I die ;-)
LAST EDITED ON Jan-17-17 AT 06:09PM (MST)[p]What's holding ya back.

No need to pick a spot or wait tell your too old to enjoy the attention you'll get for yourself. Write a poem, publish a $50 book about your life and travels, include the poem and a map that covers 1,500 miles x 1,500 miles. Take some pictures of a pile of gold coins ( doesn't matter if they are your coins or ibetter yet spray paint a bunch of phony plastic nickels a pretty gold, rough them up a llittle,, make sone Inca looking characters out of flour and water paste, spray those gold, make a treasure chest out of partical board warp it dull tin foil. Take some pictures. Burn the box and it's contents, pour the ashes idown the storm drain. Publish a Facebook page, write a blog, show your silver box of treasure pictures. Drop a few extra hints over the years.

Set back, sell your book, and get rich, have a blast watching foolish greedy people send thousands, bust bones, freeze to death, make up stories about you, call you a liar and a crook. Have the Feds raid your house looking for more antiquities. Oh hell there is no end to the fun you should be having, right now.

Be sure and publish your home address, phone number, e-mail account watch your house, get to know the crazies that follow you around, stock you, in case you slip up and so they can catch you checking your stash or give out a new hunt to somebody,. We'll need that info so we can contact you day and night to accuse you of being fake, a charlatan or worse, for next 30 years and hound your butt about it.

When can we look for your book to become available? ????
50% huh, what if another joker or two comes on board and they end up sealing the deal? You okay to split your 50% with some additionsl MMers, if some "have something to offer", if .........I'm willing to split my 50%. too? ?

Unless you got a sure thing let's keep the door open for more participants. There's some pretty sauvy ole boys frequenting this Forum "pardner", seems like we could use their help, they's a lot of Browns and a lot of sloughs above 5000ft.

Bottom line for me is the challenge, I've never had two nickels to rub together so the money is just the carrot, for me. Not say'in I'd walk away from all of it but I m not the least bit worried how she gets divvd out. Not expecting to find it but I enjoy plotting ya never no,...... So...... how about this until we get more "partners" we do a 60-40 split?

You get 60, I'll take agree to keep the door open for deadibob or some others to throw in, they have a flash of brilliance and end up point out the Blaze! ? more think. We split the cost of eel!s motel in Ouray and eelassin's fine for fishing below the falls:


Hey Lumpy!

If You'll keep the Ranger Busy!

I'll Supply Dinner!

But GOOD GAWD what a Hike it is up out of that Hole!:D

[font color="blue"]It Was them Damn Lake Trout that took them Elk
>AT 06:09?PM (MST)

>What's holding ya back.
> No need to pick a
>spot or wait tell your
>too old to enjoy the
>attention you'll get for yourself.
> Write a poem, publish
>a $50 book about your
>life and travels, include the
>poem and a map that
>covers 1,500 miles x
>1,500 miles. Take some
>pictures of a pile of
>gold coins ( doesn't matter
>if they are your coins
>or ibetter yet spray paint
>a bunch of phony plastic
>nickels a pretty gold, rough
>them up a llittle,, make
>sone Inca looking characters out
>of flour and water paste,
>spray those gold, make a
>treasure chest out of partical
>board warp it dull tin
>foil. Take some pictures.
> Burn the box and
>it's contents, pour the ashes
>idown the storm drain.
>Publish a Facebook page, write
>a blog, show your silver
>box of treasure pictures.
> Drop a few extra
>hints over the years.
>Set back, sell your book, and
>get rich, have a blast
>watching foolish greedy people send
>thousands, bust bones, freeze to
>death, make up stories about
>you, call you a liar
>and a crook. Have
>the Feds raid your house
>looking for more antiquities.
>Oh hell there is no
>end to the fun you
>should be having, right now.
>Be sure and publish your home
>address, phone number, e-mail account
> watch your house, get
>to know the crazies that
>follow you around, stock you,
>in case you slip up
>and so they can catch
>you checking your stash or
>give out a new hunt
>to somebody,. We'll need
>that info so we can
>contact you day and night
>to accuse you of being
>fake, a charlatan or worse,
> for next 30 years
>and hound your butt about
>When can we look for your
>book to become available?

I have to deal with that already, the crazies that is ;-) I write children's books about realistic hunting stories where animals actually get killed. It really pisses the anti's off.

I might as well write a book about chasing treasure. People can join my treasure hunting club for only $19.99 and buy an additional clue each month for only $9.95each.
All the more reason deadi, you're already a tried and tested story teller, it'll be easy for ya.

Course you're not serious because..... it just wouldn't work if you publish a hidden treasure book under a ghost writer authorship. But I'm sure you've thought through that already........ as well as being on top of all the other pit falls a fabricated hidden treasure story would entail.

When did you say we could look for the first "LIttle Jack, Hunting While He's Hunting", by author, Iam Ernest, series?


Hey Bob, I'm just giving you a rash of crap, please don't take offense. I know a lot of very level headed folks think ole Fenn is a fraud or a liar or patholgoical or whatever else crazy, crooked people are. Just happens I don't, but what the hell do I know.?

I'm just bored, the emu is dead, my diesel is finally starting in the mornings and Fenn's story has "pricked" :) my interest. I've been following along, ever now and then, the media's reports on this story for the last 18 months or so. When things get slow, I do a new Google search and see what else has been going on, for my own amusement, more than anything else. It beats the hell out of the Trump election posts or the SFW posts that are like a dog changing its tail threads, into infinity, and you have to admit, Fenn's stories are pretty equal to any relevance in reality. ;-)

Having said that, after having read about it for a while I have started to think where I might look, if the opportunity came along, and I was in the area. Never have spent a minute expecting to every find anything but I've had a little fun thinking about it.

I've got an X on Fenn's map. I'm trying to see if anyone else comes up with one and I think it would be kind of cool if their X was in the same place as mine. So.....I've been pushing the conversation in the direction of my bias, to see if anyone else comes up with a similar idea where the X is . I know this, based on my research on Google, no one else, that is putting anything out on the Internet, has hinted they are thinking along the line of thought I have.

As to my monetary investments, not a gallon of gas nor a penny has been spent on any of Fenn's books and never will. Just ideal time.

All for fun, and you know deadi, when the sun goes down at 5:00 pm where you live and you go to your key board to write another Little Jake hunting/fishing story, I'm going nuts with boredom, while your typing away. I got to do something with my time. For a few days, this is it. :) :) :)

Chime in anytime you wish. your bias is as good any anyone else's.

Lumpy I'm not offended at all. I'm not one of those snowflakes ;-) No I think that Fenn's idea is really cool and I'm sure he did plant the treasure. I just like to look at the twisted side of things and think how funny it would be if he was just pulling a big one on everybody. That would be funny. I've known a few people over the years that seriously thought they knew where spanish treasure was located and spent all kinds of time and money chasing that rainbow.

I did a couple geocaches with my kids one time and that was fun, until my wife found out we left her favorite cd's in one, then we had to go back and replace them.

Maybe one day I will upgrade little jakes truck to a 7.3 power stroke ;-) As for now he drives a red/white '79 ford. It makes an appearance in "Little Jake's Big Bowhunt" and there's a rear shot of it in "The Elk Princess".
Lumpy as for the "Do not seek the treasure" and other comments with DW, that's straight out of a scene from the movie "O' brother where art thou". I think he was the only one that picked up on it.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-18-17 AT 00:33AM (MST)[p]It's a gold filed bronze box, not a porcelain chamber pot! My hell, herding cats. :)

Settle down BC, it's a figure of speech metaphor !

LAST EDITED ON Jan-18-17 AT 00:30AM (MST)[p]deadi, tee-hee. your right, if it's a joke it's turned out to be a pretty morbid one. Fenn must be a heartless bastard if he's letting this play out after that guy died. All he'd have to do is say, "somebody found it", and the madness would stop. He hasn't so he's either being truthful or he's a miserable son of a b!tch.

I'm thinking he's not that raw, but could be wrong.

At any rate, Sierra has put a stake in it, but I guess he won't want to split with you, since you're an non-believer. ;-) And, if you would, when your doing that Little Jake upgrade to the 7.3, so as to keep things in true hunting genre, write in a decal in the rear window, that say's, "This Ford's 2Lumpy". I'd sure appreciate it Delmar.

Sierra, I like your latitudinal position, it lines you up pretty dang close to my X. I'm a touch off your spot but not much, is there a canyon or a creek below Bro. Brown's home?

60% headed your way, soon as we pry'er open.

Thanks for the input. Keep'er up. It's still too cold to cut and haul logs so I'm focused like a laser!

P.S. deadi, THEM SIRENS LOVED 'IM UP & TURNED 'IM INTO A HORNY TOAD is one of my all time favorite flicks. I keep a drawer full of Dapper Dan myself.

Hey Lumpy there is a small town north of Santa Fe called Chamayo and it is where the church of miracles resides. This is a small catholic church in a small town that long ago as the story goes there was already a church in town but one day the locals found a GOLD cross in the desert apparently left behind by the Conquistadors, so they picked it up and brought it to their church and put it on the alter and went to bed.
The next morning they came back and the cross was gone. They looked for it and found it in the same place they had originally found it. Every time they put it back in the church it would end up back in the same place so they built another church just for that cross. Many people have gone there and have been cured of illnesses.
The town is above 5000 ft and it is a town of miracles maybe it's hidden in the dirt there.
I did a quick Google search and came up with a number of stories about the little church in Chamayo.

Interesting. The poem is the key DeerHunt, does the church location fit the poem?

Fenn wrote the poem believing he was dying from cancer. He was originally going to die with the treasure, and the poem said, take the gold and leave my bones. He not longer thinks he's dying from cancer so he went ahead and hid the treasure and changed the poem to say, "take the gold and go in peace".

So......whereas the church is a place of healing and the dirt from the hole the cross was in has been thought to have special healing powers, it seems like that would be headed in a different direction than Fenn's focus was on, when he wrote the poem. However....... like I said, make your case, apparently there's been tens of thousands of people who have put an X on the map, yours, at this point, is as good as anyone elses.

I think I'm going to press the South West Wyoming envelope. So much of Fenn's interest, beyond his home and the piece of property he purchased and dig for antiquities near his home, was in Wyoming. He is especially proud of a specific antiquity the he believes came from South West Wyoming, South East Idaho, or North East Utah, and then has gone on to say, his treasure chest is not in Utah or Idaho. What leaves Wyoming. So..... if that specific antiquity has anything to do with his "special place" and his treasure, then it stands to reason that So. West Wyoming would be a place to concentrate your thinking.

I have a couple of other reasons for thinking So. West Wyoming as well, but I'm holding off sharing those until we get some more interest and some additional input from the folks. I'd like to see, if after some cheerleading, anyone else puts their X on top of mine.

Truth is, I think Sierra's in the right quadrant of the State but I don't think there are enough land marks in the ice slough area to be consistent with Fenn's poem. There are lot of Brown's buried in So. West Wyoming, above 5000 feet. :) I'll let Sierra do a little more research for us, maybe there is more there than I can see on Google and the satellite maps.

Fenn has said, repeatedly, there is no point in going to look, until you have done the research and know right where it is before you go tromping through the tulips, so make sure all the clues left in the poem match the location you going to check.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts DeerHunter!!

From there I's no place for the meek. How about Meeker Colorado and Baggs Wyoming is that in the area you are talking about.
This stuff is great as I am a gold panner from way back and have found a few nuggets in my pursuit here in Kali

And when they say Begin it where warm water halts and take it in the canyon down, maybe he is talking about the green river and isn't Flaming Gorge right there?
Nice to have you on board DeerHunter. I've done a little panning for gold over here on the Tusher Mountains, south of Richfield and East of Beaver. They mined that country back in the first half of the 1900s but............I think maybe they mined more money out of Eastern investors than they ever dug out of the ground. :) I've panned out some pyrite but that's a close as I've ever come. Mostly it's a fun outing to take my grand kids on. The "hunt" is the fun.

Same with Fenn's bronze box, it's the hunt, not so much the color. Not that a million in treasure wouldn't make the find a little sweeter. Tell me DeerHunter, would you rather have a frog crafted out of gold by a Native American a few thousand years ago or the money it's worth? Me, I'd rather have the frog. :) Maybe it's Pete, Sierra/DW. ;-)

Meeker, the Green River, and Flaming Gorge Canyon???

Well, Meeker would be a possibility, if there were some other clues that were closely connected to it, but I don't know of any others. Fenn has said the warm waters do not halt behind a dam, so think that takes Flaming Gorge out of the equation.

But Green River proper, we are getting warmer, I think. But why the Green River and not a dozen other rivers in Wyoming, especially all those rivers around Yellowstone, where warm waters from the hot springs run into nearly everyone of them? Yet........I'm way more interested in the Green, than I am the Firehole, the Madison, the Snake, or the Yellowstone, etc. So.....the Green, yes I'm interested but the poem says, " There'll be no paddle up your creek," I'm inclined to take that clue literally, meaning we are looking to go "up a creek" and we don't we won't need a paddle, (meaning you won't be going up in a boat/canoe) so it's likely a smaller creek.

So......a small tributary feeding the Green River? But again......why the Green, why not a tributary of any of the other Wyoming Rivers.

Now...... we need to go back to the map. The map and the poem are the two most important clues Fenn has given us. He has stated that over and over and over. He's said study the poem, analyze the clues in the poem, search the map, use the map. So.......those two items are where all the time preliminary must be spent.

To the map.......... A treasure map with out an X?

Hell, if there is not X on it, it's just another map of the Rocky Mountain States, why do we need Fenn's map, why not any map. What is so special about Fenn's map?

I think I know. I think there is an X on that map, but we just can't see it. I think Fenn knows there needs to be an X but he wants us to hunt for the X too. That X is like a seasoned elk hunter, being able to look a topographical map and knowing a whole about where to "start" to look for elk, before he has ever seen the unit. I think an X is the answer, so far as very specifically knowing "where to start looking" for the land marks and locations the poem is referring to. The X is on the map Fenn provided, and it's not on any other map, of the same area. That map is the key. Fenn keeps saying, there is no need to look unless you know exactly where to begin. The only way to know "exactly" where to being, is to find Fenn's invisible X, on that specific map. After that we can look for warm waters halting, creeks, canyons, and blazes etc.

I have two Xs, both are within 60/70 +/- miles from each other. But............ I want some others to share their "X marks the spot" before I share mine.

If y'all would rather PM me, I'll PM you back. We can do this in front of the entire world or we can do it through PMs. I'm cool either way.

What in hell have you got going on right now, between now and spring break up.....lets go hunt for Fenn's chest, take an "out of the box" look at that map, find that X, that only you can see!!!

Pm me but I have a clue to the X on the map how about where the four corners meet, four states which is the only place in the united states where that happens and what does it form a X and again you are not far from the green which runs into Lake Powell and the four corners takes in two of the states

As far as panning goes I have found several nuggets two platinum nuggets as well gold fever is real once you see it in your pan you are hooked for life
I'll PM you later today DeerHunter, got stuff going on this morning.

I'm hung up on Wyoming, a long way from the 4 corners, but you're thinking out side the box DeerH, that's what this is going to take.

I like the Green but I like it Wyoming and I like it only because I think it's a creek the feeds the Green. Once you put the X on the map, there has to be a creek pretty dang close to the X.

DeerHunter, if you want, go out and do all the reading you can stand about Fenn, and clovis points, his collection, where they came from, why he is bonded to those specific arrow heads and not some much to other kinds. Read as much as you can about Fenn himself. The more you know about the guy that hid the chest, the more likely we can unravel his riddle. Reading his mind, so to speak, will help know where that X goes.

DeerHunter, after you login in to Monster Muley, you will see this line at the top of the forum thread. On the far right side of this line, there is an link called "InBox". When you click on InBox, it will take you to your PM messages.



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