I drew a Colorado ML tag!


Active Member
I drew unit 43. I have been looking over maps and talking to others who have hunted it. Looks like it will be a physically demanding hunt and I will have to get lucky. Do you think the early rifle hunters will interfere? Any suggestions?

Probably - but I promise not to shoot if I see you working a deer. Don't blow it or I'll be there to clean up :)
Fuzzy - I actually drew a early rifle tag in another unit so you won't have to worry about me, but I have been thinking about a similar question to your post since they moved the early rifle dates to coincide with the muzz dates.

If another hunter is in position and stalking a buck, in my opinion he's got first dibbs. But at what point does the buck become fair game again ???? Once the stalk is blown ? After a missed shot ?

Sorry for hijacking your post. Good luck on your hunt.
It all comes down to being a
true sportsman, but muzzy hunt,
and rifle hunt running together
is a bad idea to me, same with
the archery and muzzy.

First you should look at the number
of early tags, I don't think they
give out a whole lot, but there is
still a big if.

Then it gets back to the subject of
I am putting a stock on a buck to
get within 300 yards to make a shot,
and some guy with the long range
system shoots from 900 yards it isn't
Dang Hungbigbulls 300 as far as I'm concerned is a long ways with anything, but a muzzy? And 900 with what? LOL

I guess I need to overcome the old slug gun mentality from IL, but dang that seems awful far to be slinging lead. LOL

I've archery hunted 45 the last two years along w/ muzzy and high country rifle hunters and not ran into either one off the road.

Sorry I didn't clarify, the 300 yards
would be for a rifle, I shoot alot
with my muzzy, but never take a shot
over 175, I just don't feel comfortable.

I was just compairing the two situations,
rifle against muzzy, and rifle against toughmen
shooting out to 900 yards with there systems.
I know on General hunts you may run into people who are after the same deer, but on LE hunts you shouldn't have that much of a crowding problem. However being a muzzy hunt you will be all camo'd up. I guess I could see where a rifle hunter could be oblivious to your location. I know personally, even on General hunts, you can usually tell where a person is hunting by the location of their vehicle. If you are walking on someone's foot prints in the mud, you should probably should find another area. JMO. But I also do not agree with letting two different weapons coinside during the same time on the mountain. It just asks for troulbe..
HNTBIGBULLS - I do my best to be a true sportsman and wouldn't blow another fellow hunters stalk intentionally, but if the muzz hunter's stalk is blown. Would it be fair of me to take the animal (clean shot of course under 400yds) before it relocates to the next county?

I'm not to concerned about running into very many people where I'll be hunting, but I've also seen for myself and heard my share of Bad-Sportsman stories.
No I think any stalk that is blown, a person
is kicking themselves in the butt, you would
always hope you could get another chance, but
a tag does not make a deer yours until it
is placed on the animal.

Common sense is the key, turn the tables in
both situations and see where you stand.
I'd be plenty upset if I blew my stalk or missed the shot and the next hunter harvested the buck. Upset at myself that is, then I'd congratulate the other hunter on a nice buck.

Still don't understand why they combined the dates of these early rifle and muzzle hunts...
Just wondered. I knew muzzleloades had came a long way, but could not imagine 300. I hadn't even thought about the iron sights.

My dad has a muzzy cow tag this year here in CO. He'll be shooting his MK85 50 cal., so I guess I will run into at least one muzzy hunter this year.

While it would be disappointing for the first guy, I think a blown stalk (or unloading ones rifle w/o lifting a hair) would open the door to the next guy. I also think each circumstance would be different, and there probably aren't any cut and dry answers that everyone would be ok with. I'd probably just prefer to back out and come after him the next day. I wouldn't give up an animal I was on first, but I try to avoid confrontations in the woods (especially w/ guns involved), deer or no deer, confrontations have a way of ruining the experience.

Seems I remember a post last year that got a little out of hand because a few people didnt' see eye to eye on this subject.

They moved the early rifle hunt in some units to the first weekend after Labor Day, to avoid conflicts with non-hunters over the holiday weekend.
Your muzzy tag is good also in 47 and 471. You shouldn't have a problem with other hunters. Hunt hard and get back in some remote areas and you will be fine. The thing that you will have to battle with more than anything is the amount of elk hunters both muzzy and archery. Do your homework early and you will be one step ahead of 95% of them.
Colorado Hunting Consultants LLC
Had the early rifle hunt in 05 and never saw another hunter up high, a few bowhunters after elk lower. I bet competition with other muzzy guys will be much more likely, looking at the tag #'s.... There just are not many rifle tags and a lot of country.
i drew a er43 tag its only valid in maroonbell wildernes.
last year hunted archery same unit.only ran into people close to road.once i was in 3 or 4 miles never saw a single hunter.

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