Long Time Member
I know this has nothing to do with hunting but I really wanted to make sure my wife knows she's 40 today. I need some help from my MM friends. Kari turns 40 today. If those that wanted to help could email her or text her and wish her a happy 40th today that would be great. I have a 4'x4' sign here where I live that has her high school graduation picture on it and her cell #. It is hanging at the intersection that leaves Elk Ridge for those that live by us. It would be a lot of fun (and get me into a lot of trouble) to have her phone flooded with b-day wishes from people she didn't even know. Thanks for your help in advance!

Kari - 801-787-1780 [email protected]

It's always an adventure!!!
LAST EDITED ON Nov-05-09 AT 06:09AM (MST)[p]Text sent!! But dude I hope you know she's guna cut you off for a month...not because of what I sent...I'm just sayin... :) Hope she has a great day!!

you got guy pics too?

Green Mile
i have pics of everything. h#ll i can probably find some pictures of you. dont temp me :)
done I hope you can afford it LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Email sent. Hope she's cool with it! I figure if Feleno is sending pics, this should be safe.

"Happy birthday Kari!

I was up hunting just behind Jim's camp and came across this beautifully carved aspen. You're lucky to have a husband that adores you so! If his depecition is anything close, I would have never guessed you a day over 25! Have a great birthday.


Hey Jim,

I sent her an email and asked if that sign was a Typo, if it wasn't supposed to say "Happy 50th"... ?

I don't think she'll care much for that. :)

I loved that sign when I drove past it this morning. LOL

Classic dude!! Funny thing, I was just about to call you last night and see if you wanted to sluff work and go riding and then my phone rang and it was you.

I thought, "He read my mind!!" But I never mentioned it, didn't want to be one of those buddies that is always hauling you off on important occasions. Ha ha. (Already played that role for the past 20 years to great acclaim)

Maybe see you tonight dude!! Great sign. I'd be in deep trouble if I did that. Hope it works out for you. ;-)

Is the deal tonight Cake and ice cream or Tequila shots?
email sent


Are you sure?

You sure don't look 40.

But I remember when you did.

On a serious side: Happy Birthday Kari.
Email sent.

Happy Birthday Mrs Hiatt, i can't beleive you lived this long with that guy your married too, your in some serious counseling, right?? Lol

So I hung the sign this morning and then headed for the hills to pull out a trailer or 2. I just got back and Kari met me in the driveway. I thought I was in deep "you know what" but she had a smile on her face. She told me that she had received more b-day wishes by noon than she had in her entire 40 years. Very cool guys and thanks. She said she got so many texts that she had to delete some to make room for new.

Forkey - I laughed my arse off when I saw the picture. She thought is was funny.

It's always an adventure!!!
Text sent

"Kari, I heard that you are way old... Congrats on living as long as you have. J/K. Have a Happy Birthday."

I hope she likes it...


It's all about the good times...
Tell your wife Happy Birthday for me.

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time

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