I think Demos two weeks from for going fishing.


Long Time Member
Demos have been cutting bait, to see what they’re up against. It’s time to fish.

With DeSantos supporting Trump today, they are going to decide if Biden will beat Trump or not. They hope he can but now that they know the Trump will be the GOP candidate, for sure. Two weeks of heavy pooling and they be ready to shift to high gear.

I’m betting they’ll send Biden to the Jimmy Carter School of Enchantment. Thank Harris and move her to MSNBC.

Are you betting on Newsom or Michelle?

Once again, the DNC will appoint their candidate, they won’t allow the Democrats to cast a single vote. That’s their definition of saving Democracy. 😂🤪😂
The Dems will used the super delegates to replace Biden, my bett is Newsom.
It is going to be one of if not the ugliest campaign seasons ever.
In the end it might be the party that cheats the most that will win, and sadly I don't see that in the Republican favor.
I believe policies will be implemented that will continue to drag this great country down.
Call me a doomsayer but in my opinion the country has been tipped and it ant coming back without the most drastic measures being taken.
i was guessing Newsom but I’m now thinking most likely Ms. Obama. The Woke side are too hung up on white men.
Big Mike will be enjoying her mansion in Hawaii and the millions of dollars her husband made on that under the table book deal after signing off on "CORE".
I am of the opinion that Desantis and Trump had a talk and Trump agreed to make him his vice president if he would toss in the towel and support Trump. Desantis will be looking at a big springboard to run for president after Trump finish this term.
Niki Haley can forget any job with the Trump Admin or Desantis down the line and will fade away or run for a state position.
Newsome has a very good chance of being the Democrat pick for running. Trump can destroy him on his very poor record of putting CA. in the poor house. This state was in the black, and under Newsome we went many millions in the red. Record number of illegals, very high crime rate and highest taxes of any state, maybe except for NY. Gas prices are sky high and about everything else. Medium price of a home around 500 thousand dollars where a young couple play hell buying a home.

Our future president and first man?
Big Mike will be enjoying her mansion in Hawaii and the millions of dollars her husband made on that under the table book deal after signing off on "CORE".
I am of the opinion that Desantis and Trump had a talk and Trump agreed to make him his vice president if he would toss in the towel and support Trump. Desantis will be looking at a big springboard to run for president after Trump finish this term.
Niki Haley can forget any job with the Trump Admin or Desantis down the line and will fade away or run for a state position.
Newsome has a very good chance of being the Democrat pick for running. Trump can destroy him on his very poor record of putting CA. in the poor house. This state was in the black, and under Newsome we went many millions in the red. Record number of illegals, very high crime rate and highest taxes of any state, maybe except for NY. Gas prices are sky high and about everything else. Medium price of a home around 500 thousand dollars where a young couple play hell buying a home.
I’m not sure about the VP for Trump yet. Still wouldn’t shock me to see him pick Haley, even after he said he wouldn’t. The question will be, who in the GOP can take votes away from Kennedy and other third party candidates in the swing States. Trump likes three or four women, Lake (she has baggage though), Stefanik (a current hero… for some), Noem, I’ll bet Trump’s team polls the daylights out of the swing States, for the next week or two, on which one can get the votes from the women and independents he needs to put him over the line. Wish Condoleezza Rice would get inspired again. She would be a perfect VP right now.
2lumpy, I agree with you on Condoleeza Rice. That woman was honest and very intelligent. She could be firm and still have the respect of the person she was being firm with.
Big Mike will be enjoying her mansion in Hawaii and the millions of dollars her husband made on that under the table book deal after signing off on "CORE".
I am of the opinion that Desantis and Trump had a talk and Trump agreed to make him his vice president if he would toss in the towel and support Trump. Desantis will be looking at a big springboard to run for president after Trump finish this term.
Niki Haley can forget any job with the Trump Admin or Desantis down the line and will fade away or run for a state position.
Newsome has a very good chance of being the Democrat pick for running. Trump can destroy him on his very poor record of putting CA. in the poor house. This state was in the black, and under Newsome we went many millions in the red. Record number of illegals, very high crime rate and highest taxes of any state, maybe except for NY. Gas prices are sky high and about everything else. Medium price of a home around 500 thousand dollars where a young couple play hell buying a home.
Actually ole gavy put you many billions in debt… like 32 billion.
32 Billions……..😂😂😂 Its chump change. There are 1000 billion in 1trillion. (Had to pull out the calculator to know that. 😁)
It’s true he has nothing on the Washington slave owners… and yes that makes us the slaves, leveraged to the tune of 30+ trillion…

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