

Active Member
hey all,

my dad drew the muzzleloader ibex hunt for febuary. i just got back from a three day scouting trip and have the fever worse than ever. those animals are amazing and by far the coolest animals i have ever glassed. if any of you guys have info you wouldn't mind sharing with me or just comparing notes i would greatly appreciate it. my dad is 60yrs. old with a knee replacement but we are willing to put in the time to give us our best chance. i know some of you have archery/rifle tags and if you would like to compare notes from my scouting to help you on your hunts that would be fine as well. thanks. here are a few pics from the weekend. please forgive the poor quality through the spotting scope. more to come




One of these days I'll draw my tag.... there isnt a tag I want more.
Dont have any info for your Dad other than to get into "the Rock" shape!! That mountain will test the most in shape individual for sure. They say that the biggest billys come from the northern end.. ie. the roughest patch or rocks up there!!

Thanks for sharin' the scouting pics. Looks like you were into goats quite a bit. Did ya see any BIG billys, 40'+?

LAST EDITED ON Oct-26-08 AT 10:08PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Oct-26-08 AT 10:08 PM (MST)


gettin into "rock hard" shape isn't going to happen with my dad. he is 60 yrs. old with a knee replacement and cuts wood to get into shape. climbing up and down those nasty rocks isn't going to happen, however, there are some places that i found billies in right now that would be a viable option for us. i did see one BIG billy. it was unbelievable to watch. found him twice. he is in an unhuntable place for us. my dad is going to take hunt the duration and we have some really good muzzleloaders which we can comfortably shoot 400 yds. hopefully i can locate more of these places soon. the mountain range in "small" but rugged as you know. i found 11 "shooter" billies last trip. don't know how much things change when the start to rut, hence, on here lookin for some insight. like i said would be willing to share any and all info as this is once in a lifetime. i know there are a few on here that are very knowledgable about this mnt. range and billies. if they are willing to compare notes i would greatly appreciate it.

there is nothing more than i would like for my dad to get a billy. i don't know how many hunts are left for us. these are by far the coolest animals i have ever glassed and are number one on my list to. i am addicted.

how big do you think that top one is? i have a hard time judging length. i only know which ones are biggest realative to others.

here is another nice one. his one side is nice but the right side has 4-6" busted off the tip. how long is his big horn?

I hope you can find a shooter for your Dad that wont take too much climbing.. Seems like you found quite a few on your scouting trips!
I'd say that the goat in the 1st pic is around 34"ish.. the busted one in your last pic is a couple of inches bigger on the unbroke side.. Good looking billy!!

Good luck and let us know how ya'll do!! I love hearing about those goat hunts!
I want an Ibex in the worst way. I have even toyed around with a trip to central asia. I think they are one of the baddest trophies around. The ideal tag would be to draw one in NM.

If a person were to go to Asia or Europe or even the middle east after them is there anyway to do the trip for less than $10,000 w airfare and guide service?

10K would cover your hunt costs (and MAYBE your flights, tips, etc)if you wanted to do an Altai or Gobi Ibex hunt in Mongolia, even though they are getting more expensive every year..It might cover your just hunt costs too if you decided to do a Mid Asian Ibex or Himalayan Ibex in Kyrgystan or Tajikistan. It'd start getting close on a Bezoar/Persian Ibex hunt in Turkey (same species as in NM),as they are getting close to 10K for the cost of the hunt.. It'd cost you more to get into the more costly species of Ibex found in the Mid East such as the Sindh Ibex. Then you have the HIGH cost ibex hunts of Europe.. Alpine Ibex in Switzerland and Austria and the 4 species of Spanish Ibex in Spain (Becite, Gredos, Rhonda, and Southeastern)..

I'd LOVE to have a chance to hunt 'em all!! I love the goats.
Congradulations to your dad on the muzzleloader hunt. I was one of the lucky ones to draw the rifle hunt back in 05. I believe that it is one of the hardest hunts in the US. The hills are probably the most unforgiving hills around because everything and anything can hurt you out there. You have various cactus, the rocks are jagged, the shrubs have stickers, and careful with the mines. I was lucky enough to take a nice billy on my last day of hunting. My dad, father-in-law, some buddies and I were out there for 8 days and I took a 550 yrd shot at a nice billy on the second day of the hunt but as luck would have it we couldn't find the billy and it took us over three hours to get off the hill. Finally, on my last day of hunting I connected a +/- 469 yrd shot on a great billy. I believe that anyone of these billies would be a trophy. The rifle hunt is coming up now in Dec. and then in Jan. you have the bow hunters out there and then your dads hunt in Feb. I really don't understand why the hunts are set up like that but thats the way it is. I don't think the muzzleloader hunt is a once of a life time hunt because I can apply for that hunt or the bow hunt. Monsterhuntclips.com has a nice video of the ibex from last years bow hunt (Check it out). I was contacted by an outfitter who concentrates on ibex and pretty much ibex only who maybe willing to offers some information (kauffmanoutfitters.com). He never pressured me to book a hunt and he offered assistance if we got into trouble or needed help on the mountain. The pix of my ibex is on his website also as a nonguided hunt. Send me a PM if you have questions and good luck on the hunt.
I know NW has a general draw and an "outfitter draw". Does that same system apply for Ibex? I can't remember
here are some ibex pics. i have taken over my three scouting trips. i have spent several days down there scouting and they are awesome. excuse the pics. they are far away and through a spotter.

can you spot the billy?


here is a closer look


a piggly broken billy. his left horn is snapped 10" up.

LAST EDITED ON Nov-21-08 AT 02:44PM (MST)[p]Now everybody can see what the heck the rock pile is all about. Thanks for the pics and cant wait to see more.. Heck one of my friends would say we would have that Billy cornered yeah right.
Holy CRAP!!!! Dude, that billy you posted for me is a BEAST!! Now that you've found your old man his goat, stick with him and bust him at first light, opening morning with that front stuffer!!

PM sent to ya
That 45" billy you posted is a PIG. Hands off Scotty, I'm calling billy when I get that tag next year :)

Negative!! That bruiser goat is all mine (as soon as I draw a tag!) That is of course Shane's dad doesn't smoke him before all of us!!

I can feel it... this year's my year! I'm getting that tag!
Bill Give me a ring during the evening some time and I will share a very do able area for your dad and a good way to get in. James P 505-264-3534

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