Nice rant.
Let me clarify my feelings on the matter.
Utah chooses to manage for quality/trophy, therefore limiting hunting opportunity. It sucks if all one wants is the chance to hunt every year.
Idaho has chosen to manage for opportunity as the hunting heritage runs deep to residents of this state. That being said, I agree with many sentiments, the massive influx of new "residents" to the state is a huge problem. The population of Idaho has grown greatly in the last 30 years. People who move here don't do it for the night life or the arts. They want to outdoor recreate. You what has effectively remained unchanged? NR tag allocations. Your state (and many others) restrict tags to residents and NR alike as management approach to grow big animals over giving opportunity. Idaho is the "opportunity" state for many of your states citizens. I get it. I see it every year. We talk to the same group of Utah elk hunters every September. They come every year, have for years and years. That opportunity is not available in your state to Idaho residents. We have a limited resource, way more demand than supply. In my opinion, every legal resident of the state should get hunting opportunities before those opportunities are given to NR. We shouldn't eliminate NR and the state never will. Go to a point system and draw only for NR. Cut tags to give NR opportunity about equal to what Wyoming does. You certainly know the limits Wyoming puts on NR, being from Utah, right? Currently it takes 4 points to draw general elk in Wyoming (can hunt every 5 years as a NR) and deer takes more for G and H (neighboring areas). Idaho has been and continues to be way too generous to NR. With the massive growth, there needs to be limits on tag numbers and it should start with NR, IMO. I know many of you disagree, because it will affect you individually. No other state, except maybe Colorado, gives anywhere near the opportunity to NR that Idaho does. And Colorado OTC have become a **** show, according to the people I have talked to who wont go back.
And yes, I see a day when Idaho residents will not be able to hunt every year. Gonna happen. But not before severe limitations are put on NR first.
First. Utah "manages" for money. 30 years ago a certain group showed the legislature a single deer tag could fetch 6figures, since then, it's been a continual crawl towards the Texas model.
You want to stop NR? Your days of cheap licenses are over. Simple math equation. How many Res does it take to equal one NR?
Only A FOOL, thinks limiting NR is a cure. Here's a secret, deep pockets, hunt, regardless. Start a draw, watch how quick landowner, outfitter, or some other scheme, pop up.
Mule deer are struggling, because mule deer are genetically weak, and evolutionarily poor. You can blame Cali, or Utah all day, but Idaho is seeing the exact same thing, EVERY mule deer state is seeing.
Utah does what it does with NR, not because we hate other states, but to create a business opportunity for the guides. Create a "shortage", price goes up. No one is hiring Doyle Moss every year. So a system is created to make that tag a premium.
Dirty secret. $$$$$ makes the world go round, and R in Idaho, don't pay the bills. NR does. Money talks, bullshit walks.
I'm theory I agree. No R should sit, while NR hunts. In reality, ain't NEVER going to happen as long as NR, brings the checkbook