Idaho 73


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Jul-18-16 AT 08:23PM (MST)[p]Is unit 73 for mule deer rifle otc or limited entry? For non-resident.

If so what are the season dates?

"That's a special feeling, Lloyd"
The unit is considered a Controlled Hunt because you have to apply for it in the draw (cant buy a tag OTC). Its an unlimited unit, but you have to apply for it as your first choice. If you wanted to apply for a hard to draw unit and then 73 as your 2nd choice, you would not draw. Works similarly to the same way it is in Montana's unlimited Deer permits, but in MT you can get a unlimited permit as your second or third choice, not this unit in ID.

There is also another controlled hunt on the unit that allocates 5 tags for later season dates, and is really hard to draw.
I see. I know that Idaho has secondary draws after the first ones are done. Is there anyway of getting a 73 tag as a NR for this fall or am I SOL? I just got an invite to hunt some private land near bannock and was hoping to be able to sell body parts or my birthright to get a tag. ?

"That's a special feeling, Lloyd"

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