Idaho is ruined


Long Time Member
The mule deer populations are the lowest I have ever seen them in 50 years since I was 12. Predators and shooting does, winter range disappearing in some areas. I always found bucks and shooters at that. It will be like Utah where we have to draw tags within the next 3 years mark my words. It's nearly hopeless to draw an Antelope tag and Bull Elk hunting is limited. Unless you are young and a beast then good luck.
Don't worry... Idaho blamed all of their issues on the non-resident. Problem solved.
I don't even care what other people said as it isn't just non -residents. This , that, who, what- I won't be able to fix it and it really bums me out. If there was even a 20 % or more success rate we could have something to hope for..but what we have is hideously sad.

They gotta limit technology!

Give the critters a chance by getting closer rather than wounding in numbers until something drops!

flooding the hills with long range bombers and soon-to-be single man drones to hit the remote areas, there ain’t no hope for anyone’s dreams!

Let’s get back to hunting rather than shooting!
I've spent the last 3 years hunting Idaho...a lot! No "general tag" areas for anything, all limited areas...mostly hunting for elk. But I have spent 50 - 65 days per year in the field (in the summer / fall) and the deer situation in every unit I've been to is absolutely, completely and totally pathetic!

At least where I've been to...I can't honestly figure out why guys are even wasting their time, much less their money / effort? I run into deer hunters all the time...I always tell em what I've seen, but usually my info to give isn't much! But I sure see a ton of elk, and lots of moose!
You mean like a Helicopter? How many people do you think are gonna have these?
Look em up. They’re coming!

I would guesstimate within the next 5-10 years that the single person drone situation will explode and the dwr will have to throw regulations on that before it becomes a problem. I think your flat brimmer rich punks will be the first to abuse them. Then once prices come down, your middle class hunter will be next to crowd the airways and back country. Like all new regulations placed on honest hunters every year that do not affect the poacher, I do not see good things resulting from these drones. A lot of accidents and back country rescues, a lot of regulations on the honest hunter but the die-hards will find loopholes to further abuse the privilege of using them when they should not.

Aside from these concerns, how many years can our wildlife put up with technology that isn’t regulated???

There will be no sacred place for the critters anymore. Driven to extinction with little effort on the part of who chooses to use this technology.
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I was be on Stoked that my wife drew a Unit 54 late hunt. We started Scouting on the 10th of November and went 10 days solid from daylight to dark. We came home for the weekend and will return on Tuesday. I’m having my doubts though. We couldn’t turn up a buck over 130”-140”. This is sold as a premier unit. It possibly could be Im a bad Hunter. We would see 30-40 does a day and maybe a forkie or Spike. Absolutely not rut activity which we may have missed. Yes I know it’s hunting and it’s all about the experience which has been fun seeing some awesome new country. My 7 year old daughter ground it out with us the full 10 days with out a complaint.
Look em up. They’re coming!

I would guesstimate within the next 5-10 years that the single person drone situation will explode and the dwr will have to throw regulations on that before it becomes a problem. I think your flat brimmer rich punks will be the first to abuse them. Then once prices come down, your middle class hunter will be next to crowd the airways and back country. Like all new regulations placed on honest hunters every year that do not affect the poacher, I do not see good things resulting from these drones. A lot of accidents and back country rescues, a lot of regulations on the honest hunter but the die-hards will find loopholes to further abuse the privilege of using them when they should not.

Aside from these concerns, how many years can our wildlife put up with technology that isn’t regulated???

There will be no sacred place for the critters anymore. Driven to extinction with little effort on the part of who chooses to use this technology.
Just like 4wheelers, Razors, Side by Sides, ect they should of been outlawed a long time ago! Technology, Fences, Loss of habitat, HWYS, Predators, Poaching, Overhunting, Social Media, Magazines and lots of hard core hunters ect..... IT'S OVER SOON FOR MULE DEER!!!
Just like 4wheelers, Razors, Side by Sides, ect they should of been outlawed a long time ago! Technology, Fences, Loss of habitat, HWYS, Predators, Poaching, Overhunting, Social Media, Magazines and lots of hard core hunters ect..... IT'S OVER SOON FOR MULE DEER!!!
Just like 4wheelers, Razors, Side by Sides, ect they should of been outlawed a long time ago! Technology, Fences, Loss of habitat, HWYS, Predators, Poaching, Overhunting, Social Media, Magazines and lots of hard core hunters ect..... IT'S OVER SOON FOR MULE DEER!!!
It's been over for mule deer long before that
It started with 3,wheelers and long range rifles
Everything else after that was just the finishing nails for the coffin lid
It's no longer big game hunting.
It's now big game shooting for the majority
I agree Bloodtracker and Ultimag. 10 years ago I drew a good tag SE Idaho and I saw big ones during the run and shot a 31" 4x4. I've been back to check it out and it has been lousy. I have a friend that has hunted the Little Lost all his life. He is young and in extreme condition. He saw mostly does and a few medium to dinky bucks.
If anyone can find good deer he can.
I hunted unit 50 when I was 14 which was 1972. There were bucks all over in the hills close to Arco. The Californians were all over that year as we saw the license plates. Now don't get defensive if you are a non- resident. We saw the decline as Idaho oversold so many tags.
We didn't have wolves then and no long range guns as most people didn't shoot over 300 yards. It has been a technological amelioration since then and it has been the long ha decline of mule deer here. If the state was a whitetail state I'm sure we would be ok.
Yes, the mule deer numbers are horrible. They have been for years as far as I’m concerned. Moved from whitetail county in North Idaho to southern Idaho almost 20 years ago and was amazed at how serious people are about deer hunting in Southern Idaho. Deer camps! Never seen such a thing before! but it was bad hunting even back then. I would look at IDFG population estimates and they said there were 3 mule deer for every elk in the state. I don’t want to say they’re liars but....

I’ve spent almost two decades in Southern Idaho and spend a lot of Novembers out looking for elk and haven’t seen a big buck yet.
If you want a nice mule deer, save your money and buy a hunt in Mexico or Alberta.

They gotta limit technology!

Give the critters a chance by getting closer rather than wounding in numbers until something drops!

flooding the hills with long range bombers and soon-to-be single man drones to hit the remote areas, there ain’t no hope for anyone’s dreams!

Let’s get back to hunting rather than shooting!

How you going to police hunters not taking an extreme long shot when they are alone?

Open sight rifles is about all you can do, but they can still fling led while walking the shot in from impact points...
I agree Bloodtracker and Ultimag. 10 years ago I drew a good tag SE Idaho and I saw big ones during the run and shot a 31" 4x4. I've been back to check it out and it has been lousy. I have a friend that has hunted the Little Lost all his life. He is young and in extreme condition. He saw mostly does and a few medium to dinky bucks.
If anyone can find good deer he can.
I hunted unit 50 when I was 14 which was 1972. There were bucks all over in the hills close to Arco. The Californians were all over that year as we saw the license plates. Now don't get defensive if you are a non- resident. We saw the decline as Idaho oversold so many tags.
We didn't have wolves then and no long range guns as most people didn't shoot over 300 yards. It has been a technological amelioration since then and it has been the long ha decline of mule deer here. If the state was a whitetail state I'm sure we would be ok.
Ah...but it's only amelioration for humans. You should be in charge of the word of the day. (y)
Idaho does a piss poor job. Frankly the entire system needs to be revamped. And as far as the deer herd goes, what a joke. Best mule deer genetics in the country and they wreck it. Heads should roll...
The mule deer populations are the lowest I have ever seen them in 50 years since I was 12. Predators and shooting does, winter range disappearing in some areas. I always found bucks and shooters at that. It will be like Utah where we have to draw tags within the next 3 years mark my words. It's nearly hopeless to draw an Antelope tag and Bull Elk hunting is limited. Unless you are young and a beast then good luck.
Sounds like Utah
How you going to police hunters not taking an extreme long shot when they are alone?

Open sight rifles is about all you can do, but they can still fling led while walking the shot in from impact points...
I guess we’re all entitled to take the long shot with whatever equip we legally have and can hunt with. However, if we witness long range behavior without a followup to the shot fired then we need to report that activity or call it out if you feel comfortable doing so. It’s common sense ethics to follow up on any shot taken. But as long as folks know that they can get away with murder, they will.
I think the tech world is always going to be ahead of any new laws a slow moving gov. operation can come up with, and you will not need a drone to get you were there is not deer. It seems to many people want anything to shoot at, no matter how far and the state,take your pick, needs to suck money out of everything they can. there is no money in better deer hunting,there is no money in restricting ohvs. hunting will be gone long before the tech. the biggest problem I see is,I heard a politician say ,that the greatest minds of our time do not run for public office, the 4th string team is in charge
It makes sense. It can't just be Utah that is suffering from poor deer numbers. Regs and mgmt differ per state, but its the whole region that is suffering from drought and terrible range conditions.
I think the tech world is always going to be ahead of any new laws a slow moving gov. operation can come up with, and you will not need a drone to get you were there is not deer. It seems to many people want anything to shoot at, no matter how far and the state,take your pick, needs to suck money out of everything they can. there is no money in better deer hunting,there is no money in restricting ohvs. hunting will be gone long before the tech. the biggest problem I see is,I heard a politician say ,that the greatest minds of our time do not run for public office, the 4th string team is in charge
Drone tech will be one more variable in the mix of things screwing up the hunt from what it used to be. I am more than willing to walk away from inline muzzy’s and extended hunting season’s, etc, as well as seeing less atv trails dotting the primitive landscape just to see quality rebound. I understand drought and shrinking winter ranges are other variables to look at but the new tech that is and will be introduced will ruin any remaining sacred habitat these critters have especially if permit sales remain the same or increase to unlimited on certain species. I wish that I had solutions to all that is coming or current.
I am from SoCal and have not hunted Idaho- no plan to....

I can say this, if you were smart enough to invest in idaho property 20 yrs ago, you are set. I dont think I know a single person who does not have a family member either freshly moved to idaho or about to move there in a few years. Kids being sent to college at boise state, grandparents retiring there, people just sick of this **** we have in CA. My realtor clients say its crazy the flight right now--people fleeing to -ID, AZ, NV, MT
Have to adjust to changing conditions..IDFG hasn't changed the tag quotas in years and people think they should get to shoot two bucks every year. The management is not adjusting to the herd and the people aren't willing to change to help. The IDFG LOVES that money from excess tag sales. Its a no win situation. I've killed my deer every year back there by hunting hard and getting out of the truck/side x and using my feet. But its getting worse and worse and when you sit down to glass all that beautiful country and turn up 5 does above treeline, and that is ALL, THERE IS A PROBLEM! Elk all over. Antelope here and there. NO DEER. Then I watched a herd of families go riding up the canyon and shoot the HELL out of the group of 10-12 does and fawns up there. DOOMED is all I can say.
The problem is this state is mostly managed for opportunity. There are some real quality Draw hunts but the odds have really taken a hit in the last few years with all the new residents.

I've been here since 2006 and I've yet to see what I would call a smoker buck. It's a shame too as this state has the genetics to produce awesome deer. Elk are doing well. Deer not so much.

We have killer habitat but so much of it is devoid of deer. You'd think there would be deer everywhere in some of the areas. I've never seen such good Mule Deer habitat hold so few deer.

When you manage the OTC units for opportunity like IDF&G does what did you expect would happen?
If there were only 100 deer left in unit 39 they would still let 13,000 deer hunters have at it.

It's all about the money. We have had some really tough winters that last few years. That didn't help at all.

The only way to improve the herds are to reduce Resident tags. Deer and Elk tags are too cheap for us Residents.
19.75 for a deer tag and 30.75 for an Elk tag is a joke.

They need to triple the Resident Deer and Elk tag prices and cut the tags by 33% or more. Reduce tags and start managing the herds. Quit shooting does until the deer herds rebound a bit.

It's all about opportunity.
I have seen the same thing in at least 2 states that i hunt, I'm from Nebraska, and go back to hunt with my family each year, and I can tell you the mule deer numbers are way down, When I was a kid we had them everywhere, and my family has over 3500 acres, of pasture and crp, and we see maybe 10 to 15 deer all season the last few years, and we havent shot a deer for 5 years. Colorado, where i live, has gotten so bad, that I don't even know why anyone would want to buy a tag. I don't know the answer to the problem, I think it's multiple issues, but in the 80's you would see deer everywhere, and now, very few.
Look em up. They’re coming!

I would guesstimate within the next 5-10 years that the single person drone situation will explode and the dwr will have to throw regulations on that before it becomes a problem. I think your flat brimmer rich punks will be the first to abuse them. Then once prices come down, your middle class hunter will be next to crowd the airways and back country. Like all new regulations placed on honest hunters every year that do not affect the poacher, I do not see good things resulting from these drones. A lot of accidents and back country rescues, a lot of regulations on the honest hunter but the die-hards will find loopholes to further abuse the privilege of using them when they should not.

Aside from these concerns, how many years can our wildlife put up with technology that isn’t regulated???

There will be no sacred place for the critters anymore. Driven to extinction with little effort on the part of who chooses to use this technology.
Easily fixed with legislation or rule making processes. No flying or aircraft for scouting, any aid or transportation from August 1 to January 31st,
problem solved. Regarding technology and guns, bow technology etc. it might be time to make 9X scopes the largest legal for any rifle hunt. Archery can also be similarly restricted.
Growing up I hunted Paddock unit 32 and would see tons of deer and either no other hunter or maybe one or two. That was in the 90's. I went back 10 years or so ago with my brother after not visiting the area for 10 or so years and man was I surprised and disappointed! It was nothing at all like what I experienced there growing up. People were everywhere, and when I say everywhere I mean freaking everywhere! I was astounded. I don't remember if we saw does or not but we sure didn't see any bucks. Sure was a bazillion other hunters though. Ive not been back since.

Ive hunted unit 31 for the most part for the last 20 years. I used to see 50 or more deer a day and lots and lots of bucks. Some big some small, but plenty of them. Last 10 years has seen a steady decline. Last 5 years has been a serious decline. This year we didn't put a lot of time in hunting but last year and every other year we put tons of miles in and I can say the animals aren't there. When there is no tracks there is no animals so its not like Im missing them. That bad winter killed a lot of deer where I hunt but they should have started to rebound by now I would think. There are only so many to go around. Its pretty sad. But the elk numbers are great so at least that's in our favor.

I am all for tripling the tag fees and doing away with being able to buy two buck tags. If the population could support such hunting then awesome go for it but it cant anymore.
You guys do realize that 2015 and 2016 were two of the best deer hunting years Idaho has had in 30+ years right? 4 years ago! A few bad years and you'd think the world was going to end. Idaho's deer herds sure have been in worse shape before than they are now. Anybody who hunted deer seriously in Idaho through the 90s and early 2000's has seen some bad deer hunting years.

Winters control the deer numbers. It's pretty simple. When you have a couple bad winters the deer hunting goes to pot for a while. Good time to go kill a few elk. Numbers will rebound, just as they have from bad winters of the past. A couple good winters in a row and we'll start seeing some deer again. We can help it along by killing less does and finding ways to increase fawn recruitment, but give it a little time before you yell that it's the end of the world. Especially when it's only been 4 years since some of the best deer hunting Idaho has seen in decades. Cutting buck tags doesn't save deer herds or Utah cutting from 200,000+ buck tags a year 20 years ago to the 80,000+ today would have given them the best deer hunting in the world. It didn't. Just made it so a lot of people have to wait to hunt (or come to Idaho!). Save does and save fawns anyway possible and that is the only way to help a deer herd grow and rebound faster.

I am from SoCal and have not hunted Idaho- no plan to....

I can say this, if you were smart enough to invest in idaho property 20 yrs ago, you are set. I dont think I know a single person who does not have a family member either freshly moved to idaho or about to move there in a few years. Kids being sent to college at boise state, grandparents retiring there, people just sick of this **** we have in CA. My realtor clients say its crazy the flight right now--people fleeing to -ID, AZ, NV, MT

And they take their politics with them and fugg up everywhere they go.
Do we want deer or elk?
If you put 10 animals in a corral with the correct amount of feed they will do fine add 20 more without upping the feed some starve.
Years ago there were pockets of elk and slot of deer hard winters affected the deer but they rebounded quickly. Now we have tons of elk out competing the deer for forage, add in predators and excess tags. We have the current state.
Just my 2cents
You guys do realize that 2015 and 2016 were two of the best deer hunting years Idaho has had in 30+ years right? 4 years ago! A few bad years and you'd think the world was going to end. Idaho's deer herds sure have been in worse shape before than they are now. Anybody who hunted deer seriously in Idaho through the 90s and early 2000's has seen some bad deer hunting years.

Winters control the deer numbers. It's pretty simple. When you have a couple bad winters the deer hunting goes to pot for a while. Good time to go kill a few elk. Numbers will rebound, just as they have from bad winters of the past. A couple good winters in a row and we'll start seeing some deer again. We can help it along by killing less does and finding ways to increase fawn recruitment, but give it a little time before you yell that it's the end of the world. Especially when it's only been 4 years since some of the best deer hunting Idaho has seen in decades. Cutting buck tags doesn't save deer herds or Utah cutting from 200,000+ buck tags a year 20 years ago to the 80,000+ today would have given them the best deer hunting in the world. It didn't. Just made it so a lot of people have to wait to hunt (or come to Idaho!). Save does and save fawns anyway possible and that is the only way to help a deer herd grow and rebound faster.

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With the influx of more hunters over time, the harvest numbers may stay the same but the success rate will drop.

From what I can tell, the gold rush is about over in Idaho.
Idaho's mule deer situation is sad. At least most realize that the number of new residents is the biggest challenge for managing tag numbers. With unlimited OTC tags for residents, the crowding will just get worse.

The number of nonresident tags have had no significant changes in 20+ years. The changes just implemented to nonresident tags will have no significant effect on crowding. It will just more evening distribute nonresidents between units.

I've always liked the OTC opportunity in Idaho but unfortunately we are likely going to see "general season" tags in Idaho similar to Utah in a few years. In reality Utah only has controlled tags for deer. The same is true with Colorado, New Mexico and Nevada. Arizona rifle is only draw only tags.
I have more bucks in my area of Kali than we've seen in two or three general seasons in Idaho. It's been absolutely piss poor. And come to think of it, a draw unit in Idaho as well.
Call Mike McDonald the magic valley biologist and tell him about your experience Mule Deer Hunting. Oh I forgot the only thing he’s cares about is protecting the farmers. We have got to get Hunters on the Game and fish commmision and in the legislater. Farmers suck at managing wildlife It shows more and more from season to season
I have seen the same thing in at least 2 states that i hunt, I'm from Nebraska, and go back to hunt with my family each year, and I can tell you the mule deer numbers are way down, When I was a kid we had them everywhere, and my family has over 3500 acres, of pasture and crp, and we see maybe 10 to 15 deer all season the last few years, and we havent shot a deer for 5 years. Colorado, where i live, has gotten so bad, that I don't even know why anyone would want to buy a tag. I don't know the answer to the problem, I think it's multiple issues, but in the 80's you would see deer everywhere, and now, very few.
Hahahaha, hahaha,,
This is, just hilarious
quit road hunting, lace up your boots, hike your lazy ass away from the road your vehicle leave theatv/utv/sxs home and actually HUNT the animal 90% of guys that whine & complain that the deer population is, low or they can't find deer in their normal spots translates, to
Me, and Bubba drove all these roads for 5 days.
We never saw, a, deer or elk close enough to shoot from the front seat of our sxs,, the hunting was Terrible the onIy deer we saw, would have required us to actually Hike more then 35 yrds from the road,and that would be way to. MUch workand require us putting down out beer
all the damn non residence are killing our elk and deer
Ive used , a fixed, 6x scope mounted on a, 280 AI for 33 yrs, on everything from yotes to bear
And I've never felt I needed a, bigger Caliber or more magnification.
Most hunters who shoot long range don’t shoot dink’s and come home without a buck , I bet thousands of good bucks and potential bucks are poached and killed by predators
Most hunters who shoot long range don’t shoot dink’s and come home without a buck , I bet thousands of good bucks and potential bucks are poached and killed by predators
If you think guys, that, shoot long range shoot only mature bucks and I've got ocean front propertywith a, 15room mansion in Minnesota, I'll SIGHN over to you free
I gaureentee thry shoot a, lot more dinks fork horns aans 1-3 yr old deer then your willing to admit
Come to. Montana, and see for your self
Just how many 2 points, 3 points, fork horns
Get killed or crippled at long range
Becuse they are not going home and eating tag soup. Especially after paying $1200for their + expenses for their tags
Most hunters who shoot long range don’t shoot dink’s and come home without a buck , I bet thousands of good bucks and potential bucks are poached and killed by predators
I shoot any legal Deer I see I've never in 33 yrs,
Not filled my tags, and I've never lost or wounded an animal and never needed more then 1 shot I killed a, 2 point buck in Idaho on openiing day this year (yes I knew, it was only a, 2 point when I pulled the trigger) @529yrds,(pretty sure that's, classifies long range I don't hunt antlers I hunt to fill my freezer
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I believe the overall number of tags is the same, correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe they are restricting the number of non-residents on a unit by unit basis
Which In Certain ways reduces the number of non resident tags,less hunters in certain units, =less, tags issued so in a, round about way they are reduceing the number tags, issued to non residents
This has, nothing to do with improving the deer herd and everything to do with the residents being pissed because they can't get a, Second tag
If idaho residents truely truely are concerned about the low numbers and overall health of the deer herds they should be fighting to do away with the 2nd tag for everyone residents and non residents completely
Reduceing hunter numbers while still issueing
The same amount of tags, isn't sound wildlife management it's quieting the masses and makeing everyone THINK they doing something to help the herds
I have seen the same thing in at least 2 states that i hunt, I'm from Nebraska, and go back to hunt with my family each year, and I can tell you the mule deer numbers are way down, When I was a kid we had them everywhere, and my family has over 3500 acres, of pasture and crp, and we see maybe 10 to 15 deer all season the last few years, and we havent shot a deer for 5 years. Colorado, where i live, has gotten so bad, that I don't even know why anyone would want to buy a tag. I don't know the answer to the problem, I think it's multiple issues, but in the 80's you would see deer everywhere, and now, very few.
Look at the b/c record books colorado is, still
Number 1 for trophy mule deer its, also number 1 for the sheer number of elk deer and hunter numbers
It has the largest elk and deer herds in the lower 48 although now that your getting wolves, introduced that WILL change drastically AND NOT for the better
This has, nothing to do with improving the deer herd and everything to do with the residents being pissed because they can't get a, Second tag
If idaho residents truely truely are concerned about the low numbers and overall health of the deer herds they should be fighting to do away with the 2nd tag for everyone residents and non residents completely
Reduceing hunter numbers while still issueing
The same amount of tags, isn't sound wildlife management it's quieting the masses and makeing everyone THINK they doing something to help the herds
You’re right; in no way are they making changes to grow deer numbers, they are simply satisfying the residents concerns to having too many non residents in their honey hole. For whatever reason, the residents are threatened by a few non residents and can’t stand to see a non resident in their spot. The majority of residents don’t care about sound management and growing deer numbers, they just want the non residents out. They are achieving this by raising prices and limiting the number of hunters per unit, which will not help because it’s not the non residents fault for lack of deer. But oh well; the fish and game will kick the can down the road for a while.
I was be on Stoked that my wife drew a Unit 54 late hunt. We started Scouting on the 10th of November and went 10 days solid from daylight to dark. We came home for the weekend and will return on Tuesday. I’m having my doubts though. We couldn’t turn up a buck over 130”-140”. This is sold as a premier unit. It possibly could be Im a bad Hunter. We would see 30-40 does a day and maybe a forkie or Spike. Absolutely not rut activity which we may have missed. Yes I know it’s hunting and it’s all about the experience which has been fun seeing some awesome new country. My 7 year old daughter ground it out with us the full 10 days with out a complaint.

I love that unit. How did it end?
I shoot any legal Deer I see I've never in 33 yrs,
Not filled my tags, and I've never lost or wounded an animal and never needed more then 1 shot I killed a, 2 point buck in Idaho on openiing day this year (yes I knew, it was only a, 2 point when I pulled the trigger) @529yrds,(pretty sure that's, classifies long range I don't hunt antlers I hunt to fill my freezer
Never say never ?
If you think guys, that, shoot long range shoot only mature bucks and I've got ocean front propertywith a, 15room mansion in Minnesota, I'll SIGHN over to you free
I gaureentee thry shoot a, lot more dinks fork horns aans 1-3 yr old deer then your willing to admit
Come to. Montana, and see for your self
Just how many 2 points, 3 points, fork horns
Get killed or crippled at long range
Becuse they are not going home and eating tag soup. Especially after paying $1200for their + expenses for their tags
Pork it’s the other white meat ?
The problem in Idaho started 30-35 years when the fish and game director didn't want to pay for crop damage due to deer. He figured "no deer, no damages". His solution was to thin the herd. They issued doe tags by the hundreds in many units, and nearly wiped out the herd. It has never recovered from that because of all the problems listed above that put too much pressure on the few remaining deer ever since. Sad situation. I hunted Idaho every year for many years, but when the quality no longer justified the cost, I gave it up and haven't bought a tag there for about 30 years.
You mean like a Helicopter? How many people do you think are gonna have these?
10 years ago did you ever think that hunters would be spending $3,000 on electric bicycles and then joining others groups to push for bikes to be allowed in wilderness areas? It is happening and yes it is very possible. Or 10 years ago having trail cameras that took live time video and pictures and send them to your via satellite?
Which In Certain ways reduces the number of non resident tags,less hunters in certain units, =less, tags issued so in a, round about way they are reduceing the number tags, issued to non residents

It's not a reduction at all. Just if nonresidents want to hunt Idaho, they can't all go to the same 5 units. This just makes them spread out a bit. Not a bad thing. The same number of tags will be for sale and the only reason they won't issue as many as before is if people choose not to buy them and they go unsold. I highly doubt there will be many if any tags available by August 1st next year, but time will tell. OTC tags are hard to come by in the west and even a crappy tag is better than no tag to most people.
I believe the overall number of tags is the same, correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe they are restricting the number of non-residents on a unit by unit basis.
The non-resident tag numbers are now set base on the average number of non-residents to have hunted a particular unit during the last five years. From 2020 to 2021 there won't be much difference. The limitations will start to impact non-residents more in the future. Just a lot of bitching and moaning from non-residents that can't treat Idaho like the bastard step-child back-up hunt anymore. I think most residents hope the non-residents who who now swear never to return to Idaho will be true to their word
It's not a reduction at all. Just if nonresidents want to hunt Idaho, they can't all go to the same 5 units. This just makes them spread out a bit. Not a bad thing. The same number of tags will be for sale and the only reason they won't issue as many as before is if people choose not to buy them and they go unsold. I highly doubt there will be many if any tags available by August 1st next year, but time will tell. OTC tags are hard to come by in the west and even a crappy tag is better than no tag to most people.
So residents think that if 90% of the tag holders can still hammer all 5 units still its really going to help anything??? Lol get real , you guys need to see the real issue here , hey I’m Happy for you guys atleast starting somewhere and limiting us NR , but you really want make some headway , going to have to start limiting Res as well which a lot of people aren’t oppose to but stubborn ones still puff there chest and claim every animal on the mountain is theirs , I know it sucks but the major increase in resident hunters in the last 5 years , something has to be done or nothing is going to change , truth hurts but we all know wat needs to happen
So residents think that if 90% of the tag holders can still hammer all 5 units still its really going to help anything??? Lol get real , you guys need to see the real issue here , hey I’m Happy for you guys atleast starting somewhere and limiting us NR , but you really want make some headway , going to have to start limiting Res as well which a lot of people aren’t oppose to but stubborn ones still puff there chest and claim every animal on the mountain is theirs , I know it sucks but the major increase in resident hunters in the last 5 years , something has to be done or nothing is going to change , truth hurts but we all know wat needs to happen


The ENTIRE PROBLEM with mule deer hunting in Idaho (if there is one) is all those pesky NR hunters....pssshh...?
quit road hunting, lace up your boots, hike your lazy ass away from the road your vehicle leave theatv/utv/sxs home and actually HUNT the animal 90% of guys that whine & complain that the deer population is, low or they can't find deer in their normal spots translates, to
Me, and Bubba drove all these roads for 5 days.
We never saw, a, deer or elk close enough to shoot from the front seat of our sxs,, the hunting was Terrible the onIy deer we saw, would have required us to actually Hike more then 35 yrds from the road,and that would be way to. MUch workand require us putting down out beer
all the damn non residence are killing our elk and deer

4x6 about 25” wide, probably a giant by most standards, saw 1 2 days earlier that I did not get a picture of and he was a 5x5 28” wide. Oh General unit Idaho ?

It's not a reduction at all. Just if nonresidents want to hunt Idaho, they can't all go to the same 5 units. This just makes them spread out a bit. Not a bad thing. The same number of tags will be for sale and the only reason they won't issue as many as before is if people choose not to buy them and they go unsold. I highly doubt there will be many if any tags available by August 1st next year, but time will tell. OTC tags are hard to come by in the west and even a crappy tag is better than no tag to most people.

I agree with most of this and hope it helps.

Only point I dont agree with is the part about is tags selling out. I think the 2 point only tags will be a tough sell at the price to NR hunters. But I may be wrong. Feel free to rub my nose in it when it happens...haha.

I truly hope the best for the deer and future of deer hunting in Idaho as I will surely return to hunt there. I love it there. I also agree that resident hunters should be the last to suffer any loss of opportunity. The only difference in me saying that and what most here seem to want (residents ar least) is i think the time has possibly passed for the changes. In other words the NR change should have been a few years back and resident changes nowish...

4x6 about 25” wide, probably a giant by most standards, saw 1 2 days earlier that I did not get a picture of and he was a 5x5 28” wide. Oh General unit Idaho ?

View attachment 18911

Although I agree, it's anecdotal. Even in the worst units of the worst states of the west there are great bucks to be found. Doesn't mean the herd is healthy.

If you were to be honest is mule deer hunting better or worse than it was 15 to 20 years ago overall in Idaho?

Can it be better without giving up too much?

Should it just be allowed to continue downward?

Do you care about the future?
As a resident for the past 20 years, I would like to see a choose your weapon for deer and 3 zones, just like our elk tags, no Doe’s except youth under 14. And possibly your dates to spread out pressure, have say 6 seasons, 3 archery, 3 rifle. 2-10 day seasons you have to choose which 10 day seasons you want. You can combine 1 archery and 1 rifle. Can’t do 2 rifle seasons has to be 1 of each.
Yeah, I've said it for years. The equipment has gotten too good. Optic restrictions would make a big impact. Maybe go all the way to open sights only.
So residents think that if 90% of the tag holders can still hammer all 5 units still its really going to help anything??? Lol get real , you guys need to see the real issue here , hey I’m Happy for you guys atleast starting somewhere and limiting us NR , but you really want make some headway , going to have to start limiting Res as well which a lot of people aren’t oppose to but stubborn ones still puff there chest and claim every animal on the mountain is theirs , I know it sucks but the major increase in resident hunters in the last 5 years , something has to be done or nothing is going to change , truth hurts but we all know wat needs to happen

My reply was just saying that he was incorrect in saying that nonresident tag numbers have been reduced, because they haven't. They can still sale the exact same number of nonresident tags this year as they did last. This change has nothing to do with mule deer management. It is people management. In surveys residents didn't like seeing more nonresidents in a particular unit than residents, and so the fish and game listened and did something about it. Again, not a bad thing.

As far as mule deer management goes, of course the bigger issue is the unlimited resident hunters, and it will need to be addressed, but that's a different post and topic. This nonresident change has absolutely nothing to with mule deer and everything to do with a person's experience. That's it. I just love how many nonresidents think Idaho did this to try to fix the deer herd though.
My reply was just saying that he was incorrect in saying that nonresident tag numbers have been reduced, because they haven't. They can still sale the exact same number of nonresident tags this year as they did last. This change has nothing to do with mule deer management. It is people management. In surveys residents didn't like seeing more nonresidents in a particular unit than residents, and so the fish and game listened and did something about it. Again, not a bad thing.

As far as mule deer management goes, of course the bigger issue is the unlimited resident hunters, and it will need to be addressed, but that's a different post and topic. This nonresident change has absolutely nothing to with mule deer and everything to do with a person's experience. That's it. I just love how many nonresidents think Idaho did this to try to fix the deer herd though.

Fair, the only question I have is which units had more NR hunters than resident hunters. Not doubting you just haven't seen that in my time in Idaho general deer units.
Pork it’s the other white meat ?
strickly wild game in this house
You will never find any domesticlly raised. animals in the freezers in our house.
From big game to fish fowl. Vegtables &small game
If we dont grow it catch it trap it or shoot. It
It does not come into our house
And again 33 yrs of hunting in several states.(all private no public access )
I Have filled my tags every year. Because im not choosy if its. Legal and i have tags it dies
I dont care if its a?spike ,forkhorn, fawn, doe yearling raghorn. It diwsnt matter
The first legal animal i see dies.
Im not into tag soup and antlers ,ive yet to find
A reciepe for eithier. That is tasty
strickly wild game in this house
You will never find any domesticlly raised. animals in the freezers in our house.
From big game to fish fowl. Vegtables &small game
If we dont grow it catch it trap it or shoot. It
It does not come into our house
And again 33 yrs of hunting in several states.(all private no public access )
I Have filled my tags every year. Because im not choosy if its. Legal and i have tags it dies
I dont care if its a?spike ,forkhorn, fawn, doe yearling raghorn. It diwsnt matter
The first legal animal i see dies.
Im not into tag soup and antlers ,ive yet to find
A reciepe for eithier. That is tasty
I'm not trying to be argumentative, but no outside sourced food products? Even the Indians traded for salt.

You are excercising a level of commitment that I don't have. Good on ya..... :)
Fair, the only question I have is which units had more NR hunters than resident hunters. Not doubting you just haven't seen that in my time in Idaho general deer units.

The world would love to know what units in Idaho will see a dip in pressure by 40%+ because of this, but I ain't going to tell them. ha.

I would say the vast majority of units and Idaho this won't effect too much other than people now have to pick a unit and stay there without jumping around. There are less than 10 deer units that I would say this is actually going to drastically effect.
The world would love to know what units in Idaho will see a dip in pressure by 40%+ because of this, but I ain't going to tell them. ha.

I would say the vast majority of units and Idaho this won't effect too much other than people now have to pick a unit and stay there without jumping around. There are less than 10 deer units that I would say this is actually going to drastically effect.

I mean....I guess the world would love to know? IDK to hear you tell it the world must have already known....if there is a 40% reduction as you say?

Shouldn't mean much to you though as now all the residents can get back after it with all of the NR hunters out of the way....?

I would say from what sold out early it will be less than 10 deer units effected.
quit road hunting, lace up your boots, hike your lazy ass away from the road your vehicle leave theatv/utv/sxs home and actually HUNT the animal 90% of guys that whine & complain that the deer population is, low or they can't find deer in their normal spots translates, to
Me, and Bubba drove all these roads for 5 days.
We never saw, a, deer or elk close enough to shoot from the front seat of our sxs,, the hunting was Terrible the onIy deer we saw, would have required us to actually Hike more then 35 yrds from the road,and that would be way to. MUch workand require us putting down out beer
all the damn non residence are killing our elk and deer
Once this year I couldn't use the main driveway to my house because a crewcab pickup had it blocked. Four people were in the truck and two in the field just over the fence in the pasture that belonged to my friend. The "hunters" were eyeballing the deer around the front of my house and on my back porch. They wanted permission to "hunt" the deer on my property that were 4'-5' from my the flower beds.......some 20 feet from a paved road.

I thought of my son.......after he had boned his 4x5 buck......packing it 8 miles on his back to his truck.

I suggested they go "hunt " some place else as no one was shooting anything on my 3/4 acre.
quit road hunting, lace up your boots, hike your lazy ass away from the road your vehicle leave theatv/utv/sxs home and actually HUNT the animal 90% of guys that whine & complain that the deer population is, low or they can't find deer in their normal spots translates, to
Me, and Bubba drove all these roads for 5 days.
We never saw, a, deer or elk close enough to shoot from the front seat of our sxs,, the hunting was Terrible the onIy deer we saw, would have required us to actually Hike more then 35 yrds from the road,and that would be way to. MUch workand require us putting down out beer
all the damn non residence are killing our elk and deer
I couldn't agree more. Roads are packed with trucks and camps everywhere but as soon as I am an hour up the mountain, I see no one and see deer sign all over. I'm sure the muley population is down but it is in no way as bad as some of these posts make it seem. I was blown away by how many elk I saw this year. I do think major changes are coming to deer hunting in Idaho. We should all take the time to read the Idaho Mule Deer 5 year plan. It's a long document but worth the read:
Ive used , a fixed, 6x scope mounted on a, 280 AI for 33 yrs, on everything from yotes to bear
And I've never felt I needed a, bigger Caliber or more magnification.
You probably don’t take consistent 900-1000 yard shot with that 6X scope like many of these ridge busters routinely do.
I couldn't agree more. Roads are packed with trucks and camps everywhere but as soon as I am an hour up the mountain, I see no one and see deer sign all over. I'm sure the muley population is down but it is in no way as bad as some of these posts make it seem. I was blown away by how many elk I saw this year. I do think major changes are coming to deer hunting in Idaho. We should all take the time to read the Idaho Mule Deer 5 year plan. It's a long document but worth the read:
Those elk are the major problem to deer herd growth as studies have shown well how elk displace the deer and even eat the same forage which we once thought was quite distinct as grazers and browsers. If you want bigger deer populations, Cow elk need to be heavily harvested in those areas you want more deer.

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