Idaho or NM


Well, it wasn't my year for the Elk draw this year and I decided to buy a tag for Idaho. As I did the research I found that I was going to be in an extremely high pressure area in Idaho ( Tex Creek) and while I am no stranger to gettin into the nasties for a good bull I hedged my bet and sought out a reasonable LO tag in NM. I settled on a tag for GMU 9, the Mt. Taylor area, which I know is going to be another high pressure unit but I at least get to choose between archery or ML.

Last year I drew a 16E second MZ tag and was ultimately unsuccessful. Hoping to change that around this year and what can I say, the fever got me. I am curious about cell phone coverage in that area. Seeing how it's pretty close to Albuquerque I am not expecting any problems but if anyone has ever had any I would appreciate the heads up.

Unit 9. I hope you got that tag for free. ?
Don't mean to sound negative but you may see more wild horses that elk. I'm sure there are still some elk in there but it's gonna be tough. You may get lucky and kill the only bull on that Mountain though. I guess looking for ghosts is better than sitting at home like us non elk tag having folks.
Yeah so far the general consensus is it's a terrible unit, decimated, overhunted etc... even read some other stuff about the herds being driven on to private ranches by heli. My thoughts were if I was going to make the drive all the way to Idaho and get the same result might as well do it a lot closer to home for the same price.

Definitely already having some buyers remorse but I pulled the trigger and might as well make the best of it. 5 days in the mountains and deserts of NM chasing what may or may not be there sure sounds better than being at work though. I am not a trophy chaser by any means, just looking to fill the freezer so anything with antlers is fine by me.
Yeah so far the general consensus is it's a terrible unit, decimated, overhunted etc... even read some other stuff about the herds being driven on to private ranches by heli. My thoughts were if I was going to make the drive all the way to Idaho and get the same result might as well do it a lot closer to home for the same price.

Definitely already having some buyers remorse but I pulled the trigger and might as well make the best of it. 5 days in the mountains and deserts of NM chasing what may or may not be there sure sounds better than being at work though. I am not a trophy chaser by any means, just looking to fill the freezer so anything with antlers is fine by me.

An OTC general archery tag in UT would've been the best bet to just put some meat in the freezer, and any LE bull unit would do just that for a spike or cow for $600.

CO would've been an option as well...

Good luck - hope you can get one!
I would rather not go if the hunt is going to suck! Especially if it cost big dollars.
Fill your freezer at Walmart.
If you’re just wanting to get out and have a good time take your camera to a place that has some good animals.
An OTC general archery tag in UT would've been the best bet to just put some meat in the freezer, and any LE bull unit would do just that for a spike or cow for $600.

CO would've been an option as well...

Good luck - hope you can get one!

Oh I’m sure there would’ve been easier ways, but I’m in it for the adventure. I’ve seen Utah and Colorado, never seen Idaho. Thanks for the well wishes

I would rather not go if the hunt is going to suck! Especially if it cost big dollars.
Fill your freezer at Walmart.
If you’re just wanting to get out and have a good time take your camera to a place that has some good animals.

I’ve never been on an Elk hunt that didn’t have some suck attached. Plus I’m doing my “social distancing” part by not going to Wal-Mart haha. I’m a better hunter than photographer and you can’t eat a Polaroid.

Look plain and simple I’m trying to make the most of a year that I didn’t draw my first, second, third, or even fourth choice. I get to go see Idaho in the fall and New Mexico in October. Then the Gila for Mulie in November and lord willing Texas in December and January. Hopefully it’s a good year and if not, lessons learned on the mountain make next year better.

GMU 9 and the 66/69 area both have a similar reputation for holding less than stellar bulls and being over hunted. If I can make some success happen in these two then hey, I did better than most. Of course I’m always open to suggestions and advice from those who have experience in these units but if there’s none out there and it doesn’t work out then we’ll all share in my misfortune when I post about how it went come October.

Good for you and good luck. The adventure part gets lost a lot of times in hunting now a days. I try to remind my son and myself a lot of times that it is about all the other aspects that make the hunt exciting. The rocks, the trees, the views, the time in some of Gods greatest country, the artifacts found, the fossils, the little things you find at the top of mountains. These things are what I try to get him to enjoy and that success is EXTRA icing on the cake. I hope you have a good adventure and enjoy your time in the woods.
tough hunt , and im saying that nicely. chances are you wont even seen one elk in 5 days of hunting . id take a look at some of the unit wide ranches and maybe hunt those might get lucky and get one crossing. You can find a list and location of all UW ranches online at the GF website
I think this guy thinks we are bull chitting him. Lol. That Mountain used to be good about 15 years ago until they had practically unlimited tags for cow hunts that damn near wiped out the entire population of elk. You're only chance at an elk and I'm taking about a cow would be to sit along one of the private fence lines and hope one of those smart private land elk has a brain fart, jumps the fence and volunteers to die. Take a pellet gun because you will get some squirrel action. ??
What even sucks worse now because of Covid is you can't even throw in the towel after the 3rd day of not seing crap and head down to Outlaws and get drunk. ???.
Can't believe some of these replies. I'd rather be hunting than sitting at home, or EVER going to Walmart (unless the people of Walmart intrigue you). So, you're saying there's a chance? I'd be there. In Idaho you'd be seeing some of the most beautiful country around, and it had a 16-17% success with 24-30% of those being 6pt. bulls. I can't say anything for the unit 9 tag (because I never hunted it), but I'd go to Idaho with a grin on your face. You can also use your elk tag for a wolf, lion, or bear. Live4muleys has it right, go on an adventure.
tough hunt , and im saying that nicely. chances are you wont even seen one elk in 5 days of hunting . id take a look at some of the unit wide ranches and maybe hunt those might get lucky and get one crossing. You can find a list and location of all UW ranches online at the GF website

Thanks for the info, I'll look into those UW ranches in addition to the Natl and BLM land I'm picking through on OnX.
I think this guy thinks we are bull chitting him. Lol. That Mountain used to be good about 15 years ago until they had practically unlimited tags for cow hunts that damn near wiped out the entire population of elk. You're only chance at an elk and I'm taking about a cow would be to sit along one of the private fence lines and hope one of those smart private land elk has a brain fart, jumps the fence and volunteers to die. Take a pellet gun because you will get some squirrel action. ??
What even sucks worse now because of Covid is you can't even throw in the towel after the 3rd day of not seing crap and head down to Outlaws and get drunk. ???.

This guy does not in fact think that y'all are "chitting" me. I am taking what y'all say at face value and think that every one of you has put the work in glassing the canyons, mountains, and tanks of 9 and know what you're speaking on from extensive first hand experience from hunting the unit recently.

That being said, a slim chance at an Elk (2 really) is better than no chance and I do not mind putting the work in. I need a vacation from this Covid nonsense and couldn't think of a better way to do it. Are there better units? There's always a better unit that someones uncle's cousin knows about and all the bulls are 400 and die a quarter mile from the truck. I don't know anybody's cousin's uncle's girlfriend from highschool so I got what I got and will try and make it work.

I really appreciate the interaction on this thread and to be perfectly honest none of the negative attitudes, outlooks, or predictions are going to change my course. I welcome the commentary and look forward to updating this thread with some good news in Sept and Oct...
Elk hunting beats the hell out of Wal Mart and especially THIS COVID BULLSHIT! The guys aren't lying to ya buddy. It's slim pickings for sure, but put your boots to work and give her hell! No use in taking a negative approach. There's a few elk on the hill , ESPECIALLY in private , maybe you can kill sasquatch ? You can damn sure have fun trying! Good luck!
Given a choice between hunting elk in Unit 9 and going to Walmart I'll take Unit 9 all day every day. Some beautiful country there and you may just stumble on some other surprises like a bear, turkey, barb, or tahr. If nothing else, you still get a hunting adventure, which based on the political trends these days is not something we can take for granted.
That being said, a slim chance at an Elk (2 really) is better than no chance and I do not mind putting the work in. I need a vacation from this Covid nonsense and couldn't think of a better way to do it.

This is exactly what I think. Going hunting in units that requires more work and lower success rates is better than not going at all.

New Mexico Guides & Outfitters

H & A Outfitters

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