Idaho Wolves


Long Time Member
We have over 100 documented Wolf Packs and over 600 Wolves. The Pro Wolf groups are still crying they are endangered here.
>Oh my GOD that last post
>is so true in every

Where you been clynt?

We laugh, we cry, we love
Go hard when the going's tough
Push back, come push and shove
Knock us down, we'll get back up again and again
We are Members of the Huntin Crowd!
Or we can just kill "over 600" of them. GAME OVER!

"One can take my life but not my faith or my
confidence. I fear none and respect all."
NORKALNIMROD, that's going to happen some day.


It's written in the good Book that we'll never be asked to take more than we can. Sounds like a good plan, so bring it on!
If anti hunters are growing in numbers. comments like that are certainly a part of the reason.
I was thinking, large fish hooks, tethered to tree stumps with thin cable, baited with fresh elk steaks.

Oh.........maybe I shouldn't have said that out loud, nay, glad I did. Never hurts to share good methods with the folks.

It's a joke, it's joke........can't anybody take a joke?

mtmuley, eventually every thing comes full circle. Maybe not in our lifetime, so you're good.


It's written in the good Book that we'll never be asked to take more than we can. Sounds like a good plan, so bring it on!
LAST EDITED ON Apr-26-15 AT 07:19PM (MST)[p]I was up in Idaho a week ago bear hunting and ran across too many wolf tracks.
Folks here have a saying, "Save an elk, smoke a wolf. A pack a day is all we ask"
Those of us that remember what things were like here prior to the libtards "successful" so called "re-intoduction" of wolves have no love for wolves or libtards.


"One can take my life but not my faith or my
confidence. I fear none and respect all."
>Start tainting road kill with antifreeze
>or rat poison.
>?If men were angels, no government
>would be
>necessary.? John Adams

Pretty irresponsible statement. When I was working in the Sawtooths, some A$$ put rat poisoning in hot dogs to kill wolves. Killed 3 pet dogs. How many wolverines and other small predators would that kill?

Free Draw Odds!
We owned The LL Ranch, just under 7000 acres. The lower ranch was just out of Oreana, our upper ranch was in the Owyhee's. My family built and owned Triangle Lake. My family and I moved back from the Susanville area (North East People's Republic of Kalifornia) after I retired.
I continued hunting here off and on over the years and witnessed the destruction the wolf population has inflicted on some of the elk herds. That said I have also witnessed the expanse of elk into areas they did not inhabit in large numbers when I was a youngster. However those areas do not have a large wolf population.....yet.


"One can take my life but not my faith or my
confidence. I fear none and respect all."
Montana. I've seen what wolves can do. Even taken care of one. I don't poach them, nor am I naive enough to think that we can shoot our way out of the problem. I do get a chuckle out of dumbass comments though. mtmuley
Oh that's right. Your comments are the only righteous ones!
How many guys do you really think would REALLY "poach" a wolf?
I suspect they're just venting their frustrations on the web because they know we were all duped with the "reintroduction" scheme but I suppose their off-colored comments play righ in to your righteousness.
Go ahead a flop off your hi-horse there mtmuley!
I couldn't agree more. We will never shoot our way out of this situation. Wolves seem to be a bit cagey once they figure out their being hunted. Professional trappers and air patrols are the only way to keep their numbers in check.
I lived in Alaska for a year, out in the bush most of the time. Only saw one wolf from the ground. Used to hear them and stumble upon fresh sign quite often.
I don't hate the critters just as I don't hate griz or cats, they all have their place. They just can't be left uncontrolled if we wish to have excess/carryover game to hunt.

"One can take my life but not my faith or my
confidence. I fear none and respect all."
I used to hate them. Now, I know they are here to stay, so I hunt them. Keeping them managed by our states is pretty important. No high horse here zeke. Why don't you enlighten me with your vast wolf knowledge about how we were "duped" into having wolves. mtmuley
I suspect you know the origins of the wolf reintroduction and the shifting goal line, but if not, I'm not here to be your mentor.

There's that High-horse again, thinking you're the only one who has a "vast" knowledge of anything.

Why don't you try answering the question regarding all those "dumb-asses" who you look down upon? Do you really think they'd poach or are they just venting?

Never mind, I know your answer since your quite predictable.

Mtmuley still can not decided which side of the fight he is on... If mtmuley spent have as much time hunting wolves as he spends defending them on MM he might kill more than one blind, deaf and dumb one.

What is really sad is when good law abiding sportsman have no other option than to break the law to protect their local herds. Some sportsman think sitting back watching their hunting heritage go down the drain, so others(Buzz and the Hippies) can enjoy the idea that wolves are alive, is the worst crime of all....
Sam (wolfhunter),

If sportsmen pick and choose the game laws they obey, they are no longer "law-abiding"...

The quickest way a "sportsmen" can lose their "hunting heritage" is to cross the line and poach...if only obviously.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-29-15 AT 12:54PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Apr-29-15 AT 12:27?PM (MST)

You government guys don't follow the Law.... Why should anyone else? You and the rest of the Obama folks have pretty much torn up the most important laws in our country....

When Washington DC starts following the laws again, so should the sportsman!! Until then...
I'm all for biotching and whining about the wolf deal and doing what I can, when I can, to mitigate the wolf problem BUT I MUST agree with Buzz and mtmuley (and most others) on this one; Never should a sportsman take the law into his own hands simply because he doesn't like what society has forced upon him.

We'd all love to "smoke a pack a day" but the reality is we shouldn't and wouldn't because were ARE sportsmen! Period!

It really must be slow around here if we're back to talking about this!
We've hashed and re-hashed this almost to death.
Don't worry Zeke, it will not be long before Buzz and the rest of his Obama government friends will make enough laws that even you will not follow them either...

I think sportsman would be far better off following Gods laws, than following Buzz's and the rest of the Federal buddies laws. Under Gods laws, a sportsman would be concerned about future generations and would not be a poacher, they would have a clear understanding of right and wrong. I am not suggesting lawlessness by any stretch of the imagination. What I am suggesting is a sportsman to hold themselves accountable to what matters most!!!!

You related to John Kerry?...I've caught fish that flip/flop less than you.

First law-abiding citizens have to take the law into their own hands, now you say they shouldn't?

Were you lying then or lying now?
Nice try Buzz!! Didn't I see you in a picture with John Kerry and Obama at a fund raiser together?

How do you Government guys make right with your self knowing your whole life and career is ONE BIG LIE...? Do you think the world will be a better place when you Government guys make enough laws...lies?

If you're going to continue with posts like that...please provide a translator, would you?

You're talking assclownese...and I don't speak that language.

Thanks in advance.
One more thing and I don't want to get too "churchy" then I'll bow-out:

I guess God comes in all shades of right and wrong because my God's law says to obey ALL laws of the land. I didn't know we had the option to be selective under his eyes. Who are you listening to?

I like your passion, wolfhunter, but it really is misguided.

Peace out,
LAST EDITED ON Apr-29-15 AT 04:31PM (MST)[p]Why do posters need to talk about poaching to vent zeke? Why not get off their asses and hunt them? My guess is guys thst post the BS haven't ever seen one, and may not ever see one. Besides, in Idaho and Montana, we can take multiple wolves. Quit bitching, buy a tag and kill a few if it's that fricken easy. Guys like wolfhunter are the last thing we need representing hunters. We don't need the dumbass comments either. Antis are everywhere, and if you underestimate what a "joke" post might do you are a fool. mtmuley
Yep, it's tough to get guys to do what you want on an Internet forum, huh mtmuley? Keep calling people (me) a fool and we'll continue to see what a holier-than-though dude you really are. I hope your head feels okay from banging it against the wall!

I am all for following the laws created with God in mind, like the constitution, where it gives States the right to decided what happens in their state. I think Wyoming clearly decided to manage wolves the way Wyoming saw fit. I am for that. I think God would be for that too.

I am afraid the top tier of our country, as well as a large portion of our population, has taken a giant step away from God and turned a blind eye and deaf ear to Gods word. I am not willing to follow in the steps away from God. So when a decision comes from Washington DC that is not in the interests of Wyoming or God, do we blindly follow on the path that leads away from whats good for Wyoming or our back yards....?

I think it is clear where I stand!
Our wolf tags are OTC, five of them. A hunter is lucky to see a wolf let alone kill it.


"One can take my life but not my faith or my
confidence. I fear none and respect all."
zeke, you totally miss my point. If you want to think I am personally attacking you, that's your problem. If guys are buying tags and after wolves legally, there is no need for them to post otherwise, or feel attacked. mtmuley
I have to agree with Zeke, Mtmuley and BuzzH.

All the chest thumping bravado of the SSS crowd will not help one bit. We will not and should not shoot our way or poison our way out of this problem. Anyone who thinks that we may eventually be successful at killing off these wolves is fooling themselves. If you think that we lost a lot of elk in the time it took for the Feds to delist the first time, imagine how many we'll lose if we killed so many that they had to be re-listed again. Do you think the feds will be eager to return stewardship to Idaho again if we cause a relisting through overkill?

Also, if you think that pro wolf, anti-hunting activists aren't watching this and other sites you're a fool. I have seen screen shots and links to this forum on anti-hunting sites. They use that to spread their agenda. One uneducated, poorly written, shoot shovel and shut up post does more to fuel their agenda than any picture of "cute" "endangered" wolf pups.

We can buy 5 tags, most guys will be lucky to have the chance to fill one of them. Does it suck, you bet, but welcome to the new reality.
What sucks? Who wants to see wolves every time their out hunting? I sure as heck don't. What "new reality"? My guess is that more wolves are taken in situations of opportunity than are taken by folks actively hunting them. I always have a tag. Haven't had the opportunity to fill one though. Then again I haven't spent any time hunting them. As far as the libtards, antis and preservationist go...PIZZ on all of 'em.


"One can take my life but not my faith or my
confidence. I fear none and respect all."
Some great points were made. We need to watch everything we do and say as hunters. The ignorant rednecks that think they can post bloody gory pictures, and make any comment they want need to change. They may have been able to do it in the past, but the way social media works now, those days are past. Every hunter needs to watch what they say and do all the time. We are constantly being watched and monitored. You wont every change the mind of extreme anti-hunters, but certain comments and pictures can help change the minds of people in neutral ground to become anti-hunters. Also on the wolves, shooting any animal illegally is poaching. You really can't afford a cheap wolf tag out to help big game herds? Finally wolves are here to stay. If they get to low and hit federal protection again we might never get them back to state management. We all saw how long it took the first time.
Mtmuley -my pint in the first place: Wolves are back and way above numbers needed. We need Govt to control the excessive numbers. Tags aren't doing it. I never suggested it will take poaching. But just selling tags isn't cutting it.
I am truly amazed at how many hunters are starting to defend wolves. I keep hearing "they are here to stay"or "get used to it". Are you self proclaimed "smart guys" smart enough to see that the only way wolves are going to be controlled to the point hunters still have quality hunting is either by aerial gunning, full time trappers or poison??? Hunters with 5, 10 or 50 tags just are not going to keep the numbers down. If you cannot see this your book smarts are getting in the way of your common sense. Or you simply have not spent enough real time in the mountains with wolves. Your being spoon fed lies about the real impacts of wolves by the eloquent writers like Buzz. Some of you "smart guy" hunters are being led to slaughter and you can not even see it.

I think you self proclaimed "smart guys" have been educated/trained to think just like the rest of the domesticated sheep. Your getting so smart your missing reality. Can you smart guys really not see your hunting heritage being chipped away month by month, year by year. I just keep hoping you smart educated guys will wake up and quit being so STUPID!! Funniest part to me is most of you "smart guys" are not even smart enough to kill a wolf...
True God likes wolves, however God loves us and God made us master of the animals.


"One can take my life but not my faith or my
confidence. I fear none and respect all."
LAST EDITED ON May-03-15 AT 07:15PM (MST)[p]Buzz,

Wonder what God thinks of all the evil in our government? Have you ever thought of the consequences of your governments evil ways...Buzz?? That is if you even believe in God. If you do, believe in God, I bet it is hard keeping things straight working for the government.

PS You can call me Sam, Bill, Buck or wolfhunter....matters not to me.

I'm not defending wolves, I'm trying to encourage hunters to be respectful in their arguements so that we present an inteligent position in favor of wolf hunting, rather than an ignorant and frenzied position.

I have carried multiple wolf tags every year it has been legal. I will kill every wolf that I can, in season. I also discuss the issue with anti-hunters and wolf lovers to try and calm them down and represent hunters as ethical and law abiding. It gets difficult to convince them that their precious wolves won't all be killed when they come to sites like this and see a bunch of posts with bad grammar and false information screaming for SSS. Then they use tose ignorant posts to raise money for their cause which is ultimately to end all hunting of predators and then all hunting period. Hunters are outnumbered in this country and while I recognize that we aren't going to change the minds of the extreme wolf-lovers we can influence people who are currently neutral or uninformed on the issue.

If we want to be able to keep killing wolves and maintain state management, then we can't have a kill 'em all mentality. We kill enough to maintain our gameherds and deal with the ones that are left, anything more puts them back into federal management where people in California and New York can call the shots for us.
Sorry Tri, Wolfie is my new favorite.

"The State of Utah has not given BGF anything.
They have invested in BGF to protect their
Birdman 4/15/15
LAST EDITED ON May-05-15 AT 11:53PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON May-05-15 AT 11:52?PM (MST)


Let's talk truth and not worry about who is offended, political correctness is going to destroy this country if we continue to let it. You and your mindset are part of the problem. You and your good grammar'd friends can live in your fake bubble of reality. You're disconnected from the truth, friend. If we all followed in your foot steps, the hunting we know today would only be a memory...

If your wolf loving friends were really concerned about the wolf they would stop trying to close the seasons. All the re-listing of the Wyoming wolf has done is proven to the Wyoming residents that all the years they followed the rules and let the wolf expand were in vain. They feel now there is no legal path to legal management. When you put someone's back against the wall with no legal options they are going to fight. Wyoming residents enjoy some of the best hunting on the planet, they are not going to just give it up to the wolf and the politically correct crowd. I think the longer the wolf remains under federal protection the worse it's going to be for the wolf... People I never thought would even consider breaking the law are talking about doing what ever necessary to protect Wyoming's big game.

I think if the Wyoming Governor wanted to put and end to the federal protection, he would give authorization to gun down one pack at a time until state control was reinstated. The wolf hippies would be begging for just hunting seasons again. If the governor does not have the balls... the cowboy state together will step up!!!

Not to mention what the other states are thinking...about the trickery the feds are playing with Wyoming, Minnesota, Michigan and Wisconsin. No wonder the folks from Utah are killing every last wolf silently!!!
God loves all creatures, great and small. That doesn't mean we ought to put the polio virus on the endangered species list.


It's written in the good Book that we'll never be asked to take more than we can. Sounds like a good plan, so bring it on!
Wolfie, you do realize the Satanic Liberal in the Whitehouse
Was there when wolves were originally delisted right??

You also realize that Wyoming and their wolf management plan
Is a target of the Hippies for a reason right??

I would also hope you realize you have a Republican majority
That has done exactly what the last Republican President did
For wolf delisting, Jack Sshit!!!

Please continue.

"The State of Utah has not given BGF anything.
They have invested in BGF to protect their
Birdman 4/15/15
Your right Wiley... Seems most of them in government can NOT be trusted. People are going to have to wake up and start taking our freedom back...

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