If you had the points would you go unit 34 or 89

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Very Active Member
I know some of you will say region G. I think 89 and 34 are pretty similar would love to hear your opinions if you have any.
More public land in 34 than 89. Access can be a problem in 89. Quality of deer, about the same from what I have heard. Decisions, decisions, decisions!! I expect both units to take an extra point to draw this year. Probably looking at 10+ points to draw. I’m in for unit 34 with 12 points. School, how many points you got?
I know some of you will say region G. I think 89 and 34 are pretty similar would love to hear your opinions if you have any.
I am sitting on 11 points and my son and I were going to go for it this year but the virus hit. We just can't get the time we should give either of these units this year.
Please let us know how you did as it will be next year for me.......

Good Luck
My wife, myself and one buddy applied for 34. We are NR with 12 points each. After researching we decided on less hassle, more public land, and more diversity of terrain would be better and more enjoyable. I believe with good glassing and research the bucks are the same quality. Looking forward to a great hunt.
We have been hunting Region A for 5 years and know what the On X Hunt chip can do, but still that style of bouncing around private ground is a hassle.
There is a private ranch in the middle of 89 that doesn't allow public access and has only very limited hunting. The deer season doesn't open until Nov 15 and last year there were 475 elk tags in unit 23 starting 2 weeks prior to the rifle deer season opening. My guess is that a lot of smart old bucks figure out where the private land is in a hurry with all the elk hunting pressure...especially along the main roads where there is public land. Deer also aren't included in the HMA so any private land that landlocks public is pretty much shut off from deer hunters.

Obviously if you are willing to hike miles and weave your way through private land you will be ok but don't expect it to be a piece of cake in 89. Also, don't expect to be alone on the larger patches of public where there are 2 track roads.
There is a private ranch in the middle of 89 that doesn't allow public access and has only very limited hunting. The deer season doesn't open until Nov 15 and last year there were 475 elk tags in unit 23 starting 2 weeks prior to the rifle deer season opening. My guess is that a lot of smart old bucks figure out where the private land is in a hurry with all the elk hunting pressure...especially along the main roads where there is public land. Deer also aren't included in the HMA so any private land that landlocks public is pretty much shut off from deer hunters.

Obviously if you are willing to hike miles and weave your way through private land you will be ok but don't expect it to be a piece of cake in 89. Also, don't expect to be alone on the larger patches of public where there are 2 track roads.
Better check your regulations. LOL. Game warden might have an issue with you deer hunting that late.


Oct. 15 to
Oct. 31


Limited quota
Rifle elk season opens Oct 1 so deer season doesn't open until 2 weeks later.
My wife, myself and one buddy applied for 34. We are NR with 12 points each. After researching we decided on less hassle, more public land, and more diversity of terrain would be better and more enjoyable. I believe with good glassing and research the bucks are the same quality. Looking forward to a great hunt.
We have been hunting Region A for 5 years and know what the On X Hunt chip can do, but still that style of bouncing around private ground is a hassle.
Sounds like we are on the same page. That was my exact thoughts as I was trying to make a decision.
Obviously if you are willing to hike miles and weave your way through private land you will be ok but don't expect it to be a piece of cake in 89. Also, don't expect to be alone on the larger patches of public where there are 2 track roads.
Not sure how ok you will be weaving through private land. I'd be weaving through the public land, unless you get permission.

Oh, this one was spotted from one of those busy two tracks in 89 last year.

71290389_2598639923492042_8570799589278351360_n copy.jpg
That’s adequate...... lol! Thanks for your input Jm77!
great buck in any unit for sure!
JM, I think you know what I meant about skirting around all the private land. Nice buck! Someone got lucky and found one that was spotted from a 2 track!
JM, I think you know what I meant about skirting around all the private land. Nice buck! Someone got lucky and found one that was spotted from a 2 track!
Lucky? Hardly, my son-in-law earned that deer. He knows where to look and what it takes to find them in places where anyone with a tag can hunt.
Jim, I shake my head every time someone like you, who doesn't live here, has such expert advise on areas I grew up hunting in. Please note, do you see me posting on the Colo forum how to hunt there? And your comment "Obviously if you are willing to hike miles and weave your way through private land you will be ok..." didn't sound like "skirting around", but maybe you were just so excited to help you typed it too fast?
Just stating the facts about elk season prior to the deer season with lots of road hunters. JM, do you think that having 475 ish elk hunters in the unit hunting 2 weeks prior to the deer season has any affect on older age class movement in 89?

You nailed it on the head with your statement that your son in law earned his deer and likely has spent a great deal of time in the unit. How about a nonres that knows nothing about the unit that shows up unaware about elk hunting pressure? Do you think it is wise to fore-warn them that there are 475 elk hunters in the unit running around for 2 weeks prior to their hunt? To me, it's an important scenario to keep in mind.

Just as important is the fact that there is a giant private ranch in the center and scattered elsewhere throughout the unit. To me it makes sense that quite a few of those mature bucks are going to head directly to private land and isolated areas when fore-warned by trucks running up and down 2 tracks.

I'm just stating facts about the unit that hopefully help out a fellow hunter rather than a bland comment like "access is no problem" and a photo of a decent buck harvested by a local guy that has loads of experience scouting and hunting the unit.

Is it an archery kill? I'm colorblind and can't make out if his hat is orange?
Jeff, great buck that your SIL has there.

My, its shocking to see something other than a 3 point come from there after all those years and years of 4 point APR's.

Its also surprising that a buck of any kind can be found on accessible public land there too.

Just all luck...year after year after year.

Funny stuff.

Like I said in another post, its hilarious the "advice" that some give on this and other hunting boards. Listening to advice given by NR's who have never hunted some of these places, has consequences. I feel bad for them based on some of the advice they get. Hopefully most take it with a grain of salt.
Theres also a bow season for a month before that in pretty much every area in the state whats your point about the elk hunting opening earlier? Yea deer can and do get bumped around you have to be a savvy enough hunter to adapt and relocate deer sometimes. Sometimes they don't care enough to relocate cause most deer in the area have grown up watching elmer fudds drive passed them every day. I have seen very little accurate information come from this site and yes somone above said flip a coin about 89 and 34 and i would say thats pretty accurate. Jims im starting to think you don't own a pair of binoculars or a backpack
"Just stating the facts about elk season prior to the deer season with lots of road hunters. JM, do you think that having 475 ish elk hunters in the unit hunting 2 weeks prior to the deer season has any affect on older age class movement in 89?"

Not sure if you know this or not, but for decades the elk season has opened before the deer season. Over that time 89 has gained it's reputation for being a great deer area, with plenty of bucks, and sometimes some great bucks. So what is your point about elk season again?

"Just as important is the fact that there is a giant private ranch in the center and scattered elsewhere throughout the unit. To me it makes sense that quite a few of those mature bucks are going to head directly to private land and isolated areas when fore-warned by trucks running up and down 2 tracks."

Not sure if you know this either, that ranch has been around for decades not allowing hunting, all the while 89 has been a very popular area with residents and NR alike because the deer hunting is good there. So what is the point about this ranch?

"I'm just stating facts about the unit that hopefully help out a fellow hunter rather than a bland comment like "access is no problem" and a photo of a decent buck harvested by a local guy that has loads of experience scouting and hunting the unit."

As bland as it sounds to you it's the truth. Access is not a problem in 89.
You guys have to remember that in Wyoming, only residents can give advice to non residents. It’s a non written rule of MM.

Shaking one's head about or thinking some advise is hilarious doesn't mean only residents can give it. You said that all by your lonesome Rich.

Personally, I think NR can give all the foolish advise they want about Wyoming. Makes absolutely no difference to me. :LOL:
You can take advice from a guy that was in the area once 10 years ago for 3 days or people that basically live in it. Your choice i guess
I agree with you 100% JM. Access is no problem in 89. The problem is finding top tier bucks on public land that gets pounded for 2 weeks by 475 elk hunters prior to the deer season. If you've been in unit 23 elk on opening day of rifle elk season it's pretty much WWII and almost dangerous on public land. JM doesn't think all of those elk hunters matter. I guess I'll leave it up to everyone that reads this post to decide for themselves.

JM also doesn't believe that having a large private ranch with little to no hunting pressure smack dab in the middle of 89 provides a haven for older age class bucks that often disappear once rifle elk season warns them. I'll leave that also up to everyone reading this post to decide if that's true.

The point I'm making....mature bucks are pretty wise to hunting pressure....lots of rifle elk hunting pressure prior to rifle deer season....big private ranch with little to no hunting pressure.. Where do you think mature bucks will find solitude from hunters? If you believe JM and his Wyo followers this poses no problem.

JM, so what's the answer? Did the guy in the buck photo you posted shoot his buck during archery season? You re-posted about every line in my last post and totally blew off the answer to that question.

So if you are a nonres that has waited 10+ years for a tag are what I said worth considering or do you apply for a unit blindly because "public access isn't a problem?"

Buzz, we all know unit 87 is blessed with 3x3itis!
I’m at 12 points and thinking pretty serious about 34 , I like the hunt planner put out by the game Dept. , never been there and will be going solo .
Never been to 89 but have had a few bow hunting buddies hunt it. It's top notch from their standards.
Jims definition makes sense in my mind but again Ive never set foot.
1. Why would jims lie about his experience? Is he point sharing and hunting the place every year? Is he blind? 9 Points in the special to draw last year? Nope, not possible to draw even sharing.
2. Why would jm77 blow a place up hes hunted his whole life? Does he just hate jims? How many serious diy nr guys does he want to invite? Have you call Eastman's yet? Where does he really hunt? Maybe he's like me and doesn't give a rats ass?
I could care less actually, but can stir like anyone else.
2. Why would jm77 blow a place up hes hunted his whole life?

What have I said to make you think I am blowing it up? One picture?
These areas around here are no secret anymore. These guys are applying for 34 or 89, I am not stopping them. If they want to kill bucks over 160, they are going to earn them in either area.

What jims is saying about access and elk hunters is laughable.

Like someone said, flip a coin.
89 has gained it's reputation for being a great deer area, with plenty of bucks, and sometimes some great bucks
all the while 89 has been a very popular area with residents and NR alike because the deer hunting is good there.
The archery deer has been posted several times by you. I can't remember much but deer stick for some reason.
Shaking one's head about or thinking some advise is hilarious doesn't mean only residents can give it. You said that all by your lonesome Rich.

Personally, I think NR can give all the foolish advise they want about Wyoming. Makes absolutely no difference to me. :LOL:

You sure have spent a lot of effort trying to discredit Jim's take on things. Pretty confounding given that it makes no difference to you. That's your problem JM. You operate under the assertion that anyone who disagree's with, or maybe has a differing perspective from you is simply a fool. Buzz suffers from the same narcissistic affliction. And that's pretty unfortunate because the both of you are accomplished hunters, who if you could get off your high horse for a minute could help a lot of people out. And maybe you do out in the real world. But the way you talk to people in this forum is fuggin' despicable.
So after all the drama directed towards these two units, did you make a decision and apply for G?
You sure have spent a lot of effort trying to discredit Jim's take on things. Pretty confounding given that it makes no difference to you. That's your problem JM. You operate under the assertion that anyone who disagree's with, or maybe has a differing perspective from you is simply a fool. Buzz suffers from the same narcissistic affliction. And that's pretty unfortunate because the both of you are accomplished hunters, who if you could get off your high horse for a minute could help a lot of people out. And maybe you do out in the real world. But the way you talk to people in this forum is fuggin' despicable.
Interesting perspective from someone living in a glass house and throwing stones.

As far as jims is concerned, it's not just the fact that he gives people the wrong information about things, the man did an absolute low down move on two good friends of mine. Haven't quite got over that yet, but irregardless I'm not going to shut up if he's telling people bad info. I also don't care for how he uses people. Fair enough?

But what's really interesting is the number of people who message me, including jims, wanting help and info. Most of them seem like great people and I have actually made friends with some. Yeah, that's it, they must want to take advantage of the despicable narcissist who could really help people out if he would get off his high horse.

SMH out in the "real world".
JM and Buzz, I really feel sad for you guys! I hope you are totally different in person than you are sitting behind a computer ripping into people. JM, I thought we shared some great emails in regard to our passion and concern for muledeer in Wyoming? You can rip me apart as much as you want but it really doesn't matter.

I guess I'll leave it up to others to decide whether what I stated in my posts above make sense and are "bad info". Take a look....has JM or Buzz offered ANY solid advice on 34 or 89 in their posts above...heck no! They actually haven't offered any advice!!!! All they have done is criticized others.

Does anyone that has read this post think that 475 elk hunters in a small unit like 23 has any affect on mature muley bucks feeling hunting pressure and heading to private land prior to deer rifle season? Do you think 80 to 90% of those 475 elk hunters are hunting private or public land? My guess is most are on public. According to JM this is bad info....I guess I don't get it? For any hunter wouldn't this be great info to know ahead of time?

I also stated that there is a large ranch in the center of 89 that has 0 to limited hunting pressure. With the majority of elk hunters on public land where do you think mature bucks will spook to? Do you think mature bucks will sit tight and let 475 elk hunters running up and down the roads on public land drive by or are they going to move? Is this bad info? Heck no! I'm a little baffled what bad advice I've given?

I'm sure there are great bucks available in both 34 and 89. I always think it's important to get as much detailed information about season dates, tag numbers, winterkill, drought, public access, private land issues, GENETICS!!!!, etc before making a final decision.
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