I'm this way by choice!



Do any of you avoid anything and all things Christmas?

I can't stand the crap...(I understand the reason for the season, stuff, but I don't care)...and buying stuff for people they don't want, just for the appearance of caring...why?

I don't buy gifts, I don't send cards (they just get thrown away), I don't decorate, and I lie my azz off to get out of doing christmasy things with other people that think I need spend the holidays with other people.

Am I the only one here, that just wants to go fishing on the 25th of December?

Its just another day to me.

But I'm not a complete jackazz. I do hope everyone else has the best f'ing Christmas EVER!

I'm not just agreeing to make you feel better but I also HATE xmas with a passion!! I have to act excited for my son and nephews but I'm pretty sure I'm a chitty actor. Screw xmas, screw santa, screw wasting money, screw candy canes, and screw the assholes who keep breaking into cars at my work cuz they can't afford to go buy stuff for their friends and family!!

Good post!!

I've got 11 or 12 neices and nephews...guess what they get from uncle JD- Nadagoddamnthing!

That's why they have parents,and grandparents! You've got 5 times more crap than you play with anyway, and now you want more??? Ha! Wish in one hand....

I find your honesty there suspect Tag. I would actually suspect your nieces and nephews awake to find their stockings stuffed with mini bottles courtesy of uncle JD. ~the J is for Jack, the D is for Daniels
Not a chance,.45- I wouldn't waste decent mini bottle on a kid that was just gonna puke it up...

But your right I'm NOT heartless, I donated a chunck to a locaL charity that bought toys for kids that's parents are in tough times, but I don't have to do anything but go to an ATM for that-

I just don't want to be a part of the whole festivities.

I'm not a bah humbug , but I'm sick an tired of the Christmas music . I really need to get satellite radio . I only have around 6 cd's in my work truck , and in the last month I have listened to the same Chris LeDoux cd about 5000 times .
You needs to do a CD exchange with the other guys. Everyone gets their CD's back after the crap azz music quits playing, but no one has to go buy new stuff.

I just wear a headphone in one ear and listen to downloaded music on my phone...probably a lot of the same songs that you've listened to 5000 times the past month :) Just Ledoux it!!

You know what really chaps my ass, xmas lights on houses!! They don't look cool whatsoever...they cost people hella money to run em all night especially the retards who have em up before Thanksgiving...I don't know which is worse, xmas music or lights??

Ya I don't understand the Christmas light thing either . My power bill is crazy this time of the year from all the water heaters in the troughs . My neighbors went crazy this year with the lights , and one of them was telling me I needed to jump on board and get some lights up .

The women is pressuring me that next year we need to have lights up . I think I'll put up one green light on a shrub .

Guess I need to figure out how to download tunes and solve my music problem . I'm not soo sure I want to listen to any of the weird music my coworkers listen too .
Don't click the link if you get offended by foul language..

For Tag...


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
Foundation- mention where you're working, and I'll do about 15 over, and I'll just pull over and exchange some cd's with ya- I've got Justin Timberlake, Eminem, Backstreet Boyss, Lenny Kravitz, some Chingy, and Destiny's Child, some Snoop Dogg, and some Ozzy Osbourne.

I spit beer! Just a little, but THAT santa has it dead on!

Frigin cookies and milk- that's bullchit!

Thanks for the link!

Chingy , backdoor boyz and snopp dawg . All of a sudden I'm starting to like 15 different versions of silent night from Elvis to George Strait . LOL
We backed way off the lights thing after last year when we had some issues with the meter socket.

I kinda like it toned down a bit the more I get used to it.
That's how I get out of doing a rolling CD exchange- make up a bunch a crappass cd names and make you feel better about what you have! Win/win!

Merry frigin christmas! No, I mean it! To you and all...I hope you can ALL make the best of it!

Oh, and I especially hate how EVERY Gdamn tv show has to have a christmasy themed episode!

CSI in santy suits.. mike and molly eat santa-- bla bla bla...

The closer it gets to "Fishmas" day the worse the ire gets!


You'd best Cheer up a bit!

Or Santa,I mean the DWR ain't gonna treat you right this year!:D

Hot Dog,Hot Damn,I love this Ameri-can
I hate all things Christmas. I haven't put a light up for years. Then this little dream came into my life. This is my Grand Daughter.


In the past month I have painted her room 2 shades of bright pink, I have a fully decorated Christmas tree already set up, I have lights all over the outside of the house,I have put together the biggest Barbie doll house known to man, I have painted the Sun and Moon complete with Stars on her ceiling, and the Wife has spoiled her with too many presents for Christmas morning.

Yeah, I hate Christmas too.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-21-11 AT 06:32AM (MST)[p]Grand Daughter?


EDIT:You never mentioned any GirlFriends?

Hot Dog,Hot Damn,I love this Ameri-can
Well, I don't like it much myself, but others like it alot, so I just roll with it as best as I can.

It is NOT cool to be a GRINCH!

My birthday is the day after, so I have always been shafted at Christmas.....traumatized by age 10!

"Fathom the hypocracy of a Government that requires every citizen to prove that they are insured.....but not everyone must prove that they are a citizen"
> My birthday is the day
>after, so I have always
>been shafted at Christmas.....traumatized by
>age 10!

No Kidding, Mine too! Dec 26th, 1975 :)
Happy early birthday Nick!
Oh, I don't feel bad about "having" to go fishing! I'm actually excited about trying out a fly I tied for a girl, who now needs to see it catch a fish.


I'm pretty good at being able to entice a fish, but this might be a g'damn nightmare...

If it works I may be willing to tie up a few others, if anyone wants one...

I love Christmas time. I love watching my kids hurry into bed actually thinking that a fat man is delivering gifts to billions of homes in a night. Giving them gifts is also a fun thing, but watching them gifts gifts to one other is great. But the best of all, is seeing their proud little faces light up as they watch mom and dad open up gifts they made at school or home. Im sorry you dont like this time of year. Hopefully your feelings about the holidays are not imposed on those around you.

Are you married or do you have kids?
Nah, grizzmoose, I don't have kids, and I'm smart enough to have never gotten married.

I try not to impose my feelings on anyone, so I tend to keep to myself, and avoid the invitations to carol, and go to "festive" parties.

I HATE the music, and the selfish motivations that so many have around Christmas. But I do enjoy Christmas as I get to see my siblings and neices n nephews during that time. I just got to make a pretty sweet guitar stand out of welded chain for my bro in law that I'm pretty stoked to give him! It means a lot to put some sentiment into making a gift that someone will actually have a need for.

Don't really care what I get, but its time spent with those I love that I don't get to see too often that I enjoy. Not to mention the holliday has a deep religious meaning for myself.
Merry Christmas and if not then goodluck fishing! :)

I have 5 grandkids and all were here tuesday night. The oldest ones searched for where I had hid their gifts but didn't find them. It is priceless to see the little ones light up christmas morning as they are tearing apart the wrapping paper and it is then well worth the time and money.

LSU still sucks
The reason for the season I like but I cant stand all the BS. But now that I have two little ones it has changed me somewhat. they have too much fun and it is contagious....
tageater, my boss took yesterday off and caught 10 steelhead on the Eel River. The biggest 18 lbs. That fly you tied looks just like a shrimp that might knock them dead. Especially 3 miles from the salt. I would bet on it actually. I don't fly fish, but if I did I would want a few. I bet it would work even better here on the salmon. A drop or two of the right scent..... killer.

I almost forgot about Christmas.:) I still like it but not like I did 30 years ago.

>By the way Eel you are
>invited to go along on
>the big Utard blacktail deer
>expedition of 2012.


Utards are comming here?

Oh, I thought you meant a utard blacktail hunt, where everybody wears orange, gets lost, and shoots at 1000 yards.

I might be interested.

Reddog's signature line is the BEST ever . I find myself staring at it for like five minutes every time I see it . It's like it casts a spell on me .
eel, me and bess are finally gonna put the Stihl/Husky saw argument to rest in Cali..Pick out two nice old redwoods for us to race on :)
There's two things I've always wanted to Poach!

A Kali Kondor!

And a Kali RedWood!:D

Hot Dog,Hot Damn,I love this Ameri-can
Got a practice day in before the big fishing trip in the morning.


When I added the extras the pic resolution went to crap...oh well you get the idea.


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