Imagine the panic in Yellowstone


Long Time Member
The roads are washed out on the northern side. How ever will the wolves and grizzlies survive without the wolf lovers following them around the Lamar daily? Who will protect them if the 50ish, never married, childless, 75 lb overweight, purple haired lady is there daily?

What will Steve and Billy do if they can't showcase their grizzly knowledge to japanese tourist busses?

Who will name the wolf pups? Who will number the bears?

It's basically the apocalypse up there
It's just one crisis after another. I think people will head for Glacier NP now and try to catch a glimpse of the glaciers before they disappear.
The roads are washed out on the northern side. How ever will the wolves and grizzlies survive without the wolf lovers following them around the Lamar daily? Who will protect them if the 50ish, never married, childless, 75 lb overweight, purple haired lady is there daily?

What will Steve and Billy do if they can't showcase their grizzly knowledge to japanese tourist busses?

Who will name the wolf pups? Who will number the bears?

It's basically the apocalypse up there
Hoss-I think the animals will be just fine. No tour bus jams and the bison won't have to gore anyone trying to pet em on the head and get pics. What also sucks is the gateway towns and businesses that will struggle. With all of the given away money the last couple years for PPP (which most did need) extra unemployment ($300.00 weekly), stimulus checks and all of the damn money we gave to Ukraine--will we help these towns, businesses and people? I hope so but I sure doubt it.
Hoss-I think the animals will be just fine. No tour bus jams and the bison won't have to gore anyone trying to pet em on the head and get pics. What also sucks is the gateway towns and businesses that will struggle. With all of the given away money the last couple years for PPP (which most did need) extra unemployment ($300.00 weekly), stimulus checks and all of the damn money we gave to Ukraine--will we help these towns, businesses and people? I hope so but I sure doubt it.


Wolves demand lib idiots following them around "to save them"

Now they will all die
Nah, the libs won't let that happen. Hell, they very well might be up in there right now trying to feed em out of a bowl.
Now that's a sight I'd love to see.

First picture: a dozen dudes and dudettes with beards and hairy legs, all dressed in 60s garb with their REI tents and sleeping bags around their totally carbon-free camp with a dozen bowls of dog food.

Second picture: a dozen wolves with full bellies, laying around an apparently abandoned camp littered with 60s garb, tents and sleeping bags strewn across the pine forest.

Kidding of course- no sense in having wolves all pissed-off with indigestion!
Okay, let's do some investigating. The Grinnel Glacier is larger today than it was in 1991. Here is some historical evidence that NASA has erased and doesn't want you to know.

I read a U Wyoming analysis of glaciers in the Wind Rivers. Long article, but their conclusion was that the glaciers had not receded over 50 years, but they believed the ice was "thinner". They determined this with historical photographic evidence. Makes me so mad that a supposed scientific study would not find what they want, so instead find two pictures of some place on these huge glaciers and decide that the ice is thinner at that point. OMG! (And to add insult to injury- that's where I got my degree)

That said- I'm not saying the planet isn't getting warmer. I'm just saying they exaggerate every analysis to prove their point. And I'm not convinced it isn't simply a natural (but regrettable) phenomenon.
I want to send my donation for this crisis. Where do I send my $$$!! Oh $hit, never mind. Forgot I spent it on ammo. My bad.
I read a U Wyoming analysis of glaciers in the Wind Rivers. Long article, but their conclusion was that the glaciers had not receded over 50 years, but they believed the ice was "thinner". They determined this with historical photographic evidence. Makes me so mad that a supposed scientific study would not find what they want, so instead find two pictures of some place on these huge glaciers and decide that the ice is thinner at that point. OMG! (And to add insult to injury- that's where I got my degree)

That said- I'm not saying the planet isn't getting warmer. I'm just saying they exaggerate every analysis to prove their point. And I'm not convinced it isn't simply a natural (but regrettable) phenomenon.
The Arctic Sea ice is refusing to melt as ordered too, so they say the ice is thinner now, but the average is around 7' thick, the same thickness as back in the 1980's.

There was rapid melting around the 1920's and 30's and the point is CO2 levels were very low then (around 300ppm). We are not anywhere even close to a climate crisis. The rise in CO2 is actually making earth greener.
The roads are washed out on the northern side. How ever will the wolves and grizzlies survive without the wolf lovers following them around the Lamar daily? Who will protect them if the 50ish, never married, childless, 75 lb overweight, purple haired lady is there daily?

What will Steve and Billy do if they can't showcase their grizzly knowledge to japanese tourist busses?

Who will name the wolf pups? Who will number the bears?

It's basically the apocalypse up there
I do feel sorry for all those people who had their heart set on going to YNP this summer to hand feed the Bison and take selfies.

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