Imagine this?


Long Time Member
How much did this one get paid????
Massive Corruption! Nancy Pelosi's son is also a Ukraine Energy Company board member, she appears in their commercial!
Keep pulling the sweater. Eventually the whole thing will unravel.

? the connect the dots of corruption is never ending eel. Term limits is the first step in draining the swamp. Old scabs like Nancy should of been put outti pasture long ago.
Great job EEL.........Trumpy Bear is connecting the dots and it's looking like the cabal may have more to hide.......I told you guys this was going to be a doozy......If they persist it's going to be death by a thousand cuts.....So now Pelosi's kid was getting paid too......most likely with US taxpayer funds..............Gee one can only wonder what's coming next.........The dems brought a knife to a gun fight...told you Schiff wasn't smart enough to take down Trump. Trump has worked in the biggest snake den of corruption in the world NY.....get your popcorn boys the shows just beginning.
> He resembles
>Gavin Newsom ,the crime family.
...they are related

>> He resembles
>>Gavin Newsom ,the crime family.
>...they are related

Bred in the same swamp.
Pretty soon he's going to start dropping other names.....They need to wake up or else....... more smaller cuts to show how corrupt they are.......Still think the climate agenda's not being driven by the elites......EELS post exposes that ruse and there's more to come......gee wonder what they've invested in......HMMMM

Now you know why AOC is their new poster child....she's pushing the agenda forward to the American people.....her green new deal is going to make them all MORE $$$$$$$ GREEN.
CA. Gov. Gavin Newsome is related to Pelosi and this explains the center core of Democrats that are most vocal about fighting with Trump. The swamp of "PAY FOR PLAY" is bigger then we knew. Pelosi's husband is with a company that was getting huge contracts with CA. for Jerry Brown's boon doggle called the bullet train. Makes you wonder how much influence Pelosi had on those contracts of many millions of dollars.

Do you think the Pelosis' may have had some ties to organized crime........hey they probably learned from the family after all they are Italian.....:^)

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