Impeachment Blocker In Trouble

The New Yorker lol. Every other media outlet rejected the story but the New Yorker had time to take Ramirez out for a nice little photo shoot yet didn't have time to find any witnesses to corroborate her story which has fallen apart before it even started. It took her six days of pondering and a bunch of planning time with an attorney to re-remember, LOL. More like planning on how to protect herself from the lawsuit that's headed her way.

They think people are stupid and can't see what's going on, guess there's plenty of Ocho's out there to buy this crap.

Avenatti LOL
LAST EDITED ON Sep-23-18 AT 11:19PM (MST)[p]If Professor Ford shows up at the hearing. That hearing will determine if he is confirmed. There is a very good chance Professor Ford will be discredited if the committee members ask the right questions. so far Ford has named either 3 or 4 persons at the event and every one of them deny any knowledge of the event or even being at a party where Ford and Kavanaugh were both present. That also includes a past friend of Ford's who is a Democrat and does not want a conservative judge appointed to the bench. She failed to support Ford's allegations.
No wonder she does not want any attorneys asking her questions and possibly catching her in lies.

Another example of liberals lying about this incident. One female person, who went to the all girls school with Professor Ford came out recently to state that Ford told about the incident,after it happen, and it was being discussed at school.
When that female class mate was advised that Ford said it happen during the summer break from school and it could not have been discussed at school. That person pulled her social media statement and admitted that she did not have any first hand information. Ford and her lawyer have claimed several times that Ford never told anyone about the incident until many years later which supports that female classmate was outright lying when she said it was discussed at school just after the incident.

Get in the game old timer. Ford is just round one.

Round two sounds a little sketchy but she has to be heard.

Round three sounds like a real chit mess for you . and they will have to allow the FBI in on this one .

Looks like Cosby isn't going to serve any time. too bad he's black huh ? he'd make a " fabulous " judge for Trump.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
I hope they ask them under oath who paid for the attorney and lie detector test. I doubt the timing is a coincidence. They are Borking this guy and it just may work. Looks like the senate races that the dems were saying they would win are a bust so doubt the senate will change and they can destroy someone else soon.
Yeah everything is political even rape. if you believed that you'd be asking for an FBI investigation to clear your boy. do you wonder why they don't want the FBI involved ? I don't think you have a choice now but it's disgusting what's been going on to avoid fairness to the alleged victim.

The dems never predicted a senate take back. but the house is looking more likely every day. if you're going to make chit up keep it somewhat believable.

What do you think Kavenaugh's chances are today ? I'd say 40% and that's generous.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Why would anyone investigate a hearsay where the supposed victim has no idea where she was or what date it occurred? How would the FBI find out stuff she doesn't even know? Stalling tactic.
Which victim ?

Why not let the FBI do the best they can ? if we can spend millions all the time on Trump's golfing we can let a few salaried agents check this out ? get real we all know why.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
LMAO! Libtards are so easy to figure out these days. Refer back to post 19 where I said there would be another accuser and that Democrats were certain to be out trying to find one. The only problem is that they can't seem to find anyone credible which proves that this is nothing more than a stall tactic. Sad that it could destroy an innocent man's life but why would Democraps care, Bill Clinton is their hero.

If the Republicans cave on this, I will be done with the party. I've had it with spineless lying turds who enjoy getting their asses handed to them. At this point all the Democraps have to do is keep finding bimbos to lie about Kavanaugh and the delay will continue. Even simpletons can see that there is no there there so why aren't the Republicans standing in front of TV cameras telling the Democraps to either put forth an allegation that can be proven or the vote will happen tomorrow? It's simply because they're spineless that's why.

Women and the #metoo movement should be outraged that these women are making these claims. This will discredit true victims especially true victims that didn't report the incident when it happened. This whole #metoo thing is ridiculous anyway. You have actresses who were preyed upon and used the misdeeds to their benefit while they were building their brand and then all of a sudden it becomes a problem after they're rich and famous? Ridiculous at best. I feel sorry for the real victims but at this point and because of these recent events, I can't take you seriously if you don't report the incident immediately or preserve some kind of evidence to prove you and the accused were at least in the same place at the time of the alleged incident.
Whatever it takes to keep your hopes up chump.

If Kavenaugh is pushed through he will be an anchor around the neck of the GOP for the next half dozen elections at the least. confirm him and find out, see if I give a phuk.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
LAST EDITED ON Sep-24-18 AT 05:19PM (MST)[p]LOL! All the democrats have to do is not be whacked out crazy and it's totally impossible for them, they can't do it. They are doubling down on stupid. These people should never be allowed to be in power ever.
Now Kavenaugh says it couldn't be him because he was the 40 year old virgin ! I love it you can't make this chit up.

Still not sure how that means he couldn't have leg humped a chick or put his Johnson in one's face.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Looks like the 40 year old virgin worked as a creepy sort of pimp for his friends without ED . no wonder Trump thinks he's such a great guy.

The best thing that could happen to the dems is if you clowns shoved him through without due process. they'd take both houses and instantly begin impeachment on Kavenaugh. and if you cut him loose he's toast and you have egg all over your face. it ain't easy being chump huh ?

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Looks like your girl Ford is getting cold feet. I will bet she is a no show tomorrow. No way is she going to testify under oath.
Who says she's not going to show ? and it's Thursday. and even if she doesn't there are others asking to do it. the list grows daily.

Have you contacted Bill Cosby to see if he'll take the 40 year old virgin's place ?

You're screwed either way and you know it. that's what makes this so fun.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Dude, shyster Avenatti is worried about being out of the limelight since it appears the Judge is going to toss his Stormy Daniels' lawsuit.
So the slimeball shyster has come up with a new tactic to keep his mug in the limelight and get idiots like you to believe him. Come to think of it, you are on par with the slimeball shyster, just a bit more stupid.

So weird that all the accusers and their attorneys are radical left wing activists that scrubbed their social media accounts before bringing the accusations... hmmm! Also weird that there is zero evidence to support their claims. She's not gonna testify.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-26-18 AT 11:37AM (MST)[p]why don't you allow the FBI to look for evidence ? the victims are asking for an investigation the republicans are afraid of one. says all you need to know.

ooohhh nooooo ?..

You have a choice to make. defy the American people and shove your judge up their azz without due process, or lose a lot of votes. you can't keep both.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
LAST EDITED ON Sep-26-18 AT 01:10PM (MST)[p]Yeah she's credible. So she graduated 3 years before Kavanaugh. She went to at least 10 of these rape parties over a two year period where women were repeatedly drugged and gang raped by Kavanaughs roving rape squad in DC over 37 years ago - without anyone ever bringing charges or going to the authorities. And not one person ever said a word about it until the day before the Senate hearing. Got it.
Dude- you need to look at the clip of Joe Biden during the Thomas hearings where he said you have to be stupid to think the FBI should be involved. I guess you qualify.
The FBI was involved.

The vote Friday if it takes place will only energize this whole thing before the midterms.

Trash the women, Vote, seat him. make my day . the country will be far better off with an alleged rapist on the USSC than it will be with any GOP control in congress in these times.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
His music has sucked after his first couple albums anyway so who cares.

Trump is getting his escape route ready if things get any worse. we've gone from " they should have just pushed him through " to " I could withdraw him if I'm convinced " in 48 hours. when Trump shows any give he folds 90% of the time.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Dude the Democrats may have shot themselves in the head pushing this Kavanaugh dirty tactics B.S.

There is talk that Trump has another candidate in the wings in the event Kavanaugh can not be confirmed. That Candidate is a woman who is several shades more conservative then even Kavanaugh.

The dumbocrats will have a hard time attacking her like they did with Kavanaugh for feat of losing the women support. She is Catholic like Kavanaugh and they will be stupid to attack her religion for fear of losing that support which will mean most Hispanics let along white Catholics. You noticed they did not attack Kavanaugh's choice of religion and there is a reason for that.

Trump is going to win at the end and I think the Democrats will be admitting they screwed up in the long run as they are losing support of the average voter that is middle ground let along the conservative voters. Only ones backing up the Democrats are left wing liberals.

Dude, bottom line, Trump is going to win this one in the long run. You are just to damn stupid to see it.

>RELH is talking out his azz
>again. what a surprise.
> Doesn't it bother you at
>all that I'm saying EXACTLY
>the same thing your
>FAUX pencil troll is
>saying and you're just blowing
>chit ?
>I started a thread about it
>which you're avoiding so I'll
>shut you down on this
>one. off you
>Stay Thirsty My Friends

He's still hungry for viewers. Now he's appealing to the likes of you.

Your FOX pencil Troll judge says her testimony was very believable and damaging .

I didn't have time to watch it but I watched the highlights , I'd say you're phuked. royally phuked.

I will say one thing for the republicans, while it's disgusting they don't have the balls to ask her the questions themselves the woman they hired to do it for them was impressive. hard to find fault in her work.

Ford was a convincing witness. it will be interesting to see what the chit stain tweets bout her. dumping Kavenaugh would not surprise me at all. cutting bait and running is the best way to make this go away.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Hey ##### head here is a Ben Franklin bet that President TRUMP does NOT
Cut bait and run. Bet?
LAST EDITED ON Sep-27-18 AT 10:54PM (MST)[p]I think he left out the back door. Was somewhat in a hurry. He last posted at 8:55 P.M. on the other thread, so he should have seen the bet challenge.

The dems dont even understand the f'n process! I can't believe you dumbasses vote for these idiots! Trick f'd by Flake!

So now here's what happens. The floor vote is delayed "while the FBI investigates" which gives Democraps more time to conjure up another victim. Now that we have a lot of details about Kavanaugh's teenage years, the new accuser will be able to put together more details which will cast doubt and delay things further.

I think that is what Democraps think but I have more faith in Americans to see through that BS and ANY new accuser would be sent packing immediately.

Apparently there is one weekend on the calendar where supposedly Kavenaugh was partying with friends that were named in the accusation. The Democrap Senators pointed it out yesterday that this could possibly be the weekend in question. Cool so have the FBI go to that very house and see if it has the same floor plan as described by Ford. Interview the witnesses named by ford and if nothing new comes up, case closed. This can be done in a matter of hours. The witnesses have already provided statements under penalty of perjury so they're sure as hell not going to change their story now. They're not going to suddenly remember something because why would they want to drag their families into this pissing contest when they've already stated that they have no knowledge of the event alleged?

I hope that Democraps realize that if the FBI finds nothing further, this only bodes well for Republicans because at that point Republicans can say we did everything that was asked of us. I'm afraid Democraps know this and have already conjured up a plan E (another accuser). This could be far from over.
Flake is getting slammed from AZ voters on his VM and email. They were all down for the last hour. He is doing exactly what John McCain did and allowing his ego to rule the day. Do the FBI deal in 3 days and move on with this. Vote in Novemeber and give the democrats something real and stinky to chew on.
I doubt there will be an FBI investigation. I look for a confirmation vote next week.


How much would you like to wager there won't be an FBI investigation? The vote may or may not take place because the Republicans are losing their nerve. It isn't just Flake, Collins and Murkowski both are not sure votes.

Like all things involving Trump, this has turned into a complete and total shyt show. Nobody has clean hands on any of it.

Kavanaugh has had his character nearly destroyed, the Republicans don't know they are a majority, the Democrats play political games with sexual assault and the President can't make up his mind about any of it.

Trump Quote:
?I thought her testimony was very compelling and she looks like a very fine woman to me, very fine woman,? Trump said of Ford while speaking to reporters on Friday. ?It was an incredible moment I think in the history of our country,? he continued. ?But certainly [Ford] was a very credible witness. She was very good in many respects.?

One wonders how big of a bus Trump was trying to throw Kavanaugh under with that one?


Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other.
>How much would you like to
>wager there won't be an
>FBI investigation? The
>vote may or may not
>take place because the Republicans
>are losing their nerve.
>It isn't just Flake, Collins
>and Murkowski both are not
>sure votes.
>Like all things involving Trump, this
>has turned into a complete
>and total shyt show.
>Nobody has clean hands on
>any of it.
>Kavanaugh has had his character nearly
>destroyed, the Republicans don't know
>they are a majority, the
>Democrats play political games with
>sexual assault and the President
>can't make up his mind
>about any of it.
>Trump Quote:
> ?I thought her testimony was
>very compelling and she looks
>like a very fine woman
>to me, very fine woman,?
>Trump said of Ford while
>speaking to reporters on Friday.
>?It was an incredible moment
>I think in the history
>of our country,? he continued.
>?But certainly [Ford] was a
>very credible witness. She was
>very good in many respects.?

>One wonders how big of a
>bus Trump was trying to
>throw Kavanaugh under with that
>Government is like a baby. An
>alimentary canal with a big
>appetite at one end and
>no responsibility at the other.
Trump is letting the Dems screw themselves, The art of the Deal !
Nemont Trump was smart to take the high road and not rake Ford over the coals. A lot of women are watching how Trump and the GOP will handle this.
If that one week FBI investigation backs Kavanaugh and shows Ford without facts to support her allegations, Trump will be able to stick it to the Democrats and get Kavanaugh confirmed and have a very good chance of turning out a few Democrats this Nov.

Well shyt, looks like this was another complete waste of time and money.

+1 ..... It is beyond belief how the Democrats keep trying to come up with reasons as to why Judge Kavanaugh is unfit to sit on the Supreme Court.
Good thing nobody took Nemont's bet lol! That dude loves to lose bets!! There sure as shyt was an FBI investigation and Trump gave the FBI no limits besides a time frame. Not that the FBI is all of a sudden a gleaming bastion of justice in America but it's just funny watching Nemont be wrong... AGAIN!!
Trump Quote:
?I thought her testimony was very compelling and she looks like a very fine woman to me, very fine woman,? Trump said of Ford while speaking to reporters on Friday. ?It was an incredible moment I think in the history of our country,? he continued. ?But certainly was a very credible witness. She was very good in many respects.?

Trump always says nice things before he gives them the shaft or fires them.
The liberals know that with a majority of Constitutional conservatives on the S.C. will have final judgement on any liberal laws they pass that is in violation of the Constitution. This grinds to a halt any social liberal laws they want to pass in order to further their agenda of socialism and violations to the amendments of our Constitution. This frightens them and will be the stop gap to their plans. In plain English, the liberals are "Fu##ed" for the next 20-30 years for their liberal progress.

Old RBG said she is working another 6 years. Not smart for her karma. Bet she is dead in a year. and Trump get another one.
"Looks like Trump's get out of jail card might have met his match. how many republicans will vote to confirm an attempted rapist in today's political climate ?"

50, I guess. Sorry Dude.
>"Looks like Trump's get out of
>jail card might have met
>his match. how many republicans
>will vote to confirm an
>attempted rapist in today's political
>climate ?"
>50, I guess. Sorry Dude.

tick....tock....i think we need to start looking for a another judge. this one is on borrowed time.

How to start an argument online:
1. Express an opinion
2. Wait
>>"Looks like Trump's get out of
>>jail card might have met
>>his match. how many republicans
>>will vote to confirm an
>>attempted rapist in today's political
>>climate ?"
>>50, I guess. Sorry Dude.
> ?

To be fair it was only 49 Republicans
1 Democrat

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