Impressed with new survey



I have to say that I was impressed with the new g&f survey. I thought the questions were much more objective than the last survey. I thought that the questions were more clear on what you were voting for and what you were getting yourself into. I feel that we will get a much better picture if people want a better chance to harvest an animal and draw less often or a chance to draw more often and not see anything from this survey. I could be wrong, but I think on this site more people would like to see better animal's and maybe not draw as often including myself. With that being said if the results come up that people really do just want to hunt no matter what, all the crying that the last survey was trickery is going to have to stop. We will have to take our lumps and realize that the masses just want to hunt. This is a democracy right we do what the majority favors(in theory anyway is how it's supposed to work)okay I will get off the soap box now. I sure hope the people don't want to do away with alternatively managing the few good units we do have because that is one of the questions. Whether the department would ever let that happen due to the revenue generation is a whole other discussion for another day. One concern I do have is what is keeping someone or someones from sitting there all day taking the survey over and over again because I know it happens. They should have made it so you could only take the survey once by address or ss or something. Anyway those are just my two cents on it, please no name calling for them, but I would like to know what you thought of it even if you disagree? You may have picked up something I didn't.
This survey is very similar to the last one. Alot of the questions are still "loaded" in my opinion. For example, the one about higher harvest success by lengthening the coues season resulting in potentially reducing tag numbers doesn't coincide with their current guidelines. Generally, higher harvest success means they can increase permit numbers to get harvest success back down within guidelines.

And the other one about harvesting a trophy or getting more opportunity, I mean c'mon, are those our only options? How about going back to the pre 2006 buck to doe ratio guidelines, regardless of what size the bucks are. At least this might give the hunter the opportunity to see more bucks and a wider age class to chose from. It would also result in a very small reduction in tags. The answer about wanting more opportunity is pretty cut and dry but, when it refers to "trophy" animals, are they refering to the department's definition, or the individual's taking the survey? Alot of the trade-offs, questions, and answers are presented in a manner to get the ammunition they want to keep things the way they have made them today.

I'm sure many of you can point out more bias contained in the survey.

The opinions expressed in this post are mine and do not necessarily represent anyone else's. They do however represent my freedom of speech!

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