Information on REI ... Anyone?


Founder Since 1999
Are any of you aware of any issues REI has with hunting and guns? Are they supportive of hunting? Anyone ever hear anything? Just curious if they've ever expressed anything publicly.

Brian Latturner
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Not that I have seen,but I am always warry of who they do associate with.
I am a many year member and always voice my thoughts on how the staff treats me as a Huntermember as oppossed to when I'm Camper/Hikermember buying,and I have told supervisors of offensive toward me as hunter employee's.
Will quit if they take a anti-gun/hunter stand. Same as anyone.
Meanwhile some of their gear is top notch,IMHO.
List came out 2 weeks ago in Colorado as environmentalist supporting groups and REI made the list. As a matter of fact they are also a proud supporter of Wild Earth Gaurdians.

"Courage is being scared to death but
saddling up anyway."
I was a member for awhile since they have great stuff. Until the day I went to my local store here in Oregon and there was a guy at the front door soliciting signatures for the ballot measure to ban baiting for bears and hunting with hounds (it passed). I walked into the store, did not get a good answer from the manager, tore up my membership card on the checkout counter, and walked away for good.

That was back in the mid 90's and seemed like a pretty public statement of their stance on hunting to me. I will never support them.

I'm not aware of REI being anti hunting. I also think it's foolhardy for hunters to member themselves with smaller and and smaller groups in the outdoor community.

I remember seeing antiwilderness petitions outside of a Smiths grocery store once, should I boycott Smith's,?

Personally I see myself more in line with self propelled outdoors people than the motorized crowd.

According to some on here if your a conservationist an environmentalist and someone that likes wild country, you can't be a Hunter?
No idea on what kind of support REI gives to, but the manager of the Salt Lake store is a bowhunter and his kid won the Total Archery Challenge the only year they ran it up there at the Bird.

I won't support them. I like to snowmobile also and some of the organizations they support are trying to close allot of areas off to snowmobiling. In fact if you read all of the outfits they donate money to, you will see allot of anti groups. They cater to a yuppie tree hugging type people. Not saying that they don't employ some great people, but go inside one and tell me you see a hunting, fishing dominate type store. Not there.
Don't honestly know much about their company. But I do know that when I walk through their doors in my camouflage, I feel like a steak dinner in a lions den.


"Hoss you convinced me what day are we packing up and leaving this Mormon hell hole for California?"- coondog 5/13/15

Nice to know you aren't afraid of admitting to who you are. I'll give you credit for that. And just to clarify, I go to great lengths to clarify the difference between an environmentalist and a "wacko" environmentalist, and most people seem to have no problem identifying what I'm referring to. But in case you can't distinguish the difference, the test I use is a person is leaning toward the "wacko" side if they have no problem calling NEPA a working, practical land management policy.


"Hoss you convinced me what day are we packing up and leaving this Mormon hell hole for California?"- coondog 5/13/15
The way I look at it right now is, especially with the public
Lands battle going on is. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

"The State of Utah has not given BGF anything.
They have invested in BGF to protect their
Birdman 4/15/15
Two things about them: They have good products and they are pretty expensive.

The only time I shop with them is for sales. When I buy closeouts at 1/2 price, don't figure I supply any profit for them to send to any antihunting org.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
I'm not welcome there anymore. mtmuley
REI sucks...yippie organization if there ever was one. Actively cancelled my membership back in the early 90s when I was still in my teens

Exorbitant pricing to begin with, nevermind a continuous pursuit in offering inferior products at the same price point as formerly good companies sell themselves out to new "parents" (for example, mountain hardware is now owned by frikken Columbia sportswear)

NEVER have been hunter friendly, certainly never will be

To hell with I said, rei frikken SUCKS

Myriad better places to do business with in regard to outdoor gear that is not entirely hunting specific
The reason I asked was because I recently applied to be an affiliate of theirs. I buy a few items now and then and thought if I did a review, linked to their site and someone followed that link and ultimately bought, I could make a little something on the sale.
I was denied.

But that's all irrelevant really. I was just caught off guard by their reasons for possible denial. Note item 5 (I put it in bold)
So, I was just curious if you all knew what problem REI might have with hunting. ???

* We were unable to access and review your web site.
* Your site is in a category that REI does not want to be associated with, or is not relevant to our product assortment.
* The traffic level to your web site is too low.
* There is inappropriate material on your site.
* Your site contains heavy hunting or guns/weapon related content.
* You sell potentially competing products on your web site.

Brian Latturner
LIKE on Facebook!
Hello Wildman!
Speaking of "environmentalists"?
I had a very wise person define to me the difference between a "environmentalist" and a "developer".
The "environmentalist" already has his cabin on his little slice of heaven and he will stop at nothing to keep the "developer" from getting his!
The "environmentalist" wants to turn it all into wilderness so he can have to himself, and his granola munching, spandex sportin ilk, and keep those dirty, slob, Bambi killing hunters, out!
The "outdoorsman" has always fought to preserve the wild places for everyone to share, and cherish, ACCESS, and enjoy!
Sorry to hijack the thread!
Back a few years ago when the ole 'cat' was alive!

He was looking for a 100 Round Drum Clip!

One of the MM PLICKS here PM'ed & Said have You checked REI?

So I Called them!


I didn't know any better!

You'd a thought I was a TERRORIST!

Before that Call was over it got NASTY!

I Wouldn't Wear/Buy any of their F'N TRASH even if Founder Bought it for me!

We laugh, we cry, we love
Go hard when the going's tough
Push back, come push and shove
Knock us down, we'll get back up again and again
We are Members of the Huntin Crowd!
Sally Jewell was the former president and CEO of REI and is now the Secretary of the Department of the Interior under which the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service falls. Right now there is an initiative to expand hunting and fishing on the National Wildlife Refuge System.

Just a gee whiz fact and really has nothing to do with whether REI is anti-hunting i'm sure but others are making far fetched correlations so why can't I ;).

Fact is they are like most organizations and try not to be anti-anything and pro everything to a certain degree. They toe the line to appease the broader crowd.
Founder...You should have put number 2 in bold as well.

No way will I ever support these people.

I don't support the Sierra Club either. But I have a feeling some posters on this thread do.

Each of us is entitled to our own beliefs. When those beliefs grow to the extent that money is donated to an organization that actively works to end hunting in any way, shape, or form; that is when they have become my enemy.

REI's response to Founder certainly lets one know their stance.

I would rather pay more for an item from somewhere else than support anyone who frowns upon hunting...
>The reason I asked was because
>I recently applied to be
>an affiliate of theirs. I
>buy a few items now
>and then and thought if
>I did a review, linked
>to their site and someone
>followed that link and ultimately
>bought, I could make a
>little something on the sale.
>I was denied.
>But that's all irrelevant really. I
>was just caught off guard
>by their reasons for possible
>denial. Note item 5 (I
>put it in bold)
>So, I was just curious if
>you all knew what problem
>REI might have with hunting.
>* We were unable to access
>and review your web site.
>* Your site is in a
>category that REI does not
>want to be associated with,
>or is not relevant to
>our product assortment.
>* The traffic level to your
>web site is too low.
>* There is inappropriate material on
>your site.
>* Your site contains heavy hunting
>or guns/weapon related content.

>* You sell potentially competing products
>on your web site.
>Brian Latturner
>LIKE on Facebook!

That alone will do for a change in my membership!
It's the exact opposite I was told by corperate after complaining about staff's reaction to me, a 30yr member, being dissed by them. F eM.....
LAST EDITED ON Jun-27-15 AT 02:54PM (MST)[p]That's all I needed,Founder.
Exact opposite of what corperate told me when I complained at how I was treated last time.
They just lost a 30yr member,granted I only bought once in a while in the first place.
Sorry for ddbl post,but still pissed.This just happened to me again in Albacrakie store Wed. night.
Thanks for letting us know Founder. It's been a debate for a long time. It shouldn't be any longer.


"Hoss you convinced me what day are we packing up and leaving this Mormon hell hole for California?"- coondog 5/13/15
Quit shopping there in the late 80's. I had been a member since the early 80's. One day I was in one of their stores in Citrus Heights PRK and saw that they had a serious sale on Camo clothing. I picked up a great Gortex parka for dang near nothing. While checking out I asked why they had all their hunting clothes on sale. The clerk stated they were no longer going to carry any products that were in camo. I got the message and have not shopped there since. PIZZ on them, great products or not. There are plenty of pro-hunting companies out there that produce great products. They will get my business.

"One can take my life but not my faith or my
confidence. I fear none and respect all."
I didn't think there was any question. You walk in the store, and you immediately feel like a hippie hiking environmentalist. Have not shopped there in 15 years.
Yep, my money will go elsewhere. My daughter and son-in-law are members but I'll bet that won't last long when I get off the phone with them.
I went in there once and got a sideways look when I said something about hiking to get in shape for hunting.

I guess during some parts of the year REI does support hunting.......??? Or at least they want our money. Saw this ad come up on the site here through the Google ad network today.


Brian Latturner
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