Instagram - Wyohighcountry

Ticks N Tines

Very Active Member
It seems the most popular guy on IG (wyohighcountry) was just called out for his public land DIY backcountry bull Mr. T being a high fence ranch bull. He apparently has been feeding his 60,000+ followers and sponsors (#####, skullhooker, Summit, Buska, Cross Canyon, PhoneSkope, Wilderness Athlete, Western Hunter, Vortex, & Hilleberg) full of lies for years.

Does anybody have the proof, seems like it's legit. Several people are reaming him on IG.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-07-16 AT 12:08PM (MST)[p]There's definitely something wrong with his videos as he NEVER wears orange in any of them!..yet hunts with a rifle.
>Haha! Thats not me!

Holy Crap man! Sorry! I hate to say it, but I think you are going to want to create a new name. This guy is getting a ton of attention. There's a really good article on the whole thing on

Check it out.
Thanks for the gohunt article. I'm not a participant in social media but was curios about what was going on. When I saw his video on you tube I forwarded it to G&F. If it's legit, good for him. If not, it's just another sad example of the level of greed that too many hunters have! Anybody know if he's on here?..wouldn't surprise me. Choo choo!
Watch the video and you can hear a train whistle blowing. Not sure what wilderness has train tracks running through it.
To borrow a few lines from Raising Arizona

H. I. McDonough: "Its a crazy world out there.
Gale: Somebody ought to sell tickets
H. I. McDonough: I know I'd buy one.

I called this fool out a couple years ago about him picking up some giant elk sheds before the Wyoming season, he blocked me pretty quick, seems like this has been his tactic with several people that started digging into him.

Jake H. BIG BONE HUNTING Page on Facebook.
I just watched the Go hunt video. It was a little shocking. But you can see it looked a little fishy. My daughter was a runner up in his contest. She was leading until the end. Then all the sudden the girl that won jumped ahead by 400 likes while we where watching it. We thought that sure is funny. We didn't care much it was still just fun to be involved. It takes a lot of work to be a good ethical hunter and it doesn't always go your way hunting the fare way. But we , me and my family hunt for the love of hunting and being in the outdoors. Our good times in the outdoors don't mean we bring home a 400 bull . Or a 390 bull or a ?? But we have a great time doing it !
>I just watched the Go hunt
>video. It was a little
>shocking. But you can see
>it looked a little fishy.
>My daughter was a runner
>up in his contest. She
>was leading until the end.
>Then all the sudden the
>girl that won jumped ahead
>by 400 likes while we
>where watching it. We
>thought that sure is funny.
>We didn't care much it
>was still just fun to
>be involved. It takes
>a lot of work to
>be a good ethical hunter
>and it doesn't always go
>your way hunting the fare
>way. But we , me
>and my family hunt for
>the love of hunting and
>being in the outdoors. Our
>good times in the outdoors
>don't mean we bring home
>a 400 bull . Or
>a 390 bull or a
>?? But we have a
>great time doing it !

Here is the story.
I agree that everything seems a little fishy. I have followed his post on Instagram and also followed the updates on gohunt. But I sure would like to see some proof of this high fence claim before we all go ruining his career in the outdoor industry.

>I agree that everything seems a
>little fishy. I have
>followed his post on Instagram
>and also followed the updates
>on gohunt. But I sure
>would like to see some
>proof of this high fence
>claim before we all go
>ruining his career in the
>outdoor industry.
> Dave

Just "a little fishy"? He's not helping his own cause at all. He's deleted all pictures of the bull and closed his social media pages. I would like to see proof the bull is legit. It sure isn't in the video.
Who cares.... Why bring this topic up here in MM. This aint instagram, or faceplace. Keep that social media where it belongs, Not Here.
>Who cares.... Why bring this topic
>up here in MM. This
>aint instagram, or faceplace.
>Keep that social media where
>it belongs, Not Here.

I asked Slamdunk to remove the post. However, I have not heard back yet. If any other moderators see this, I would appreciate it if you could remove the post. The guy has taken a beating on istagram and I think he learned his lesson. It's over now and I don't think there needs to be any more discussion about it. I'm sorry for creating the post, I should not have brought it over here to MM.

>Who cares.... Why bring this topic
>up here in MM. This
>aint instagram, or faceplace.
>Keep that social media where
>it belongs, Not Here.

What now the Topic Police? I think some of the current situations involving ethics in hunting today are totally relevant here.
>Who cares.... Why bring this topic
>up here in MM. This
>aint instagram, or faceplace.
>Keep that social media where
>it belongs, Not Here.

Because this is a hunting website. Is the WWW not part of social media?
How sad is it that someone needed to be an Instagram super star so badly that they would go to these lengths?

I genuinely feel bad for this guy. I hope this was an eye opening moment for him and he gets some help to figure all this out. Sad story here.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-08-16 AT 11:22PM (MST)[p]It's not just about being an IG super star, it's about money and sponsorships. IG is a huge marketing tool. It's free and targets a very specific demographic. It would surprise you the money and perks people get from things like a big IG or Twitter account. I was amazed when my 2 boys started a fishing page on IG how quick they were getting huge discounts on gear and free stuff form fishing companies, but they worked at it and do put a huge amount of time to capture lots of amazing shots. He just got caught cheating. Not a thing for us to feel bad about as far as I'm concerned. Be who you are and honest and you'll make it further in the end.
This absolutely need to be on here. This guy is a fraud and fooled a lot
Of people. He gives real hunters a bad name! Do not remove this. It is fitting to be here.
I met this guy the day after he killed the bull, he was picking up llamas and I was returning llamas from my buddy who rents them. My brother recognized him and I had no idea who he was. Long story short I heard rumors the next week that it was from a fence?
I know he had a booth in the expo this year and heard he has pulled out from that.
I don't feel bad for him that he lied and got caught. Go watch his 'hunt' video. Look at the lengths he goes to portray what is totally false. There is something seriously wrong with this kid. He needs help. That's why I feel bad for him, and I hope he gets some help.

I understand the fringe benefits of being an IG superstar. I agree with all you said there. But you don't get those benefits without being the IGSS first.
I feel bad that he had so much pressure that he felt this is what he needed to do, he was probably miserable the entire hunting season.
He brought all this upon himself through his ego-driven lust for fame. Sad, indeed. But not someone I would feel sorry for. Sadly, many in our fraternity are driven by the same lust because of "Trophy" hunting.

Don't misconstrue my statements. I love a big rack as much as anyone. But fame at all costs is not in my mind set. Many "celebrity" hunters doom themselves to the same fate, it seems.
Well said nontypical.

Just out of curiosity, where is the real proof of this bull (or his others) being ranch bulls? Someone's got to have some pics? I see that this guy has been blasted all over the WWW and in response has tried to delete all traces of himself as well as his business. It doesn't seem like he has even attempted to defend himself.
Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. He's a tool, in my opinion. Most of his page is about promoting hot "hunting" women anyway.
I knew absolutely nothing about him or his "achievements" until just now but one thing's for sure: No one likes a phony and the phonier they are the more fame they seek by any means possible!

PS: I loved the "prostaffer" video. Thx Bob
LAST EDITED ON Jan-11-16 AT 07:49PM (MST)[p]What a shame. I followed his Instagram account. I just heard about his lies today. Poor choices will always bite you in the butt sooner or later. You can't even go to his website. And ya, don't delete this thread.

He's back on IG, with an apology for mis leading people. The replies have been pretty good, since he manned up and admitted his mistake.



Everyone makes mistakes and manning up is a big step in the right direction.
I'll still never follow him, or anyone else, on Instagram. I don't have much of an appetite for self proclaimed rock stars on the WWW.
There are plenty REAL hunting rock stars around with whom to associate without putting my faith in a stranger.
>Everyone makes mistakes and manning up
>is a big step in
>the right direction.
>I'll still never follow him, or
>anyone else, on Instagram. I
>don't have much of an
>appetite for self proclaimed rock
>stars on the WWW.
>There are plenty REAL hunting rock
>stars around with whom to
>associate without putting my faith
>in a stranger.

+1 Kyle
Thats because he deletes and blocks anyone who puts up a comment that is against what he wants people to see. . Would he have ever "manned" up and apologized if he didnt get caught? NOPE. he is just back because he cant stand not having his little piece of "fame". He is what is wrong with the hunting community.
>Thats because he deletes and blocks
>anyone who puts up a
>comment that is against what
>he wants people to see.
>. Would he have ever
>"manned" up and apologized if
>he didnt get caught? NOPE.
>he is just back because
>he cant stand not having
>his little piece of "fame".
>He is what is wrong
>with the hunting community.

he NEVER would have "manned" up. I see no reason to give him credit for anything but being an idiot for not thinking he would get caught. he deserves to be in a bad light if he chooses to put himself back on the web.

>Who cares.... Why bring this topic
>up here in MM. This
>aint instagram, or faceplace.
>Keep that social media where
>it belongs, Not Here.

"I asked Slamdunk to remove the post. However, I have not heard back yet. If any other moderators see this, I would appreciate it if you could remove the post. The guy has taken a beating on istagram and I think he learned his lesson. It's over now and I don't think there needs to be any more discussion about it. I'm sorry for creating the post, I should not have brought it over here to MM."

he deserves to take a "beating".....the only lesson he has learnt is to be more careful in his videoing of his "hunts". he took the easy way to get his "fame" got caught and now needs to reap the punishment. he lied and was deceitful not only to his followers but his sponsors. it will take a lot more than a few words and crocodile tears to make things right. I would think he would be looked at with skepticism with anything he ever posts or claims as fact.
>Jeremie boy himself posted a comment
>under that article.
>What a tool!

Which is why I posted the link. Think it speaks to what he's learned. Which appears to be nothing.

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