

Long Time Member
14,329 this what we are seeing????......that question will have to be answered before the military can be used.....
Wouldn't even be the first time it was used to put down riots.

insurrection act.jpg
right....but none of those Presidents enjoyed the hate and vitriol that this one does........will he get any support??
The very definition of insurrection is violent protest against an authority or government.

The authority in this case is organized law enforcement and ultimately the DOJ.

POTUS is justified if the states cannot get it under control, especially if it will "just save one life".
He has all the support he needs he's within the powers of his office and the law. and has the DOJ behind him if need be. Make no mistake about it they've fully researched it and know it's application. They're trying to avoid it because how the press & the left will play it but if the chips fall that way, He's on solid ground and like Nemont showed it isn't the first time it's been used. This is a solid movement to disrupt this country and is being done across the country that clearly shows it's been funded and coordinated at several levels. When you're inflicting harm on innocent civilians and destruction of property and instigating rioting and looting it meets the criteria on the scale it's being attempted.

here's a simple explanation of the act.

The Insurrection Act of 1807 is a United States federal law (10 U.S.C. §§ 251–255) (until 2016, found at 10 US Code, Chapter 15, §§ 331–335, renumbered to 10 USC, Chapter 13, §§ 251–255) that governs the ability of the President of the United States to deploy military troops within the United States to put down lawlessness, insurrection, and rebellion.
Most likely but the American people aren't blind and know things aren't being done right and it's not Trumps fault. The recurring tidal waves of hatred and destruction aren't fooling anyone except the little socialists that are out there advocating for a no police state and socialist control by a form of governance that's been proven inferior to what we have many times over. The fact the dems are encouraging the lawlessness, civil unrest and not allowing the police to do their jobs isn't fooling anyone. The fix is in and at some point right is going to prevail. the people will support the rule of law and protection it avails.
The rioters have not an incling what this even means. Perhaps a history and American Govt lesson isn't to far out since our schools don't teach anything like this any.
When the rioting & looting subside there will be another disturbing event. This chit ain't gonna stop until after the election and only then if Biden wins, IMO.

There will always be another event when the wicked intentions of man are left unchecked.

The democrats are playing their hand when they aren't fully in charge and are demonstrating their will and intent to get what they want.

How could things be better with biden and a blue Congress? If that were the case, there would be an entirely different opposition.
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right....but none of those Presidents enjoyed the hate and vitriol that this one does........will he get any support??
Lyndon Johnson enjoyed his part , I remember him calling for 50 caliber machine guns , he didn’t care he was a belligerent drunk .
Fox stated a recent poll showed 58% of the persons polled supported activating the National guard and sending them in to stop the riots. Only 35% was against it. Must of been liberal Democrats for that 35%.
Insurrection, ? HEII NO THIS ISNT, THIS IS WAR, and its time to put away the toy bullets, and water guns. no more talking. except to tell these outlaws we are not playing any more, its time to get real.

In the last 96 hours…

-A Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Officer was shot in the back of the head while struggling with a rioter
-An active shooter opened fire on law enforcement at a Las Vegas courthouse
-4 St. Louis Police Officers were shot by an active shooter
-A New York Police Officer was struck by a vehicle
-3 Buffalo law enforcement officers were struck by a vehicle in front of the police station
-3 Davenport law enforcement officers were ambushed and 1 was shot
-132 officers were injured in Chicago during a riot
-9 Pittsburg officers were injured by objects during a riot
-Several officers in Rhode Island were injured during riots
-An active shooter opened fire at the Oakland Police Department
-2 officers were struck in the head with projectiles in Santa Ana
-2 Richland officers were shot in Virginia
-1 officer was struck in the head by a brick in Albany
-4 Prince William County Police Officers sustained head injuries from projectiles
-7 officers were injured in Sacramento
-Several officers were shot at and injured in Lynchburg
-Several Champaign Police Officers were injured
-3 Oak Law Police Officers were injured
-21 officers were injured in Salt Lake City
-At least 50 Secret Service Agents were injured by Molotov cocktails in Washington
-3 Denver Police Officers were ran over by a vehicle
-33 New York Police Officers were injured during riots
-6 Athens Police Officers injured during a protest
-2 Capitol Police Officers were injured during a riot in Harrisburg
-12 Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Officers were injured during riots
-21 Minneapolis law enforcement officers injured in riots
-1 Federal Protective Services Officer was shot and killed.
- 1 former police sergeant from the St Louis Police Dept who was working for Lee's Pawn Shop as security was murdered and the store was looted.
95% of blacks vote dem so that won’t change

But the suburban soccer mom? I’m betting orange man bad, ain’t near as scary as entire city on fire.

And, a couple million new Gun owners might not be so quick jumping on with the “take your gun “crowd
The "rioters" are guilty of insurrection. The DC democrats are guilty of sedition.

Both carry stiff penalties.
let's not over look the biggest factor in all this SOMEBODY or SOME GROUP are funding this insurrection and the conspiracy against a sitting president and our's taken a lot of $$$$$$$$$ to organize an effort of this magnitude in so many different areas to coordinate their attacks and ability to elude law enforcement and order law enforcement to stand down allowing the destruction of peoples and corporate property, then authorize the release of those apprehended back into the streets to do more harm and in many cases arrange to pay their bail.

Things are getting a little dicey in all this because there's push back on Trump doing some things to stop the riots. There's something going on behind the scenes and it's not good. We may see some more moves in the administration as a result of this push back. This whole damn mess keeps getting stranger and he's getting push back from current and former military commanders.......... The coup may not be suppressed it may still be going on right under our noses. Things are starting to smell like bad fish!
POTUS' mistake was in acting against protesters, not rioters. Just as government should not take my gun in order to prevent possible murder on the part of another, it should not deprive non-violent protesters of their right to speak simply because it gives cover to those who would use the opportunity to cause harm. I think this message is not lost on many Americans, and especially conservatives.
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Are you certain that all the people removed were peaceful protesters? That doesn't square with either the fact that the City of DC had ordered a curfew due to violence and destruction at Lafayette Square, including damaging St. John's Church where the President was going to.

I am all for allowing peaceful protests but not sure that narrative that all these were just a bunch of peaceful hippies holding hands and sing Kumbaya.

Bullskin That's a pretty naive argument when they didn't react against the protesters and there's plenty of footage proving it. The media is trying very hard to portray that with their coverage but the hours of footage showing no action on numerous sites clearly shows the opposite. Not picking on you but the rioters and looters are using the protesters as human shields and for complicit recruitment opportunity. Come on you're way smarter than that!

When they're actively recruiting the protesters to join them and offering payment and offering up materials of destruction and combustibles it's pretty conclusive evidence complicity exists as long as the participant is willing to do the violent act. So your strawman point about taking all guns is immaterial in that we now know some of them have used guns during these attacks and actually used them and some met their death as a result and they aren't doing weapons searches.
NeMont, The curfews exist because protests during the day give rise to riots under the cover of night, and not necessarily by the same people. From what I can see, there was no violence taking place at the time of their removal, and a fair number of protesters were school girls, middle-aged women, etc.
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Boskee, you make the point that the media has warped coverage of these events, and I would agree this is true. MSNBC from the left, FOX from the right. So the question becomes where does one turn for factual information? I agree that camera footage-where one has access to all of it--is pretty telling. My comment is comparing protests to riots-and specifically the event in Lafayette Square. What do you judge to be the best source of balanced information/video regarding that incident?

There is no straw man. Would any of us agree that we should forfeit our gun rights simply because someone, somewhere, is recruiting others to use their guns in a criminal manner, or have themselves used a firearm for violence? Again, my point is that the purpose of government is to arrest those guilty of crime and protects rights such as free speech. It is important to distinguish between rioters/looters and protesters.
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Here’s the difference.
If I am in public and some jackass starts shooting up the place I pull my gun and put him down.

If your a “peaceful” protester and someone starts violence , it on YOU to stop it. Otherwise you are guilty by association.

The protesters want the 3other cops charged because they did nothing to stop it, WHILE THEY do the exact same.


WTF is “justice? I have yet to hear a single CONCRETE step. Mainly because they don’t have one. There’s LOTS of $$$ to be made. And as usual the poor community will pay the price.
NeMont, The curfews exist because protests during the day give rise to riots under the cover of night, and not necessarily by the same people. From what I can see, there was no violence taking place at the time of their removal, and a fair number of protesters were school girls, middle-aged women, etc.

I don't disagree with any of that. I just am not sure how one sorts out who is and who is not capable of violence giving the situation. AG Barr personally ordered the removal of protesters from Lafayette Square.

I am against the suppression of peaceful protesters exercising their right to voice their displeasure at government actions. I get a little confused over how one determines which is and which is not going to turn into an ugly violent confrontation.

I don't always buy the "poor Trump" line because he can't stop his mouth or his tweeter fingers from making himself an easy target.

I don't disagree with any of that. I just am not sure how one sorts out who is and who is not capable of violence giving the situation. AG Barr personally ordered the removal of protesters from Lafayette Square.

I am against the suppression of peaceful protesters exercising their right to voice their displeasure at government actions. I get a little confused over how one determines which is and which is not going to turn into an ugly violent confrontation.

I don't always buy the "poor Trump" line because he can't stop his mouth or his tweeter fingers from making himself an easy target.


Its the same spot we find ourselves in with all our do we know which gun owners are going to go batchit crazy and shoot up the joint?

The hypocrisy, (not in reference to you, but many on this board and thread), is that they say, "well, the second is such and important right, we would rather see people shot up once in while than take away ANYONE'S second rights".

But, when it comes to protests, they say, "well, since we cant distinguish the protestors from the rioters, lets not worry about their FIRST amendment rights, lets just shoot them all with rubber bullets, impose curfews, tear gas them, and remove them from public places by force, to hell with their FIRST amendment rights".

Hypocrisy at its height...

One concrete step they have asked for is to charge and try the officers involved. It seems reasonable that a jury of their peers would decide whether or not their actions were criminal. If not us, then who?

Whether for protestors or police, most Americans expect the rule of law to be upheld and want to hold the guilty--whomever they are--accountable. "They do it too" is no excuse. Any protestors charged with criminal behavior should be similarly tried.

Now, if we only had prisons large enough to hold those convicted, such charges might actually have some impact.
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Its the same spot we find ourselves in with all our do we know which gun owners are going to go batchit crazy and shoot up the joint?

The hypocrisy, (not in reference to you, but many on this board and thread), is that they say, "well, the second is such and important right, we would rather see people shot up once in while than take away ANYONE'S second rights".

But, when it comes to protests, they say, "well, since we cant distinguish the protestors from the rioters, lets not worry about their FIRST amendment rights, lets just shoot them all with rubber bullets, impose curfews, tear gas them, and remove them from public places by force, to hell with their FIRST amendment rights".

Hypocrisy at its height...

We need a shot of real truth in this country, right now. The police aren't all angels but the VAST, VAST, VAST majority do the right thing. Trump is flawed, he has rabbit ears and will always give into impulses to send out a blizzard of Tweets that don't do him any good except to play to his base, who truly care almost zero about what he does. But he is president and we cannot run a country this way, where even the mundane, the untrue, everything is equated to the President being responsible for it from covid 19 to racism to Americans being divided, all were present prior to the Trump presidency.

What are the demands of these protesters? I mean I can't figure out is how is a looting storing going to fix the killing of a black man by a white cop? Violence and riots are not legitimate protests compared to marching and demanding change.

I don't see anybody saying that Buzz, but i see how you're reading it that way. My point about the coverage clearly shows no one being stopped for peaceful intent, for the most part and we all would probably agree on that when they're standing there in legal protest.

But we all have also clearly seen the projectiles being thrown over the peaceful demonstrators heads at the cops. We' also know you can't arrest what you can't see so hence the shields position. Is it any less dangerous to the guys getting paid to make sure things remain peaceful? In defense of some many have pointed out offenders and did the right thing. The fact they get away with more of it is because people don't want to get assaulted by a group of thugs so they exploit it. Most folks will do the same thing it's human nature the corrupt element exploits, and these organized anarchist's know it all too well.

I doubt many of us would sit back and knowingly sacrifice anybody contrary to your claim in fact many of the guys on here were actually cops. But given what we're seeing going on you can sacrifice your second amendment right's most of us will keep ours. You most likely live in a less densely occupied area and as such may not have seen as much as many of us with the criminal element within our society.

Some of us have actually had to use those right's and were glad we had them, bad guys seem to flinch when they're staring down the bore of a gun and in most cases their plans change immediately. I'm sure RELH can attest to that because I'm sure he's pulled his weapon a few more times than most on this forum. I've had to pull a gun a few times in my life and each time things got resolved quickly or we waited for the cops to make the arrest. So it's not all fun and games and your claims of hypocrisy may be a little shallow in personal application.

But you're entitled to your own opinion and I'll caution you even living out in a more remote area can be just as dangerous as life in the big city. None of us ever really knows exactly when things can take a bad turn and the need to protect yourself or others can arise. I'll let you in a little secret though, MOST law enforcement professionals are strong advocates of our 2nd amendment rights for good reason, gee i wonder why........

In closing you may want to refresh yourself on the law a little bit most states have language where you're required to obey law enforcement officials in the execution of their duties or you can be arrested. So those little protesters do have a hand in them getting gassed and disbursed in many instances. Certain tactics are employed when the professional on the ground know things are getting out of hand, or to help protect the public their property, and the officers. Crowd control is a requirement of good sound law enforcement in those instances and if you don't think more aggressive enforcement couldn't have resolved quite a few of the looting's, burning and assaults we've seen you'd be sadly mistaken, all hypocrisy aside.
Yeah, it's crazy out there. Last year during deer season I exercised my privilege of hunting and went with a few guys I thought were my friends. (one was a native American)They picked me up at 10pm to head out. They had spot lights, bolt cutters, and suppressors on their rifles. I didn't think much of it until they started shooting deer. Then the wardens showed up and got into a physical tussle with my friends. They started beating up the wardens and throwing rocks and the wardens fired some rubber bullets and I got hit.

It all goes back to Trump who hates Native Americans, so next time we're burning the forest down and gut shoot every doe or fawn we see. We'll show that MF'er.
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The ones wanting to riot are using the protesters as shields from the police line and they do it time after time after time.
Watch the video clips of the front police line. You have the cops lined up to prevent further movement down that street.
In front of the cops are your so called protesters with their hands raised in surrender to indicate they are peaceful.
Several lines back you have your rioters and looters throwing bricks, bottles, at the cops over the heads of the protesters. The protesters are allowing themselves to be used as a line of defense to prevent the cops from getting to the bottle-brick throwing rioters.
Those protesters are not innocent by a long shot, they are part of the conspiracy plan by the rioters and should be treated as such.

Its the same spot we find ourselves in with all our do we know which gun owners are going to go batchit crazy and shoot up the joint?

The hypocrisy, (not in reference to you, but many on this board and thread), is that they say, "well, the second is such and important right, we would rather see people shot up once in while than take away ANYONE'S second rights".

But, when it comes to protests, they say, "well, since we cant distinguish the protestors from the rioters, lets not worry about their FIRST amendment rights, lets just shoot them all with rubber bullets, impose curfews, tear gas them, and remove them from public places by force, to hell with their FIRST amendment rights".

Hypocrisy at its height...

60 million people are under curfew. Guess their rights don’t matter at all ? I’m curious. Who does bobs deli get to sue for loss of property? The mayor? Governor? Who is liable?
Again, this isn’t some theoretical argument. If there is a shooting, and your there with a gun, do you get to claim “not me” and keep your gun? I’m guessing not. These same mayors and idiots claiming “free speech” just locked down “freedom of worship, freedom to assemble........” this month.



There is a mile long list of rules on where,how, and what type of firearm I can have. I’ll suppose that since it’s DC I CANNOT have a firearm, nor would I be allowed to have one in Lafayette Square.

The hyporcracy?
We need a shot of real truth in this country, right now. The police aren't all angels but the VAST, VAST, VAST majority do the right thing. Trump is flawed, he has rabbit ears and will always give into impulses to send out a blizzard of Tweets that don't do him any good except to play to his base, who truly care almost zero about what he does. But he is president and we cannot run a country this way, where even the mundane, the untrue, everything is equated to the President being responsible for it from covid 19 to racism to Americans being divided, all were present prior to the Trump presidency.

What are the demands of these protesters? I mean I can't figure out is how is a looting storing going to fix the killing of a black man by a white cop? Violence and riots are not legitimate protests compared to marching and demanding change.

I talked to a friend of mine about this. He is, as he calls it "Black". His thoughts are that if the looters cause enough financial harm, by looting, vandalism, insurance claims, then the "people in charge" will impose change to save themselves money. His words, not mine. And not saying I agree with him.
I talked to a friend of mine about this. He is, as he calls it "Black". His thoughts are that if the looters cause enough financial harm, by looting, vandalism, insurance claims, then the "people in charge" will impose change to save themselves money. His words, not mine. And not saying I agree with him.

That is an interesting take on it, I have never heard of this idea. Not asking you specifically but some questions come to mind:

How effective has rioting been in getting social change in the past?

What is the percentage of the public that support looting and rioting as a way to end racism?
A DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE......and food for thought.

What's even crazier is the whole damn mess started with a guy trying to pass a bad $20,00 bill....... that he may not of even known was bad.

He may have thought the clerk was skaming him and caused a scene and hence the cops showed up.........and then things went south from there. We have 1/3 of the country locked down and hundreds of millions in damages and a guy that clearly was murdered and many families damaged for the rest of their lives..........over a damn $20.00 bill.

You can think what you want but this whole operation was planned out waiting for a spark to ignite it sometime over the summer......Fire season came early this year and the destruction from this whole mess was enormous. You can't mobilize that big an operation on that short of notice without planning.......and $$$$$$$$$$

George Floyd was a sacrificial pawn in all this used to spark the fires of racial hatred, destruction, and ruination on millions of unsuspecting people who sadly paid the price just like George. The cops will get their just due most likely as it should be!!!! Make no doubt about it they sparked the inferno!

For the rest of society, we're left picking up the tab and tending the wounds many of which festered up some old wounds thought healed. Why ? Largely because those elected to protect us simply didn't do their damn jobs instead they fanned the flames and threw gas on the fire and told those who could help to stand down and let it burn. This travesty was fueled by hatred and quest for control instead of taking the steps to protect the people for which they serve.

It would seem those we elect should have had a better sense morality and ethics, than to let things go untended until so many others would be effected in such a negative manner. The really sad part to all this is those leaders that did nothing were choking the life out of their people just like the cops did to old George and they aren't going to be tried for their crimes yet they inflicted some serious wounds and were every bit as guilty.

So lest not we forget the additional victims in this and remember many of those businesses could have been saved and most of the jobs too. The really pathetic part lies in the fact it was condoned to keep their damn elective jobs and yet their betrayal was worse than Judas and much more lucrative in the end. Now lets sit back and see who they blame for their sins in letting it burn and allowing the gas to fuel it so it burned brighter. Trump wasn't in charge of their cities and states but that's not going to stop them from trying, so it's going to get interesting.
The last time Trump declared he had the ultimate authority, they flipped. Now they're saying (or will say) he does and it's his fault he didn't do anything about it.

Why do we keep putting up with these lame-ass jackwagons?
My $.02 for what it's worth...

I watched the George Floyd video and it pissed me off. If I had my way those 4 officers would be tied to a post in Compton and left to their own devices but that is not reality. IMO there is a percentage of cops that have the king shyt attitude and those are the dangerous ones. We can talk about what that percentage is but I have had run ins with LEO's in the past, both as a victim and I tend to go over the speed limit on occasion, and I believe that percentage is 30 percent or higher.

When I was younger I was scared of cops so I would allow them to talk to me like I was a piece of trash. Now, if I get pulled over for speeding, that cop better be very polite or I will call out his king shyt ass and tell him how it is. Do I deserve the ticket? No doubt I probably do but I don't deserve to be treated like I'm subhuman and as a public SERVANT he will be told that he better start acting like a good public servant or the cell phone footage of our encounter will not only go on social media but it will go to his superiors as well.

That is the other thing that people need to understand. People need to video every encounter with law enforcement that they have. It doesn't matter what the circumstance is, video tape the entire encounter because the judge will always take the cop's side in court unless there is proof otherwise.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not one of those 1A or 2A auditors you see on Youtube. I don't go looking to antagonize cops like they do but cops have the unique authority to take away my freedom and I want video evidence just in case I run into that cop that doesn't like me because I banged his girlfriend in high school. So at the end of the day, I think cops need serious training in what that badge really means. Cops are supposed to protect and serve. They take an oath and need to uphold that oath but that badge does not give them the authority to kill people or hurt people or treat people anyway other than they would like to be treated.
We need a shot of real truth in this country, right now. The police aren't all angels but the VAST, VAST, VAST majority do the right thing. Trump is flawed, he has rabbit ears and will always give into impulses to send out a blizzard of Tweets that don't do him any good except to play to his base, who truly care almost zero about what he does. But he is president and we cannot run a country this way, where even the mundane, the untrue, everything is equated to the President being responsible for it from covid 19 to racism to Americans being divided, all were present prior to the Trump presidency.

What are the demands of these protesters? I mean I can't figure out is how is a looting storing going to fix the killing of a black man by a white cop? Violence and riots are not legitimate protests compared to marching and demanding change.

14 trillion in reparations for the slavery we did to them , it wouldn’t help them it just make it worse.
14 trillion in reparations for the slavery we did to them , it wouldn’t help them it just make it worse.

Who's "we"? Keep in mind, their own people captured and placed them onto a state of slavery in Africa before shipping to the America's, Europe, and the Carribean. The demand did not help, that is not my, or anyone else's, fault and if the "in thing" now is to do reparations for any unjust act, get ready to fork over more than 14 trillion 'cause it didn't happen to just them...

Besides, does the US gov't now need to collect for the price of the conflict that freed them? That would be stupid.
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My family history goes back to Scotland, so the English should give me a lot of money, because of Long shanks, right....
protest all you want, BUT, like I said in another thread even the get away driver is charged with murder, if his buddy inside the bank kills someone. if your a peaceful protester you should get the heII out of there if rioting or violence starts.
find the organizers and follow the money, for all groups, not just antifa. then take those people to gitmo. as they are terrorists, remove the domestic from it and just consider them terrorists . I for one wouls love to see Sorros on a terrorist wanted list, or even better hi. in gitmo.
if CNN, MSNBC, or any other news (cough cough) wants to promote thier agenda give the protester 2 hours in prime time for free, and let them state thier case. then FOX can fact check the claims. see how many viewers they get while giving away free time.
I do believe this was a preplanned and the cop murdering the guy, was the opportunity they were waiting for. corona had about run out as far as its usefulness. and I also believe the next crises is planned and ready to go.
My family history goes back to Scotland, so the English should give me a lot of money, because of Long shanks, right....
protest all you want, BUT, like I said in another thread even the get away driver is charged with murder, if his buddy inside the bank kills someone. if your a peaceful protester you should get the heII out of there if rioting or violence starts.
find the organizers and follow the money, for all groups, not just antifa. then take those people to gitmo. as they are terrorists, remove the domestic from it and just consider them terrorists . I for one wouls love to see Sorros on a terrorist wanted list, or even better hi. in gitmo.
if CNN, MSNBC, or any other news (cough cough) wants to promote thier agenda give the protester 2 hours in prime time for free, and let them state thier case. then FOX can fact check the claims. see how many viewers they get while giving away free time.
I do believe this was a preplanned and the cop murdering the guy, was the opportunity they were waiting for. corona had about run out as far as its usefulness. and I also believe the next crises is planned and ready to go.

I’ve got straight up Viking blood on both sides
Mom from ephraim, dad Manti. So my blood was here with Eric the Red. Then me family hit Elllis, wagon trained to Missouri where they became enemy of the country, then to Utah, then first crew to Sanpete. I got family buried in the pioneer cemetary in Ephraim. Blackfeet want to complain, so be it. But there wasnt a slave in Utah.

im 46 and try to treat people well. I care about green as a business owner. And I’m sick to death of hearing it. When I head to work at 7, the 7-11 is full of Mexicans headed to bust ass. Very few black dudes. I’m growing sick of my white privledge.
This whole debacle is plain stupid. First, a virus that surfaced in 2002 was somehow stopped and just "went away". It resurfaces in 2020 and is unstoppable. It was so terrible that it tanked an economy, caused the unemployment of millions and perminantly closed some businesses. It has also speed up the untimely deaths in people of compromised immunity.

People are told they can no longer socialize the way humans have done for thousands of years. We now have to wear a mask and all but publicly shamed when you don't.

Then suddenly, people got sick and tired of the stupidity of this virus and just started doing things again and pushing governemnt to back off. Suddenly, governors have lifted restrictions and the stock markets never really did tank and stay low. In fact, the markets are better after a global economic killer after 3 years of a Trump administration than in the 8 years of that clown college professor obama.

So now, millions of people in cities are under curfew, law enforcement is a target, stores and police stations are on fire and being looted.

All, just 5 months away from a general election. The hatred directed toward a sitting president by a sophomoric democrat legislature is sickening.

You can't tell me some of this isn't politically motivated...
Hoss, small world, littlebuck, and I are in our 50s. both her grandparents were from the area. granpa from Orangeville and her grandm Manti. we have lived in Sanpete for 20 years.
Cant even imagine living in a big city. Littlebuck says I would end up in jail, if we did. I wouldn't put up with buIIshlt like this without doing my damndest to stop it.
I dont undetstand why more store owners dont do whatever it takes to defend their property. if i couldnt use my guns, id use a ball bat, steel pipe, id have my owh molotov cocktails , plywood wrapped in razor wire , and electrified. why would anyone want a business in areas prone to riots and looting.
Until they "Cut off the head of the snake" this will continue. Obummer, and his minions made race a political requirement. they did NOTHING to improve race issues. always siding with the VICTOMS OF STUPID POLICE and then finding the victims were actually the criminals, or instagators .
I've seen dopey joe criticize trump and offers no solutions. oh ya, he said cops " should shoot bad guys in the legs not the heart.,: LMAO ya joe , thatl work.
INSURRECTION ,promoted by the media, financed by globalists, and criminal activity committed by lost sheep, believing the lies told them by their masters. guppies ,
That is an interesting take on it, I have never heard of this idea. Not asking you specifically but some questions come to mind:

How effective has rioting been in getting social change in the past?

What is the percentage of the public that support looting and rioting as a way to end racism?

Of course you have. Shake downs have been happening for hundreds of years
Looks to me a lot like the Pentagon is trying to not go along with Trump's use of the insurrection act. Seems like there is a lot of static and push back from the top.

Could it be a case of our Generals not wanting to be the focus of public opinion or Congress for any decision they may make in curbing a riot in a major city?

I'd say RELH may be on to something. But in all fairness what happened when a commander bucked one of Obama's orders? There were a few flag officers removed shortly after Benghazi when we know they argued to go in and were told to stand down. The no man left behind creed runs deep with them and they knew they could help. But it was a simple uprising incited by a movie......LOL

Ultimately, we know who the commander in chief is and we know the act gives him the power so that's a mute point. The fact many in his administration have said he hasn't exercised that option clearly shows he's trying to do it in a softer manner. make no mistake about it if the SHTF big time he'll show them who's wielding the power and the big stick. We all also know if he walked down there and walked with the marchers the press would come up with an angle to crucify him anyway. He's not a general and knows a hell of a lot more about how much is being destroyed by the offenders.

He will do the right thing if they get completely our of hand, but there's another angle to it. Since the elected leaders didn't act to protect their cities he may have let them hang themselves. Far more people were damaged in this mess than many realize and do you think they won't remember who hung them out to dry? It wasn't Trump it was the folks they elected to protect them and they failed them in their time of need.

Trump has managed to avoid every single mine they set to this point in a way they can't fathom........hatred makes people do dumb things and it's easy to look good when you're helping folks instead of screwing them for political gain..........Doing the right thing for the right reasons has always been the American way and it's easy for the guy in the big chair to show it when it counts. Many of those lawfull protesters know exactly who let them down and it wasn't Trump he got stopped.......optics in politics is everything and Trump has been besting them for years so it's child's play to him.

In all fairness I'd be remiss if I didn't point out Trumps probably looks for agreement rather than a differing perspective on many things. He's ruled the roost too long and at times can be his own worst enemy. He is what he is.
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what General would want their decisions politicized and then be dragged in to Congress to be grilled by the collision dilution mob, after all they all see what happened to Flynn.
what General would want their decisions politicized and then be dragged in to Congress to be grilled by the collision dilution mob, after all they all see what happened to Flynn.
Flynn was a retired general not in the chain of command, kind of an Apples to Tuesday argument there, IMO.
Not really apples to oranges. Those generals know if they make the wrong decision during the riots, or just a decision the Democrats think was wrong, they would drag that general over the coals as they did Flynn. They would demand that General be demoted or drummed out of the military, and those generals know that and do not want to face the possibility of the end of their career.
100% True Nemont on the retired status, but Flynn knew how the whole enchilada worked after serving under Obama as a Intell Director and knew where some of the bodies & violations were buried ... Obama did play fast and loose with the rules in many federal agencies... Flynn was the only member of the Trump administration that knew such things in the early hence he had to go!

Admiral Rodgers confirmed the fact security laws were being abused on Trump on a wider scale then they imagined.
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