Is BGF just SFW?


Long Time Member
I am concerned that BGF is making a power move in Colorado!

They recently worked with a state rep to introduced a right to hunt piece of legislation. I however am cautious when the only instate support groups were the cattlemen a association and the outfitters association!

The way the bill reads I am wondering if they are attacking the resident nonresident split!

I am not sure about BGF I feel they are very outfitter friendly and not favorable to the public!
LAST EDITED ON Mar-18-16 AT 09:56AM (MST)[p]Would it help if everyone knew that BGF is a 501C(4) organization formed by Don Peay and Ryan Benson? They are still tax exempt, like a 501C(3), but are allowed to operate differently. You can easily google the difference in the 4 from the 3. Would it help if everyone knew how they tried to derail the wolf delisting in Idaho and Montana among other nefarious things involving wildlife? Those facts alone should tell you that anything they touch turns to chit!

Sorry to hear about the moves in Colorado. This is why I encourage out of state hunters to contact the UT DWR and voice their complaints about SFW. SFW is using the Utah tag money to fund their expansion, lobbying, influence, etc. well beyond the borders of our state.
Yes tiop, tell us how sfw tried to derail the wolf plan. Yes sfw opposed what David Allan was doing. David wanted and pushed his plan to desist wolves in Montana and idaho throwing the rest of the country under the bus. Bgf wanted to make it a plan including Wyoming and other states added for delisting. This is actually where the battle began with David and sfw. As he walked you said, "if it is the last thing I do, I will run sfw out of business." Too bad rmef threw the rest of the country under the bus to try to save montana. Yes top, that's the way it was. Call Dave and ask him.
That is Birdman's version of the story. David Allen and Randy Newberg tell a very different story. Or you could simply read the press release issued by the NRA, SCI and CSF during that process:

Of course Birdman will probably tell you that the NRA and SCI are haters, have a vendetta and simply want to topple BGF.

LAST EDITED ON Mar-18-16 AT 02:39PM (MST)[p]>Yes tiop, tell us how sfw
>tried to derail the wolf
>plan. Yes sfw opposed
>what David Allan was doing.
> David wanted and
>pushed his plan to desist
>wolves in Montana and idaho
>throwing the rest of the
>country under the bus.
> Bgf wanted to make
>it a plan including Wyoming
>and other states added for
>delisting. This is actually
>where the battle began with
>David and sfw. As
>he walked you said, "if
>it is the last thing
>I do, I will run
>sfw out of business."
>Too bad rmef threw the
>rest of the country under
>the bus to try to
>save montana. Yes top,
>that's the way it was.
> Call Dave and ask

Again you're mouthing off without even reading what was stated or having any knowledge of what happened. We are talking about what SFW/BGF and in particular Ryan Benson did to try to derail the wolf delisting plan. What we're talking about and your post is just another attempt to muddle the thread with BS regarding RMEF that is so far off it's ludicrous. Thanks to Hawkeye for saving me the time of finding that link speaking to what actually happened. I hope everyone especially reads the last paragraph of that release because Birdman is one of those that it speaks about without naming names.
Put this in your pipe and smoke it Birdman! This was an independent article printed in the Missoulian newspaper up in Montana when wolf delisting was going hot and heavy. It looks like the MM members aren't the only one smelling the stink that is UTSFW:

Recently there has been an onslaught of misleading information brought forth by the Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife and their sister organization, Big Game Forever. The Montana chapter of this Utah-based organization seems to be taking marching orders from Utah. They are here in Montana, endorsing and supporting legislative candidates to carry their radical positions.

First, a little history. We have a wolf season in Montana due to the Simpson-Tester rider that was approved by Congress last year. Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife tried to kill that legislation in Washington, D.C. It went so far as to issue a news release blatantly misrepresenting that the National Rifle Association, Safari Club International and the Congressional Sportsmen?s Foundation also opposed the Simpson-Tester rider, when in fact NRA, et al., supported the Simpson-Tester rider. About as low down and underhanded as it gets, but no surprise from the Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife.

Subsequent to the group lying about the NRA position, the NRA issued a news release that gives the best advice you can find related to anything presented by the sportsman group. I quote from that release: ?Congressional offices and members of the media should exercise caution in accepting as fact, or repeating, any claims made by Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife, Big Game Forever or any person claiming to represent them. Due to the blatant misrepresentation contained in the press release circulated by these two groups, any claims they make in the future should be thoroughly investigated and independently confirmed.? The complete press release can be viewed at I encourage all voters to follow the advice of the NRA and not accept anything from the Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife as fact.

On the Montana Sportsmen Alliance website listed above is an article from the Anchorage Daily News regarding the founder of the Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife?s Alaska and Alaska Wildlife Division Director Corey Rossi. Rossi got his job via this organization?s political connection, then resigned in haste this January, in the face of 12 illegal hunting and outfitting violations. The article also discusses Rossi?s plan to give ?landowners special hunting permits to use or sell, perhaps with special authorizations such as the ability to hunt outside normal hunting seasons on their land.? Further evidence of the damage this group has been inflicting on the western states.

Don Peay, founder, is quoted in that same article saying, ?it's time to revisit the widely accepted principle in the United States and Canada that game is a public resource? and further described ?that egalitarian doctrine, found in Alaska?s state constitution and laws throughout the West, as ?socialism?.? Make no mistake how Peay and the Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife feel about public wildlife and public hunting ? not the way most in Montana feel about it.

This organization is making a concerted effort to make inroads into Montana using the wolf as their rallying cry. The group has advocated wolf management positions that could result in wolf RELISTING. The wolf is the group?s ?cash cow,? helping fund their efforts to privatize wildlife for the benefit of the few. All to the detriment of the average Montana hunter.

Please talk to your candidates and ask about their involvement with the Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife. Ask them if they share the same radical views. If so, take the advice given by the NRA ?exercise caution in accepting as fact, or repeating, any claims made by Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife.?
So how many sister orgs does SFW have, and why?

Don't ya think at some point the IRS, Attorney General, or some other state will roll these fellers up for a something. It seems a little shady for it all to be legal. Kinda smells like Jeremy Johnson and his 39 shell corporations. And he was in bed with both former attorney generals.
Thanks FOR THE Article Topgun once Again SFW is a joke and are a threat to average sportsman and for future generations being able to enjoy the great outdoors
>Thanks FOR THE Article Topgun once
>Again SFW is a joke
>and are a threat to
>average sportsman and for future
>generations being able to enjoy
>the great outdoors

That article was the first link that Zim put up in his post, so thank him. If you and the rest of the members have a little time in the next few days I would highly recommend that you click on and read the rest of the links Zim put in his post because they more than explain what we all face when we mention Don Peay, SFW, BGF, etc. Peay has started and/or intertwined so many organizations that can funnel money every which way that it will make your head swim!
WoW! How Telling is this? These people that plan to further build their Empire, have done all of it on Public Assets with no plans of stopping. Imagine the money they could control if given larger chunks of public land to sell and/or manage? I don't think that they will stop until they're one of the most corrupt and powerful Org's in the whole land. All on our backs and what was our land, Public land. Visit this again;

"Don Peay, founder, is quoted in that same article saying, ?it's time to revisit the widely accepted principle in the United States and Canada that game is a public resource? and further described ?that egalitarian doctrine, found in Alaska?s state constitution and laws throughout the West, as ?socialism?.? Make no mistake how Peay and the Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife feel about public wildlife and public hunting ? not the way most in Montana feel about it.

This organization is making a concerted effort to make inroads into Montana using the wolf as their rallying cry. The group has advocated wolf management positions that could result in wolf RELISTING. The wolf is the group?s ?cash cow,? helping fund their efforts to privatize wildlife for the benefit of the few. All to the detriment of the average Montana hunter."

That there is saying something. This isn't just a Hunting or Political issue. It's getting down to the basic principal between what is right and what is wrong.


Keep your slimy Paws Off My, Yours, Our,.. Public Land!!!
LAST EDITED ON Mar-20-16 AT 07:41AM (MST)[p]>Yes tiop, tell us how sfw
>tried to derail the wolf
>plan. Yes sfw opposed
>what David Allan was doing.
> David wanted and
>pushed his plan to desist
>wolves in Montana and idaho
>throwing the rest of the
>country under the bus.
> Bgf wanted to make
>it a plan including Wyoming
>and other states added for
>delisting. This is actually
>where the battle began with
>David and sfw. As
>he walked you said, "if
>it is the last thing
>I do, I will run
>sfw out of business."
>Too bad rmef threw the
>rest of the country under
>the bus to try to
>save montana. Yes top,
>that's the way it was.
> Call Dave and ask

That's some wing nut left field BS right there.

Wolves were and may I remind you, still are delisted in Montana and Idaho because of the Simpson Tester rider, not David Allen and not the RMEF. Wyoming should have been included HOWEVER Wyoming chose a management plan that was pushed by SFW and did not meet the requirements decided upon by USFWS. If any organization is to blame for Wyoming's inability to manage wolves for the last 5 years it is most definitely SFW and their sister BGF.
>Yes tiop, tell us how sfw
>tried to derail the wolf


Do you honestly have anything good or valid to say? You say you don't truly have a Say, do you really have any ground to stand on?

From the press release,"Congressional offices and members of the media should exercise caution in accepting as fact, or repeating, any claims made by Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife, Big Game Forever or any person claiming to represent them. Due to the blatant misrepresentation contained in the press release circulated by these two groups, any claims they make in the future should be thoroughly investigated and independently confirmed".
Don Started or helped start:
Sportsman for Fish and Wildlife (SFW)
Sportsman for Habitat (SFH)
Full Curl
Big Game Forever (BGF)

Also part of:
Artic Red River Outfitters
Utah Foundation for Wild Sheep

Lots of Irons in the fire to "take" money.
Wonder what all the "Consulting Fees" are for the different orgs he has irons in.
>Don Started or helped start:
>Sportsman for Fish and Wildlife (SFW)
>Sportsman for Habitat (SFH)
>Full Curl
>Big Game Forever (BGF)
>Also part of:
>Artic Red River Outfitters
>Utah Foundation for Wild Sheep
>Lots of Irons in the fire
>to "take" money.
>Wonder what all the "Consulting Fees"
>are for the different orgs
>he has irons in.

Ask Birdman! He probably knows right down to the dollar how much the Don is pilfering from the public trust, as well as taxpayers money now from the Legislature on two bogus projects!

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