...it had Utah plates....lol


Long Time Member
I saw this car today....

I see you are still using the 4s iPhone. Niiiiiiice! Big spender...

Cancer doesn't discriminate...don't take your good health for granted because it can be gone in a heartbeat. Please go back and read the last line. This time really understand what it says.

Enough with the Racist Comments!

[Font][Font color = "blue"]I Changed My Signature Just for NVB!
Like 6 Damn Times Now!
..... you didn't answer my question..... lol

What you were ain't what you are..... lol

You didn't farc to nothing.... unless your dead.... lol.

Here's a few to pick from homer.... lol

Shia, Sunni, Ibadi, Kalām, Hinayana, Mahayana, Esoteric, Pure Land, Zen/Ch'an, Sampradaya.Vaishnavism, Shaivism, Shaktism, Smartism. Shrautism,Eastern Orthodoxy,
Eastern Orthodox, Independent Eastern Orthodox,Oriental Orthodox, Independent Oriental Orthodox, Church of the East, Anglican, Anglican Communion, Lutheran, Continental Reformed, Presbyterianism, Congregation, Anabaptism and Schwarzenau Brethren, Baptist, Spiritual Baptists, Methodist, Pietism and Holiness Movement, African Initiated, Quakers, Charismatic, Non-Denominational, Stone-Campbell, Plymouth Brethren, Free Evangelical,Pentecostal, Charismatic, Neo-Charismatic, Millerist, Adventism (Sunday observing), Adventism (Seventh Day Sabbath/Saturday observing), Church of God (Sunday observing), Church of God movements (Seventh Day Sabbath/Saturday observing), Sabbath-Keeping, United, Interdenominational (ecumenical), Messianic Judaism / Jewish Christianity, Oneness Pentecostal, Unitarian and Universalist, Bible Student, Swedenborgianism, Christian Science, Southcottism, Apostolic, Esoteric, LGBT-affirming Christianity, New Thought, Ashkenaz, Sephard, Sepharadim,Ultra-Orthodox, Reform, Conservative, Karaite, Haymanot, Secularism, Reconstructionist, Renewal, Ashkenaz, Sephard, Sepharadim,Ultra-Orthodox, Reform, Conservative, Karaite, Haymanot, Secularism, Reconstructionist, Renewal, Under the Hereditary Guardianship, Orthodox Bah?'?, Under the Provisions of the Covenant, Jacques Soghomonian, The Remey Society, Mencius. Xunzi. Dong Zhongshu. Song, Digambara, Svetambara, Katsuragi.

Natural World.

Strong Agnostic, Mild Agnostic, Pragmatic Agnostic, Apathetic Agnostic, Agnostic Theism, Agnostic Atheist, Ignostic.

Gnostic, agnostic atheist, negative atheist, positive atheist, broad atheist, narrow atheist, unfriendly atheist, indifferent atheist, friendly atheist, closet atheist, open atheist, passive atheist, evangelical atheist, active atheist, militant atheist, religious atheist, non-religious atheist.

....got you covered in there somewhere...... lol


>Homer! You're gonna get a speech
>complete with California pictures.

Picture books are helpful teaching tools.

Lumpy, I hope you were able to copy and paste that. Otherwise you have way to much time on your hands.

Being a farc myself I didnt think the first amendment says I must declare being something. Maybe it should have said freedom from religion.

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