It should be fine


Long Time Member
How would you like to look out the window and see this? Today over Colorado. The plane (Boeing 777) landed safely and no one hurt.

Someone was holding pretty still to take that video. I would have been shaking like a pup passing peach pits!
Wow, that scares me to think about what could have happened.

Dang. Did they suck a turkey through that thing or something?
I bet some people that "don't believe in God" were doing some praying.
I travel for work & have logged over 2 million miles in the air. THAT would scare the T-Total crap of me!!!! CRAZY!!!
Pretty big deal on the news here. Been a lot of geese movin in since last weekends cold snap. Could be a bird strike that FODed that engine. We shall see.

Far Side Bird.jpg
Plane heads cross country losses a engine. Pilot comes over loudspeaker and says it can fly with 3 but will take a extra hour to arrive. It losses another engine and the pilot says we are still fine but will be two hours later on arrival. After losing the third engine the pilot calms the passengers and tells everyone the plane can fly with just one engine. Blonde leans over and says "hope we don't lose the last engine, we will be up here all day"
In 1966 I was a Army demolition specialist assigned to a combat engineer company. We were flying in a C-130 from Anchorage, Alaska to Bethel, Alaska to blow a large ice jam there to prevent Bethel from being flooded.
On board was my entire demolition squad and over 2,000 pounds of high explosives. While flying over the mountain range, the crew chief kept coming back to our area and looking out the side windows towards the wings and would go forward to talk to the pilot. After the third time of doing this, I asked what was up. He replied the wings were icing up and if it gets severe enough we would be going down.
A little later he came back in to our area and looked out the windows again. I noticed now that he was wearing his parachute and he yelled at us to get our chutes on ASAP. while putting on the chutes he yelled his final instructions. "If I yell for you to jump, do not say Huh as you will be talking to my backside as I go out the door".
We were lucky and did not have to jump and landed in Bethel Alaska and blew that darn pesky ice jam. I dislike flying to this day and the darn airlines do not even give you a parachute.
n 1966 I was a Army demolition specialist assigned to a combat engineer company.

Well, of course you were. What else would a Hatfield do? Burn them out or blow them up. It's in your DNA. They probably didn't even have to train you.
That happened right over our son's house. The circular ring around the intake came off in one piece and fell on a pickup which was parked in the driveway of couple that were eating lunch in their home about 10' away. It totally destroyed the cab. Luck, grace ? You can see a photo of this on Fox News.

Plane heads cross country losses a engine. Pilot comes over loudspeaker and says it can fly with 3 but will take a extra hour to arrive. It losses another engine and the pilot says we are still fine but will be two hours later on arrival. After losing the third engine the pilot calms the passengers and tells everyone the plane can fly with just one engine. Blonde leans over and says "hope we don't lose the last engine, we will be up here all day"
Okay, if you shut the fuel off to the dead engine why is it still on fire? Or is that just sparks from the engine still turning from the air flowing through.?
Okay, if you shut the fuel off to the dead engine why is it still on fire? Or is that just sparks from the engine still turning from the air flowing through.?
It was probably hydraulic oil or engine oil. Also they are not sure how well the fire extinguishers were working with the cowling missing. It might have just been blow away in the 200 mph wind.
Upon landing in Denver and allowing them to de-plane, the final instructions to the passengers was this, the bathrooms are to your right as you enter the terminal.
A guy I follow on YouTube is a Boeing 777 pilot. (the same type of aircraft as this) Yesterday he flew from LA to London. There were no passengers but they delivered 89,000 pounds of cargo. Most of that was asparagus. I thought that was kind of funny.

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