
Long Time Member
Gonna Blame it on woodruffhunter!

Talked to Him on the Phone Yesterday & I Was Kinda Braggin to Him it hadn't been below Zero here yet!

12 Hours after I Hang Up with Him Here We are at -12!

I'll bet out where JENN Works it's Close to -20 This Morning!

What's the Temp where You Live This Morning?

[font color="blue"]It Was them Damn Lake Trout that took them Elk
He is use to the bitter cold up there in Woodruff!!

I chase cottontails just west of there and it is so freaking cold!

Put your morning 'Mnt. Dew's' thru the coffee make to warm 'em up!

truck said -11 headed in to work this morning. too damn cold for anything outside! bet there are some diesels jelled up this morning!

"Shoot Straight"
+31 this morning. I swear there's frost on my roof. That's BS!!!!!!

Trump turned global warming around already. Wow!
Currently -17 in Logan. I checked the USU weather station data from Peter Sink about 20 miles to the northeast, it's -52 degrees up there right now.
Well Bess- you were wrong! It ain't -20. It's -25 here at the station. Brrrrr!

It was -10 at the house. Fluctuated between -12 and -10 the whole drive to town. As SOON as I crossed that county line into Uintah county the temp started going down. The closer I got to the station the colder it got. It went from -10 at Maverick to -25 at the station. What is that....2 or 3 miles??
-13 here in Spring Creek, Nevada. Says it feels like -25. Wonder what I'm going to do on my day off today with a high of 16 degrees.
Little warmer here in ol' Pioche, Nevada. At 7am, it was up to 6, after an overnight low of 3 above. Still purty darn COLD for me!
-4 here. I am in the mouth of the canyon. The winds are howling 25-30 I will have to go to Phoenix for a week just to warm up. The only difference between -4 and -25 is you don't go out in either unless your name is Jenny TK then it is ok.
>only difference between -4 and
>-25 is you don't go
>out in either unless your
>name is Jenny TK then
>it is ok.
> Rutnbuck

Rut- I thought I taught you a lesson in KFC a few years ago for calling me Jenny!?? ;-)
+59 in Central California. Rain's have gone but return Sat through Wed.

Some Gun shows and Sportsman shows in Sacramento. Whats not to like about California Weather.

All Duck & Geese Hunters should be in the Sutter Bute sink and very happy.
It was +7 here in Utah Co. I know that's warm conpared to some places you guys frequent.

I think I'll take my shirt off and catch some rays while I mow the lawn. Oh wait, where is that damned lawn?
Stay positive, mosquito larva are dying! ?

>Well Bess- you were wrong! It
>ain't -20. It's -25 here
>at the station.

Colder than a well diggers behind this morning in the Ouray Patch... as you stated Jen; about 25 below. Bad news is that it's supposed to be colder tonight. I'm actually going to put a coat on tomorrow. Freak thing is; it's supposed to be 40 by Sunday with chances of flash floods!?! Strangest winter I've seen around these parts.
>wind chill factor was -44 in
>Greely Colorado this morning.

It's always colder or hotter in third world countries!:eek:
At 7:30 a.m. Glenwood was -11, it's 4:39 p.m........ now, there's not a cloud in the sky and it warmed up to +15. Think I'll slip out and shovel some more snow of the drive way, before it get's cools off again.

The Other Side of Roosevelt this Morning it was -26!

The High Where I Worked today was 4 above!

[font color="blue"]It Was them Damn Lake Trout that took them Elk
Officially -46 this morning!

I just checked my temp a few minutes ago and we are already at -36! I am predicting -50 in the morning!

Junior wants to call coyotes in the morning and then go ice fishing. I am staying home!
So, it's F'n cold everywhere except Jagerdads(Californians-only + is the temperature) Stay warm fellas. We'll get through it. We always do.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-07-17 AT 07:56PM (MST)[p]I got wheel spikes.


It was about -4 when I hit work last week. Pic is dark because like any good gov worker, I get there early.
Was 20 below yesterday morning and only 16 below today. Warming trend. Went out and cut a load of firewood this afternoon when it got up to 10 above. Saw about 30 deer on the home place and they seem pretty fat and content. Good thing they don't have thermometers so they can't tell how cold it is.

At least the wind isn't blowing bad at all.

But my old John Deere 3020 fired right up and the cows got fed. Love feeding cattle on cold days. They really appreciate it.

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