Johnson Mtn. Ranch Help


Active Member
Has anyone out there hunted elk on the Johnson Mtn Ranch on the Fish Lake unit in Utah that would be willing to give me some info?

I am going with a friend who has a rifle tag on this unit starting late next week.

You are not allowed to scout prior to the hunt.

sounds like you guys are going to have a good hunt. They kill some preety good bulls and bucks up there. If you guys are interested in a guide I could give you a number. The guy guides up there every year.
Hey, how much info have you received? I have been in that area quite a few times last season. I have a Bull Elk tag for a CWMU directly North of Johnson Mt Ranch and I know the elk travel in between them.

Let me know.

You shouldn't have a problem finding a bull anywhere in the ranch. When they are pushed on the public lands, they drop down into the ranch. Have a great time.
Yes, I know that the archery guys on the public have been pushin the hell out of them near the beaver ponds on the southside and they all jumped the fence into the Johnston Ranch. Should be a great hunt, good luck to ya!
LAST EDITED ON Aug-28-06 AT 10:37PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Aug-28-06 AT 10:35?PM (MST)

no, it's a Old Woman tag, but I know the elk are constantly getting slammed by cars. The elk travel back and forth between units during the night frequently. I personally know of a 370 class bull 3 weeks ago that got pulverized by a semi.

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