Jussie Smollett


Long Time Member
Jussie Smollett

...it IS out of control...those damn white honkey Trumpsters attacking people....


GOODWIN: Dems really do love Republicans -- when they're dead...
RE: Jussie Smollett

The left needs to start getting rabies shots. It's a true National emergency.
RE: Jussie Smollett

Wyosam will be along here in a minute to inform us on truth of this black mad man
RE: Jussie Smollett

I'm more interested in seeing those catholic high school boys made whole.....after the same lying media claimed they harrassed the blanketass......


GOODWIN: Dems really do love Republicans -- when they're dead...
RE: Jussie Smollett

Hopefully they will prosecute him for filing a false police report and give him the maximum jail time. Doing that will make others think twice about filing these phony reports. Since it is Chicago, I doubt he will get any sentence outside of probation.

People like him hurt others of his race when they file true claims of racial hate crimes and other citizens doubt their claim due to these false claims.

RE: Jussie Smollett

Never heard of this idiot until today, seems like he should be spending some time in jail. I don't care about celebrities, pretty much ignore that type of news.

> Wyosam will be
>along here in a minute
>to inform us on truth
>of this black mad man
RE: Jussie Smollett

>Never heard of this idiot until
>today, seems like he should
>be spending some time in
>jail. I don't care about
>celebrities, pretty much ignore that
>type of news.
>> Wyosam will be
>>along here in a minute
>>to inform us on truth
>>of this black mad man

+1 , just razzin ya
RE: Jussie Smollett

LAST EDITED ON Feb-17-19 AT 12:13PM (MST)[p]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dzkl3UaW0AA59LS.jpg



GOODWIN: Dems really do love Republicans -- when they're dead...
RE: Jussie Smollett

There will be no repercussions. This will be a resume enhancer.

RE: Jussie Smollett


GOODWIN: Dems really do love Republicans -- when they're dead...
RE: Jussie Smollett

LAST EDITED ON Feb-18-19 AT 06:11AM (MST)[p]It makes you wonder how many of those hateful messages in comment sections or on a receipt at a restaurant are false or made up for attention seekers or for some sort of agenda.
RE: Jussie Smollett

Another fake victim story. when we all know old white guys are always the real victims. just ask Trump.

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