Just a Hoax

If that was true due to a rising ocean, why are we not hearing about rising sea levels on our West Coast, or in Japan? Do you think it may be due to wind and wave erosion on those small islands or can your mind calculate that?

So Corny?

Is The Earth Getting Heavier or Lighter?

I'd bet it's getting Heavier!

Maybe Nemont can find a Chart & Prove me Wrong?

I have no doubt it's happening......just like it would be if there were zero humans on earth....
>Maybe. so better to be
>sorry than safe right?
>Stay Thirsty My Friends

So dude?

Let's Say for sure the Sea's are Rising!

WTF You gonna do about it?

Maybe You can get ahold of your Buddy Obama!

Get some Big Pumps!

And Pump them F'ers Down!


Your Buddy Obama Spent MEGA Bucks/Stimulus on Study!

Show Me one F'N Thing He's done to Help Prevent Global Warming!

When you get into the bath tub do you notice how the water rises?

Too many big ships in the ocean will do the same thing.

That, and the huge increase in the world population of whales. That water has to go somewhere.
Course the ocean level is raising and it will as long as more fresh water enters the ocean. There are fewer glaziers, less underground water, as there is every time the surface of the earth has warned, for any a number of different reasons.

Will it cool again, regardless of human intervention?

It always has.

Why does it come as a surprise that it fluctuates between heating and cooling?

Will it cool again? Yes.

Will it get warm again? Yes.

I doubt we can alter it much, in either direction. Can we adapt to what ever the changes are, sure as hell hope so.

Human's are pretty adaptive. It maybe out greatest asset. I'd prefer to adapt than attempt to control the sun, moon, earth and stars.

LAST EDITED ON May-10-16 AT 10:55PM (MST)[p]I'm sure I remember puff the magic negro sayin in a loud "preachy" voice that you lefties claim to hate so much, that his election would lower the seas. WTF happened?

Oh ya here it is:

>AT 10:55?PM (MST)

>I'm sure I remember puff the
>magic negro sayin in a
>loud "preachy" voice that you
>lefties claim to hate so
>much, that his election would
>lower the seas. WTF happened?
>Oh ya here it is:


He Fixed Every F'N Thing didn't He?

I Only know of one thing He made better!

And that was the Thickness of dude's Wallet!

At least you're admitting the planet is warming that's a start. was it watching what happens to frozen water when it warms that turned you around?

By the time they prove beyond a shadow of a doubt it is man caused it will be too late. but it will also be too late to impact our lives much as well. and that's all we give a FF about isn't it.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Maybe you could post a link on the agreement Obama made with China and India to stop them from building one new coal plant every month. There is nothing the US can do to impact the climate unless all major countries agree to the same. If not then you are just eliminating American jobs and removing money from the pockets of every American for increased energy costs.
Maybe that's true. but first we have at accept there is a problem if there is to be action.

I assume you've accepted the world is round. are you saying now you've accepted climate change?

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Of course I accept climate change just like your forefathers did. When scientists make a graph of a football field and mark man made climate change and it is one inch on that graph I tend to question the political panic we have seen since your candidate Al Gore promised the oceans would rise and cover the California coast in 5 years. Might want to start removing all of the garbage in the ocean killing our food supply before we give a few $trillion to third world dicatators.
There has been severe climate changes going on this earth going back thousands to millions of years. we have had ice ages that had massive glaciers in this country we call the USA. It melted away to what we have today.
lower CA. was once a massive tropical type jungle with dinosaurs. Wyoming, Utah, Neb. was once a lush jungle environment that had numerous amounts of plant eating dinosaurs. We still have areas there we are digging up their bones. The terrain we have today in those states would not support a food supply for those dinosaurs. that means there was a change in climate that effected the plant growth in that area. The central valley of CA. was once a inland sea that dried up into some of the best farmland in this state.

Guess what, this all took place before man left any carbon footprint on this earth. Yes there is climate change, but very little we can do to change it as past history has shown. I do not believe the so called experts about climate change being man made when they have a vested interest in putting that fallacy forward to protect their salary and jobs. People need to mix a little common sense into their thinking and quit drinking the kool aid given by others to protect their jobs.

If you want to play follow the money then you should admit the fossil fuel industry has more money to gain with denial than the scientists have to gain by acceptance.

Your less than stellar logic sounds exactly like the people who called bullchit on the government when they told them smoking causes cancer. they knew people who smoked who lived to an old age. and people who don't smoke get cancer too, proof tobacco is harmless. the government just wanted to create a fake reason to tax your smokes . you people get it and we don't that's right.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
>"Show Me one F'N Thing He's
>done to Help Prevent Global
>Settle down Bess, you are making
>a you of yourself...again. If
>you want to hate on
>Obama, have at it, but
>don't be stupid about it.
>Read this:
>There is your "one F'N Thing"
>and dozen more. Stop being
>such a loose cannon, shoulder
>up for Christ's sake and
>shoot straight.

83% increase in Fuel Efficiency Huh?

Prove it!

I've seen with My Own Eyes No Better Fuel Efficiency & Many Trucks getting Worse Fuel Efficiency in the Last 10 Years!

They Put the Obama Pipes/F'N SMOG Control/Emissions to Try & Clean the Fuel Guzzling Bastards Up While not doing one GAWD-DAMNED Thing to make the Engine More Efficient!

Your Buddy Obama has Wasted Billions on the So Called Study but basically Ain't Done JACK SQUAT!

Dude while you are drinking your Kool Aide, you can read this article.


?Argument 1 ? No Significant and Prolonged Temperature Changes Since 1997 ? Scientists who argue against global warming say global warming isn't real because since the 90s there hasn't been a significant temperature change. The upswing in the temperature started from 1975, continued till 1997 and the temperature has been flat since then which clearly states that there isn't any significant change in temperature in last 17 years.

?Argument 2 ? Not Enough Historical Data Available ? There is no consensus about global warming being real among scientists. Advocates also point towards the fact that a recent gathering of 31,000 scientists in the field of environmental science couldn't reach a consensus on whether or not global warming is real. They believe that they don't have long term historical climate data or the data they have isn't clear.

?Argument 3 ? Arctic Ice Increased by 50% Since 2012 ? Arctic Ice increased in volume 50% in 2012 alone. Core measures of the Arctic Ice show that it has increased in volume since 2012, which argues against global warming causing ice caps to melt. Few people have even predicted that global warming would cause whole Arctic ice to melt which contradicts their version.

?Argument 4 ? Climate Models used are Proven to be Unreliable ? The climate model calculations used to predict the effect of global warming have been proven to be flawed which means that the long term predictions that they have been making are meaningless. Some scientists even argue that any increase in global temperatures could be a natural climate shift.

?Argument 5 ? Early Predictions About the Effects of Warming Have Been Proven Wrong ? Advocates who promote arguments against global warming being real, point towards all the dates having come and gone where predictions were made about effects that never happened. For example:- Al Gore predicted that all Arctic ice would be gone by 2013. But, on contrary Arctic ice is up by 50% since 2012.

Which Argument to Believe?

The main part of the problem lies in the two groups using different definitions of how global warming appears in the climate. This is one of the reasons that those advocating that global warming is real now use the term ?climate change,? since it is more reflective of the real issue. The other problem lies in proof, and in studies that try to prove whether or not global warming is real. Contrary to public belief, the results of all scientific studies aren't conclusive.
Exactly like the tobacco industry played it.

Let's be honest here. we aren't willing to change anything or spend one cent on an issue we know won't have a major impact in OUR lifetime. it's as simple as that.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
All humans could cease to exist tomorrow and it wouldn't influence the temp one degree or the ocean level 1 inch. We could throw every bit of knowledge and money at influencing the temp and water level at our disposal and we couldn't change either, one iota! We are not that powerful.
Dude that information I posted above did not come from the coal-oil industry. It came from a site that promotes "going green" and solar power.

LAST EDITED ON May-12-16 AT 11:35AM (MST)[p]"If that was true due to a rising ocean, why are we not hearing about rising sea levels on our West Coast, or in Japan? Do you think it may be due to wind and wave erosion on those small islands or can your mind calculate that?"


"As glaciers melt due to climate change, the increasingly hot and parched Earth is absorbing some of that water inland, slowing sea level rise"


"I do not believe the so called experts about climate change being man made when they have a vested interest in putting that fallacy forward to protect their salary and jobs"

That metric is cynical at best....allow me to apply it.

I do not believe the so called law enforcement experts about wanting to deter crime and protect citizens when they have a vested interest in putting that fallacy forward to protect their salary and jobs.

Kinda makes me sound like a giant adam henry doesn't it? There is such a thing as pride in profession and credibility, this is especially true in science.
LAST EDITED ON May-12-16 AT 12:13PM (MST)[p]FW if you believe all those scientists are being truthful, then you are one very gullible fool. Do a search and you will find many examples of that field putting out false information to further their theory or agenda. I guess you are a blind liberal after all.

As for the law enforcement experts, I have seen the upper administration brass lie to the public on many occasions to protect their position.


P.S. As for your example the rising sea water is being absorbed by a parch land mass. Then how you do explain those islands being swallowed up by a rising sea as the original article tried to indicate. Just maybe wind and wave erosion is playing a big factor with those islands and not a rising sea level.
LAST EDITED ON May-12-16 AT 12:55PM (MST)[p]So as a former career LEO you are clearly stating from your first hand experience that the public should not trust any law enforcement officers because they are corrupt, self-serving and routinely deceive the public.

I clearly pointed out that unfortunately there a few bad apples in any profession and those few should not serve to indict all members of that profession?

Sorry, I cannot assist you with basic comprehension skills, I never said, "all those scientist are being truthful", did I?

As for my example? Not my example, NASA's findings as related to your question. The articles states their theory that our parched planet has absorbed a lot of the sea level rise, slowing it's earlier projected pace.

Islands? Did I mention Islands?
Now you are resorting to the liberal way of twisting what was really said. You are proving to be a waste of time discussing anything that does not meet your blind liberal beliefs. Have a good day.

Funny how the same people who say science is a crock would chit themselves if the advances science has made were taken from them. dumbazz's.

Dimwit you say man isn't that powerful? we have the ability to nuke this planet to the point it would no longer support life if we chose. and the radiation would kill your sky spook and all the angles.

Don't underestimate man kinds destructive capacity just because you're weak.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
>Funny how the same people who
>say science is a crock
>would chit themselves if the
>advances science has made were
>taken from them. dumbazz's.
>Dimwit you say man isn't that
>powerful? we have
>the ability to nuke this
>planet to the point it
>would no longer support life
>if we chose. and
>the radiation would kill your
>sky spook and all the
>Don't underestimate man kinds destructive capacity
>just because you're weak.
>Stay Thirsty My Friends

We're not talking about destroying the planet, we're talking about stabilizing the water level and ocean level. I contend that if all trace of man was gone tomorrow the temp would still increase 2 degrees over the next 150yrs and the ocean would still rise 1/2 inch. The planet is amazing, with an ability to self heal. The Gulf oil spill for example, is it a dead zone?
We are talking about destroying the planet long term.

So you're saying we can destroy if we wanted it but there's no chance we could alter it by being ignorant.


Stay Thirsty My Friends
>>Maybe. so better to be
>>sorry than safe right?
>>Stay Thirsty My Friends
>So dude?
>Let's Say for sure the Sea's
>are Rising!
>WTF You gonna do about it?
We could build more Dams to keep the water from going out to the sea,thats what a Nebraska teacher has been teaching.
Funny how we pick and choose when science matters, hasn't science proven many climate changes prior to the industrial revolution? Prior to human existance? Changing the climate is like holding back the tide or ropein the wind.
Yes the climate will change no matter what we do or don't do. and we're all going to die no matter what we do or don't do. it's a matter of doing what you can to extend the lifespan.

Do I need to draw pictures?

Stay Thirsty My Friends
>Yes the climate will change no
>matter what we do or
>don't do. and we're
>all going to die no
>matter what we do or
>don't do. it's
>a matter of doing what
>you can to extend the
>Do I need to draw pictures?
>Stay Thirsty My Friends

So This CROWN You Guzzle?

Does it Extend Life?

>Yes the climate will change no
>matter what we do or
>don't do. and we're
>all going to die no
>matter what we do or
>don't do. it's
>a matter of doing what
>you can to extend the
>Do I need to draw pictures?
>Stay Thirsty My Friends

None of what we're doing will make a nickels worth of difference in anything but the average citizens pocket.
It's 45 and raining here. Could go down as one of the coolest mays in decades. Does that mean we're headed for the next ice age?

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