Just a hobby. But would love feedback


Active Member
I don't do much taxidermy work. It's mainly just my own stuff or stuff for family because I enjoy the process. This was only my 3rd Whitetail and would love your feedback. I'm far from good at it, but I think my brother will be happy with the end result.







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Honestly for 3rd deer ever you are doing pretty good.

When I am studying and trying to improve I usually do my best on one. Then I just pick three things to study and attack on my next attempt.

If this were my deer I would study the outer portion of my nostril shape and skin alignment of the nose pad. Second I would look at my armpit hair pattern and how far it is coming around the front and outside of the leg. Third I would study my ear butt attachment and symmetry.

I hope you keep doing taxidermy. Especially if you enjoy challenges with improvement.
Honestly for 3rd deer ever you are doing pretty good.

When I am studying and trying to improve I usually do my best on one. Then I just pick three things to study and attack on my next attempt.

If this were my deer I would study the outer portion of my nostril shape and skin alignment of the nose pad. Second I would look at my armpit hair pattern and how far it is coming around the front and outside of the leg. Third I would study my ear butt attachment and symmetry.

I hope you keep doing taxidermy. Especially if you enjoy challenges with improvement.
I appreciate the feedback. it's the 9th animal i've done on my own but only my 3rd whitetail mount. The first two were pretty bad as they were also my first 2 solo mounts ever. Shoot me a PM with some corrections if you'd like. possibly highlighting the things you see wrong on the mount and showing where i could focus. i'd love the info and it would only help for the next one. thanks again
I appreciate the feedback. it's the 9th animal i've done on my own but only my 3rd whitetail mount. The first two were pretty bad as they were also my first 2 solo mounts ever. Shoot me a PM with some corrections if you'd like. possibly highlighting the things you see wrong on the mount and showing where i could focus. i'd love the info and it would only help for the next one. thanks again
It would be way easier if you just call me at the office and we could chat about it. (713)465-7388
Not bad at all. Good job. I can see a few things I don't like but I have no idea how to explain it or even attempt to explain it, hence the reason I don't do my own taxidermy. HAHA
Overall it looks like you are doing well for being so new at it. Very cool.
I think Tristate pretty much covered it, from what I can see. I'm no taxidermist, but after having many critters mounted, I have grown pretty critical. My older mounts don't look as good as the ones after I found really good taxidermists.

To me, the snout looks kinda elongated? Maybe it's the picture angles, but that was the first thing that stood out to me. Very nice work for your 3rd one!!
Yep, I’d say Tri covered most of it. I’d add your tear duct/eye paint is a touch on the dark side. As far as the ear butts and nose go ……… lots of reference material and practice practice practice ! You get those armpits exactly right once you’ll definitely see the difference also in the way the hair lays. I’ve definitely seen a whole lot worse, keep after it !!! Not at all bad for number 3 👍
It's a good lookin mount buddy. I'm guessing your brother loves it. Remember one other thing... our friends here on MM can likely find issues with their own work, which means they're giving you some good feedback most likely... 😀
Just having the guys to post pics and ask for advice goes along way. Looks way better than my 3rd mount. The best process for me was attending various taxidermy competitions. As the others have stated, check reference. It takes many years to be able to translate 2d pics into 3d. There are tons of great 3d eye, nose and ear butt reference available these days. As far as the painting goes, that is a common problem painting too dark. I have been mounting deer for 15 years and have a tendency to paint whitetails too dark. Looks great. Keep it up!!

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