justr_86's Tragedy



I hope this is not out of place, but our fellow monstermuleyer and friend justr_86 suffered a tremendous tragedy last week where his 4 year old son was accidentally run over and killed.

There is very little- if anything that can soothe the pain of such a horrific event, but I know hunting is a big part of he and his family's life. I thought some support from those on this site may ease the pain ever so slightly, so please join with me in expressing my deepest sympathies to him and his family in this very difficult time.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Not out of place at all IMO. I'll put the boy and family on my prayer list and may he rest in peace!!!
Thanks for posting this in the General - a lot of folks on here don't go to the Campfire. There have been some great threads about it there. Here are some of them - a lot of comments on them already. Thanks for supporting Kenny and Carrie in this time of tragedy.







Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
So sorry to hear this terrible news about his family's unimaginable loss. My thoughts and prayers will be with his family.
So sorry to hear of your tragic loss.
I've enjoyed our phone & text conversations and because of that I feel even more of your pain.
You and your family will be in our hearts and prayers. I had no idea of your loss or I would have been more sensitive with our last text conversations.
Best to you Kenny. You do a lot for others and I hope we can do something for you.
Kyle aka Zeke

I am also sorry to hear of your loss. You and your family are in our prayers. You were great last year on helping out, let us know if there is anything we can do.

I can't even imagine going through something like this,,,what could possibly be worse than losing a child? We're all praying for you and hope that, in time, you can find peace.

justr, so sorry to hear of your loss, you are in our thoughts and prayers. Life can be extremely unfair at times. I know how you feel, I loss my 3 year old daughter a few years ago. The feeling is the most helpless feeling one can experience. Remember the good times. You must be one special person for God to have let you raise such a special little boy. Remember faith, family, and friends.

You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers. I too am so sorry for your loss. What a special little boy.

Terrible tragedy. I'm very sorry for the pain your family is going through. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
You and your family will be in my prayers tonight and many more to come
May god give you the strength to overcome your challenges
I don't even know if you'll see THIS post but I want to agree with all of the well wishes you have received and add an additional thought.

Our young son passed away completely without warning as well. Many people warned us of the dire statistics that accompany such things (with respect to problems between the parents). Please work at whatever levels of communication, comfort and support that you can find. We thought we were OK....many told us how much they admired us.

My wife did sink into a spiral of depression and (5 1/2 years later, left). Please be careful.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
I am so sorry to hear that something like that happened to his child. Losing ones child or spouse has to be the ultimate hurt one can endure. May God give strength and understanding in your time of need. God Bless.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-29-11 AT 09:09PM (MST)[p]So sorry for your loss Kenny. We only spoke a couple times but I could tell you are a great man. Be strong but take the time to mourn. My heart is breaking for you and your family.May God be with you.
So sorry for your loss sir... Keep your head up high!
A very heart felt sympathetic wish to justr. So very sorry to hear of such a tradgedy. May the bonds of love between the rest of your family be stronger than ever.
Well Justr, I can tell you loved him and he had a good home. That matters alot and you can be proud of that. You are a good man and Kole's Mom is too. God bless your family and our prayers are for you.

no words can express my sympathy for you and your family's great loss but you are in my families prayers and may you soon find peace within god bless you and your family
So sorry to hear this news,,,Very unfortunate!

And a reminder to all of us that have children,,
Make every day count, and tell them how much you love them,
Because you just don't know what might happen tomorrow..

Don't know what I'd do if I lost my little one... What a tragedy. My heart and prayers go out to all that were affected. There is no easy solution for these types of accidents.

To all other MMers- stay safe...

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
Mr. Mair,

While Id like to address you with your first name, I dont feel right doing it since I don't really know you. The times that I have interacted with you, I think I had been unkind and probably made inappropriate statements. For those things that may have offended you, please accept my apologies. That said, I hope my words are accepted as being wholly sincere.

I've been visiting this forum for 10 years and have never read anything on here so heartbreaking. I missed the news while out on a business trip and just saw it today. I am a father of 3 children, ages 3, 5, and 8. The youngest two are little boys. I know this has been said before, but to comprehend the loss you all have felt is simply not possible.

Ive seen it said that there is a purpose for all things, that all things happen for a reason. I am a religious man, and wish I could agree with that statement, but I just cant. I believe in a loving God, and do believe there is a plan for each of us. I can't grasp the concept of a God who would willfully include such a tragedy for you and your family. It would be cruel and unjust. No one deserves to experience such a trial. With that being said, I must believe in a God that treats us all equally and allows things to happen by chance. In your case, I have to believe it was a horrible, tragic accident caused by no one. If I were ever to believe in a God that had purpose in a such a loss, I would feel bitter and angry that such an event would happen for any reason. So, I maintain that God watches and knows all, but does not not put certain trials in our way on purpose. Things just happen, and as they do, God is ready to be there to comfort and bless. I hope you have felt that in recent days.

As I watched the tribute to your son, there were two things that were evident to me while watching those pictures: #1)Your son was a happy child. He was blessed to have two loving parents and a beautiful baby brother. As a father, it is clear that you provided your son with wonderful experiences that brought him joy. In my estimation, that alone qualifies you and your wife as elite parents. #2)You are so fortunate that you captured so many memories of your children. Those images and videos are priceless pieces of history that you will treasure forever. These pictures will not only provide you with wonderful memories, but can inspire other fathers, like myself, to cherish moments with our children and record their lives as they grow and experience the world. May these joyful images always stay with you and replace the memories and feelings from your recent tragedy.

Especially, may the Lord pour out his blessings and love upon your lovely wife. I pray that any feelings of fault or inadequacies be far removed from her thoughts and that she will hold to the knowledge that she provided her son with love and affection throughout his life.

God bless,

Sorry to hear about you tremendous tragedy. Nothing can be said at this time to ease the pain. You are being thought of at this time!!!
This really sucks!! I can't imagine having to go through something like this at all, it would be like having your heart ripped out.

justr_86, I don't know you, but I'll definitely be saying some heart felt prayers for you and your family.
Justr, you, your child and entire family will be in my thoughts and prayers. May God give you strength to recover from this accident. Remember the good times you had with your son, and honor him by moving forward strong. Pray, it does help.

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