

Active Member
I just want to say that any of you who have kids over the age of 8, and younger at times, that are leaving your kids at home while you hunt, then you are missing out on one of the most rewarding times of your life. I feel so bad for some of the kids I see whose dad will not take them hunting with them, because they might get in the way or have to slow down a little.
We just got back from an AZ trip and I watched my 10 year old shoot his first buck. The look on his face when he killed his 3 year old buck was amazing, and was way better than me killing a 30" buck.
I have taken my boy on archery elk hunts in AZ unit 10 when he was 11, and on a strip hunt when he was 10. I may not have killed the biggest buck or bull in the world, but at 16, he still talks about those hunts. He has always hunted with me since 7 or 8, and now my youngest boy and daughter are experiencing the some memories.

Everybody has the choice to hunt and act the way they want to, but I hope you will all consider taking your children hunting with you. I don't regret it a bit.

I like the saying take a child hunting today, and you will not be hunting for them later.
Very well said and I agree 100%. I started taking my kids on quail hunts when they were about 4 yrs. Although it gets expensive with three of them at hunting age now it's worth every penny. Going for Javelina in January. Cant wait!
Take my kids out every chance I can, took my 3 year old daughter out yesterday looking for pheasants after dropping my other daughter off at school
Agreed. I've had my Boy(s) along with me over the last few years on some great hunts. It's nice when they get big enough to keep up with the old man!





I for one regret taking my daughter. I took her bird hunting and she killed a big deer at 12 and a 330 class bull at 13. Then she started to hang with friends and the hunting was over. Soon she was indoctrinated by the school system to believe that hunting was bad. Then came collage and more indoctrination. Then she moved to Chicago and now I was the worst father in the world because I made her kill, and didn't vote for Obama. My other kids are almost the same. My son is not totally lost but my second daughter is. Don't kid your self's guys. Even if you raise them to hunt and eat game the odds are stacked and not in your favor. Ron
>I for one regret taking my
>daughter. I took her bird
>hunting and she killed a
>big deer at 12 and
>a 330 class bull at
>13. Then she started to
>hang with friends and the
>hunting was over. Soon she
>was indoctrinated by the school
>system to believe that hunting
>was bad. Then came collage
>and more indoctrination. Then she
>moved to Chicago and now
>I was the worst father
>in the world because I
>made her kill, and didn't
>vote for Obama. My other
>kids are almost the same.
>My son is not totally
>lost but my second daughter
>is. Don't kid your self's
>guys. Even if you raise
>them to hunt and eat
>game the odds are stacked
>and not in your favor.
> Ron

Sorry to hear that Ron. I don't believe it was anything you did, just the sorry state of decay that our country has fallen into...
I am sorry about your experience as well Ron. But i believe you did your best by taking them. I feel the number one way to stack the odds against yourself as a parent is NOT trying to include them in every aspect of your life.

All of my kids (four of them 8,14,16 and 19)have hunted with me and my wife since my oldest daughter(19) was about 10 months old. It was trying at times and I probably could have had a much more successful trophy hunting career so to speak. But I wouldnt trade our times in the woods (much of it (gasp) road hunting) for all the trophy mulies, blacktails and elk in the world.

My oldest is in college now and she is a pro gun pro hunting Obama hater. The oldest boy is a junior in high school and crams hunting into his spare time while playing football and getting straight A's. My youngest daughter shot her first buck this year on opening day of kalis b zone season she plays volleyball in her freshman year of high school and often sets people straight on where their meat comes from. My youngest son is hooked so deep that e en if I wanted to take a weekend off of duck hunting I couldn't.

So I dont think its anything you did. But its certainly not the fact that you took them hunting. IMO.


People who work for a living are quickly being
overwhelmed by people who vote for a living.
When raising kids, there is never an exact right and wrong answer. I know for sure, I have made numerous mistakes, and just hope that in the end, I can make more positive in my kids lives then negatives. Each child has their free will, and as much as we would like to take that away from them at times, they have to choose for themselves. We do our best, and pray things turn out in the end. My 15 year old daughter would have nothing to do with hunting until this year. I encouraged it, but never made her hunt. She would go along at times. This year she decided to hunt, and we had a great time. It still is not her passion by any means, and at times I think she hunts to impress the boys, but hey it is a start. My boys really like it though, and I think it helps keep them out of trouble.
I took my 6 year old boy with me for the first time for 2 days on the general season deer hunt here in Utah. What a fun experience! He had a great time and I loved hearing and answering all of his questions. I look forward to many more hunts with my kids!!
I can't wait to take my daughter and future kids hunting. My wife and I were watching some video of a bull I found today and my 10 month old daughter seemed to love it even though she doesn't know what it is. She gets excited every time we step out of the house. I can still remember the first day I ever went deer hunting with my dad when I was 8 which was over 20 years ago. I remember the first deer I ever saw him shoot and many other special memories. I remember those times more than birthday parties, events, school, and anything else I did when I was younger. Every kid is different but I hope my kids will enjoy the moments and the outdoors as much as I do

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