Kim Jong-un & The Interview


Founder Since 1999
Should Sony have delayed the release?
Should Sony have made such a movie in the first place?
Would you go to the movie?

We were debating this at a X-mas party the other night, it got heated a bit............

Brian Latturner
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LAST EDITED ON Dec-23-14 AT 09:43AM (MST)[p]NO,Yes, and Yes....This is America...F the little prick!!!

Government doesn't fix anything and has spent trillions proving it!!!
Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday, even the calender says WTF!
Sony shouldn't have made such an irreverent movie in the first place but since they did, It should be released and we shouldn't be held hostage by a damn dictator.

The bottom line is, we (the USA) are being seen as an irreverent, uncaring world bully (which is only true in part) and this movie was simply made for a laugh and a quick buck for the movie industry!

Some world leaders (especially the lousy ones) don't like it when we poke fun at them and they take it way too seriously and feel like we're thumbing our nose at them.

Maybe someone at Sony should have thought things through instead of looking for a laugh and a damn dollar.

It would have been funny but the movie was certainly in poor taste (a plot to kill a world leader) at a difficult time.

Just my 2 cents,
If North Korea hacks into MM I'm say nuke them!

Basically I agree with kingfish. You'll never appease a Dictator or a terrorist.


It's written in the good Book that we'll never be asked to take more than we can. Sounds like a good plan, so bring it on!
+2 kingfish!
If your party got heated you are hanging out with the wrong people Flounder! Even George Clooneys liberal ass is for free speech!
I've never been into conspiracy theories but as I understand, the movie got crappy reviews. Could Sony be stirring up all this B/S just to generate interest in the movie?

Other than that, who gives a sh!t what Kim Jung Fuk thinks?
>I've never been into conspiracy theories
>but as I understand, the
>movie got crappy reviews. Could
>Sony be stirring up all
>this B/S just to generate
>interest in the movie?
>Other than that, who gives a
>sh!t what Kim Jung Fuk
And yet Sony is a Japanese company with main control and head quarters in Japan. This is a stunt with a political message behind it. Play it and piss on Kim. Don't like it then don't watch it.

"Courage is being scared to death but
saddling up anyway."
I'm with Kingfish. I cant Stand that little P.O.S. he is a guppy in his cesspool of a world, with a big shark fin to bully the rest. To bad his assassination was in the movie and not real.
Two onservations. Kim has one b!tch!n hair cut. And he seems to ha e taken a stance against flat brim hats minus his courtship with rodman. Other than that I hope his people have an insurrection and make him choke on a bag of footlong ballpark franks. Unfortunately or fortunately as the case may or may not be. Some pepole aren't capable of freedom. There seem to be a pelethOra on this very continent who would just assume be enslaved in the name of safety and a nanny state. The tree of liberty needs be watered from time to time with the blood of patriots and martyers. There seems a deficit of such in Kimland.
....exposure before release of the magnitude this crap film received on the news would have cost a billion was all a scam.


I liked it big...fondler doesn't
>....exposure before release of the magnitude
>this crap film received on
>the news would have cost
>a billion was all
>a scam.

>I liked it big...fondler doesn't

+1 I'd put nothin past these loons in hollyweird!
It was all a scam, and Obama was in on it. I should have picked up on that when Obama started talking tough. Totally out of character.


It's written in the good Book that we'll never be asked to take more than we can. Sounds like a good plan, so bring it on!

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