Kirsten Harris bull....In memory of her dad Deputy Harris


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LAST EDITED ON Oct-06-11 AT 03:40PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Oct-06-11 AT 03:38?PM (MST)


This is a photo of 14 year old Kirsten Harris and her Johnson's ranch CWMU bull. She is the daughter of Brian Harris. Brian was the Kane County Deputy that was shot and killed while pursuing a burglary suspect in August, 2010 near the UT/AZ border. After the death of Brian, the whole community stepped up to help the Harris family. They bulldozed their nearly 100 year old home and built a brand new house for the family. Brian was just starting to teach his two daughters about hunting. That's when DWR Conservation Officer Gabe Patterson had an idea. While talking with a landowner (Bob Thomas) about elk and his property, the discussion turned to Brian Harris and his daughters. Bob felt really blessed with his land and the opportunities he and his family have had, so he asked if he could donate a tag to one of Brian's daughters. The plan was set and this past September the whole Harris family was invited to hunt on the CWMU. Kirsten made one shot and the bull was hers. Very touching story about a courageous deputy, his family, the community, and the sportsmen that stepped up to fill in for a dad who couldn't be there. I'll have a story on it, this weekend on KSL Outdoors at 11PM, if you want to see more. Thanks for looking. I've had this hunt and family on my mind for several days. Can't believe there are people out there like Bob and the like, that do what they do. I don't know everyone that helped out with the house, but I take my hat off to you. You've made a tough situation much brighter for a family in need.
Great to see and hear a story like that, congrats to the young lady, and I'm sure her father is smiling over her.
Brian was a good guy and officer. I am glad that everyone stepped forward to help them. There house was really old and not very family friendly. I know that the community pulled together to help them get a new house. I really liked Brian and I have a lot of respect for his family. Cool story, thanks for sharing.
Congrats on Kirsten's beautiful bull. Props to everyone who helped make this hunt possible. God Bless the memory of Deputy Brian Harris.

Great Job Congrats to all involved. Hi Fives to the hunter. Done well can't wait to see on KSL

WOW! That's why Americans are the greatest people on earth!! Sorry to hear of her father being killed but what a beautiful tribute to the family!!!

Government doesn't fix anything and has spent trillions proving it!!!
Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday, even the calender says WTF!
Props to everyone who stepped up to the plate and helped this family. Great looking bull, I'm sure her dad was watching.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
What a touching story and a great bull to boot! I sure like to see these kinds of acts from folks all over. It sure helps to balance out the tragedies a little and gives faith back to mankind. Congrats to the young lady, that's awesome and must have been a thrill for her.

Thanks for the story. Very cool and the people involved have my utmost respect. That is indeed what makes communities. Certain parts of this country really show how all Americans should live.

As for the piece of trash thief. I hope that they are sitting in a prison cell for the rest of their life. Now with a family of my own, I am continually becoming more and more aggrevated by stories such as this. What a tragic loss for the family and nothing will ever be able to make that pain go away.

Best wishes to the family. Glad to see people stepping up.
It's amazing what can be done when someone see's a need and everyone is willing to pitch in. A big thumbs up to everyone that help out.

Oh, Congratulation on a fantastic bull!

You guys have no idea what big or small acts from friends or strangers will do.. I still really can't find the words. Her smile says it all to me though! There really are some great people around still!

God Bless this young lady....

There's room for all of God's creatures, right next to the mashed potato's and gravy.
Well done to all. Brought tears to my eyes. I had occasion once to share a tale with Brian, I'm sure he looked down with pride in his daughter, his family and most of all the community whom he proudly served.

Way to go, f-stop!

I watched the show last night and thought it turned out very well. I know many of the Harris family through work and are great friends with them. It is such a thrill when people step up to the plate to help families when a tragedy such as this occurs. It gives you faith in people when this kind of thing happens.
My hat is off CO Gabe Patterson and to landowner Bob Thomas for formulating this plan and making it come together to create this once in a lifetime experience.
It was awesome to see the glow on Kirsten's face as the hunt progressed and then the excitement of harvesting that great bull.
I'm sure Brian was there with her helping her every step of the way and had to be one proud dad. Thanks to everyone who helped in building their new home and supporting that family as they have..
May God continue to bless the Harris family!
Thanks Adam for letting us all experience a great hunt!
Great heart warming story. Many times tragedy brings out the best in everyone. Thanks to everyone who had a hand in this. There is a lot of good in the world and it does a body good to see it in action.

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