Lady Ga Ga


Long Time Member
I was never a fan of Lady GaGa until now. She showed respect to our Country, the hosting state of Texas, the Family unit and to the little girl in line. Well done! Beyonc? and Colin WHO?


"Sometimes you do things wrong for so long you
think their right" - 2001
"I can't argue with honesty" - 2005
-Joe E Sikora
>I was never a fan of
>Lady GaGa until now. She
>showed respect to our Country,
>the hosting state of Texas,
>the Family unit and to
>the little girl in line.
>Well done! Beyonc? and Colin
>"Sometimes you do things wrong for
>so long you
>think their right" - 2001
>"I can't argue with honesty" -
>-Joe E Sikora

t -1
Hey Joe!

There was a Message in Lady GAG-GAGs opening Show!

Re-Watch it if You Have to!

She Boasted:'This Land is My Land,This Land is Your Land'!

(((Not Being Rude Joe,but it was Her Way of Nicely Showing Trump Her True Colors and in a Round-about-way saying She doesn't agree with Him!)))

Now I'll admit!

Her Music/Performance was way better than the Last Time I seen Her Bopping around Screaming Her Guts out!

But Hey!

It was the SUPER BOWL!:D

RIP Johnny Doerr!
Lol Manny!


"Sometimes you do things wrong for so long you
think their right" - 2001
"I can't argue with honesty" - 2005
-Joe E Sikora
I think Gaga killed it. Anyone who isn't familiar with her philosophy of acceptance and tolerance has been living under a rock. And to me if we are going to get butt hurt every time we hear Arlo Guthry's "This land is my land" then we need to toughen up a bit and get over ourselves. Take the words of that song and bring it down a level to public lands. It doesn't have to mean every person who enjoys it has a vagina on their head.
>I think Gaga killed it. Anyone
>who isn't familiar with her
>philosophy of acceptance and tolerance
>has been living under a
>rock. And to me if
>we are going to get
>butt hurt every time we
>hear Arlo Guthry's "This land
>is my land" then we
>need to toughen up a
>bit and get over ourselves.
>Take the words of that
>song and bring it down
>a level to public lands.
>It doesn't have to mean
>every person who enjoys it
>has a vagina on their

Well, you enjoyed it.....

I thought she did a good job she didn't get all political. Sang about the country for a minute. So I think she set a good example of how to do a halftime show without acting like ass like Beyonce.
>I thought she did a good
>job she didn't get all
>political. Sang about the country
>for a minute. So I
>think she set a good
>example of how to do
>a halftime show without acting
>like ass like Beyonce.

You Boys need to Open your Blind F'N Eyes!

And Yes NVB!

That Goes for you too!

Amazing how F'N Blind some people are!

There Was a Message in that Opening Act & I Guess You Boys Can't Figure a F'N Thing Out on your Own!

I Will admit!

The Rest of Her Performance was better than other Times She's Blazed Her BS Music Screaming & Yelling!

RIP Johnny Doerr!
"I think Gaga killed it. Anyone who isn't familiar with her philosophy of acceptance and tolerance has been living under a rock."

That would be me. I missed the half time show and have never heard her sing, ever, that I know of.

If it's not the Beatles, it's not worth listening to usually. :)
Me neither, eel. I like it under this rock better in summer though.

I don't give a dang what Lady Gaga thinks...
I'm with elk on this one. It's sad though that when she sang God Bless America and then This Land is Your Land it was for political purposes. It should not put a bad taste in our mouths because some political protesters use a great song to try and further their agenda.
At least the Beatles never sang any songs about controversial subjects like drugs or anything. And country music is not at all political or controversial or offensive. Maybe they could get David Alan Coe to sing for next years superbowl.
>At least the Beatles never sang
>any songs about controversial subjects
>like drugs or anything. And
>country music is not at
>all political or controversial or
>offensive. Maybe they could get
>David Alan Coe to sing
>for next years superbowl.

Bet You've Never Heard the 'Real' David Allan Coe Songs!

RIP Johnny Doerr!
And I'll Bet if He Did Sing at the SuperBowl He Wouldn't Be Beatin Around the F'N Bushes with the Demo BS like GAG-GAG did!

RIP Johnny Doerr!
>You got to admit...she has a
>singing voice....

As Stated above!

Other than Her BS Opening/Beat around the Bush Message She Sent!(That Most MM'ers are too F'N Blind to Acknowledge!)I could Tollerate the Rest of Her Show!



You Could almost understand what She was Singing!

The Bittcchh is NO GOOD for America!

RIP Johnny Doerr!
I didn't know she was that cute she always wore the most ridiculous garb and you couldn't tell who she was. It was like she was trying to hide.
Tony Bennett took her under his wing and has been helping her to get on the right track
They did an album a few years ago that is pretty good and I had to look twice to see it was Lady GaGa who knew
She wore a meat dress a couple times. Funny stuff.

Wonder what happened to the meat after she was done ruining it. What a great stunt.

I bet the poor folks that can't afford meat really appreciated it.

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